Shatter ✔ #TheWattys2017

By Wowchilee

25.7M 844K 430K

HIGHEST RANKING: #1 IN WEREWOLF [[*COMPLETED*]] Nova is the daughter of a Beta. And her mate? The Alphas firs... More

➸ 1. Shattered Soul
➸ 2. Sorry
➸ 3. The Pull
➸ 4. Selfish
5. Heart❤
6. Damage
7. Sorrow
8. Homecoming
9. Twisting Knives
10. Skin
11. Matter
12. Desire
13. Home
14. Rules
15. Attack
16. Last Time
17. A Gift
18. Brother, Oh Brother
19. Lying Games
20. Eden
21. Pain
22. Agony
23. Intoxicated Lust
24. Disgrace
25. Savage☠
26. Loophole
27. Thrash
28. Beware
29. Instincts
30. Gracie
31. Night of Terror
32. Discovery
33. Alpha Conrad
34. The Meeting
35. Bitch Fight (literally)
36. Secrets (part 1)
37. Secrets (part 2)
38. Secrets (part 3)
40. Two Roads Diverged
41. Insidious
42. Heat.
43. Regrets
44. Broken
45. Proposition
46. Fire
47. Loose Ends
48. Runaway
49. Monster
50. Gone
51. Unsteady
52. Down We Go
53. Strong
54. Pack
55. Warrior
56. Beast - part 1
57. Beast - part 2
58. Alpha
59. Running With Wolves
60. Realities (re-edit)
61. In - Dependence
62. Free As A Bird
63. An Alpha's Command
64. Coming Home
65. Tongue Teeth & Claws
66. Heart & Soul
67. Painful Memories
68. Strength
69. Vicious
70. Undiluted Pleasure (MA)
71. Hot and Cold
72. United Front
73. New Beginnings
74. Scent
75. The Moon's Will
76. Prepare
77. Packs of Wolves
78. WAR p.1. (edited)
79. WAR p.2 (edited)
80. Bloody Meadow (word edit)
81. Gemini Moon ♊
82. Alive
83. Blessings
84. Death
85. Funeral
86. Letters || 86.2 Mates (additon)
87. Fireworks
88. The Change
89. Powers
90. Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde (edited / re-read new material)
91. Savior *[the finale]*
Epilogue I - "I Do"
Epilogue II. Birth-Daze
.:*Cover Contest Right Here!!!*:.
Epilogue III - Winning
Epilogue IV - All Grown Up

39. Alpha Blood

220K 8.8K 4.9K
By Wowchilee

Shatter is #18 in werewolf! I couldn't have made it without all of you! Thank you so much for your awesome votes and awesome comments! Even if you dont vote or comment and youre a ghost reader.. thank you! Because by you just reading the chapter, i move up up up!

Much love.




My mind was running a million miles a minute as I stared back inside the room, my stomach dropping.

Alpha Blake held the test in his hand, a questioning look. "Whats this? Nic?"

He glanced toward the door where we all stood.

"What is it?" My dad moved forward back into the room, peering down at the test in Blake's hand in an attempt to decipher.

"It says Nic has Alpha blood.. how can that be possible?" Blake's brows furrowed in confusion as he glanced up at my dad before his blue eyes shifted to my mom, a look of horror crossing his features.

"No...." he breathed.

I heard a strangled sob come from my mothers lips.. this was the moment everything changed.

Everyone filed back inside except Grace as she lingered near the door.. watching.

Nic stormed over to Blake, taking the test out of his hand, confused.  His mouth fell open. "What? How..." eyes all landing on my mom as she avoided their gazes, eyes filled with tears, she clambered into a chair, losing her balance.

Zaryn was scanning back and forth wildly between Nic and my mom.. not believing what he was hearing.

"Dahlia had an affair with Blake before he met me." The words from Luna Penelops lips were matter of fact.. hatred on those exotic features of hers. I wanted to strangle the life from her.

The room became a hushed silence.. a series of growls coming from my dad who we all of a sudden realized was beginning to wolf out as his eyes locked onto Blakes.

"You slept with my mate? My.. my son. My son is yours?" He questioned, his tone high in disbelief.

