City of Blind ✓

By WhiskyInATeacup

4.3M 200K 91.8K

The whole city was blind until a certain silver eyed stranger held Astrid at a gunpoint. More

Let's know our characters ;)
Introducing The Parker Clan!
Elephants dancing in my brain
Way to make first impression, I already don't like you Alex
I lost my first kiss to a rollerskating jerk!
Mystery boy!
I heart you
Revenge is a sweet feeling
Pillow talks
Call me maybe?
How am I supposed to rest?
Hey! I am a nerd, alright?
Let the games begin!
Who thought Felix could be like this?
Hating me isn't hard after all
My brother and his future wife
The jerk called Connor Brown
Parker children are officially crazy!
Future girlfriend
Prankster Astrid!
Give our sister and take yours!
"Me and you will undergo a more energetic reaction then Potassium and water"
Nerdy date
Payback is a female dog after all
Let's entertain you some more
I am happy
Is it me or normal parties look like this only?
you have no clue
"Just, don't kill my brother, okay?"
Night changes
Saviour of a different kind
I have a question!
'How to be a FBI agent'- a 101 by Liam Williams
My suit for your funeral is ready!
Drunk on kisses
In a nutshell
Playing the duty of Astrid's personal Sherlock Holmes
Secrets Written In The Document
Discussion And Announcement Of A Q/A Session
How dare you hurt my sister?!
It's time to make it right.
You guys can call me Alex, you know
What went down in the dark
Still the same
How much will that stupid punch on Felix cost me?
"I am proud of you, little tiger."
Not so fast
"I already listened to Aiden, thank you very much."
Truths and sorries
Thank you so much
Still the clumsy chick.
"Slapping you helped a lot."
Lilix ;)
"Perfect sibling moment"
"I like the sound of munchkin."
"You owe me something, Duckling."
"How are you feeling?"
"You are so dead, Astrid. So dead."
"You are exceptionally violent today."
Heart to heart
Your destiny awaits
Bonus Chapter!


29.9K 658 165
By WhiskyInATeacup

You read it right people, A CONTEST!!

So, I decided to host a Spin-off/One shot competition because let's just admit it, you all had your own creative theories about plot twist and I hereby proudly admit that I have almost all of them in my gallery in form of screenshots.


Because I freaking love you all.

And also because you all are insanely creative and imaginative.

So, I want you to set that imagination free. I want you to let your creativity soar high. I want- wait, this is not dramatic, right?

Right. So where was I? *scrolls up to recall the last sentence*

Creativity, right. *awkwardly clears throat*

Basically, the following are a few simple rules that you are supposed to follow in order to participate-

1. You can write either One shot or Spin off. It's totally up to you and yes, you can write both too. I don't mind.

2. Do not introduce a new character. You can use all the background artists (my nickname for random characters that appeared in plot) like Caleb, Rachael, maybe even Kyle but not an entirely new human specimen because then I'll be like- "who the hell are you?" So yeah, you got it, I guess.

3. You can pair anyone with anyone- Liam with Astrid or Felix or Alex or Ian or whoever the hell you want him with. Hell, I won't mind if you pair Liam with Beatrice. JUST DON'T BREAK ANY PAIR UP. That is, do not break Rosher or Lizden or Zivy up for pair ups.

4. Time difference is allowed. You can write your plot taking year as 2086 when Astrid will be 94 and I will still read it with popcorn bucket and coke (maybe ice-cream too?)

5. The word limit is 6000 for both one shot and spin-off. Write beyond that and I will cut your head off. Nah, I am kidding.

I will do worse *laughs evilly but ends up with a cough fit*

6. Make a separate book for your entry and title it according to you. When you title your book, make sure to add 'a MLAATM one shot/spin-off'.

7. Simply comment on this chapter saying- "I am entering MLAATM Contest- *followed by whatever you want to specify or say*-". But make sure to or dedicate the story to me. You can also write on my message board. Basically anything to grab my precious attention.

*flicks her hair, ends up noticing a small ant on floor*- "Whoa! That ant is so cute!"

See, my precious attention.

8. Please specify who is narrating the story (whose POV is it) because if you don't, I will be lost. Also, specify who are the people getting soaked in love when you write spin-off because again, what if I read the whole book thinking that Zach and Ivy are the lucky couple only to realise that you wrote on Felix and Astrid.

(for those who don't remember Ivy, she was the maid who was our Zach's love)

9. Please don't change the plot completely. Yes, you can write your own potential plot twist ideas because they are awesome and hilarious (believe me, some of you even guessed that Alex and Rose are werewolves) but please do not murder the whole plot. Like, don't make Liam a postman instead of neighbour or do not swap Ian with Rose's practice target (admit it, this crossed your mind. It didn't? THEN WHY THE HELL DID IT CROSS MINE?!)

10. You can write in any effing genre. MLAATM is in Humor genre and obviously it will be awesome to see you people writing hilarious stuff using my characters but if Humor is not your cup of tea, you can write in any genre as per your wish.


(Why is it called deadline? It's not like there are dead people beyond this line.)

Man, I suck at puns.

Basically, I should get a notification saying '@-enter-your-name-here dedicated a story to you' by 31 December, 12:00 AM GMT

PS- all the entries will be added to a special reading list of mine and I will read all of them. Even if they get submitted after the deadline :)


Ist- A follow and a shoutout and if you are a writer, I will review your book. Else, if you are a reader, I promise a dedication in my next work.

(why did the else if thing sounded like a C++ program?)

IInd- A follow and shoutout.

Special Mentions (2-3 entries)- A follow.

For the heck of it, I will be making a sticker too (most probably) you can use it if you win :)

This is all you have to remember people. Go, start working on your ideas for entry. It can be the guess you made when you read MLAATM or your personal view of how things should have been. I promise that I will read all the works and I will sure as hell comment and vote on it. Force me to cry my eyes out if you are going for emotional plot, make my tummy hurt with your hilarious scenarios, drive me to gasp in shock at your twist. Basically, I challenge you to give me something that forces goosebumps on my skin.

Make a nice cover and cook an awesome plot because the fight is just getting started.

Let the games begin.

This was definitely dramatic. My bad :P

I love you all. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR #1! You people don't even know how happy you make me. Again, thank you for making me happy. Send your entries and make me happier.

Spread the word.

Peace out.

One more thing:- Comment your queries, if you have any.

Finally, Peace out!




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