
By HangmanJury

64.6K 1.6K 365

*A Duff McKagan Fanfic* *As of May 2020, number one rated Duff McKagan fanfic* Anastasia Fisher has just move... More

Jet Lagged
Sucker Punched
Wine and Dined
Figured Out
Moved In
Hit On
Made up


781 18 1
By HangmanJury

When I walk in the door, I notice the envelopes sitting at my feet. They are all addressed to me, and I recognize the handwriting as Duff's chicken scratch. I can't help but smile.

On the other side of the room, I see our answering machine blinking red with messages. I leave my luggage in the hall and rush over to the phone, hitting the play button on the answering machine.

My heart races as I await the sound of his voice. A beep sounds, and then...

"Hey, babe. It's me. Well, we landed here in Germany. I ran to the first payphone I found to call you, even though you won't get this 'til you get back from Tennessee. I miss you so much already. I hope your flight got in safely. It's pretty fucking boring here, so far. Nothing like the city, but I guess I can tell you about that when I write you. I love you, babe. Bye."

and another...

"Anastasia. It's Duff. I couldn't get to sleep because I was too busy thinking about you. I know there's no way you could possibly be home from Tennessee yet, but I called so I could hear your pretty voice on our answering machine. Miss you, babe."

There were tears in my eyes as I processed his voice. I wanted to listen to the messages over and over again, but then I remembered that he'd written to me, too.

I grab the letters in my hand and open them one by one, reading each of them carefully:

"Hey babe.

I just got off stage in Germany, and holy hell it was fucking amazing. We totally killed it and the fans fucking loved it. When you get back I have to tell you about it. I've been calling every day, but I guess you aren't back from Tennessee yet. I wish you were here, babe. I miss waking up next to you every morning.

I love you, Ana.

Duff "



These shows are kicking ass! And guess what?  Geffen made a deal with MTV to play the Welcome to the Jungle music video. It's about time, right?  I love you and miss you sweet girl.


and another,

"Hey baby,

We just touched down in Holland. This postcard is fucking ugly, and I know that, but it's the only one they had at this shitty gas station we stopped at. I'm thinking you'll be back from Tennessee soon, so I'll keep on calling.

Love you,


The letters from Duff were bittersweet.

I was happy to hear from him and hear about how much fun he was having, but I still missed him so much.

He said he'd been calling, so I hoped he'd call tonight. In the meantime, might as well get unpacked and watch a little TV.

I flip the TV on to MTV and turn up the sound so I can hear it in my bedroom while I unpack.

I go over to my suitcase and start unpacking my clothes piece by piece. With a months worth of clothing in there, it was taking a lot longer then expected.

A good half hour went by without incident when a familiar beat caught my ear.

I scrambled into the living room and sat down in front of the TV just as Axl's voice started singing:

"Welcome to the Jungle, we've got fun and games"

They were playing it! Guns N' Roses was finally on MTV!

I couldn't help but jump up and down on the couch in excitement for them. This is what they wanted, and it was happening!

When the song comes to a close, the announcer comes on.

"That was our number one most requested music video of the week, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to the Jungle by the new kids, Guns N' Roses" he announced.

"Number one requested song on MTV?! How did I miss this?!" I speak aloud for no one but myself to hear. I can't help smiling like an idiot.

I knew since I met the band that they were great. I knew they would make it big some day, I just didn't know when. They had everything a successful band needed-- drive, commitment, attitude, and talent.

When the TV switches to commercial, I head back in to the bedroom to finish putting the clothes away.

I couldn't believe the guys finally got there video played on MTV!

Somewhere between folding clothes, I must have fallen asleep, because I'm startled awake by a loud ringing sound.

I sit up in bed and blink my eyes, trying to figure out where I was and what was going on. Once I realize I'm home, and that the phone is ringing, I stand up quickly and rush over to it.

Please be Duff.

Please be Duff.

"Hello?" I question.

"Ana?" the voice sounds.

"Duff! I've been waiting for you to call! I didn't think I'd hear from you until tomorrow!" I feel the tears begin to trickle down my face once more.

"I told you I've been calling everyday, baby. Did I wake you up? You sound like you were sleeping." he says.

I smile. It was just good to hear his voice again.

"Yeah, but I don't care. I missed you so much, Duff." I say.

"I missed you too, babe. How was the shoot with Aerosmith?" he wants to know. 

I laugh. "Fuck the shoot with Aerosmith! I saw the Jungle video on MTV today! Do you know how many people have seen that video?! It's the most requested song of the fucking week!"

