Princess Of The Wild

By TeaMedic

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"Screw you, Noah." I mumble in my chin annoyed but he obviously hears it. "I know you want to, Barbie doll, b... More

Trouble in the pink paradise
Screw this
You call this a bed?
Visit to the lake
When 'Truth or dare' goes personal
Double snake attack
Girls play games, but boys always seem to win
Come a little closer this time
I'll be there when everyone else forget
Watch and learn, bitch.
The games of survival: Dream team
The games of survival: You're stuck with me
The games of survival: Don't lie
Boy-girl drama
Success to impress
Swimming with a shark
The nights we felt alive
She's bad, but he's worse
Good dog
Running away
Bestie moments
The annoying big brother

It's kind of funny, actually

156 12 12
By TeaMedic

If you guys haven't heard the song... DO IT! I adore it. Literally A.D.O.R.E. You can keep reading now lol.

♡Tiffany's POV

"Get off me!" I yell, still failing to open my eyes.

"May! You're going to mess up my pajama!" I tell my white kitten as she, of course, continues jumping all over me.

I sigh and take her in my arms, cuddling with her. I missed this little annoying fluff ball.

The thing is, May is a morning person. I mean morning cat. But you know what I mean.

So she wakes me up all the time which annoys the hell out of me, but this time I just wanna cuddle with her; I missed her so much.

"Come on kitty, we have to eat breakfast."

So now I started talking to animals. Great, what's next? Turning into Mrs. Smith in a few years? I get chills from even thinking about it.

I head downstairs with May in my arms, still wearing cute grey PJ's.

"Good morning sweetie!" My mum says in sing-sang voice.

"Morning mum!" I say sitting next to her on my usual spot.

"Oh Tiffany, can you get May in your room at least while we are having breakfast?"

My mum doesn't really adore animals. Which is a nice way to say that she hates them.

"Alright." I say putting May down on the floor and she immediately runs to my room where Melinda puts her cat food every morning.

"Hey love." My dad's voice that I missed so much past weeks spreads across the room. He kisses my mother on the top of her head and sits next to her, joining the delicious breakfast feast.

"Morning." I answer cheerfully and he returns with a smile.

"Tiffany, your dad and I are going to work soon, so you can do anything you want while we're gone. I'm sure you'd like to meet your friends." She says.

"Yes mum, we'll hang out later, we will maybe even go out for a dinner." I answer.

"That's great. If you need anything just call me alright? And if you guys decide to stay home for a dinner they can come to our place." My dad says.

"Yeah okay, we'll see." I finish my Nutella sandwich and cold orange juice and decide to check on my phone.

There's a message from Noah and Victoria, as well as missed call from Cole. He prefers talking better than texting, at least with me.

First thing I do is open Noah's messages.

Noah: Morning beautiful. I was thinking about you yesterday and I seriously can't wait any longer to see you. Can I come over? Or you can come to my place? Or we can just go somewhere if you want.

I smile to myself, sitting on the bed in our living room.

Me: I know, me too. Yeah sure, you can come over in an hour, when my parents leave.

He starts typing and I immediately put down my phone. It feels weird to watch those three dots while someone's typing.

The beeping sound makes me pick phone the same moment.

Noah: Okay. But why are we waiting for them to leave?

Me: Because they're not ready to meet you yet.

Noah: But they already know me. Remember? Your mum called me when we were in the camp.

Me: Yes, but she doesn't know that we're together.

Noah: Then lets tell her? :)

I sigh.

Me: Now's not the time. But we will tell them. Okay?

Noah: ●●●

I take a deep breath opening my closet to pick an outfit. It has to be sweet but at the same time comfortable for home.

I choose baby pink thin T-shirt and short denim shorts which makes my legs look even longer than they already are.

My phone vibrates again and I quickly check on messages.

Noah: Okay.

Me: Okay.

Noah: Okay.

Me: Okay.

Noah: why do you keep saying Okay?

Me: Because I wanna be the last one to say it.

I smile at messages. I love it how freaking idiotic we can get sometimes.

Noah: Fine. But for the record, I let you win.

Me: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Satisfied with the answer, I decide to give a poor guy some rest and check on what Vikki and Cole wanted.

I call Victoria, because it's much faster than actually texting her. We kinda have a lot to share.

She picks after second ring "What's up bitch?" I ask her.

Don't judge, we like to call each other bitch a lot.

"Nothing much, I'm at my grandma's. How ya doing honey bunny?" She asks in that high pitched voice I know all too well.

"I just had breakfast, now I'm waiting for my parents to leave for work. I saw you sent me a text but I called you before even reading it. Is something wrong? You know I'm here for you."

I hear a long sigh at the other side of the phone "No, I'm totally fine. Sorry if I scared you. I was just wondering if you'd be okay if I stay here for today. I'll come tomorrow I promise." She says in a weak voice.

I do miss her and I do want to see her right here and right now, but I understand. I have to understand, for her.

"Of course Vikki. I'll see you tomorrow then." I say trying to sound as much 'okay' with this as possible.

