The Bluenettes of Sabertooth:...

By sopeismymelanin

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Levy and Juvia are being ignored by Fairy Tail, ever since the GMG .The only people who pay attention to the... More

Chapter 1 : The Rundown
Chapter 2 : Village of Rose
Chapter 4: Unexpected Events
Chapter 5: Enchanted Luck
Chapter 6: New awakenings
Chapter 7 : True Introductions
Chapter 8: The Ball
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10 : Leaving Home
Chapter 11: Earthland
Chapter 12: Sabertooth
Chapter 13: Mission?
Chapter 14 : Lazy Days Are Here To Stay
Chapter 15: A Train or a Tour?
Chapter 16 : Kaylanie
Chapter 17: Persephone's Back
Chapter 18 : A Broken Man's Story
Chapter 19 : The Training Grounds
Chapter 20: Crocus
Chapter 21: Where have you been?
Chapter 22: A Second Day Away
Chapter 23: People Don't Know Anything
Chapter 24: Ryutzu Land
Chapter 25: Double The Trouble
Chapter 26: Did we win...or lose?

Chapter 3 : The Cebalia

823 31 0
By sopeismymelanin

Juvia and Levy were walking around the town , they still hadn't seen the monster. After a while they decided to head back to the mayors house and start fresh the next day. They had already been through almost all of the village yet still they found nothing

"I don't think we'll have any luck tonight" Levy said to Juvia, sighing in frustration

"Juvia thinks Levy is not right come along  now" Levy dragged her feet through the streets tired and annoyed that they couldn't have gotten the job done sooner.

As they went back they heard a roar. The mages looked at each other,and knew exactly what to do.' Find the source of the roar'.Levy sighed trying to push away her fatigue for the job at hand. They roomed around for  a bit more. The roars kept getting louder as they walked ran through town and headed for the nearby woods.

"Slow down Juvia, I can't keep up" Lwvy huffed exhausted. She wasn't exactly the best when it came to stamina, she liked to blame it on her shorter legs but Juvia knew she never worked out.

After a bit more they lost track of the sound of the roar. Panting Levy propped herself up by holding on to her knees. "We lost it..."

"Obviously,let's go back." Juvia hummed dragging Levy by the collar of her shirt to the mayor's home.

They had got back to their room, tired and dirty from the mud in the woods. Levy instantly fell asleep on her bed. While Juvia took the time to get changed atleast then passed out in bed.

Morning rolled around to soon for Levy and Juvia who had spent the night chasing after a monster.
Unfortunate for them it was already 12 PM when they woke that day. They scurried out of bed and got ready for the day that was up ahead anxiously.

"What does Levy propose we do now?" Juvia asked yawning from her spot in the dining room. They were served breakfast curtosy of the mayor's orders.

"Well we lost our only solid lead last night and now we have to get some information"  Levy said sighing. She grabbed her orange juice and downed it in one go .

"Juvia suggest we get information on the town's history. Maybe it could help" Juvia proposed pushing away her now empty plate

"Alright we could ask Lane directions to the library." Levy proposed as she left the table with Juvia and went to find the mayor.

A servant lead them to Lane's office.
"He's in here" the servant announced pointing to the door.

"Thanks we got it from here" the servant bowed politly and took her leave down the corridor. Juvia and Levy walked into the mayors office.

"Who's a good boy? Huh who's a good boy?"

They found him playing with his dog on the floor. Juvia and Levy sweat dropped at the sight.

"That's right Sabaturo is!!"

Juvia coughed awkwardly trying to grab his attention. He looked up and grinned seductively as he stood up and took both of their hands."Why hello there. Interrupting me in my intimate moments. How daring..."

"Eto...yeah" Levy took back her hand and took a few steps back hiding slightly behind Juvia.

"Lane, we were wondering if you could instruct us to a library" Juvia asked wiping her hand on her dress. She didn't want his kind of germs on her.

"Of course, follow me" Lane lead them out his office not before rubbing his dog's belly on his way out.

"Cute dog" Levy praised the large husky as he brought them down a large corridor.

"Aww he certainly is amazing." Lane then stopped at a door."Here we are, feel free to stay as long as you need."

Lane left them at the library as they waved him off.

Levy and Juvia then began to search for anything that might be related to the town. They separated and went off looking

Juvia looked around the library. She searched all around  the east side. A certain book caught her eye. She grabbed and examined it. The book looked more like a chidren's book. One she would never have been read.

