
By HangmanJury

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*A Duff McKagan Fanfic* *As of May 2020, number one rated Duff McKagan fanfic* Anastasia Fisher has just move... More

Jet Lagged
Sucker Punched
Wine and Dined
Figured Out
Moved In
Hit On
Made up


919 23 6
By HangmanJury


I get out of bed and throw on a pair of boxers, B-lining for the kitchen. Ana got a call from someone, which was weird considering she didn't have much family or friends.

When I get there, she's no longer on the phone, but she's now at the stove, flipping pancakes.

She got out of bed so quickly that she barely had time to get dressed. She was wearing a pair of black satin shorts and her white lacey bra--something I'd rather the rest of the guys not see.

I snake my arms around her waist from behind and hug her tight. I was tired, and I wanted her to come back to bed with me.

I plant a long kiss on her neck, and she leans back into it.

Her sexy morning voice croaks out in almost a moan. "Good morning, Duff."

It would be an even better morning if she'd forget the breakfast and come back to bed with me.

I stay silent and continue to hold her tight.

"What's wrong, Duff?" she asks, moving her arm back to cradle my head in her hand.

She flips another pancake onto the plate.

"Tired." I manage to mutter.

She smiles. "Well, you've gotta let me go. I have to finish breakfast." she says.

"Don't wanna." I mutter.

"I know, but you guys have to go to the sound check. And I can't let you go on an empty stomach, right?" she questions.

I groan and let her go, much to my dismay.

"Are you at least gonna tell me who called?" I ask her.

She sighs. "Yeah. We're gonna have to talk about it."

The way she said it concerned me. "We can talk about it now?" I try.

"If we have time before the check, then we can talk." she says.

I can't win with her.

"Here, take your pancakes and go eat." she smiles.

I take my pancakes to the table, where Izzy, Steven, and Slash are waiting as well. It isn't but a few more minutes until Ana has their pancakes finished as well.

I take my plate to the sink and Ana finishes up the last stack of pancakes. I'm leaning against the counter patiently, waiting for her to be done so I can take her back to bed.

Finally, when she's finished (but not without some mild protest), I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

"Put me down, Duff! You've gotta be kidding me!" she whines.

"I said back to bed, woman. Now let's go." I tell her.

When we finally get into our bedroom, I toss onto the bed gently, but she tries to escape.

Oh no. Two can play at that game, baby.

I put my arm on her so she can't move. I throw the big comforter on top of her and tuck in the corners so she can't get out.

I hop onto the bed myself as quick as I can, because she's trying to escape. I get underneath the blankets and grab her leg, pulling her towards me.

She screams in feigned terror.

"Duff! We have to get ready for sound check!" she squeals.

She tries to scramble from underneath the blankets, but I pin her down instead. Now we're wrestling, and I'm careful not to hurt her, but she's not going anywhere either.

Somewhere in the wrestling, her hand find their way into my hair, pushing her breasts against my chest. My body instinctively pins itself against hers, and the once playful wrestling turns sexual.

The things this girl can do to me.

Our lips connect in the fiery passion that never seems to fade. My teeth sink gently into her bottom lip, and she moans quietly.

My lips go next to the soft spot between her breast and clavicle, where my name is now proudly displayed. It drove me wild to see a girl I love so much willingly tattoo my name on her skin. It'll always be there, a mark of possession. She was mine. I was hers.

I kiss her right there gently, knowing it will still be sore.

"Duff" she moans, allowing my name to slip from her lips.

I trail kisses back up her neck to her lips. "Babe, we should really get dressed for the check. We need to talk."

I stop kissing her and look up at her incredulously. "You wanna stop now?"

"It's not that I want you to stop. It's that I'd be more excited to do it if I told you what I needed to tell you first. It's kind of distracting me." she says.

"Well then tell me." I prompt her. There's little I would rather do right now then fuck her into next week.

"I told you, I'll tell you before the check. Let's get dressed and go." she says, ducking underneath my arms and moving off the bed.

I wonder what was bothering her so much that she didn't even want to do it?

She always wanted to do it.

I sigh and get up out of bed, following her to the closet so I could pick out some clothes.

I choose my black leather pants, my God save the queen shirt, and a denim jacket with my black baseball cap.

It takes me about 10 minutes to get ready, but it takes Ana longer.

I take a seat on the couch next to Slash and watch TV and It's a half hour or more before I watch Ana strut out of the bathroom, looking fine as hell, as always.

"Ready to go?" she asks.

She's wearing a short red dress and her lips are a bright red. She slides on a pair of flats and picks her wallet up off the counter.

"Yeah." I tell her, grabbing my bass. Together we walk out the door and onto the street.

We were heading to our recording space management had rented out for us to use, which was only about 3 blocks down from the house. The band would practice there for a few hours, then we'd head to the gig in San Diego.

I grab Ana's hand in mine and we walk the three blocks to the recording studio. When we get to the door, I realize I forgot the key.

"Looking for this?" Ana questions with a bitchy smirk pressed on her face.

She knew I'd forget it.

"Yeah." I smile back, reaching for the key. She snatches it away from my reach.

"You'll have to do more then that to get it back." she says, and I kiss her long and hard on the lips. Naturally, she gives the key up and I shove it in the lock, turning it quickly.

The door springs open and I flick the light switch on.

I go to the corner of the room and grab both of us a chair, sitting down in it and withdrawing my bass from it's case.

I pluck out a few chords and look up to see Ana, who is watching me intently with her crystal blue eyes piercing right through me.

"So." I prompt her.