Mom sobbed into her hands as she shook her head. "I can explain! I only just found out .. i wanted to tell you before this test.. not like this!" She cried.

"A little too late for that Dahlia. Now you must face the consequences of your actions." Penelope glared hard, reaching for Blake who knocked her hands away from him. Hurt crossed her features.

"You knew?! This whole time!?!?" Blakess outrage at his mate as he accused her with a look of betrayel. He never told her.. but she knew, never questioning him.. a double betrayel.

She narrowed crystal eyes at him. "Don't look at me like that! I kept your affair a secret for years! And you never said a word to me about who it was! Or that we would be so close to her! You only said that it happened."

"This is the female dad had an affiar with!?" Zaryn's outrage shocked me into a stillness. He knew? He knew his father had an affair? Our gazes locked momentarily and i could feel his anger.

Penelope closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before revealing a pair of glazed over crystal blue orbs. "I knew of the affair. Not that there was a pup out of it." Her voice was shaky.

Blake was pained.

My dad belted out an angry roar as he shook with rage. "Penelope you knew!? And you said nothing? How could you? How could all of you!?" He screamed, his anger boiling through the surface as the initial shock wore off.

Nic sat quietly..  as well as Zaryn.. side by side. "You and Deacon are my half brothers?" He questioned softly.. no answer needed. Rhetorical.

Mom cried out. "I didn't know. It was once.. before you marked me. When you hated me!" Powerful sobs made it difficult to understand. "I was going through my heat.. i had no one to teach me about what would happen. It was after Nyra passed.."

My heart clenched as i watched my mother's skeletons come crashing out of the closet for all of us to witness... no sympathy from the moon. She wanted our slate to be cleansed..

Dad shook, his wolf coming to the surface as he glared at blake.. becoming a dark dark green. Skin rippled as claws forced their way through nail beds and canines sliced through gums.

Blake took a step back as did the rest of us.. watching the scene unfold.

"I trusted you Blake! We were best friends!" The ferocity of his words were altered as his wolf spoke... a slurred feral version of the English language. Blakes focus on dad turned hard.. intense..

"Jack it was a mistake." His words were gritted. " One time. Dahlia was in her heat and never knew anything about it. We were drunk.. i was going through a hard time with Nyra's death as was she. You were never there.. too filled with selfishness to give your own mate attention. I NEVER thought Nic could be mine! If you had paid attention to her instead of shunning her for half a year, none of this would have happened! We never had an affair! It was a heat induced moment! That's it! Let her explain to you!" He growled.. anger leeching out at my father for treating his own mate with such hatred in their early years, not letting them explain.

Although what explanation, even theirs, could make my dad feel better. His best friend cheated with his mate. It was black and white for him. No grey areas.

"You never once told me!" Dad roared. "Never! All three of you!" His eyes were glossy as they shifted between Blake, Penelope and Mom... he was hurt.  His head jerked to the side, a high decibal growl coming through as his orbs turned silverish, his wolf ascending fully yet not shifing skins.
He met Blake's stare with a challenge...

Blake let his wolf come up to greet dads, teeth and claws coming out to play as he snarled. "Jack i don't want to fight you but you are challenging my wolf. Stand down lets talk about this."

An agonizing scream of rage.. Dad shifted fully, bones cracking as fur pierced through pores.. resulting in a large wolf growling menacingly at Blake... our eyes wide with fright

"Get out. Now." An Alpha's command straight from the wolf.

We obeyed, all of us running out of the room as I watched Blake open the french doors to the balcony which had stairs that led down to the backyard of the packhouse.

We ran, forgetting about one another's betrayel to the other and clambered downstairs, bursting through the backdoor as we watched two large wolves in attack stance on the balcony, chests low to the ground.. hackles raised with ears flat on their heads. Dad's grey wolf with silver eyes snapping rabidly at Alpha Blake's dark wolf.

