Wraith x Reader [A Dead By Da...

CamsterHale tarafından

115K 3.2K 1.4K

When you get in a car accident, you end up crashing down a hill and into this mysterious place called Autohav... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Wraith Chase!
Chapter 2: Meeting Survivors.
Chapter 3: For Whom The Bell Tolls.
Chapter 4: Survival is Key.
Chapter 5: Supernatural Saviour?
Chapter 6: Down in The Bloody Basement.
Chapter 8: Killer Instincts.
Chapter 9: Philip Ojomo.
Chapter 10: Oh Snap!
Chapter 11: Meeting The Entity.
Chapter 12: Happy Ending.
•Announcement 2•

Chapter 7: Constant Chase.

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CamsterHale tarafından

"Oops. My bad." The Wraith remarked deviously as Nea's body disintegrated and got sent up as a soul.

"Nea." You gasped and stared uncomprehendingly in front of you. What were you supposed to do now? You were trapped in a one way out basement with the Wraith!

"No!" You exclaimed loudly, and struggled against his grasp. You are not going to suffer the same fate! Nea wanted you to survive - so that's what you're gonna do! You elbowed him in the face and he released you with an annoyed grunt.

"Get back here (Y/n)." The Wraith demanded darkly.

"No!" You repeated hysterically, your eyes glittering with tears as you slammed a wooden barricade down.

"(Y/n)!" Meg called in relief, running with you and you heard the Wraith breaking the pallet.

"H-Hi Meg." You mumbled miserably as you both got away.

"Hey, you okay? What happened?" She questioned worriedly and you began to sob.

"Nea's dead, Meg. She's gone! I tried to save her - I did, I did! But the Wraith stopped me." You explained emotionally, crying.

"O-Oh..." Meg's eyes welled with tears too and you shared a supporting hug.

"What do we do now?" You asked nervously and she took a deep breath.

"Uh...just keep doing generators?" She replied anxiously.

"Okay...how many of us are left?" You wondered timidly as you followed her to the nearest generator.

"You, me and Jake...I think." Meg answered lightly.

"What about that other girl? U-Um...-Claudette!" You remembered as you started to work.

"Who's Claudette?" She inquired confused.

"She's this other survivor I met." You told her softly as you continued to repair the generator.

"Was she nice?" Meg asked interestedly and you pursed your lips.

"I think so...but she did sneak away when the Wraith found me." You answered unsurely.

"I've met people like that. They can't be trusted, they'll betray you." She said quietly, her eyes narrowing.

"I guess..." You trailed off uneasily and heard a scream.

"Speak of the devil." You muttered as Claudette rushed up to you.

"Get them instead." She sobbed and pointed directly at you as the Wraith followed her.

"What the fuck?!" Meg shrieked in annoyance and slapped her.

"I have to survive. I have to. I have to sur-" Claudette got cut off by the Wraith hitting her in the back with the sceptre.

"Found you." The Wraith said to you wickedly, wiping his club on his arm and Meg grabbed your hand.

"We need to go!" She panicked, starting to run and you rushed off with her.

"I can't believe she'd sell us out!" You remarked bitterly, feeling betrayed.

"I love the fucking irony - as soon as we talk about her she shows up and betrays us." Meg snorted furiously as she slowed to a walk.

"I didn't know her for very long but I didn't think anyone would do that." You said sadly.

"What a bitch." Meg insulted fiercely as you both heard Claudette screech from the hook.

"When did things get so fucked up?" You asked tearfully.

"I don't know. But we need to regroup with Jake - that feels like the best plan." Meg decided bravely and you nodded.

"Good plan, good plan." You agreed softly.

"Hey Meg...do you know where we are?" You asked after a few moments of silence.

"Uhh...there's a lodge thing over there! And there's a generator there too." She motioned to the lodge standing a few yards away.

"What happened to finding Jake?" You were amused by her easy distraction.

"We can...find him when we get the generator done." She thought aloud quickly,

"Okay, fine by me." You murmured quietly and got to work.

"Oh fuck! I'm so sorry! I messed it up!" You cried ashamedly as the generator blew up.

"It-It's okay! W-We just have to get out of here!" Meg responded terrified and suddenly screamed.

"Fuck!" You yelped in alarm as the Wraith uncloaked again.

"GOGOGO!" Meg chanted panicking, and darted off. You tried to follow her, but she went too fast and you lost her. But you didn't lose the Wraith.

"W-Why?!" Your voice shook as you threw down a pallet.

"Just stop running-"

"Why would I do that?! You'll kill me!" You interrupted frantically as you threw another one down. You hopped threw a window and circled back, trying to juke. Unfortunately, he'd memorised your strategies and cut you off, making you squeak in fear.


"Just leave me alone!" You yelled sorrowfully and climbed through the window beside him. Only you didn't quite make it - he grabbed your foot and yanked you back forcefully.

"Nononono, this ends now." The Wraith chuckled evilly and slung you over his shoulder effortlessly.

"No...No! Please get away from me!" You wailed in distress and started wriggling.

"Listen to me-"

"Why would I listen to ANYTHING you have to say?! You're a murderer and a psychopath!" You shrieked disgustedly and he growled; despising your choice of words.

"I wasn't always like this." The Wraith told you quietly as you stopped struggling for a second. But then you continued as you remembered the promise you made to Nea. You will make it out! You finally wiggled so violently, he groaned and dropped you.

"(Y/n)-" He snapped viciously but you had already scurried away. You heard his jingle of bells and you knew he had gone invisible. Fuck.

"I need to find Meg...or Jake...I can't be alone in this hellhole." You shuddered sharply and let the tears that you had been holding loose. Your tears slipped down your face and splashed onto your cheeks delicately.

"All I wanted was a new life. I didn't ask for this." You whispered despairingly; aware that the Wraith would be angrily searching for you.

And that made the tension in the atmosphere thicken consideringly. What were you going to do? What would happen to you? How were you going to start your new life now?!

Okumaya devam et

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