"Deal! Save all the juicy stories for me biatch!"

I chuckle answering with okay and hanging up after we exchange kisses and goodbyes.

After that I walk to my bed and turn the laptop on, preparing to my daily routine- Netflix time.

I checked messages from Cole but he was just texting usual embarrassing stuff that make me laugh every day. Once I'm finally done with chatting with my best friend who is also a guy, and my cousin, and he's like a brother to me- confusing I know, I finally let the Netflix time begin.


"Bye mum. Bye dad! I'll see you guys later!" I shut the door closed behind them after saying our final goodbyes and my mum's lesson not to let any strangers in the house and blah blah blah.

The moment door closed, my phone is in my hand and Noah's number is dialed.

I hold my phone tight by my chest taking a deep breath. Call or not call?

Hell yes.

I bring the pink iPhone to my ear and the annoying ringing sound begins. Noah picks after second ring. "Barbie?"

"Hey Noah, um... my parents are gone" I start awkwardly. I don't know why am I so uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Don't move. I'm coming over." He says and I hear the sound of keys.

Wow, he's fast.

"Okay, don't take too long." I say playfully, ending the call.

Call me pathetic, but I freaking missed him. It's been only a day, I know, but I want to see him smile at me, I want to hear his soft voice and annoyed rolling of his blue eyes.

I want him to hold me tight and never let go, because that heaven of comfort when I'm his arms is addictive, as addictive as his smile. It's just so bright and pure, so beautiful, it makes you want to do anything to make him smile again.

You are lame.

No. I'm not!

Yes. You are!


Yes bitch.



Yes. I mean NO! I mean- Just stop it!

I'm your sub conscience, of course I'm gonna keep annoying you, craziness.

Ugh. Like what kind of psycho fights with his sub conscience?! I'll tell you, this one.

Victoria was right when she said I'll go crazy soon enough before we leave high school.

Joke aside now, I swear that girl can predict a freaking future, even if she's not really aware of it.

Like that one time she was arguing with some two girls she hates and she basically told them to go fuck each other because no one else wants them.

A week later, they became lesbians.

Of course, this is not the only time Vikki managed to God-knows-how predict the future, but let's save other stories for later, shall we?

It was just about time for me to finish the second season of this new series on Netflix I'm obsessed with- Vampire diaries, when I hear a sudden knock on a door.

I let out annoyed sigh, mostly because some dead man made me stop my show!

"Melinda! Can you take this one?" I yell from upstairs and after that I hear door opening.

Everything went quiet for a moment.

"Everything alright there?" I yell, getting a little worried.

Deciding it's the best to check out myself, I walk downstairs with my phone in hand.

I became addicted again, I don't like leaving it, even to go to bathroom.

What I see makes me grin immediately. Noah is standing at the door with frowning Melinda by his right side. He notices me first and a copy of my grin makes its way on his face.

He clears his throat "May I please come in now ma'am?" He asks politely, struggling.

It's so obvious that kindness isn't his thing, it makes me chuckle.

"No. You may not." Melinda says coldly, making her British accent even more obvious.

"Melinda!" I shake my head surprised. "It's alright, he's a friend."

I'd be seriously pissed at her if this whole situation isn't so humorous. Melinda sighs opening the door just enough for him to come in, nothing more. Like she's saying 'I'm just opening the fucking door out of politeness, you can still change your mind dumbass!'

Noah somehow manages to squeeze himself trough the little space between the wall and door that Melinda made for him. Once he is safely in the house, grin took over his face once again.

He takes off his shoes, knowing Melinda's gaze is still on him. Poor guy, I feel kinda sorry for him.

But on the other hand, not really. *evil laugh*

He makes his way upstairs and I meet him half way. His arm wrap around me automatically, like it's the most natural and obvious thing to do, but then I motion my head to Melinda who is all but giving us death glares.

"You can go now Melinda, I'm fine." I say.

He takes his hands off, but keeps my palm in his. "What's up with the overprotective maid?" He whispers.

"Eh, it's just Melinda, don't mind her."

"Why don't we go to your room babe, I bet it's more fun than this." He winks and I roll my eyes keeping a deep chuckle.

I lead him to my room by hand and when we enter he covers his eyes taken aback.


"Barbie I think your walls are attacking us." He says, his lips moving up in a cute smile.

The pink color... I almost forgot.

I start laughing and shaking my head. I didn't even realize the moment when he lifted me and took me out of my room.

"What are you doing?!" I yell still laughing like crazy.

"Down!" I scream, tapping his shoulders or more like punching them.

He's holding me upside down over his shoulder, I figured. I hear the bump of the door, but the upside down picture I'm getting is not really clear because he keeps walking and my head is just going up-down.

The thing I actually succeeded to recognize is that we are outside.

Where's the personal maid when you need her?!

Whatever. I'll just have to deal with this one on my own I guess.

"Noah put me down! Right. Now." I yell on top of my lungs, just making him laugh even more.