I watched with nervousness , feeling a hand slip into mine that made me shiver... fire from the tingles that flourished from Zaryn's touch as he held my hand in his. I bit my lip hard, forcing myself not to move away. He needed comfort in this moment and i was the only form of solace that could  calm his wolf.. i begrudgingly let him hold my hand as we watched along with Nic, Mom and Luna Penelope who was side glancing my mom with contempt.

Grace.. where did Grace go? Im sure she went running to Conrad with the news by now.. trying to get in his good graces again

Dad's wolf lunged in that moment, teeth and spittle flying as his powerful wolf leaped onto Blake's dark furred, slightly larger wolf.

The dark Alpha wolf threw Dads wolf off of him with a twist of his body, sending him falling onto the wooden platform as the Alpha stood over him snarling.

They needed this. Dad needed to release his anger.. Blake also needed to release some agression .. finding out both women lied to them.. hid things from them..

Dad's wolf leaped up quickly onto his paws.. posturing himself for another attack. Alpha saw his stance, readying himself for the Beta.. as soon as Dads wolf launched himself in the air, the Alpha met him as their bodies colided into each other before crashing into the railing of the balcony, bursting through the wood as they both fell from the ten foot platform onto the ground, rolling... splintered wood lying all over.

As we all backed away, giving them room, packmembers began coming up to our small gathering, watching their Alpha and Beta wolves attack each other, mouths open and eyes wide.

"What's going on!?" One adult male demanded as other wolves began voicing their questions.

Alpha and Beta wolves both rose from the ground, shaking off their fur but dads wolf wouldn't relent, catching Alpha off guard as he lunged  with a furious growl, his teeth clamping down on Blake's neck hard, shaking as the Alpha wolf howled in pain, bucking against him wildly, attempting to dominate the beta wolf. 

"This is all your fault." Penelope spat as she eyed mom in disgust. My hand gripped Zaryn's hard in attempt to keep my wolf from surfacing. She had no idea of what transpired between my mom and Blake. She wasn't apart of their life... not then. Even I had judged too soon before knowing the truth.

"My fault?" Mom frowned at her, bewildered as the growls before us increased.. more and more pack members walking up to us to watch on, shock written on their faces.

"Yes!" Penelope spat. "Had you been faithful to your mate, my son wouldn't have to deal with no longer being first!"

Pure outrage.

Zaryn gripped my hand hard as his eyes landed on the side of my face. I winced as I could feel his heated Gaze before he dropped my hand, backing away. I peered at him in confusion.. his features hard and angry. On me.

He was just now realizing his future Alpha position had been compromised. By my half brother. His half brother. My mom's fault. Therefore.. in his eyes.. my fault. Male logic.

His blue eyes clouded with hate as they fell upon Nic who stood beside me.

"You werent apart of our lives! You don't even know what happened Penelope!" Moms voice broke as she screamed, pack members frowning as they looked to one another in confusion.

"Thats Luna to you!" Penelope poked her chest hard.

A rumble from mom's chest as she snatched her finger, flinging it away from her. "You are only worried about your son being Alpha. Nothing else!" Furious words from a furious female.

Penelope scoffed, a crowed parting around the two females, making a large circle as everyone witnessed the cleaning of family closets. "Of course im worried about it! Im Blake's mate! You were just some female he impregnanted in a desperate attempt for love resulting in your bastard pup taking my sons spot!" Her words were seethed through clenched teeth.

Fury filled my mother's eyes as they watered from her words. "You stupid bitch!" Mom spat. "You rejected your true mate to steal your own cousins mate right after she died.. have you no shame!? You were never meant to be a Luna! Nyra was! Not you!! You will never be Luna to me! Nyra will forever be my luna. And Blakes!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Shocked gasps filled the air and thats when Penelope glanced around, suddenly realizing they had an audience. Shame.. the emotion she felt, before turning her eyes back to mom with a glare, thise crystal blues darkening .. her wolf coming through.

Dad and Blake's wolves were still going at it.. ferocious rabid growls from the beta wolf as he attacked to kill but Alpha was defelcting his every move.. out of nowhere Alpha Blake's teeth clamped onto dad's wolfs neck, having gotten tired of placating him..  slinging him to the ground as he thrashed, trying to release himself from his teeth. Alpha deliveredw low growls, biting deeper, causing the beta wolf to whine out, finally angling his neck in submission.

