
By malumxtrashaf

1.6K 98 39

"You need help Myla," she hissed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Don't do that, don't go mute on me." She said... More



29 1 2
By malumxtrashaf

Peep the authors note at the end???

SOTC : Breakup in A Small Town - Sam Hunt

"Lola!" I squealed.

The little puppy came tumbling over to me. I giggled and picked up the fluff.

"Myla! Lola was eating my crayons again!" Benjie whined.

"It's okay baby, I get paid today we'll go get you crayons or markers, anything you want!" I cheered.

The puppy began to nibble on my finger.

"Lola, bad!" I hissed.

A tired looking Jai came in the apartment and Lola took off, barking at him. Jai chuckled and picked her up.

"When did you guys get her?" He laughed.

"Last week, after I got back from the mall." I shrugged.

"Xena and her girlfriend want to hang out with us, I figured since you guys aren't as close you could invite Lilac and Andrew?" He spoke, his words coming out like a question.

"Uhm, yeah sure, I'm taking Benjie out to get coloring stuff so let me know when." I shrugged.

Michael walked into the living room and glanced at us all.

"Myla, Lola is peeing on the floor! Lola stop that! Bad puppy!" He groaned.

"Can I have the car keys?" I asked.

"For what? Where do you think you're going young lady?" Calum pipes up as he walks into the living room.

"To get my check and take Benjie to get stuff for coloring." I shrugged.


"Hey! It's so nice to see you again! This is my girlfriend Lucian." Xena spoke up.

"Nice to meet you, please call me Luci."

"Nice to meet you Luci." I mumbled.

After all the awkward introductions a hostess found a table for our group. There was an awkward silence all around the table. Jai and I were at a rough patch in our relationship, so we've been trying to give each other space.

But I miss him, I miss him so fückïng much. It's hard to keep a smile on my face around Jai, so we got Lola for that.

A beautiful Great Dane pup. She stole my heart at first glance.

"Myla?" Jai mumbled.

He placed his hand on my thigh. My eyes widened a little and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I mumbled softly.

"Are you ready to order?"


Crappy chapter I know. Picture of Lola above or aside Idek.

I know I've been very inactive. I've had a lot of family stuff going on, as well as personal stuff.

I've felt so many emotions and last month and a half and I'm so drained. I've neglected wattpad for a long time.

I've felt so overwhelmed and to relieve my emotions, I'm gonna be writing chapters again as an outlet.

No promises I hope it works because my anxiety has gotten worse and I need something to help and hopefully writing can help.

I love you, stay happy, and in the wise words of Roman Atwood Smile More.

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