The Bluenettes of Sabertooth:...

By sopeismymelanin

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Levy and Juvia are being ignored by Fairy Tail, ever since the GMG .The only people who pay attention to the... More

Chapter 2 : Village of Rose
Chapter 3 : The Cebalia
Chapter 4: Unexpected Events
Chapter 5: Enchanted Luck
Chapter 6: New awakenings
Chapter 7 : True Introductions
Chapter 8: The Ball
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10 : Leaving Home
Chapter 11: Earthland
Chapter 12: Sabertooth
Chapter 13: Mission?
Chapter 14 : Lazy Days Are Here To Stay
Chapter 15: A Train or a Tour?
Chapter 16 : Kaylanie
Chapter 17: Persephone's Back
Chapter 18 : A Broken Man's Story
Chapter 19 : The Training Grounds
Chapter 20: Crocus
Chapter 21: Where have you been?
Chapter 22: A Second Day Away
Chapter 23: People Don't Know Anything
Chapter 24: Ryutzu Land
Chapter 25: Double The Trouble
Chapter 26: Did we win...or lose?

Chapter 1 : The Rundown

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By sopeismymelanin

It was a normal early January day  in Magnolia . Magnolia was still in a festive mood after their champions had come home months later. Things were as normal as it was in the crowned guild of Fairy Tail. They had been receiving more and more missions after the GMG, but they stayed full of life.

Inside the famous guild hall Lucy and Lisanna were found gossiping over the latest sorcerer weekly. Natsu and Gray were bickering over some petty thing as usual which made the guild go into a full on fight.

Mira was cleaning some glasses behind the counter, with her usual happy face as Erza was preparing to go on yet another solo mission. Fairy Tail seemed to be in its best state ever.

But if you looked closely you could see two bluenettes, in a corner of the guild seemingly out of place compared to the rest. Levy and Juvia had just come back from a  tough mission.  They were able to complete it with small difficulty.

Not without a few blisters and scratches of course. Wendy would always offer to help them heal. They  always declined the offer not wanting to take advantage of the little girl and her abilities.

The two do make a very odd match considering their different personalities. Yet they seemed to form a great team and an even greater friendship .They have this bond that you can't really explain in words. It was just there. They grew even closer to each other since they were in the same situation with Fairy Tail.

When they had entered the guild hall , the only people to notice them were their only friends left in the guild : Mira , Wendy , the exceeds , Erza and Master who was currently up in his office dealing with some paperwork. It did bother them a lot that they were still being shunned from the guild.

With Levy, she lost her best friend Lucy , who seemed to connect more with Lisanna after the games. Then there was Gajeel. He just didn't care for her anymore. If she even tried to get close to his table, he'd  just glare at her like when he was in Phantom Lord. As though she was nothing but trash not worthy of his presence.

Juvia lost her beloved Gray-sama , the so called man of her dreams. The man who technically died for her. Before he would at least say somethings to her that showed he was still her friend in heart but then all of a sudden , he became even colder to her . He wouldn't look at her and even if he did  just glance, it was of pure disgust. That broke Juvia's heart  but she wanted to prove she was strong and didn't let the rain fall, no matter how much it destroyed her. She still had Levy and that was enough for now.

This had been going on for about five months and didn't seem to show any signs of stopping.

Levy and Juvia were sitting in a booth, in the corner of the guild, talking to each other aimlessly . Levy was saying something about one of her books, when she saw Juvia's eyes land on Gray . Her eyes seem so sad. They don't have that radiance they once bore. Her blue eyes seem more like a glommy night than a magnificent ocean in all its glory.

It must be hard for her, he doesn't even look her way anymore , maybe I should distract her from him. Levy thought looking at Juvia. Levy then thought back to when it all started, how she and Juvia really got close to each other.


Levy was walking down the street, after her solo mission. She had "left" Team Shadow gear a couple weeks ago and was in desperate need for some money. She had noticed the rift between her and the guild. She put it off to her imagination going crazy. They are her nakama, they could never abandon her...That's all she would keep in mind.