As our eyes were glued to the scene before us, penelopes were only glued to mom who had long forgotten their argument as she watched with relief, realizing dad was giving up the fight.

Out the corner of my eye, i could see a body flying towards our direction, looking to the left, i watched as Penelope hurled herself at my unsuspecting mom, crashing on top of her as she hit the ground hard.

Clenching my jaw, i tried my best not to react but my mom was blind sided.

Without warning, my wolf threw me to the back as i shifted instantaneously.. unable to control my wolfs need to protect our mother.

Penelopes arm wrenched back as she sat on top of my mom, throwing her fist forward into her face.

Moms head snapped back to look up at her attacker, eyes going dark as canines descended but before she could react, my wolf snarled, running at full speed, knocking into Penelope as we threw her off my mom and she went flying, rolling into a crowd of gasping pack memebers.

Penelope snapped up, pressing herself off the ground with her palms as she looked at me in disbelief.. the snapping sounds behind me alerted me to my moms shifting as my wolf took a tentative step forward, lip curled, showing off her sharp teeth as she growled darkly... eyes watching Penelope.. unmoving.

I felt a presence beside me. My mom's wolf.

My wolf nudged her with her nose, pressing her cheek into hers for a moment before locking eyes again with a flabbergasted Penelope. Both our wolves stood side by side, growling.. daring Penelope to do something..

It was frowned upon to attack a member without alerting them of your intent to challenge. The fact penelope had blind sided my mom was considered weak.. her one reaction in the heat of the moment made her look weak.. and she was now realizing that as pack members looked down at her in disgust, moving away from her. This was a punishable act.

Out of nowhere, Zaryn's wolf jumped  over the two of us, landing in front of his mom's skin side... crouching down in front of her as he shifted to face our wolves... growling in warning. Protecting her.

When his wolf and mine locked eyes.. there was a spark but as we were both on the oposing sides right now.. the mate bond was forcing us to feel its pain.. my wolf whimpered as did his.. feeling a pain in our bodies from the thought of intending to harm the other..

The bond wouldnt let you harm your mate. Not physically.

"Enough!" It was shouted out by Alpha Blake, a harsh deep command that had our wolves backing away with our heads down.

"Shift!" He commanded..  all three of our wolves shifting back to the skin side.. beyond our control.

Penelope scrambled up from the ground as mom zaryn and I sat naked, covering ourselves before shirts and shorts were being thrown at us by Blake. Changing quickly, i stood, helping mom from the ground as my eyes darted around to see what had happened with Blake and Dad's wolves.

Dad was sat on the ground in wolf form, blood dripping from his wounds before he shared a look with me.. getting up and walking slowly away into the woods, refusing to shift back.

My heart clenched as tears welled up in my eyes...he was hurting. Not physically.. but emotionally. In his perspective... the two people who meant most to him had betrayed him. His own son ...a males pride.. wasn't even his own. Males loved all their children but having a son to pass on their name to was a prized thing.. he had just found out that Nic was not his son and that his mate had slept with his best friend.

A lump formed in my throat.. wanting to reach out to him.. to talk to him. He blamed himself for the way he treated my mom but it didnt stop him from hurting.. from.feeling betrayed by the wolves he was most loyal to.

I understood moms side.. and Blakes. But Penelope, thinking she had all the answers.. she hadn't a clue. Neither did dad. They just need to listen.. my brother would always see dad as his dad..

no one payed attention as Dad's wolf slank into the forrest.. but i did. I would find him later... he didnt want to face his human emotions right now. His wolf was feeling embarassed, having submitted to the Alpha..

"Penelope!' Blake roared in front of the entire pack. "Why did you attack Dahlia without a direct challenge!?" He stormed towards us, Penelope peering up at him with pain in her eyes.

Zaryn let out a rumble from his chest as he eyes his father in contempt, protecting his mother. In his eyes.. his dad has committed the ultimate betrayel .. taking whats his and giving it to my brother.

