
By vanmcshouldnt

18.8K 678 174

When Katherine Wells falls for her favorite band, Catfish and the Bottlemen's lead singer, Van McCann, she th... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24

chapter 20

579 27 1
By vanmcshouldnt

"Are you serious?" I squealed in laughter, loudly clinking down my glass of ice tea onto the dark, wooden table, surely spilling some of it.

"Don't laugh at me!" Nate groaned, covering his reddening face with his hands. Nate was a great friend of mine whom I hadn't seen in at least six months. Our fathers went to high school together and when they had both of us, we were forced to spend time with each other. We became instant friends as children, always having a good time with one another.

This morning I got a wonderful surprise when my phone started buzzing, his name flashing across the screen. He had asked if we could catch up and grab some lunch, and I was happy to oblige. I was getting a little lonely with Maddie being gone, but luckily she'd be back Saturday evening. Even though I enjoyed living alone, it was always nice to have someone to come home to every night, whether it be a best friend or boyfriend.

"I can't help it, it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard someone do!" I laughed, throwing my head back which made my long, brown hair sling back along with it.

"Okay well you know what? Stairs are hard to walk up in dress shoes!" He reasoned, trying to defend the fact that he broke his ankle walking up a flight of stairs.

"I do it every single day in high heels, so I don't want to hear it." I sassed, crumpling up my napkin and dropping it onto my now empty plate.

"Oh yeah, how's your new job, by the way?" He asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms across his chest, a goofy grin settling on his lips.

"It's good, actually. I really like it." I smiled.

"Photograph anyone famous yet?"

"Sadly, no. I mostly take pictures for the bridal magazines. Sometimes I get to take those cliché pictures of people smiling at each other for no apparent reason that you see in most famous magazines, but that's about it. I'm a newbie, so I don't really get to do much."

"Oh, well I think it's pretty cool. I bet you're a fantastic photographer."

"Well, I don't know about that-"

"Oh, be quiet, you're too modest. Got anything to show me?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

"Uhm, sure." I replied, digging around in my purse for my Canon camera. I turned it on and flipped through some scattered pictures until I found the ones from the last Catfish and the Bottlemen concert. My heart immediately swelled at the sight of Van, but I internally scolded myself and pushed the feelings away for the time being. I handed Nate the camera over the table and he began to sift through the photos, his face changing expressions after every picture he looked at.

"Shit, Kait. These are amazing!" He said softly. I thanked him quietly and blushed a little, I was always so awkward when people gave me compliments. "Seriously, they're really good. What's the name of this band?"

"Catfish and the Bottlemen." I proudly responded.

"Huh, what a peculiar name. Kinda neat, actually." He nodded to himself. I chuckled, proceeding to explain why it was that they were called that.

"Jeez, how do you know so much about them?" He asked once I was finished, impressed with my knowledge.

"I may or may not have met them..." I whispered quietly, earning a look from Nate that encouraged me to go on. I began telling him how I met them in the bar with Maddie and then we ran into them again in Kansas City when I was visiting Jackson. I explained Van and I's record store adventures and how we ended up sleeping in the same bed that one night, which had me quickly explaining that we didn't have sex, just quite literally slept together. I felt myself blushing as I spoke. As I ended the story with our weird fight, he grabbed my hand.

"Wow, that is quite the story. I'm really sorry that he acted like that when you left, that was a dick move honestly. You had a good reason to do what you did and he of all people should understand that. Is that the last time you talked to him. My heart sunk in my chest.

"N-No. I called him a few nights ago. I-I saw Adam." I said shakily, fear creeping up my spine and giving me shivers just by saying his name.

"Oh, Kate. What happened?" He asked, giving my tiny hand a squeeze that I was internally thankful for.

"He was leaving the bar near my apartment when I got home from Kansas City. He didn't see me but I, I saw him. Then, the next day I was in the grocery store and he-he bumped into me and he remembered me. I had an anxiety attack, a really bad one, probably the worst I've had in awhile. I needed to call someone, so I tried Maddie. You remember her, right? Long blonde hair, really pretty smile? Anyways, she didn't answer so I found myself calling Van and when he answered, dammit, I broke. I broke down in front of him-well not literally in front of him but I-" I couldn't even finish my story before Nate stood up and raced to my side of the table, enveloping me in a warm hug. I wasn't even aware that I was crying until I saw the wet stains on the shoulder of his shirt. I guess talking about this made me more upset that I had thought.

"Kate, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for your anxiety coming back and I'm sorry for Adam even coming near you again. If that prick even touches you again so help me God I will beat the living shit out of him." He spat, pulling away from our hug.

"Nate, calm down it's okay. I'm alive and well, alright? No need to get upset over things that you can't change." I said, placing my hand on his arm. Maybe I should take my own advice, I thought.

"Still, it pisses me off. But as for Van, you need to talk to him. I don't care if you're embarrassed about what happened on the phone, just call him. I don't know who this guy is but all I know is that you really seem to like him and he's probably worried sick about you. Please, just call him or something. Please." He urged. I sighed, he was right. I just nodded in response and he wrapped me up into another hug.

"I'm sorry for getting your shirt all wet." I sighed, standing up and pushing in my chair.

"Oh, would you stop worrying! It's fine, it's water it'll dry." He rolled his eyes, opening the front door to the restaurant and walking me to my car.

"Thank you for lunch, it was nice catching up. I've missed you, Nate." I sighed, giving him one final squeeze before getting into my car and buckling my seat belt. I rolled down the window and Nate leaned his arm against the top.

"I've missed you too, Kate. I'll see you again real soon, alright?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded.

"Oh, and Kate?" He continued as I began to roll up my window.


"Please let Van in. You spend so much time worrying and taking care of everyone else that I think you need someone to take care of you. Don't leave him on the outside."


wowowowow i suck i'm so sorry it took me so long to update, i've been super busy but i'll try my best to update at least once a week for you guys

go follow my singing account @catb.covers i'm on there daily xx

i hope you all had a good day, all the love xx

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