chapter 9

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Once we got back to the tour bus, everyone else was already there, sitting around the dimly lit kitchen table, laughing about something that seemed to be the funniest thing they had ever heard.

"Alright, lids," Van yelled as we entered, patting the boys on the back, "where have you guys been off to?"

"We could ask yous the same thing." Larry smirked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"We got some breakfast, shopped a little, and then had picnic in the park," Van smiled down at me,"it was a lovely day." I smiled back at him, nudging him a little with my elbow because of his sappyness.

"Our day was sound, we got some breakfast and then shopped for a bit. Although, Bob, the health nut here, insisted that he did some running while we were there, so he wasn't with us for awhile. Then we sat at the pub for lunch and messed around there the rest of the day." Benji explained. Although I wasn't paying attention to him, I was staring at Maddie and Bondy's intertwined hands the whole time. I wondered if they were official or not, with Maddie's head lying on his shoulder.

Boy, did I have things to tell her.

"Kat?" Van shook my arm. I quickly turned my attention to him.


"Did ya hear anything I just said to yous, love?" Van chuckled.

"No..." I said, laughing slightly as I looked down at my feet, embarrassed that I hadn't been paying attention. I looked down at the couch cushions and noticed the corner of the notebook Van had been writing in earlier was sticking out. I was extremely curious about that and decided to ask him about it later.

"Well, the plan is that we're going to leave for the show in about an hour, so yous need to go get ready. When you get there, you and Maddie can either stay backstage with us or go to the front row in the crowd-"

"FRONT ROW!" I shouted, pumping my fists in the air before Van could even finish his sentence. All the lads laughed at me, even Maddie.

"We've got us some hardcore Catfish fans right here, lids. Three years strong." Van announced, pulling me to his side in a hug. I looked at Maddie, who was giving me her famous look again. I shrugged my shoulders, wrapping my free arm around Van's torso, giving him a tight squeeze before letting him go so that we could all get ready. As soon as the boys all parted their ways, Maddie grabbed my hand tightly and dragged me into the free bathroom with our suitcases in tow, shutting and locking the door behind us.

"Katherine, why the hell did you tell him!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. I was shocked by her reaction, confused as to why she was so pissed.

"I didn't, he already knew! Plus, why does it matter anyways, now we don't have to lie anymore!" I fought back, digging in my suitcase for a proper outfit for the night.

"Because..." She sighed, doing the same next to me.

"No, you better tell me. Does it have something to do with Bondy?" I asked, grabbing a black dress that had a lace-up front. I had just gotten it not too long ago and I absolutely adored it. It showed off my cleavage a smidge and flared out a bit at the bottom and if I was being honest, it really brought up my self esteem. I decided on bringing a jean jacket too, the spring air still too chilly to leave anywhere without one.

"I guess..We're not exactly official but I really like him and I think he likes me back, considering we've kissed a few times..." She began, blushing shyly as she changed into some dark, torn, skinny jeans.

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