Duff chuckles. "I know they told us it was getting a lot of air time." 

"That's fucking crazy. I always knew you guys would fucking make it." I tell him. "So how's the tour going over there in Europe?" 

"Pretty amazing. The crowds are wild. The band is killing it. We just got into England last night." he says. "We've seen some pretty awesome things, but It's nothing like home. I wish you were here to see it."

I sigh. 

"Only one more week and you'll be back in LA." I say. 

"One week not close enough." He chuckles. 

"I agree. I miss you so much." I tell him. 

"I miss you too, Ana. More then you know." he says. "So are you gonna tell me about your shoots?"

"Nothing to tell, really. It took 3 and a half weeks in the middle of no where in some little town in Tennessee. It was fucking hell." 

"So how many times did Tyler try to get in your pants?" Duff asks. 

I wondered if I should tell Duff the truth.

"Only once. Before I left to come home. He asked if I'd stay an extra night with him. He said we could stay in and order room service and he'd fly me home the next day in the jet. I told him no fucking way." I smile through the phone.

"Bastard. He never knows when to stop." Duff says, and I quickly change the subject. 

"So tell me about MTV. How'd Geffen get them to play the video?" I want to know. 

"Well, David made a deal with MTV to play it once or twice on the graveyard rotation. After that, they weren't gonna play it anymore. Apparently some kids took a liking to it and started requesting it. Now I guess it's doing pretty well." he says. 

"That's fucking awesome. Do you know what that's gonna do to ticket and album sales?" I ask. 

"I know. It's gonna be fucking great." he says. 

"So what time is your flight home next week?" I question. 

"We're playing a show at the Hammersmith in London on the 8th and I'm taking the first red-eye back home." he says. 

"You don't know how much I miss you, Duff." I say once again. 

"I miss you too, beautiful. I'm just happy to hear you're home safe where you belong. Everything else we can deal with. We've lasted three weeks apart, we can do it for one more." he says.

I laugh. "Yeah, but it'll probably be the hardest one since I'll be moping around the house."

"That's true, but just think. It's right around the corner." he says.

"I know. I just want you back home, Duff. It  just doesn't feel right without you." I answer.

"I know, baby. Soon. But hey-- I gotta go. The boys are calling me down for sound check." he says. 

"What time is it over there, anyway?" I ask. 

"Just about noon. What time is it at home?" he asks. 

I glance at the clock on the wall. "Looks like 4 am" 

"Well it sounds like you need to get back to bed then, baby."

"Yeah, I guess so. But I don't wanna hang up." I try.

I can hear him smile through the phone. "Me neither, but the guys are calling me."

"I guess I have to let you go then." I give up.

"I'll call you later tonight, okay? I love you so much, Ana." hearing him say it makes me tear up again. 

God I was an emotional wreck.

"I love you too, Duff. Have a good show"

"Thanks. I'll call you later. Get some sleep baby. Goodnight."

"Night, Duff."


After hearing from Duff and subsequently going back to sleep for a couple hours, I woke up refreshed and happy.

I couldn't explain how great it felt to be home.

I decided there was no use in moping around the house waiting for Duff to call again. He said he would call later tonight, and that meant I had all day to do whatever I wanted to do.

I hadn't seen my friends in a long while, and I missed them dearly.

I decided it would be a good idea to give Cheryl a call. 

I pick up the phone and dial her number. It rings 3 times, and then I hear the line click over. 

"Hello?" she says.

"Hey Cheryl it's Ana." I say into the phone.

"Ana! I've been dying to hear from you! How was your flight in?" 

"Oh it was okay. You wanna get a drink?" I ask. 

"Sounds good. Meet you at the Rainbow?" she questions. 

"Sure. See you in about 15 minutes." 

"Bye, Ana." she says.

I hang up the phone and walk over to my closet, trying to decide what to wear. 

I pull out a few options but finally decide on a little black dress with slits on the side. I choose a pair of black heels and do my make-up and hair quickly. 

I get to the Rainbow in record time, grabbing a seat at the bar. 

"What can I get you, miss?" the bartender asks me. 

"Gin and tonic." I answer. 

I watch as Cheryl walks in the door and I give her a wave. She looked amazing in her short red dress. 

"Hey Ana!" She gushes, pulling me in for a hug. 

"Hey. You look amazing. I love that dress!" I tell her. 

I flag the bartender over and order us both another round of drinks. 

Man did I miss home. 

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