The Graffiti Artist (Camren...

By Yolandahhhh

218K 7.8K 8.2K

In which Lauren is a troubled teen whose creative outlet is none other than graffiti, and Camila is the daugh... More

Should i attempt to finish this story??


6.6K 255 187
By Yolandahhhh


A/N: Sorry for sucking (double majoring is hard).

ALSO, random question, do any of you have a favorite character in the story so far? ALSO I have a pretty good outline for the story but give me suggestions!!!

TRIGGER WARNING: conversation that dances around the topic of self harm

Camila's eyes flutter open and she's faced with darkness. She reaches for her phone and shuts off her alarm before throwing it on the floor and snuggling back into her girlfriend. She doesn't know if she'll ever get used to saying that about Lauren. Girlfriend. There's just something really fucking awesome about finally being with the person that you have had a crush on for what seemed like forever.

"Camz, you need to get up." Lauren mumbles into her girlfriend's hair.

"Mmmm, shut up. No."

"That has been the third time it's gone off this morning. I love cuddling with you, but you have class and I want to sleep some more, and I can't do that if your alarm is going off every five minutes, babe."

"Why do you hate me so much?" Camila groans as she begrudgingly gets up.

"Stop being dramatic. I care about your education. I also know that you have a piano exam this morning. Now go!" The green eyed girl says, urging the older girl up. Really she just pushes Camila so she tumbles onto her hardwood floors.

"I don't even know why I asked you out. First you kick me out of my own bed, then you push me out of it. My girlfriend is a bed-hogger."

"A cute bed hogger." Lauren turns around with a pout. "It's not my fault your bed is so comfy."

"You literally say that every time you get in it."

"Well it's true!" Lauren exclaims.

Camila smirks down at the younger girl. She looks adorable with her wavy hair messily spread across the pillow, and in one of her infamous onesies. She can't help herself when she bends down and plants a soft kiss on Lauren's forehead.

"Go back to sleep, buttface. I'll see you later today."

"Bye, Camz." The green-eyed girl yawns as she snuggles back into the oh so comfy bed.

Camila sighs as she quietly strides over to her closet and steps inside to pick out her outfit for the day. Thankfully since they are back in Miami, she's not constricted to wear sweaters and winter coats like she was in New York. She loves Anna and Brittany, but she doesn't think she could ever get used to cold weather. New York may be beautiful and may have served as a wonderful mini vacation for the girls, but Miami is her home. No matter what (or who) is here.

After spending a way too long amount of time going through her clothes, she winds up choosing an outfit that is pretty much what she always wears: high waisted jeans and a crop top. She shakes her head as she gets dressed. She reminds herself of Candace in this one episode of Phineas and Ferb, where she was trying on different outfits to wear for the day to ultimately settle on wearing what her character wears every episode. Camila always thought this to be hilarious for some reason, so she cackles out loud to herself, but then quickly throws a hand over her mouth to shut herself up. Lauren would literally kill her if she woke her up for the fourth time this morning. That girl rivals Dinah when it comes to her sleep.

After going through her bathroom routine, the brunette grabs her school bag, and walks down the large staircase. Thankfully her father is long gone to work by now, so it is only her and Taylor in the morning.

"Good morning sunshine." The blonde greets, putting Camila's cereal and banana in front of her.

"Aloha T-Swizzle." The nineteen year-old greets, before shoving her face with apple-cinnamon cheerios.

Suppressing an eye roll, Taylor hands the girl a napkin, knowing that she'll need one inevitably.

"Have I ever told you, that you eat like a barbarian?"

"OMG, really? Thank you. Dave the Barbarian was one of my favorite shows!"

"You have a terrible obsession with Disney Channel shows. Maybe you should talk to your mom about going back to therapy, this shit is getting weird."

"Har Har. As if I would ever go back to that mental asylum. Being a Millennial with a passion for Early to mid-to-two thousands Disney doesn't make me crazy. It makes me sane. You'd be crazy not to agree with me!"

"Sure, Cabello." Taylor quips, with a playful smile pushing its way onto her face.