"I was angry. Dahlia said neither she nor you see me as the Luna. That i would never take Nyra's place. That i was never meant to be Luna." Her eyes fell to the ground as the tears leaked from her eyes.

Blake turned to face mom, looking her over.."are you hurt Dahlia?"

She peered up at him bewildered, shaking her head no.

Nodding, he turned to face Penelope once more. "You should never have done that.. even in your rage. You should never have kept this secret from me.. that you knew.. when you really dont. I told you about the other female. Just not who it was. You never asked either. It was my fault for making you be so close to her but we never loved each other that way Penny. I hate to do this Penny but  you know the law... you attacked a member of the pack without an insinuated challenge. She was unaware. You should have let your challenge be known instead of lashing out. You have kitchen duty for the week. And that's going mild."

Penelopes eyes widened in shock as she gaped up at him. "Considering the circumstances i ask you to reconsider!"

This was law. Blake had to force his hand on this or he would seem weak to the pack. Even leaders and officials were to be punished for these things. And right now the younger generation of adults.. the ones who weren't around for the time Nyra was alive, were voicing their outrage over Penelope not being Blake's true mate. He would have to explain...

Blake growled at Penelope. "You know very well i cant. Now go Penny. I'll speak with you later!"

Penelope glided past him with tears in her eyes.. heading toward their home... fear for her sons future.. both of them, on her mind.. fear of her mate's hatred for her betrayel of never telling him she knew it was my mother.. but she held a heavy load all these years on her shoulders. Thinking it was something more than what it was.

"So you are going to favor Dahlia and Nic over us now?" Zaryn puffed up his chest, eyeing Blake as his words were spoken loud enough for the pack to hear.

Blake turned to Zaryn. "Your mom is my mate. You are my son. I've just found out I have another son.. i will never pick favorites but i have a pack to maintain and ill never put one of you above the other. Dahlia isn't my mate. Your mother is. But she broke the rules.. i have to punish anyone who breaks the rules." Blake stared at Zaryn, silently asking him to understand but also telling him he wouldn't choose between his sons..he had no favorite..

"So Nic is now the future Alpha..." Zaryn's eyes squinted, his fur ruffled up at this news.. that he wont inherit what should have been his.

Blake shrugged. "If he wants it.. its his. He's the eldest now. If you want can challenge him. If he doesn't want it.. then you still have to insinuate a challenge. You know the laws." He said matter of factly.

This was true. If an Alpha had more than one son, title went to the eldest. If another son wanted the title, he could challenge the eldest son for it. Whoever made the other submit was the winner.. the rightful title holder. But the first born was always the strongest.. the biggest.. the most powerful of the Alpha bloods.

"This is bullshit!" Zaryn spat before storming away from the crowd of wolves who had gasped upon hearing that Nic was now the son of Blake. His first son.

"Did you cheat on your mate Alpha!?" A male from the crowd called out.

Blake growled.. facing the pack whose females were talking amongst themselves in outrage. "Quiet!!!" He roared, muscles flexing. "This is a family matter. One that happened before my mate was sent to me. I will hold a pack meeting tonight to explain to all of you. No challenges will be adressed until after the meeting.. once you have all heard the story. Afterwards, if any of you males wish to challenge me then be my guest. Just prepare to meet the moon! All of you! Go back to your homes!" He commanded as Alpha. No wolf could ignore that command and the crowd dispersed, giving hateful looks towards Blake as they headed back to their homes.

Only Mom, Nic, Myself and Blake remained in the back yard..  torn clothes and blood littering the grass along with splinters of wood from the broken balcony.

He walked over to Nic with determination as Nic just watched him.. hurt in his eyes.

"Nicolas.. I.. I dont really know what to say or how this works.. but.. I'm proud to know that you are my son.  I.. any male would be proud to have you." His hand rested on his shoulder, eyes soft as they watched Nic with unsurety as to his reaction.

I stood like a statue.. barely saying a word all the while since the test had been discovered..

Nic's chest puffed with pride from the wolf inside as my mom sniffled back tears.. Nic's own eyes becoming moist as he glanced at our mom.. "I... I have a dad, Blake." He choked out.

This made me smile.