Levy walked by a river on her way to Fairy hills. She noticed Juvia sitting  by the edge of the river, her feet submerged in the water. Levy being nice decided to talk to her for a bit.

"Hey Juvia"

No response. Levy walked up to her from behind and tapped Juvia's shoulder."Juvia..."

She looked up at Levy with blank eyes and made a small 'o' "Hello Levy..."

"What's up? Shouldn't you be at home or stalking a certain ice mage" Levy said jokingly. Rain then fell from the sky in an instant, much to Levy's surprise.

Juvia's upper lip quivered as she went into a full on crying session. Levy panicked immensely not sure what to do "I-i'm sorry if I was acting to friendly or--."

"That is not why Juvia is crying" Juvia lifted her head towards the clouds that had now formed.  That's when Levy noticed. Juvia's whole neck was bruised purple  almost falling into a blue. Levy went into panick mode. God knows if those were the only ones.

"Juvia what happened to you!?" Juvia stayed silent looking out at the water. Levy helped Juvia up. "Come on you're going to get sick"

Levy then dragged her to Fairy hills and brought Juvia to her room. Levy fixed up some warm tea for herself and Juvia.

She came back in the main room with two cups in her hand and handed one to Juvia, who was still soaking wet from the rain as was Levy.

"Are you ready to talk?" Levy asked carefully trying not to startle her. She had been silent the whole time they got back to Fairy hills. Levy sighed and looked around the foreign room. It was her first time her comrade's home. Levy tried to ignore the constant staring eyes of the little gray plushies.

Juvia sighed sadly and told her everything that had happened the day before. Every Single Detail. When Juvia was done, Levy grabbed her and pulled her into a loving hug as she trembled in anger and sadness for her friend.

"I'm so sorry for you"

"L-levy..." Juvia answered shocked, trembling herself.

"You're not alone Juvia!!As long as you have me. The rain won't have to chase you anymore. I'll always be here. No matter what..." Levy cried onto Juvia's shoulder feeling her pain as something similar to Juvia had happened to her earlier. "I might not be your closest friend but I'm here for you believe me... I understand."

The rain outside turned into a faint drizzle then stopped completely as Juvia's eyes took the reigns and cried out "Thank you Levy..."

"No problem" Levy answered  as tears fell from her eyes slowly.  She caressed Juvia's wet hair as they both fell into a dreamless sleep.

From that day, they became best friends. As to what happened to Juvia on that fateful day is a story for another time.

End of Flashback

Levy came back to reality, the brief flashback making her smile slightly at the memory. Juvia was still in her daze when she came to.

"Hum Juvia...?" Levy said trying to get her out of her daze. Juvia shot up a bit at the sound of her voice.

"Oh, yes Levy. Sorry Juvia just got lost in thought." She answered finally looking her way, blinking a bit.

"No worries, I was just thinking maybe we can go on a new mission." Levy proposed hoping she would say something positive.

"A new mission, already? Is Levy  sure about this offer? " She is right, they just got back but she needs to stay away from here. A mission is the closest best thing to get her mind off of things, more like Gray.

"I know it's sudden but , it would be
great to clear our mind from 'Them' , and if you ask me having a few extra jewels won't hurt . So come on pwease?" Levy said with her best puppy dog face . She cannot refuse with this face.

"Hmmmm" Juvia still seems unsure of  it. Looks like her puppy dog face has reached it's prime. Time to take out the big guns.

"Pweeeeeeaaaaasssse , and I'll pay for the train tickets." Levy said sighing, she knew that this would work.

"Well Levy  does make this sound intersting . Juvia will come then, and Levy better pay for the hotel as well  since she is offering," Juvia said with a small smirk of mischief. She just wanted free transportation.