"Hmm. I'll take that as a victory." Camila smiles before shoveling the rest of her cheerios into her mouth. "I would stay and gloat more, but I have an exam first thing this morning. Thanks for the breakfast, Tay!" The teenager grabs her banana and heads out the front door to see Dave pulled up in the driveway waiting for her to come outside. She smiles gratefully. She can always count on him to get her to school on time, no matter how late she is running. Of course sometimes it might not always be legal but that's between the two of them.

The drive to campus takes around twenty minutes, and Camila spends the time thinking about the rest of her day. She's done with classes around one, but then has to be at work at three. Thankfully she has a short shift today, unlike her dreadful first day with Tori. She doesn't remember seeing her name on the schedule for today, but who knows it could just be her mind seeing what she wanted to see. She does remember seeing Zendaya on the schedule though, so even if Tori is there Camila will still have the company of an actual person.

Dave pulls up the truck on the side of a street where the building that hosts her first class stands tall. Camila looks out the window to see her curly haired friend waiting for her arrival on a bench outside the building. "See ya, Dave! Thank you!" the nineteen year-old says as she hops out of the truck.

"Took you long enough." Alessia smiles playfully as Camila approaches her.

"I missed you too, Alessia." Camila smiles in return, pulling the girl into a tight hug.

"Of course you did. How could you not?" The Canadian flips her long curly hair over her shoulder in confidence.

"Shut up. How was Canada? Pet any moose? Drink any bagged milk? What about maple syrup?" Camila asks playfully while they slowly walk to the Music building. They flash their University IDs as they enter the large building and sit down at one of the tables in the atrium. Thankfully they still have about twenty minutes before their Piano class starts.

"That's actually really funny. I was just about to tell you how I drank maple syrup flavored milk in a bag while riding a moose. Family tradition of some sorts." Alessia rolls her eyes.

Camila laughs and shakes her head. "You are so funny, Cara."

"I'm glad I'm entertaining to you. Wait, how was New York?! Lo told me all about your cute little proposal. I'm really happy for you guys!"

"She told you about me? Aw she's so adorable." Camila gushes, thinking about the adorable girl sleeping in her bed back home. "But, New York, yes. Ally's audition went really well; she says she nailed it. Her Aunt and her girlfriend are literal goals. And my birthday was pretty lit. Not as lit as my usual parties but I was surrounded by people that love me and we played in the snow, so it was great." The Latina smirks.

"Your usual parties? Oh, I have yet to experience a Camila Cabello party?" Alessia leans forward, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Don't you hate parties though? When we had to perform an original song for Music Comp earlier this semester, you sang that one song about it."

"Here was made from residual feelings from all of the terrible high school parties Lauren and Tori dragged me too. I trust that a Camila Cabello party will be different. And if it's not, I'll just get high, which will make the experience more enjoyable. So will there be a party soon?"

"Hmm, we'll see about that." Camila smiles.

"We've talked about my love life, but we haven't discussed yours . . ." Camila raises her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ha! Because there isn't one. And there never will be. I'm destined to be alone. And I'm content." She shrugs. Camila frowns. She has never heard Alessia really talk about herself like that. But before she could continue the conversation, the curly haired girl is steering the conversation away from her and back to Camila.

"I do have to say, Cabello. You and Lauren are adorable and I can tell you make her happy."

"I hope I do." Camila blushes, looking down at the coffee table.

"You do. Trust me, Lauren is my best friend. I know her. She's hard to read sometimes, and doesn't always show her emotions but just from the way she looks at you I can tell that she cares a lot about you." Alessia smiles sweetly at the girl in front of her.

"Oh, hey this is really random but can I come over tonight? I'll be bored and Ally has like hella homework and Dinah and Mani have their date night tonight."

"They're such a weird couple. Who makes date nights on Mondays? That's such an ugly day."

"Well they're certainly weird separately, so a weird couple makes the most sense. Also don't they have a weird cute reason they chose Mondays? Watch, sooner than you know it, you and Lauren are probably going to be just like that. Weird traditions and all."

