I love you, Ian Somerhalder

By TheLaurenWay

178K 4.1K 399

[completed] Book 1 of the "I love you, Ian Somerhalder" series! "Hey, Natalie25London!" he exclaimed before i... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine


2K 47 0
By TheLaurenWay


I heard my alarm and groggily fumbled for my phone so I could turn it off. When I grasped my phone, though, the alarm wasn't ringing. Then I heard it again.


The door. 

I checked the time. 11:06. 

Crap! I forgot Amy was coming over!

I quickly rolled out of bed and grabbed my dressing gown. I trudged down the stairs and opened the door to see Amy, just about to knock again. After one look at my outfit and inevitable bed hair, Amy sighed.

"Only you would forget that your best friend is coming over." she joked.

I rolled my eyes. 

"Good to see you too." I said, sarcastically. 

"Oh I know, I know." she smiled, stepping forwards and wrapping her arms around me in a hug. 

"Always one to be modest." I mumbled into her shoulder. 

We embraced for a few more seconds before I moved back and allowed Amy to walk in. She went straight upstairs and I followed her to my bedroom. When I walked in she was already sprawled out on the bed, like she always did when she came over. Rolling my eyes again, I made my way over to my wardrobe and picked out some grey tracksuit bottoms and a navy blue Adidas crop top. Without bothering to leave the room I swiftly changed into my clean clothes and went to the vanity to sort out my appearance. It was worse than I expected, with tufts of hair sticking up in various spaces on my head and my hairband being stuck within a sizeable knot at the back of my head. I began to run (more like drag) the brush through my knots. When I'd gotten it to a relatively tame state, I could finally remove the hairband with as little pain as possible. After that, Amy walked up behind me and started to gently comb through my brunette locks with her hands; this was something I loved. Soon, she'd styled it into a loose french plait and then I got up to sit on the bed. 

She sat beside me lay back before starting to speak. 

"Look, Natalie, I'm sorry again for being so jealous last week. I don't know where the sudden burst of anger came from. I'm so sorry." she said quietly, avoiding eye contact in shame.

"Amy, no. You can't blame yourself. I was the selfish one who was just focused on Ian and ignored you. I'm sorry. It was my fault."

"No, it was my fault. I should've been happy for you."

"And you were happy for me. I was the one who wasn't thinking about you or your feelings."

"Ok," Amy suggested, knowing this debate wouldn't stop until we did. "Shall we agree that it was both of our faults?" 

I smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, lets."

Amy returned the smile and pulled me backwards so I was laying beside her. 

"Friends forever?" she asked, holding out a pinkie to me. 

"Friends forever." I agreed, locking her pinkie in mine and shaking my hand.

The both of us giggled and side hugged on the bed, the awkwardness only making us giggle more.

For the first time in the past week, I felt truly happy. 

That's when I realized, I need Amy. I need my best friend. I need her over any boy or another friend. And I never wanted to fight with her again. 

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