"The Tale of The Tyliam" Juvia read the title. Levy rounded the corner and looked at Juvia curiously.

"You find something? " Levy asked approaching her carefully. Juvia handed her the book she had and shrugged.

"This has nothing to do about the town but it caught Juvia's eye" Juvia said, she felt something weird inside of her when she saw the word 'Thyliam'.

Levy read the cover the book and furrowed her eyebrows. She also had a strange feeling inside of her. She put the book under her arm."Seems interesting, I'll ask Lane if we can take it"

Juvia nodded gladly she wanted to know more about it."Did Levy find anything?"

"Nope nothing in hear talks about a beast like the one we were told about" Levy sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Let's just wait for sun down and start looking again"

"Juvia thinks that is a good idea. Let's go" Juvia and Levy headed out of the library and went back to their room to wait.

The sun went down early that day and Juvia and Levy were already out on the streets. They had  been looking around  for what felt like an eternity but weren't giving up as easily like the last night. Stores were closing and no one was out on the street as they searched.

"Ugh Juvia is getting annoyed by this" Juvia grumbled keeping her eyes peeled. Levy was trying to stay strong but was also getting angered.

"Why did we have to pick this job" Levy groaned  pushing her hair back.

"Mirajane was the one who suggested it" Levy cursed Mira for giving them such a mission. She was going to get an earful from the both of them.

"Can't we just leave--" Levy was cut by a large rustling followed by a large roar.

Juvia immediately speed off not taking any chances that time. Levy was left alone, confused as Juvia ran off at epic speeds. Levy sighed and went running after her.

"Juvia slow down girl!!" Levy tried saying so that she could catch at the very least bit Juvia didn't listen.

"No, we must not  lose it this time!!" Juvia argued not looking back at the tired Levy.

They kept on running and found them selves in the forest near a lake . When suddenly they got sight of a humongous dark and slimy creature laying on the ground . And got closer to it deciding that this was the monster. They were sure of it.

When they got near it. The monster seemed to roar in agony. Juvia and Levy gave each other confused  looks.

"Why is it in pain" they both thought .

"H-heeyy!!!!"Levy screamed to get its attention. She stuttered slightly scared of the thing.

"Levy why are you screaming it's right there, God!" Juvia complained. Her ears were quite sensitive lately and Levy's loud volume didn't help that.

"Oh calm down girl , I'm just calling it" Levy said calmy waving her off. She was also getting sensitive ears but at a lower level then Juvia's.

"But still you-..." Juvia was caught off by a new low yet feminin voice.

"Shut the hell up!!!! Can't you see me in pain" it seemed to come from the monster

"Monster can speak? This is new. What's wrong?"Juvia said as if she was not fazed by the sudden event

"AAAAAAAHHH TALKING THING  WHAT THE HELL and Juvia why are you talking so calmly to it ??!!!" On the other hand Levy was a complete mess, having once been attacked by a vulcan when she was younger. Any giant  talking creature freaks her out to no extent.

"Well the exceeds talk and they are cats. Certain wyverns can speak at least Juvia thinks and those pervert gorillas too" Juvia shrugged not finding any problem it the act. She had forgotten about Levy's little fear for talking creatures.

"A-ah..." Levy mutterd not even able of forming words in her shock.

"If you two are done can someone get this out of my body for Godsakes*roar!* please" the monster said showing them the front of its body . They  saw an  open wound  with what seemed to be a poison arrow inside. Blood slowly flowed out of its body with another green liquid.

"Oh that looks painful. Juvia can you help?" Juvia nodded knowing her water  could clean the wound to some extent.

"Don't worry, Juvia will take out the poison" she put her hand on the wound then let the water flow letting it collect all the poison through out her body. Happy that it hadn't gotten embedded in her blood. She could easily  eject it from the body."How did monster get hurt like this?"

"Stop calling me monster woman!" It said angrily, feeling the water make its way through her veins " I-i am not this thing"

"Huh... then what in  Earthland are you?A cursed human? They're alot those lately, we just need to find you a man" Levy asked just as Juvia finished taking out the poison. Juvia rolled her eyes at Levy and threw away the water far from them.

" Huh no, you could say I'm a spirit to these parts, they call me The Cebalia. I can't say I'm not flattered by the 'the'"

Juvia and Levy blinked not quite understanding her.

"If The Cebalia is a spirit to this land than why is it hurting the town?" Juvia asked a curious to who she was.

