Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher...

By NiamForever5x

156K 4.1K 933

Mr. Horan is the new teacher at Wolverhampton High. Catching the eyes of everyone, including a certain Liam P... More

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 5

3.9K 98 11
By NiamForever5x

Hello again ! :) I am updating again because I love you's :) and i want to write so.. Again, massive thank you to every single one of you reading & reading! Love you's all! <3 Anywho, Chapter 4 ! This chapter is really long, so you are welcome :) (COULDN'T GET IMAGE BUT ITS FROM NIALLS TWITCAM IN AUGUST WHEN HE HAD THE PEN IN HIS MOUTH.YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHEN YOU READ haha)

Liam's P.O.V( Same Day)

After walking away from Mr. Beautiful, I happily walk to my locker with a smile on my face. Maybe life finally decided to be nice to me. My smile quickly disappeared when i seen my locker. "FAG" "LOSER" and "GAY"  were painted onto it. This isn't the first time this has happened so I just open my locker quick and grab my books. Damn you Zayn, Harry and Josh. I had almost forgot about them, thanks to Niall and now this happens. I hear laughing behind me and turn to see Zayn and Harry, smirking at me. " And where you think you're going Payne" I hear Harry's, rough voice. I say nothing and turn around, walking away, praying they'd just leave me alone. I get to maths safely which surprise's me. Usually they'd kill me for not replying back to them. Maybe their waiting until later.

I cant concentrate in maths. Niall is the only thing i can think of right now. His hair, his eyes, his smile, everything about him. I really think I have fallen in love with him and its just  been yesterday! He really is that lovable. I can just imagine on cold winter days, cuddling with him on the couch, sipping tea, laughing in front of a warm fire. I can also imagine me and him in bed (not that way dirty people!) cuddling together, legs tangled and torso's pressed against each other in a nice, calm atmosphere. But of course, this is all in my head. God just doesn't like me. Nobody likes me and I don't think anyone will able too. A person like me just isn't meant to be loved. I'm too fucked up to be loved.

I snap out of my daze as I hear the school bell go off and people getting up from their chairs. I suddenly remember what class I have next, English. I practically run to the class and see that nobody is there. Well apart from Niall. " Hey Li" He says, looking away from his laptop to me. " Hey Niall" I say, looking at the ground blushing." Didn't miss me too much, did ya" he says, winking at me. I feel my heart flutter. " Who said I missed ya" I say, winking back before sitting down as the rest of my class began to pile in. I feel someones glare on my shoulder and turn to see Zayn, looking evilly at me. He's planning something, I know it. I gulp, turning back around to look at Niall. He's staring at Zayn, darkness in his eyes. Wait, darkness? I look again but he's at the whiteboard writing work to do on it. Maybe it was my imagination... I take down what Niall wrote on the board and smiled, admiring his cute, messy handwriting.I look up from my work to watch Niall. He has a pen in his mouth, staring at his laptop. He moves it around in his mouth and by now, i'm staring at his mouth. " Stuck Mr. Payne" I snap out of my daze as Niall smiles at me. " Oh, no, just thinking" I say, feeling my cheeks going red. Way to go Liam, you idiot.

Although it was a double class, it went way quicker than i had wanted it too. I made sure to pack my books away slow so maybe I could at least talk to Niall. I look up to see him talking to a girl in my class. I frown, feeling upset that I can't talk to him. " Liam, wait" I hear him say just before I'm out the door. " Yes?" I ask, letting the girl go by me. I walk over to him and he just smiles at me as he places a piece of paper in my pocket. "Ok?" I say but it sounds more like a question. He just winks as I turn around, walking out. What was that about?

As soon as I got to my next class which was geography, I take out the piece of  paper Niall gave me. " You should really concentrate. It'd be awkward to explain to your parent's why your failing my class ;) x "  Holy shit, a winky face and a kiss. Doe's that mean he..likes me? No, he couldn't. Its me.I don't think he give's his other students notes with winky face's and kisse's though. Maybe he's just trying to make me feel good. Yeah, that's probably it. If that's what he's trying to do he's doing a brilliant job a it! My stomach feel's like it's gonna explode with butterflies right now. Damn, this boy and how he make's me feel.

The rest of the day goe's by quickly and to my surprise, Zayn, Harry or Josh haven't went near me! I guess my worrying was for nothing after all. I seen Niall a few times and every time i did, he always gave me a smile. Which of course, I returned. I still can't get over the note Niall gave me. Every time I see it, I smile and my heart goe's really fast. Although i do wish the winky face and kiss was for a different reason.I walk across the courtyard about to walk across the field when I feel myself get shoved to the ground .I knew everything can only stay happy for so long .Funny thing is I don't even fight back. That only makes them worse.

I feel hard, painful kicks pierce into my stomach as i let the tears slip. " Haha look at little fagboy crying, do you want your mommy to come" " Nobody give's a fuck about you so just go kill yourself" You'd probably fail at that though cause your just a big, fat failure" " Save everyone's time and go die" "Nobody want's you here"  I hear them shout. "Liam!" is the last thing I hear before I enter a world of darkness.

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