through the dark ➳ malik a.u

By bradfvrds

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❝You drive me absolutely insane, you know that angel?❞ // © bradfvrds More

one - reading signs
two - sketching apologies
three - invitations
four - twenty questions
five - "yeah, she is mate."
six - field trip
authors note
seven - borrowing clothes
eight - relatives
nine - heroics
ten - almost but not quite
eleven - "shut up and kiss me."
note of the author persuasion
twelve / part one - dressed up
twelve / part two - ghosts of the past
thirteen - listing insecurities
fourteen - surprise
fifteen - de ja vu
i hate posting these
sixteen - giving in
seventeen - adventure time
eighteen - lost
nineteen - open book
twenty - party girl
twenty one - giving up
guess what this isn't? an update.
twenty two - searching
putting this on hold
twenty three - ups and downs
i'm a complete idiot
twenty four - technology
i owe an explanation
:) sorry for the long update i had school

prologue - getaway

280K 2.4K 432
By bradfvrds


This story will contain subjects that some people may find disturbing such as; violence, strong language and scenes of sexual nature. 



"Ouch!" I hissed as I bumped my already bruised hip into the corner of my desk. Lifting up the bottom of my shirt, I turned to face my full length body mirror. The bruise was already pretty bad. It was turning slightly yellow, which was a good thing I suppose. It was healing. I lightly traced the bruise with my fingers; it was pretty widely spread across my hip. It's bound to be when you’re kicked into the wall then kneed repeatedly there by a grown man. 

After examining myself, I walked back over to my desk – this time more carefully – and sat down to start on my homework. Five minutes passed before it started. My sister, Victoria, was screaming from the next bedroom. My hand shot up to my mouth at the sound, but I didn’t move. I knew what happened when either of us tried to intervene with his episodes. The high pitched noise pierced my ears and I could feel my eyes threatening to tear up. I hated this. I hated hearing her like this, just like she hated hearing me and Mom scream. With the thought of my mother, I glanced to the clock on my desk. She was due home from work in about half an hour.

The screaming silenced for a second and I could hear sobbing. Something was different this time, something wasn't. My Dad was the worst kind of person who seemed to enjoy inflicting pain on his wife and two daughters - but he wasn't one to drag it out this long. Usually he would just take his hits then leave. 

"Get the fuck off me!" Victoria screamed. What was happening? 

"Don't swear at me you little brat, just do what I tell you or you won’t survive the fucking night!" I heard my Dad hiss back. 

Shouting and loud noises continued for a couple of minutes. A loud crash erupted from the room and I quickly stood from my desk chair. I couldn't take it anymore. Something wasn't right with this situation, it was too different. I halted to a stop in the doorway as I took in the scene taking place in front of me. My sister was on the floor, whimpering as our father – the man who was meant to love us most – aimed kicks into her stomach. After a second he stopped only to push her body up so he could throw punches at her limp body.

“You stupid-” he screamed throwing a punch into her jaw, “– fucking–"  he smashed a kick into her side, “- bitch!”

With the last word he grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against the wall. As her body slid to the floor, I noticed her appearance. Her shirt was ripped open and her pants were undone. My hand shot to my mouth in shock, as realisation rushed over me. He had tried to rape her. That’s why the beating was so bad – because she wouldn’t let him have sex with her. I looked down at Victoria who was lying still on the floor. Was she breathing? I didn’t want him to see I was here, God knows what he’d do. But I wanted so badly to kneel next to her and hold her. Or at least check for life.

He knelt down in front of her body, and pressed his ear to her chest before pressing his fingers on her wrist.

“Bitch had it coming.” He whispered to himself – but I heard.

A soft sob left my lips as I realised what he had said. She was dead. The bastard had fucking killed her because she wouldn’t do what his perverted mind wanted her to do. My father’s head snapped in my direction as he had heard my cry. I shied back as he stormed towards me and pushed me aggressively against the wall. Grabbing a clump of my auburn hair and pulling it hard to make sure he had my full attention.

“Tell anyone, and I’ll fucking murder you and your slut of a mother!” He spat at me. A feeble nod was all I could muster up as a reply. I was terrified of him. He was a monster. He needed to pay for all of the pain he had caused my family all this time; but he wouldn’t because we were too pathetic and scared to tell anyone. So three months after this incident, and after the funeral me and my mother did the only thing we could do – we ran.


Authors Note

I'm really kind of proud of this, haha! What's all of your opinions? This is my first fanfic, so go easy on me ;)

I have really good plans for this story so please please please vote and fan me if you wanna see more! Oh, and tell me what ya think in the comments

Also please feel free to make a cover for this - I need a better one haha

Thank you for reading, remember to vote!xx

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