
Oleh Nicole565

94.3K 5.8K 606

**** This is the follow up book to House Number 1402, i suggest reading it first, or else some of this wont m... Lebih Banyak

Seeing Red
Good Time For A Run
Family Time
Breaking Point
If It Ain't One Thing...
Here We Go Again
Home Sweet Home
Into The Conference Room
Love, Lies, and Creepy Guys
The Note
Loose Ends
Mission One: Recovery
Waiting Game
Waking Up
Personality Disorder?
Mission Two: Let It Blow
This Can't Be Happening
Evening Out
Far From Over

Swimming In Crazy

4K 242 26
Oleh Nicole565

Sadie POV 

I watched intently as the information sunk into Jackson's brain. His blue eyes shone brightly as he looked from me to Ember, back to me, then to Ember again. I silently waited as he continued to watch her. I imagined that he was mentally counting months, adding it up in his head how this could even be possible. He looked so handsome, even though he was covered in dirt and dried blood. His normally messed up hair was stuck flat to his head, probably from sweat, but it made him seem older. I decided that I didn't like it that way. 

I was about to speak when Jackson reached forward and grabbed Ember's small hand. She squeezed his finger, which was all she could get her hand around, without hesitation letting out a loud squeal and she shook his hand up and down, bouncing around in my arms. I had a feeling that she knew exactly who he was, even if she had never met him. Jackson's eyes widened as she continued to bounce, letting out excited noises every few seconds.  

"Would you like to hold her?" I asked, finally breaking my silence. He brought his wide eyes up to me and I could see the new shine they had taken. He nodded his head slowly without any words.  

I smiled and carefully handed our child over to meet her father. He took her in his arms looking slightly uncomfortable. He had one arm under her bottom and the other wrapped around her back, cradling her to his chest as though he was afraid he might drop her. Seeing the two together was amazing and a little comical. Ember, who was wearing a bright pink pajama set with lacy ruffles all over it, was being held by a half-naked, dirty muscular man. They just looked so out of place together, but perfect at the same time.  

"Hi," he finally choked out, his voice was thick and if I hadn't know any better, I would have thought he was about to cry.  

In response to his voice, Ember began to squeal and throw her arms around, smacking Jackson randomly in the face and chest. I couldn't help but laugh, which caused Ember to find the situation extremely funny and she began to purposefully smack Jackson. She would hit him and then look over to me, waiting for my response. I refused to disappoint her and would gasp every time she looked over.  

"She's ornery," I smiled, "She laughs when I say no and smack her butt too." 

I peeled my eyes away from my silly child and looked back over to Jackson. His eyes were instantly locked on mine, making it impossible for me to not see the tear that rolled down his dirt covered cheek. I didn't know what to do. I had never seen Jackson cry, or even begin to maybe cry. It was unknown territory to me, so I just stood there with a stupid smile on my face.  

"This is the best welcome home gift in the world," he said, his voice soft as he turned his attention back to Ember. "I'm a dad." 

"Yup, that's usually what happens after you get a girl pregnant," I laughed.  

"I'm a dad," he repeated, only slightly louder than before. "Holy shit, I'm a dad!" This time he yelled. Ember reacted by jumping slightly from her shock at the volume of his voice, but it only lasted a second before she was bouncing around again. I had never seen her move so much. It was like I had given her a whole cup of sugar, she just couldn't sit still.  

I continued to watch my little family, thinking how absolutely amazing Jackson looked holding our daughter. Then my thoughts took a dangerous turn. My mind re-registered the fact that Jackson had no shirt on, and I finally began to notice just how defined and delicious his chest looked. My eyes continued to trail down without my permission, enjoying the fact that his sweat pants sat dangerously low on his hips.  

"Jackson, why don't you go shower and then meet me downstairs," I suggested quickly, needing to be away from him for a few moments. I needed to keep my lust in check, at least until Ember went to bed, then it was fair game. 

"Right," Jackson said, quickly handing me our child, "I wasn't even thinking, there is so much blood and dirt on me!" I stood frozen, just staring at his as he ranted. His eyes went wide, "She won't get sick or anything right?" 

"Uh, I don't, well no?" I mumbled out. I had never seen him so flustered before, not even when he was trying to win me over.  

"Good, I'll go shower," he said quickly, running from the room and leaving me staring after him. Before I could even move a step he was back in the room. He quickly placed a kiss on my lips and then pulled away and put one on Ember's cheek. "I love you," he smiled at me and then left again.  

"Ember, I think your dad's gone crazy," I cooed at my daughter, popping her nose lightly with my finger.  

I quickly changed Ember into a new pajama set, since Jackson left some of his dirt on her, and then rushed back down to the kitchen. For those few moments that I was with Jackson I had completely forgotten that there were still injured people in my house. I had only gone up stairs because I could hear Ember crying and I just wanted to check on her. That turned into me changing her and then playing with her.  

