
By Skittll

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Lilian was pushed, roughly into the room. She stumbled forward, unsteady and weak from hunger. The room was b... More

4.New Home


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By Skittll

It was the next day, the sun shone merrily through the barred window and Lilian, for the first time in a while, felt content.

She and Thorne were waiting for some of the guards to take them out into the yard, as was scheduled.

After a second, Throne stood, "Here they come," He commented, able to hear the footsteps from far away.

Lilian stood too and he gave her a light peck on the lips. A shiver pulsed through her at the memory of the previous kiss the night before and Thorne smirked.

Before they reached the yard, they were escorted down the same, dull grey corridors. The colour made up the majority of the colour scheme for the whole building and Lilian wondered if she'd ever see bright rainbows of the yearly spring market back in Glagharrow, that she loved so much.

The outside area looked almost the same as before, but the woods beyond the high fences were starting to show the first signs of spring. Small flowers where blooming; purple and yellow and blue, pushing up amongst the grass.

Lilian smiled at Thorne, and together they started there jog around the perimeter.

As she was making her second lap, a guard leaning against the wall, reached out and slapped her on the butt.

His friends laughed as she stumbled slightly from the force.

She stopped running.

She was usually good at ignoring things like this, but after weeks cooped up in a cell, she was itching for a fight.

Thorne looked back from where he was a few steeps in front and also stopped. She glanced up at him, but he was staring directly at the man who hit her, eyes dark with rage.

He moved forward untill he was standing just behind Lilian. She understood what that ment. She had his support, if she wanted to start something.

And she definitely wanted to start something.

She took a step towards the guard. He laughed with his friends, not worried that she was advancing on him as there were six of them.

"What do you want princess?" He asked, his voice dripping with false sweetness.

"Don't touch me," Lilian snarled at him, hands bunching into fists. He didn't know who he was mocking, she was a feared Assassin, a brilliant one. He shouldn't underestimate her.

"Oh, sorry sweetcheaks." He grinned, yellow teeth glinting.

She turned back around, willing to let it go. But another hand slapped her again.

She spun around, and behind her Thorne let out a warning growl, anger radiating off him.

"I said," she spat, "Don't touch me!"

The guard still had that horrid grin on his face, of how she wanted to wipe it off his filthy face. "You see sweetcheaks, I don't think you get to order me around."

She gritted her teeth, as he continued to talk. "I'm the one in charge here, and I can touch you," He took a step closer, "when I want to touch you." He reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Lilian grinned at him.

Sudenly she twisted her hand so that she was holding his forearm, then spun him around, untill his arm was pinned against his back. She lent forward and wispered in his ear, "you see sweetcheaks," using his words, "you're less in charge than you think."

With that she pulled his arm back sharply and brought her elbow down hard on it. There was a gruesome snap, as his wrist shattered, and the guard let out a terrible scream.

The other guard who had previously seemed to be frozen in shock, spurred into action at the sound.

She let go of the man who fell to the floor cradling his hand and took a step back, into a defensive stance.

The first man came charging at her, fists flailing. He went for her face with his right hand but she saw the move coming, and ducked. Then she jabbed him twice quickly in the stomach and brought her foot round so that it hit his jaw. His neck snapped back, and with a satisfactory thud, he hit the floor.

The other four guards had surrounded them and were looking in rage at the two crumpled bodies.

Thorne let out a victorious howl and jumped for two of them. He had about a head on each guy, and easily started sparing with both.

Lilian was smaller and weaker than both men infront of her, but was used to fighting men much larger than herself.

She feigned left then stuck out her leg to trip the first, he lost his footing and with a hard sidekick to the chest, he fell to the ground. He gasped for breathe and Lilian wondered if she had broken a rib. She grabbed the second by his shoulders and brought his face down onto her knee.

Blood from his nose splurted out as the impact broke it. She let him stand upright again, then with a swift hit to the temple the man fell unconscious.

Lilian looked at Thorne who was covered in blood. The two men were still on there feet but only because he was playing with them, he could end the fight at any time if he wanted.

Sudenly she felt cold metal at her throat. A dagger, "Don't move," the voice came behind her. It was guard she had knocked over a second before. She cursed under her breathe, she hadn't been paying atention.

Thorne froze. The men grabbed his arms behind his back. By this time more guards had come out from the main building. More rushed to Thorne, pushing him to his knees. One of the men punched him hard in the face, again then again. He let out a grunt as blood flew under the man's knuckles.

Lilian held her tounge but she wanted to cry out as the beat him.

The blade at her throat pressed harder, cutting into her slightly. "Now do what I say, and you're pet dog won't get hurt. Well not to much anyway." The man behind her laughed.

Lilian started, how did they know about him being a shifter, her mind flashed back to there convocation with Arthur, and again she cursed herself. Of course they knew, that's what they had been warned about.

"If you try anything," This was directed to Thorne, "I'll cut open her pretty little neck."

Thorne let out a growl, they had chained his arms behind his back.

Now that he was secured they marched them back into the prison. Thorne's face was bleeding badly, but Lilian, other than the thin cut on her neck, was unharmed.

She would get out of this, then they would get out of this God forsaken jail.

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