"Yeah, right. Neither of us are mushy corny people, it won't happen."

"Yeah, that's why both of you are full of shit. I know under your 'I don't care' exterior, you both are huge love balls. Anyways, since you didn't answer my question, I'm coming over around six." The raspy voice says.

"I don't remember inviting you over." Camila narrows her eyes.

"You know you want me there. I'm freaking adorable." Alessia pinches her own cheeks as if to prove the point.

The Latina rolls her eyes and stands up, waiting for her friend to follow. "I'll pick you up on my way home from work."

"Aha! I knew you loved me!" The curly haired girl stands up and puts her arm around Camila, as the two make their way to the rehearsal hall.

"Do you ever just look at yourself, and just like realize how fucking weird you are?" Alessia asks.

"Cara are you high?" Camila looks at her with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm always high. High on LIFE. You know I don't touch those substances. I shall remain pure."

"God, no wonder you and Ally get along so well, you're both potheads."

"I would say I'm mildly offended, but I actually don't care. We prefer the terms "free spirits" actually. And for the record, I'm not high. Geez, I have some class. We have an exam today for goodness—"

"Wait, shut up." Camila stops shortly in the hallway, without much of a warning. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear, what?"

"The singing. Who is here so early?"

"Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men?" Alessia sings dramatically, emphasizing the words from Les Mis with a fist.

"You've definitely been spending way too much time with Ally."

"Sounds like jealousy to me."

Camila rolls her eyes and walks toward the beautiful sound. She and Alessia round the corner to the hallway that hosts all of the practice rooms. You would think that the practice rooms at a nice university like theirs would be soundproof, but they're not. People in other practice rooms, and in the hallways can hear every sound you make. What is the point of even having practice rooms if they are not soundproof, you ask? Great question.

As a music major Camila knows how hard it is to get a practice room during the middle of the day, so it makes sense that someone would be here this early. But she's never heard this voice before. Its easily one of the most melodic sounds she has heard to date.

"I like being by myself, don't gotta entertain anybody else,"

"Tori sings?!" Camila whispers incredulously to her smiling friend once they make it too the small window of the practice room. She wouldn't have followed the sound all the way across the building if she knew who the voice belonged to. How can something so beautiful belong to a person that is so ugly inside?

"She's incredible at it too." Alessia smirks.

"But sometimes, I just want somebody to hold, someone to give me the jacket when it's cold, got the young love even when we're old."

"The Ice Queen has feelings?" Camila whispers to herself.

"Of course she has feelings, Mila. She's just not the best at dealing with them. Look, I know you don't like her, I'm not stupid. But for the sake of her being my best friend, can you at least just not say anything else about her? Let's just watch! It's like a free concert!" Alessia smiles hopefully. Camila gives in immediately, because she really can't say no to someone as genuine as her Canadian friend.

The girls watch silently as Tori pours her entire heart into this song. She plays the chords so effortlessly that Camila can tell it's something she's passionate about.

"Dear no one, this is your love song" the blonde whimpers out before slouching over her guitar, causing her shoulders to move up and down, as if she was crying. Camila watches in confusion. Who knew Cruella Devil had feelings other than anger and disgust.

"Is she okay?" Camila whispers, concerned. She may not like the girl but she's still a decent human being. She doesn't want her enemies to cry.

Alessia sighs. "Probably not." She raises her hand to knock on the door. "You should probably move out of sight. It's rare for her to be like this and she's already embarrassed enough to do it somewhere where people can see her. I can help her."

"Yeah that's smart. I'll head to the rehearsal hall. See you there." Camila tightens her book bag straps and squeezes Alessia's arm in support before leaving the hallway.

She knows she should've left. She really should've. But seeing the person she thought was the devil incarnate actually showing emotions has her intrigued. You can't really blame her for staying.

She watches as Alessia lightly knocks on the door.

Tori turns around, alarmed with her red eyes wide. She frantically wipes her tears until she registers that its Alessia. In the emotional state that she's in, she abandons all former walls and behaviors she puts up and decides to just give in. She rests her guitar on the stand, and walks over to the door, whipping it open and collapsing into Alessia's hold.