I was so conflicted when I had first laid eyes on Jackson. I wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and never let go, but the sounds of my daughter pulled me away. Then when I saw him standing in the doorway, the feelings came back, only more so with our close proximity. The only thing that kept me in control was my daughter, reminding me that I had responsibilities that must be taken care of before anything else.  

"I'll take her, you need to help mom," Elly said, pulling Ember away from me the second my foot hit the kitchen floor.  

"Where is she?" I asked assessing my sister for any grime. I had just changed the kid for a second time, I wasn't trying to go for a third. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and her face had dried mud and blood on it, but she had put on a clean pair of shorts and a new shirt so I didn't say anything.  

"Living room, we're trying to get everyone home." 

I nodded my head and left the room. My apron was right where I left it; hanging over the edge of the couch. I quickly placed it over my head and looked around the room. "Who needs to be checked?" I said loudly.  

Of course a dozen or so hands went up, but there was one that stood out, making my decision a lot easier. "Hey Ethan," I smiled as I walked up to our future Alpha.  

"Sadie," he smiled back. "Even with your hair a mess, you look lovely." 

"Liar," I laughed. My visits with Ethan had been few and far in-between. Once Jackson and his father left, he and Mark had to pick up their work, leaving them with barely any free time. I think I saw him only at the monthly pack block party. "So, you sizzling anywhere?" 

"No ma'am, just a few small cuts and bruises that my body will heal quickly on its own," Ethan responded, holding his head high. 

"Give us a twirl," I said, spinning one finger in the air. Even though I believed him, I couldn't just let him leave without looking him over. Even though we hardly spoke, I still felt close to him and I couldn't tell him to leave if I wasn't sure. 

Ethan rose an eyebrow, placing his hands on his hips, "Are you just trying to check me out?"  

"Oh yeah, dirty butt-cheeks are my weakness," I sighed, dramatically clasping my hands together. I hadn't even noticed that Ethan was still naked until he pulled my attention directly to it. I had grown quite used to the nakedness. After working at the clinic for a year I just quit blushing over it, and now I barely noticed it.  

Ethan laughed and then gave me a quick spin, allowing me to see almost every inch of his body. "Satisfied?" He asked.  

"Yup, you're free to go." 

"Awesome," he smiled, "Oh hey Andy! C'mon over here man, get checked up," Ethan yelled, making my blood freeze. 

Dang, I had completely forgotten about Andy. I knew he would come to me so I mentally began to prepare myself. I took deep breaths and straightened my apron before turning towards him with a smile. I was hoping that we would be able to pretend like our earlier conversation never happened.  

"Sadie I have no injuries, I'm fine," Andy mumbled.  

I waited to reply until he was standing in front of me. "Just let me check real quick and you can go," I finally spoke.  

"You don't have to do this, I can just go to your mom." He sounded so childish that I was ready to smack his hand and yell NO, like when Ember misbehaved.  

"Andy don't act like this," I scolded, "We can still be friends." 

"I don't want to just be friends," he responded in a low, harsh voice. He grabbed my hands in his and leaned forward, "We should be more," he whispered.  

I ripped my hands out of his and closed the distance between us, "Even with Jackson home, you're still thinking like this?" I kept my voice as low as his, not wanting anyone to overhear us. If it wasn't for the many loud conversations around us, we would have been screwed. I was just trying to save him from his stupid little self.  

"Are things even the same between you two?" 

"Of course they are, we're mates," I growled, my anger for him growing. "Look, I'm sorry if I led you on, I never meant to, but you need to stop this. I don't even understand why you're saying these things, you know how mates work." 

"No, you need to stop, I know you have some feelings for me, and you're just denying it because he's back."  

"Are you insane?" I screeched, "Did your head get slammed against something during the fight?" I asked in all seriousness.  

Andy didn't respond, he just stood up straighter and crossed his large arms over his chest and stared at me.  

"I'm a dad!"  

I snapped my head around to see Jackson standing in the doorway to the living room, holding an excited Ember in the air in a very Lion King sort of way.  

Everyone in the room laughed or congratulated him, egging him on even further. I couldn't help but smile along with them. Jackson looked so happy and so did Ember. Standing there staring at him I couldn't think of anywhere else that I would rather be. I never realized exactly how empty I felt without him until he came back and filled the void.  

Jackson finally caught me staring and made his way over, a large goofy smile seemed to be stuck on his face. "Andy, hey man, good to see you," Jackson said, giving Andy a quick slap on the arm.  

Dang it, I had forgotten about Andy again! Feeling like a complete idiot, I turned my body back towards my insane patient, "You're good to go Andy," I said. I just wanted him to leave.  

"Thanks Sadie," he smiled, grabbing my shoulder and holding on a little too long. Then he turned to Jackson, "It's good to have you back," he smiled, lying through his teeth. 

"Thanks," Jackson said, shifting Ember to his other arm, "Since you got a clean bill of health, you wanna come hang, tell me everything I missed out on?" 

Inside my head I began to scream NO, and beat Andy with a stick. It didn't exactly work out that way though.  

"Sure man," Andy said.  

