
By HangmanJury

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*A Duff McKagan Fanfic* *As of May 2020, number one rated Duff McKagan fanfic* Anastasia Fisher has just move... More

Jet Lagged
Sucker Punched
Wine and Dined
Figured Out
Moved In
Hit On
Made up


922 23 2
By HangmanJury


After our tattoos were finished, Duff and I got ice cream and then we headed to the gig, which was right around the corner.

The gig went off without a hitch, but Axl started acting really weird.

I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong with him.

Maybe it was because he was with Erin now.

Duff, Izzy, Slash, Steven, and I are on the bus heading back to Los Angeles. Axl decided to take a cab with Erin instead, which was crazy considering this was an 8 hour drive home.

I was in the Kitchenette of the tour bus, making the boys sandwiches because they were all hungry. I hear the topic of conversation change, and Slash begins to speak.

"He just wasn't into it at all. Did you see him? His eyes were on Erin the entire time and he missed his lines more then once." he says.

I take a swig of jack from the bottle that sits on the counter as I spread mayonnaise on the bread.

"That's how it gets, man. I mean come on. You and I both know that the first thing you're gonna do when you get home is call Sally so you can go over there and screw her fucking brains out. That's Axl's problem too. He'll be fine for the show tomorrow night." Izzy says to Slash.

I watch Steven grab a pair of panties from the ground and flick them at Duff's head. Steven laughs and I look over to the childish pair.

Fucking nasty. Those weren't mine.

Duff slingshots them at Izzy's head, but he misses.

"I haven't had a decent lay since we left Vancouver." Izzy says.

"You should have gotten in with me on those twins, man. They were fucking amazing." Slash gushes. "The one girl had a bar going right through her--"

"Alright! That's enough of that." I cut Slash off abruptly and the rest of the guys laugh.

Nasty, nasty, nasty.

If a girl ever wanted to find out how a guy thinks, living with 5 of them for a few months was a great way.

"A guy has to fucking dream, Ana. Just because you have Duff's balls on a string doesn't mean everyone can get their rocks off whenever they want." Slash shoots back.

"If only we had the opportunity. We're stuck in here with you fucks all the damn time." I answer.

Slash laughs hysterically like that's the funniest thing he's heard all night.

"Don't act like you don't get it whenever you want it. Don't forget the hotel rooms connect, and those walls are as thin as paper." he smiles. "And neither of you are exactly quiet."

Steven tries his best impression of me. "Oh Duff, Fuck me"

"Alright, alright." Duff says to them, and I set his sandwich down in front of him.

"Keep it up and you guys won't get dinner." I shoot back, giving them a wink.

Duff whispers quietly so only I can hear him. "Think you can get me a drink beautiful?"

"Of course." I answer him.

I go back to the fridge to get Duff a drink. If I didn't want to get up a thousand more times tonight, it would be easier for me to just bring him the entire bottle of vodka.

Before I hand it to him, I take a big gulp for myself as the rest of the guys watch me intently. Duff smirks at me, and I shoot him my sexiest grin.

"Thank you, baby." he says as I hand it to him. He slaps my ass as I walk back to the Kitchenette to finish with the sandwiches.

From behind me, I hear Slash sigh and turn to Duff.

"Hey man. I don't blame you in the least. If I had a girl as hot as that who cooked and cleaned like Ana does, I might not ever leave the fucking house."

I roll my eyes. I knew all of the guys in the band thought I was hot, but hearing Slash actually say it made me blush.

"So when are we meeting with that other band?" Steven asks, and I wonder that myself.

Faster Pussycat was supposed to open for Guns on the European leg, and being that they were from LA, management thought it'd be a good idea for us to go out together before the tour started to discuss semantics.

"Axl said the night before we leave for Phoenix." Izzy speaks up.

I carry the rest of the sandwiches over to the guys and they all thank me.

"Since you got Duff a drink, can I get one too?" Slash asks, and I flip him off.

I take a seat on Duff's lap instead. "You fucking wish." I tell Slash.

I glance at the clock on the wall.

It was nearly 2 am, and we still had 6 more hours until we got home.

"You okay?" Duff asks, wrapping me in his arms.

"Yeah, just tired is all." I tell him with a smile, and he re-joins the conversation the rest of the guys are having.

I curl myself into Duff's lap and shut my eyes, leaning my head against his chest.

Without even realizing it, I fall asleep to the sound of his heart beat.



As the bus pulls up to the house, the rest of the guys scramble to get out of the bus first.

I stand up with Ana still in my arms, carrying her bridal style. She's been asleep for awhile, and I didn't want to wake her up.

Finally. Home sweet home.

I walk up the set of steps, where I'm surprised to see the guys staring at the door, reading intently.

Lo and behold, a bright orange sign hangs on our door.


"No one paid the fucking rent?" Izzy asks, but no one answers him


"Fuck it. We're going in. All my shits in there. We can find a new place in the morning." Slash says drunkenly, and it only takes two swift kicks to the door for it to bust open.

This wasn't the first time this door's been kicked down.

I look down at Ana, who is still sound asleep in my arms despite the noise.