"As you wish princess." He says, stopping all of a sudden.

Uh-oh. This is not good.

And before I know it, cold water is all over my body, and I can't breath.

Luckily, my swimming skills get me out of the water in less then two seconds.

The bastard is laughing. Ugh! The nerve of this guy!

There's nothing funny about throwing a poor girl in her own freaking pool.

And by the way this is the second time he threw me in the pool. I hope it's not going to become our thing.

I just really, really hope.

"Screw you!" Was my natural reaction. What can I say? I grew up with Cole, and let me tell you he is everything but polite or lady-like.

"I know you want to Barbie doll." He comes closer, sitting on the edge of the pool and letting his legs float in the water "But let's not make it that obvious."

The exact thing he said the first day we met! I'm not quiet sure if I should be flattered and in awe that he remembers and is acting so cute or I should continue acting all pissed-off.

Yeah, the second one should do.

"Are you even serious right now?!" I say reaching for his leg to pull him in with me but before I know it he is jumping over me and the water splashes me again as his body hits it.

We'll never grow up. Well, at least he won't- that's for sure.

♤Noah's POV

I wake up in the morning for moments like this. I don't know, it's just the way her lips are making that small smirk she's not even aware of and I see she's trying to be mad, but she can't. Or maybe it's the way her hair fits her face perfectly, oh and her gorgeous face... and the fact that she stopped putting on makeup for me.

I personally don't mind makeup but I want her to be confident with herself and she's everything but herself with three and half tones of makeup on daily basis.

Seriously, those girls should just paint their whole faces or tattoo the freaking eyeliner. That's what they call it, right?

She's looking at me right in this moment. With those black eyes full of life. Full of everything that makes her for who she is. Like how can you possibly resist them? It's just so damn hot, everything about her.

Damn I fell for her hard.

Fuck, I don't even know why I threw her in the pool. I guess I just wanted to have some fun with her. I can't resist any more so I swim closer to her and push her on the edge of the pool, our faces dangerously close.

"If this was just an excuse for you to make out with me, you better stop it right now mister." she says smirking, as always having that 'I own the place' attitude.

"What are the odds of us doing exactly that?" I ask her and I can see she's taken aback.

This is a game for two Tiffany!

"Keep dreaming!" She says giggling.

"Oh I will." I smile and then pull myself out of the pool, holding her hand and pulling her too, It's getting kind of cold and she could get a cold on this wind.

Luckily, Ethan and I haven't heard from that son of the bitch whose name I don't even want to think about, the one who's after us for no particular goddamn reason.

I open the door for her, something I've never done for anyone. I just never felt like it matters, but now it's almost a reflex with Tiffany. I wrap her in the towel and then leave the room letting her change, while she gives me some of guy clothes, I don't even know where she got those but alright. So I change too, knocking on the door and entering the room when she says she's done.

"Ow, what's this?" I ask her pointing at the small, but not really small, library in her room. Hell, there's a lots of books even if it doesn't take that much space in her violently pink room.

"Books." she says in a duh tone she uses pretty often.

No shit Sherlock.

"Those are my favorites..." she points at the highest shelf. "And these are from when I was younger."

I take a long look at them all. Quiet beautiful. No wonder she's so clever and nice. Okay, maybe not really that nice, I mean the girl can curse and stuff, but I like it actually.

The thick white book pops out of all the others so I pull it out of the shelf. "Can I?" I ask, just to check. She smiles widely and grabs my hand pulling me to her bed so we are sitting next to each other.

She opens the book and I find myself surprised because there are no words, just pictures. And those are beautiful ones, that I can tell.

She smiles a little when her eyes land on the first picture. "When I was two." she says turning the page. "This is when I went to a family vacation with my parents."

I grin. There's a little black haired girl, about five years old, with evil smirk on her face and a young couple in the background, I guess her parents. Next to it, there's a picture of her hugging the boy, probably that Cole-dude, and the picture is taken from the angle from where you can clearly see both their faces. Cole is smiling and Tiffany is smirking with a small black thing in her hand. I come closer to the photo, and what I almost makes me gasp.

Girl's holding a freaking spider. And not just that she can't stand bugs or insects, the other fact that frightened me is that she's holing it two centimeters away from Cole's head. Once a rebel always a rebel.

Tiffany laughs "I actually remember this. Cole was crying like a little girl and screaming so that the whole neighborhood heard him. Let's just say I got a pretty long lecture that day." She smirks turning the page.

"You were a bad girl huh?"

"Me?" she raises her eyebrows and rolls her black eyes "Pfff, never." that evil smirk on her lips.

"Should I be scared?" I ask playfully.


The next picture is the same dark haired girl with the biggest smile on her face and one little white kitten in her hand. I brush the picture with the tip of my fingers, making her bite her lip and smile at the same time, which is by the way EXTREMELY HOT.

Alright keep it in your pants dude!

She looks me in the eyes and I crush my lips against hers.

Fuck all that I'm-not-going-to-make-out-with-her-'cause-we're-home-alone plan.

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