"Tori, what's wrong?!" the brunette asks with anxiety filling her veins. She's not used to Tori acting like this. The blonde is typically cold and reserved, only speaking to offer a bitchy comment here and there. But Alessia can see past that. She, besides Lauren, is probably the only person that can see past that.

"I'll never be good enough for her. Never." She cries.

Camila frowns. Tori's gay? Who's "her"?

"Who are you talking about?"

"I'm so lonely all the time, I can't fucking stand it. I know it's my fault that people hate me but it's not the easiest thing to go around, alone all the time." She sniffles.

"I'm an unsociable freak who hates people for fun. Nobody even likes me, Alessia. And if I can't even get that, nobody will ever love me." Tori cries. "I don't even understand the point in thinking that will ever change. I hate myself so much. Some days . . no never mind."

"Some days, what?"

"I think of doing things." Tori mumbles.

"Doing what?" her heart drops into her stomach in fear.

"Things to myself. But I don't, only occasionally." the blonde's voice wavers, before her spilling her emotions back out in the form of sobs.

Fuck, I should really leave now. Shit just got really deep, and this is a very personal conversation. But Camila can't turn around no matter how much she knows its wrong.

"Hey, it's okay." Alessia whispers. She can't believe that Tori goes through this everyday and keeps it to herself. She wonders how much different Tori would be if she didn't bottle everything in, only to express her feelings in her anger towards others.

"It's never going to be okay." Tori says.

"I love you." Alessia comforts, cradling her head.

"You're the only person that does." The blonde admits.

"Lauren loves you. Hey, you may not be close now but you were her best friend. She still cares about you."

Camila rolls her eyes at the thought of Lauren even being friends with the girl. Normally with people that Camila doesn't like she can sort of understand why people like them. But with Tori, this was the first sign of humanity she has shown in the entire seven months that she has known her. She just genuinely doesn't get the appeal.

"No she doesn't. She will never love me." Tori shakes her head, wiping her tears.

"You're wrong, she—"

"Just stop, Alessia! I'm done talking about this." Tori snaps. Alessia can see her hard exterior rapidly making its way back onto her face.

"Tori, don't do this. I know you're hurting and I just want to talk to you. You don't have to act strong."

"You don't know anything. And I'm not acting anything. This is who I am, take it or leave it. Now leave me alone." She growls, grabbing her guitar and shoving past her best friend. She storms down the hallway and turns right into a flustered Camila.

Her red rimmed brown eyes glare at Camila with disgust. It takes everything in the blonde not to pounce on the smaller girl, but she is too emotional at the moment to find the energy to fight. Also, since she didn't bring her guitar case, she wouldn't have a place to put it if she decided to let loose. Her guitar comes first, always. It's the only thing that symbolizes a happy ending for her. She can't let anything happen to it.

"I hope you enjoyed the show, Cabello." The blonde grumbles out. She rams her shoulder into Camila's and continues quickly down the hallway.

Camila doesn't even blame her for that one. She was caught eavesdropping on an obviously private conversation for goodness sake. Camila doesn't like the girl one bit, but she understands that Tori is an incredibly closed off person, so to have someone you don't trust listen in on an emotional moment is like a stab in the neck.

God, how much of an idiot could she be? She literally just handed Tori another excuse to hate her. As if she needed any more.

*                                              *                                              *

Alejandro Cabello steps out of his Range Rover and waits for the driver to come out and grab his suitcase to hand to him.

"David, I trust that you got Karla to school alright today?"

"Yes, I got Miss Camila there as soon as possible. I think she met a friend before class." Dave says, recalling Camila hugging with one of her friends earlier this morning.

"Was it a friend or a partner?" He asks with disdain.

Dave tries all he can not to roll his eyes.

"I think it was just a friend, sir."

"Okay good. I think I would like to know if my daughter decided to date someone." The man frowns, untightening his tie a little before opening the garage door entrance to the house. He steps one foot into the house and can immediately sense the presence of another person. His eyes snap up to meet frightened green eyes frozen in movement.