I follow the guys into the apartment and head straight for my bedroom, lying Ana down on the still-made bed.

She moves slightly, and then settles back down.

I didn't want to wake her up. She needed her sleep.

I head back downstairs where our bags still sit in the undercarriage of the tour bus.

I manage to grab both of my bags and one of Ana's and lug them upstairs.

I have to make another trip to get my bass and the rest of Ana's bags, but it's worth it so that I can let her sleep.

When all the bags are in our bedroom, I shut the door behind me and head over to the bedside table.

I finish off the rest of the vodka and toss the empty bottle onto the floor.

I strip out of my clothes and pull back the sheets, crawling into bed next to Ana.

Wow. It felt fucking amazing to be in my own bed, with my own girlfriend.

It might be a short break, but I was gonna make sure it would be a good one.


I wake up in the morning to the sound of gentle breathing and a toned chest pressed against mine.

My eyes flick open and I drink in the peaceful sight before me.

We're in the room I share with Duff at home. A sleeping Duff has got his arms wrapped around me, holding on for dear life.

I look over to the floor to see all of our bags, and I realize that I don't remember getting here let alone carrying any of them in.

Duff must have carried me to bed last night.

I breath a sigh of relief.

I've been waiting for this for months, and finally I'm here. Home sweet home, baby.

I glance at the clock on the wall, which reads 1 O'clock in the afternoon.

I'm not sure what time we got in, but it wasn't later then 9am. I was till tired, and I'm sure Duff was even more so.

I try my best not to move so I don't wake Duff up. He's got a gig tonight, and he'd have to get up for sound check really soon. He needed all the sleep he could get.

I shut my eyes, and just as I feel myself drifting back to sleep, there's a knock on the door.

Duff groans in exhaustion and I roll my eyes, pulling the blanket up over our naked bodies.

"Come in." I tell the person.

It's Axl, and he's giving me the death stare.

For what reason, I'm not so sure.

I know that he still pines for me.

I can tell by the way he watches Duff and I.

"Ana, phone call for you. Duff, we're going to sound check in 2 hours. You better be fucking ready." he says and then walks out without another word.

Phone call? For me?

I never got phone calls. There was no one I needed to talk to.

I get out of bed slowly and throw my hair up in a pony tail just to get it out of my face. I pass through the living room, where Izzy and Steven are watching TV.

When I get to the kitchen where the phone is, Axl is talking on it.

"Maybe we could work something out, you know how that shit is." he says to the caller, and then he notices my presence.

"Yeah, man. Well here she is, sleeping beauty finally out of bed. Yup, Later." he says to the caller, handing me the phone.

"Hello?" I question innocently. I have no idea who it is, but whoever it is, they knew Axl, too.

"Long time no talk baby, how have you been?" the familiar raspy-sexy voice practically comes through the phone and hits me like a ton of bricks.

A permanent smile is plastered on my face.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Steven Tyler. I'm doing just fine. How are you?" I answer.

"Good, but I'll be even better once I get Kalodner off my fucking back about filling the spot for these music videos we're doing." he says.

"Well, I happen to know a girl who's done quite a few music videos, and she's pretty damn good." I say, biting my lip.

"You know I wouldn't have asked anyone else, Ana. I told you, you're perfect for any music video we do. You're a natural." Steven says. "Kalodner was going to call you, but I told him I wanted to do it myself."

"Oh yeah? Well it's nice to here from you. I guess the Dude video really took off, huh?" I ask.

He chuckles. "Oh yeah, they're playing it everywhere. That's why we're recording two more, and you're gonna be in both of them."

"And what might those two be?" I question.

"Rag Doll and Angel. They're pretty different concepts, but you'll have the lead in both. There's a few girls we're using to fill other parts. They're gonna be big productions. Even bigger then Dude." he says. "And there may or may not be an extensive make-out scene between me and you." I can hear the smile in his voice.

If there's one thing you learned when you meet Steven Tyler, it's that he's a very sexual individual. He likes to flirt, chase, and fuck-- and I think he's got a thing for me.

"Well, you know I'd never turn down an offer to be in my favorite band's music video." I smile. "So you just tell me when and where and I'll be there." I tell him.

"That's what I like to hear." he chuckles. "We start at the end of this month. John said we're gonna try to get your parts filmed in a week long stretch, but it might go longer then that. I think he said he wants to book you from the end of September to the middle of October, just to be safe." Steven says.

Oh fuck. I was supposed to go to Europe with Duff and the rest of the band. What was I gonna do now?

Could I really sit here alone for nearly a month without Duff?

"Ana? You there?" Steven asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry." I answer. "That sounds fucking amazing."

"Yeah it's gonna be great, but hey--listen. I gotta go. I'll see you in a few weeks, okay?" he says.

"Sounds good. Nice talking to you." I respond.

"You too, Ana. Catch you later."

"Bye." I say, placing the phone back on the receiver.

I put my head in my hands and sigh at the predicament I just got myself into.

I wonder just how much Duff will like it when he's stuck in Europe while I'm sucking face with Steven Tyler.

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