I couldn't, not even for one second, believe what I had just witnessed. How in the hell could Andy go from trying to talk me into leaving Jackson to being his buddy? That boy was way shadier than I gave him credit for.  

Watching him walk away with my mate, acting like he was a friend, made my blood boil. I couldn't help but wonder if Andy had always been so crazy and two-faced, or if this was a new development. I wanted to believe that it was new, but since Jackson left I was so caught up in my own head that I wouldn't have noticed either way.  

"Oh Sadie," Ethan sighed.  

I looked over to Ethan, he had put some pants on and wiped his face clear, "What?" I asked, wondering why he was still at the house. 

"What in the world are we gonna do about Andy?" 

My mouth dropped open, my eyes went wide, and my mind went crazy. Ethan knew, or did he just overhear the latest conversation? Would he tell Jackson or would he let me? Oh hell, Jackson is going to kill Andy. Well he does kind of deserve it, but I would still feel bad about it. Ethan is going to think I was really into Andy, but I wasn't, I was just confused. Oh crap! 

Instead of allowing all that to spew out of my mouth like a bad case of verbal diarrhea, I said, "Huh?"  

Ethan ran his hand through his light brown hair and leaned back against the wall behind him, "I know Andy has feelings for you. You think I would just let your mate leave and not keep a close eye on you?" 

I shook my head, trying to get all the shock out of me so that I could form an actual sentence, "I've barely seen you." 

"The whole pack reports to me and my father, including Andy. He talked about you like you were his mate, I knew it wasn't right, but I just thought he was still grieving over Kendall and you were helpng." Ethan reached over and grabbed my arm, pulling me closer to him. "He's not grieving at all anymore. Andy was only a member of our pack because of Kendall." 

"I don't understand, I thought the girls went over to the men's home pack?" Now, I cannot stress it enough how I don't know much about shifters, all I knew what the little Jackson told me before he left and what little things I picked up while listening in on other people's conversations.  

"That is true, unless they're rogue before they mate, then they join the female's pack." Ethan paused and I nodded in understanding. "Andy was a rogue, without Kendall, his tie to the pack is done. He doesn't feel comfortable here, and he is going back to his old ways. Rogues don't care about mates unless they become mated themselves." 

"So wait," I interrupted, "Now that Ken's dead, the Andy that we knew is dead and has been replaced by a crazy zombie Andy?" 

Ethan rolled his eyes at me and cracked a smile, "Technically yeah, he went back to his old personality, and it wasn't a good one." 

"So why not just tell him to go on his way?" I asked, thinking he was making things harder than they needed to be.  

"Once he mated with Kendall, he was welcomed into our pack, I can't just kick him out. That's not how it works.  

"Then how does it work?" I asked. 

"He has to break a rule." Ethan wouldn't look me in the eye, in fact he was fidgeting. I had never seen the future Alpha fidget. 

"What aren't you telling me?"  

"I have a feeling that whenever he breaks the rules, it's going to involve you," he said quickly. "That's why I called him over to you, I wanted to see how he acted." 

"So you're just waiting for him to go ape shit crazy on me?" I yelled out, throwing my hands into the air. "You have got to be kidding me!" 

Ethan grabbed my arm again and pulled me out the front door and onto the porch, which I quickly stepped off of. "No, that's not what I'm waiting for, but at the same time it is." Ethan explain poorly. 

"Oh yeah, that makes about as much sense as algebra," I scoffed.  

"All I can do is wait, he has to break a rule that's significant enough to get him kicked out. The only thing I could think of would be taking another man's mate." Ethan sighed, slapping his hands on his knees and taking a seat on the porch looking exhausted.  

I knew he was frustrated, but so was I. He came up to me and started this conversation like it was no big deal, only to drop the bomb on me that Andy really was crazy. He expected me to just sit around and wait to be taken by him, oh that is if the dang hunter's didn't get to me first. "What am I supposed to do?" I ask exasperated. I had definitely reached my limit of crazy people.

"I don't know, just keep doing what you are doing. Remind him you have a mate and stay the hell away from him. I'll try to figure another way to move him along."  

Forgetting all about my hatred for the porch, I went over and sat next to Ethan, "Can't we just tell Jackson?" I asked hopefully. 

"I don't know," Ethan sighed, leaning his elbows on his knees, "I was thinking about telling him but I'm not sure what he'll do. He just spent over a year away from you, I don't know how he will react to another man loving you like that. Especially now that you guys have a kid. I can't have my best friend killing anyone." 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I whined.  

"I didn't realize how bad it was until tonight." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a side hug. "Just don't worry about it. I'll keep an eye on you and so will Jackson. Just enjoy having your family all together and let me deal with the other stuff." 

I nodded my head, "Fine, I gotta get back in and help mom get all these people home." I gave Ethan a little squeeze and then stood up to leave. "Hey, thanks for telling me all of this, I know you didn't have to." 

"It deals with you, so you should know," Ethan nodded, "See ya later Sadie." 

I gave Ethan a half smile and then walked back into the house and back to work.

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