"Who are you?" He asks, threateningly. He narrows his brown eyes in confusion. He is not sure if she is a threat. Who is this girl? And why the hell is she in his home?

"Um. My name is Lauren, sir."

"That means nothing to me. I think a better question is why the hell are you in my house?"

Lauren's heart begins to beat erratically. Its not like she can just blurt out that she is living here indefinitely with her girlfriend that is actually his daughter.

"Ah, so you've officially met Lauren!" Sinu smiles, touching the teenager on the arm in support. She saw the beginning of their encounter from the other side of the kitchen and knew that she had to intervene. She knows that her husband is an . . . interesting person, and certainly shows no boundaries.

"You know this troublemaker too?"

"Oh, don't be silly. She's staying with us now. Camila's friend."

Ale's eyebrows shoot up. "Staying?! You let our disappointment of a daughter bring home some slut and you didn't think to ask me how I felt about any of this?!"

Lauren visibly flinches at the words. Yelling adults give her flashbacks of nights spent with her mom growing up. Sinu notices this and whispers for her to leave the room, along with Taylor. Once the younger ones are out of hearing range, Sinu begins.

"Alejandro, listen. I understand your frustrations, but honestly, there is no point in arguing." She takes a few steps closer so she is in the man's face. "When that girl came to our house she was poor, broken, and sick and she needed a home. And our family was able to give that to her. This all happened a month ago, and if you are really just noticing that she is here now, something is wrong with that. I think the real problem is how you're not even home long enough with your family to even realize that there is a new member." She shakes her head.

"We both know that we have the money to house one hundred Laurens, so whether you like it or not, Lauren is staying here. And you will support that, as well as her and Camila's relationship."

"Relationship?!" He spits out. "Our daughter is in a relationship with some poor low life? She is aware that she shouldn't even be associating with people like that?! Is that why Camila has been acting out recently? Is that whore the reason why my building was vandalized?! Is that the reason why you haven't been supporting my decision to ground her for that? Because you know that bitch is –" The man is cut off with a sharp slap to his face.

"Don't ever. Speak of Lauren that way again. I have no idea what has gotten into you but this is not the man I married. I'm so angry, I can't even speak to you right now." Sinu shakes her head, and walks out of the room. She turns the corner and goes up the stairs, nearly shaking in anger the entire time. How could he talk about a young girl like that? The audacity of men, she swears. She walks past Camila and Lauren's room on her way to their work out room, where she had planned on going before he husband arrived.

She peaks into the room, where she sees Lauren sitting on the head of the bed, occasionally wiping tears, with Taylor rubbing her back.

"Oh, Lauren." Sinu frowns. Both girls look up at the older woman, who is crossing the large room. She settles on the edge of the bed. "Don't listen to anything he's saying. You will continue to stay here. Alejandro was an asshole but he wouldn't throw anyone out. He knows that we can take care of you and we will."

"Are you sure? Because I can leave if you need me to." The teenager mumbles.

"Absolutely. I love you, Sofi loves you, and Camila obviously adores you. You are a part of this family now. Family never gets left behind or forgotten." She strokes Lauren's red cheek.

"You got that from Lilo and Stitch." Taylor laughs.

"It's a good line!" Sinu defends her choice of words.

"You are literally just like Camila." The blonde shakes her head.

"You mean Camila is like me. There's nothing like the original." Sinu rolls her eyes, causing both Lauren and Taylor to laugh.

"Thank you, Sinu. This means so much more to me than you know." Lauren says genuinely, looking the woman in the eyes.

"I know sweetie." The mother kisses her daughter's girlfriend on the forehead and stands up. She is hoping to get in a workout good enough that she forgets all of the anger she feels for her husband.

A/N: I decided to split 17 up into two parts since it would be really long if I included everything I had planned into one chapter. Sorry for the delays, seriously. I hope y'all still love me 😬

Either way, I LOVE Y'ALL!!!

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