"So." she mimics me with a smile.

"Are we gonna talk or what?" I question. My fingers are flying over the frets on my bass, but my eyes are glued to the apex of her thighs. Her legs are just slightly parted, offering me a view of her black lace panties.

I wondered if she did this shit on person.

"Well, as you know, I got a phone call earlier." she begins

"Yeah." I respond.

"Well the person that called was Steven Tyler, and he wants me to be in two of his music videos. He said he'd never call anyone else." she says.

He was trying to get in her pants, and I'd have to keep a good eye on her.

"That's great, Ana." I tell her. I really was happy for her.

"Yeah well-- there's kind of a catch." she says hesitantly.

"They're recording starting the end of September until the middle of October." she bites her lip.

Yupp. That'll piss me off. No wonder she was scared to tell me right away.

"You'll be in Europe" she says, more like a question then a statement.

"Yeah, I will." I say angrily.

It figures. The first time Guns is headlining our own show, and Ana won't even be there.

"I knew you weren't gonna be happy about it." she says.

"Happy? How could I be? You and I both know Steven would kill to get in your pants." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes.

"It doesn't matter if he wants me, I know how to say no." she responds.

Ana idolized Steven, and her and I both knew it. I trusted Ana, but if there was ever someone she would cheat on me with, it would be Steven Tyler.

"Let me guess. He's gonna kiss you again as 'Part of the video'" I use air quotes. "And then they'll cut it."

Her eyes flash to the floor.

"Well, yeah." she says solemnly.

No surprise there.

"So tell me if I've got this right--Your telling me that I should be okay with Steven Tyler shoving his tongue down my girlfriend's throat while I'm over 5,000 miles away." I clarify.

She bats her long lashes at me. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying."

I stare at her for a second.

"Absolutely not. There's no fucking way."

She scoffs and throws her hands up in the air.

"You've gotta be kidding me, Duff. You don't trust me at all, do you?" she questions.

"I trust you, but I don't trust him." I tell her.

"What about my career?" she asks.

"What about it, you're fucking beautiful, someone else will hire you. Or tell Steven he'll have to wait until we get back." I say.

"So it's okay for me to drop everything and quit my job to tour the country with you for YOUR career, but if it's for my career, it's a problem?" her eyes narrow and stare me down. I can see the anger flash in them.

"No, Ana. I'm not leaving you here by yourself. And besides, you have no where to stay." I tell her.

She looks confused. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you must not have heard. We've been evicted from the house because no one paid the rent while we were in Canada. We're not even supposed to be there now." I inform her.

"I'll stay at my Dads." she tries.

"And run around the city all by yourself for a whole month? I don't think so." I shake my head and stand up to go outside and have a cigarette.

"Don't walk away from me, Duff McKagan." she shoots.

"It's not a good idea, Ana. The whole thing is bad news." I tell her, and she follows me outside for a smoke.

"You didn't care when I kissed Steven while I was with Axl." she says smartly.

I pull the box out of my pocket and grab one from inside, lighting it quickly and taking a drag.

"That was different. I was there to make sure nothing else happened." I stab back.

"Come on, Duff. Pleaaaaase?" she whines. "This is what I want to do! My career is finally taking back off! You of all people know how it feels to work so hard for success. When an opportunity comes around, you have to take it."

I take another drag off my cigarette and stare at the piece of gum stuck to the concrete below.

I hated to say it.

But she was right.

In the entertainment business, you had to work hard to get where you wanted to go. You had to work your fucking ass off, and when something opens up, you've gotta take it. If you want to go further, you have to work harder then everyone else.

My eyes flick back up to meet hers.

I didn't want her to do this. I was worried about her.

I was worried Steven would try to fuck her, like he does with every other girl he meets.

I was worried she'd let him fuck her, and then I'd lose her.

But mostly I was worried that she'd be here by herself. Los Angeles was a big city full of some shady motherfuckers. Hell, half of those shady fuckers end up in our apartment, buying or selling heroin to Izzy.

But the thing was, I was always there to keep her safe.

I can't keep her safe when she's 5,000 miles away.

I wish she realized that I worried about her. I wasn't trying to make her angry or sabotage her career opportunities, I was just trying to keep her safe.

But I had to trust her. I couldn't keep her locked away from the world.

That's how relationships fall apart.

Her blue eyes pierce right through me, gazing at me pleadingly.

I shake my head and sigh. "Okay." I tell her.

"What?" she questions, surprised at the response I'm sure.

"I said okay. Fuck." I answer her, still a little unhappy about the whole situation. I run my hand through my hair in exasperation.

Her face lights up with that pretty smile I can never seem to resist.

"You're serious?!" she asks excitedly.

"Yeah." I answer.

Suddenly, I'm nearly knocked over by her body crashing into mine, squeezing me into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squeals, not letting me go.

"Yeah." I respond. "But we're gonna have to work out the details."

She looks up at me and our eyes meet. I want to kiss her, but I'm still mad.

"You're the best." she says with a smile.

"I know." I say plainly.

She takes a step back, letting me go and slapping me playfully on the chest. "Oh stop with the sulking guilt trip bullshit." she scolds, plucking the cigarette from my fingers and taking a drag.

She crushes the rest of the cigarette underneath her shoe and steps back inside the door.

The first thing she does takes me by utter surprise. I watch her, stunned as she peels her tight red dress off her body, revealing a matching black lace bra and panty set.

She lowers her voice, and stares right at me, whispering quietly.

"So are you gonna just stand there and watch, or are we gonna fuck."

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