"I don't remember much of what happened , I was in the river doing what spirits do and what not, then some villager came, got scared of my presence then threw something at me . I'm guessing it was a tainted spear and *BOOM!*  suddenly I can't control myself  and I'm just lost in my own body. I've been trying to fight this possesion ever since ." The Cebalia explained sadly, adding effects to make it even more dramatics.

"I do remember all  the attacks, vividly. The blood, the screams it was horrifying to just sit back and watch them suffer and blackout from the pain. Some never woke ..."

"Juvia knows how taking someone's life feels like. You should know this was not your fault. You were possessed by a strong spell" Juvia said looking up at the monster who slowly started to --what seemed like-- decay.

"S-seriously you think I am strong even after all my actions??" Cebalia said suprised by her kindness.

"Yes not everyone can overcome their demons like you did , you fought  your hardest and Juvia praises Cebalia" Juvia exclaimed and Levy nodded in aggrement.

The Cebalia then started to glow a bright white and what came out in it's wake stood, not a terrifying  and gruesome monster but  a tall woman beautiful woman with long silver hair that arrived to her waist with golden eyes  in a  gorgeous flowing rose colored dress covered in glittering lace that fell to the grown and left a train behind her. She had an aura of complete serenity. Her smile as raident as the sun itself with tears running down her eyes .

"Thank you so much to the both you. My demons can no longer haunt me. I do hope we will meet each other again darling Juvia and Levy , I leave behind this as a parting gift, Until we meet again " and with that she disappeared into nothing leaving behing two chokers.

One had a colbat blue strap and had the sign simular to Aquarius's vase on the front as the jewel.. The outerlayer  was incased in diamond and gave off magic power. Juvia was drawn to it.

The other one had a  sky blue  strap. The design was also different it was an open book with a feathered pen placed in the middle. The outerlayer was incased in diamon too. It also gave off great magic power. Levy took it.

"Sugoi~ they're so beautiful"  Juvia exclaimed holding onto to the delicate piece of jewelry.

"I know right  but wait don't you think there is something weird...?"Levy said still in amazement to the gift but having a weird feeling not necessarily bad at all but still curious.

"What's so  strange Levy-chan?"

"How did she know our names? Did we ever tell her them??" Levy said/explained her worries.

"Oh... well Juvia doesn't exactly know. Juvia thinks so."Juvia answered not quite sure herself. Thinking back she couldn't remember if they did or not either.

"Humm well let's just go back to the mayor's house , get the reward and go home" Juvia nodded in aggrement

They took the necklaces and walked back to the house. Both of them having a feeling that they will see Cebalia in the future.

They got back  to the mayor. He seemed suprised that the young ladies got back so soon. He was indeed worried for their safety but had confidence in the girls and seeing them walk towards him  without so much as a scratch on their bodies did make him wonder what happened.

They explained to him the situation and how it was resolved without any big trouble besides Levy's mental scarring but who cares about that anyway. She'll live.

"Wow , The Cebalia I had no possible idea it could be her."seeing their curious faces he continues "She is the spirit of the nearby river. She's just an urban myth but some still do believe in her. Her river has  been known to have healing properties to those who truly needed it . Thank you so much for saving her. And since you helped us so much I will add another 300.000 Jewels."

"Eeeh 800.000 Jewels!!!!! Thanks Sir Lane.'oh the money yesss'..." Levy muttered that last part to herself. Juvia started crying tears of joy almost drowing them. Making the mayor wonder if these girls were indeed sane.

They soon headed back to their room and headed straight to sleep. Even though  they didn't do much, Juvia and Levy we're really tired .Saving a river spirit takes a lot out of someone.

When morning rolled around they said their goodbyes to the Mayor thanking him for the hospitality and extra money. And headed to the train station back to Magnolia. You would think that, they would be happy to go home, but they were actually anxious and worried.

The girls had a strange feeling that something would go wrong once they got to the guild. Both of them just said it was their nervousness and put it aside until they got back.

Far from the girls heading in the opposite direction. Cebalia was flying through the air humming to herself.

"Ah Juvia and Levy haven't heard those names in such a long time...Better head home she'll love to hear about this"  Cebalia smiled widely "Good thing I gave them those necklaces they'll need them soon enough"

Thinking back she was quite surprised when Juvia was able to get out the poison in her state. She felt so bad having to lie to them about how she got possessed. "He must have gone easy on me..His little henchman got lucky..."

Cebalia then dissappeared from Earthland all together leaving behind. A bed of roses near her river.

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