Blake nodded, pulling him into his chest as arms hugged him causing Nic to let out a sob he had tried to be too strong to let out until now. "Just know that I care for you and I always have. Don't be upset with your mom. The story is not one of a secret passion.. it was just one time from a heat induced craze. Your mother and I were best friends and only friends.. she will always be my friend." He glanced at my mom with tears in his eyes that made my own eyes blurr.

Letting Nic go, he rested his hands on his shoulders, looking down into his green eyes with pride. "You are a strong wolf.. I have always sensed that. Stronger than your brothers.. if you want the Alpha position.. its yours. But you need to decide because youre in the wrong training." He gave a tight smile.

Something settled over Nic as he peered up at Blake.. realisation setting into him.. something crossed his mind and im not sure what it was but the corner of his lips lifted into a slight smile. Nodding his head, "I'll think about it."

My brother... the Alpha blood.

The next true Alpha.

If Grace had only known..  had only met her mate.. waited for him.

Blake smiled in return before turning to mom who's face was littered in healing scratch marks, pulling her into a hug. "Im sorry.. im sorry about all of this.. that you found out this way.. that i got you pregnant.. that Nyra left us to find comfort in one another.. im sorry your mate was so awful to you in the beginning.. that i fell weak to your heat. Im sorry Penelope came in and held something like that over your head.. im sorry everyone had to find out this way.. im sorry i havent been a good friend to you after Penny came. Im sorry i ordered you not to tell Jack about us.. just.. im just sorry Dahlia." He sobbed, the tears flowing freely down his cheeks as she cried into his arms.

The alpha who never has cried is crying for his once upon a time best friend.. for the son they created together.

It was a heart wrenching sight..

Two best friends.. like Deacon and I used to be. The bond between them as friends was strong at one time.. sharing the love of Blakes dead mate.. uniting them through sorrow over her death and Mom's sadness over her mate.. one night of passion brought on by her heat.. being entranced by it.. resulting in her pregnancy with a pup that wasn't her own mates. It broke my heart...

Their story was a sad one.. but understandable. I didnt hate any one of these wolves.. everyone had their own pain over the situation..

Deacon was going to freak when i told him..

Mom leaned out of his hug, wiping her eyes as they landed on their son. She grabbed Nic into her arms, clutching him to her. "Im so sorry Nic. Im so so sorry." She cried hard into his chest, her head only meeting his pecks. His eyes closed as he held her. "Its okay mom. I know it wasn't either of your faults."

We were all crying.. I stood awkwardly as i watched this intimate moment.

Heavy footsteps alerted us to a presence coming our way as everyone spread apart.

"Well well well. Looks like I'm not the only one with skeletons in my closet." Conrad chuckled, his eyes twinkling as his arms crossed over his chest.

A glare from each one of us as we studied his amused expression.

"You know.." he tapped his chin. "I think I'm staking claim on Grace as my daughter.. i mean.. after all.. i did raise her. Oh? And Nic! Congratulations on being next in line.. looks like I'll get my heir after all." He chuckled. "We just have to get rid of that mistake in Grace's belly first and then we are all set to roll..  Nova.. mark your mate. Set us in motion will you sweetheart?"

Dun dun dun!!!!


So many betrayels.. so many mistakes.. but i can see each characters reasons.

Except Grace. I can see why she did what she did but I don't feel sorry for her.... yet.

And one person died. The beta. But he was an add in i did last minute so he doesnt count as one of the two who die.

Do you think Nic will choose to be alpha? Or will Zaryn challenge him for title?

Will Jack accept or shun Dahlia?

What do u think about penelope being punished by her own mate!?!

Zaryn.. hes upset.. how will he react?

What about Deacon? Will Nova try to make ot work with Zaryn or continue with her plan to run?

Will conrad get what he wants?

Anita is in the cellar with Deacon btw. Separate cages.. but shes there. And shes not done causing trouble.

Vote! Comment!

Follow my page for updates about my chapter update schedule. I let everyone know when i will update via post to my wall!!!

I love you all so much. Whooo! #18!!

Ps: tell me what youd like to see happen. Im just curious.

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