"Ugh fine might as well pay for everything then huh?" Levy dead-panned as her eye twitched a bit in annoyance. Levy could already feel the regret in saying that.

"That sounds wonderful to Juvia" she says still smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face. At least come help me find a mission " 
Levy shook her head with huff.

"Oh Juvia thought you already found one  before offering. Looks like Juvia has to do everything around here" Juvia said, standing up. Levy sweat-dropped at her answer.

They walked over to the request board, hopefully to find something easy yet at the same time pays well enough for both of them. After a while they didn't find anything that could be deemed intersting and worth their time.

"Well maybe Mira-san has a job for us, let's go ask her" Levy said  to Juvia nodding in response.

They went over to the bar to find Mira talking to Wendy and Erza, who seemed just about ready to go on mission. Since her whole cattle of luggage stood next to her.

"Hello Mira-san , Bye Erza-san " Juvia and Levy said as Erza waved back on her way out.

"She's going to see Jellal and have a mini-vacation of love" exclaimed Mira in matchmaker mode. Her eyes filled with hearts.

"N-no I am not s-shut up-...get those foul ideas out of your head Mira!! Goodbye ladies I'll be back in a couple weeks" said Erza blushing madly. She left the guild hall in a huff, slamming the doors shut behind her.

We all know they started dating, she should stop trying to hide it...  Levy thought, Levy was pretty sure the others thought the same thing too.

"Hey Juvia-nee , Levy-nee" Wendy answered with a cute smile. She's so innocent it kills Levy and everyone else.

"Hi girls! Is there anything you need?" Mirajane said with that beautiful  smile of  hers.

"Juvia and Levy came to ask if you might have any mission for us?" Juvia asked politely, placing her forearms on the surface of the bar.

"Going on a mission already huh? Just like Erza. Well I do have a simple one that might work. Hang on a second...Ah here it is, seems easy and pays well too" Mira said handing over the piece of paper to the bluenettes.

They took the flier and read the content together.

Help Wanted in the Village of Rose

There have been sightings of a  monster by  our sacred river .
We need wizards capable of capturing and/or killing it. Please send help

Reward : 500.000 Jewels

"Wow!! 500.000 jewels just for a monster. This will be a piece of cake!!" Levy exclaimed with joy, thinking about all the books  she could get with that kind of dough.

"Juvia agrees , Mira-san we would like to take this mission." Juvia agreed handing over the request to Mira, so she could stamp it, proving it had been taken.

"Alright then. I'll call the town saying you're on your way. Be careful  guys" She said giving back the request form with another of her dazzling smiles.

"Don't worry about us Mira we can handle ourselves" Levy reassured her "Well then Juvia we should head to Fairy Hills and pack"

"Hai, Thank you again Mira-san" Juvia said. Mira waved back, giving them a thumbs up. She must also think it's a good idea for them to leave the guild for a while.

The girls left the hall without beeing seen . And headed back to Fairy Hills to start packing, then headed straight for the train station. Not knowing what awaits them after the completion of this mission.


So I am Daniele!

So this is my first ever fanfiction I only read other peoples works and  I'm  not much of a writer as you can see so I decided to publish this only when the book is done  so that people who might find this worth the read don't have to wait super long after to like read the rest . I know how annoying it is when people don't update so I will just release the whole book when I'm done  . SO EXPECT DETAIL OF A LOT OF THINGS IN THE FUTURE. I LIKE KNOWING WHAT PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY LIKE "time skip" AND ALL. IT MAKES ME FEEL CLOSER TO THE CHARACTHERS AND YEAH. Sorry this was so short I feel disgusting (I really like long  chapters)

Update: So I'm currently proof reading the whole book. I started this in mid-August and I finished it today at like 1am on the 24th of December. Oh my god that is like...a lot of time. I just want to say please read to the end. I know the first chapters are a bit weird( I'm trying to fix that now) but once you'll go further you'll see just how much I changed. Thanks to anyone who actually reads this.!


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