More Than A Fan (Cashby & Kel...

By Captain_Cashby

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Pierce The Veil and Of Mice and Men are going on tour together, but when their photographer the one and only... More



431 25 5
By Captain_Cashby

Vic's Pov

I sighed and looked around the tour bus one last time, I glanced over at Kellin's bunk that was already cleaned out and left better than it was before he even came. As soon as we got home he almost immediately left without even saying goodbye to me.

I was absolutely heartbroken about it. I just wanted him back here so we could fix this.  But he wanted nothing to do with me, ever since he dumped me he hasn't said a word to me. He won't even be in the same room as me.  

"You okay?" Mike asked me breaking me from thought.

"Not really," I muttered. "You ready to go?"

"Kellin still?"

"What do you mean still? We've only been broken up for like two weeks."

"I don't know. Usually you just forget about them after a week. Then you go back to being your pissed off self."

"No I don't, do I even need to remind you how long it took me to get over Cara? And I didn't even love her as much as I love Kellin."

He let out a sigh, "You'll figure something out. Now let's go home."

"Yeah let's, I don't want to stay here anymore."

He gave me a sad smile before I followed him off the bus.

"So are you excited to see Alysha?" I asked him.

"Yeah it's gonna be awesome. I've missed her so much, it'll be nice to back home with her."

"I bet," I said smiling. "I'm honestly terrified to go home, God only knows what Cara did to it while I was gone. She never even gave me my key back."

"Knowing her she probably went fucking crazy on that place."

"I know, I doubt I have anything left in there."

"It'll be okay, maybe you got lucky and she didn't take anything."

I looked at him and we both started laughing.

"Dude I'm fucking screwed."

"Yeah you are."

I shook my head and we met up with Tony and Jaime. 

"Hey Vic." Jaime said.

"Hey Hime," I said forcing a smile.

"You ready to finally go home?"

"Not really. What about you?"

"Yeah I am. I mean I love you guys but I'm ready to be away from all of you for a few days."

"Yeah I'm with Jaime, and I really miss Erin," Tony said.

"Well you'll get to see her."

"Yeah I will because I think that's her right now," He said as a car started driving up.

"Have a nice time with her. We all know what you're probably gonna do tonight." Mike said.

Tony winked just as the car stop and Erin jumped out running up to him.  She jumped into his arms and a sense of jealously washed over me.

If Kellin hadn't dumped me we could be going home together just like that.  Things would be perfect and I'd be happy but, I'm always the one who's stuck alone. It's always like that, every single relationship I have ends with me being heartbroken.

And I hated it. I just wanted to be happy for once in my life.

"Vic, you okay there buddy?" Jaime asked nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?" He pushed.


He gave me a dubious look but shrugged it off just as both Alysha and Jess pulled up and I told the guys goodbye since I don't really want to see all the couple shit again.

"I'll see you guys later, I have an apartment to clean." I said smiling at my friends.

"Alright, call one of us if you need us." Mike said.

I nodded, "I will. Have fun with your girls."

"We will."

I smiled and went off to my car going straight home. God my place is going to be such a mess and who knows what all she did to it. 

The drive to my place was short and soon I was parking in front. I hurried up to my apartment and let out a growl of frustration as soon as I opened the door. This place was a complete disaster.

"Oh my god is that spray paint?" I muttered staring at the spray painted letters covering my wall. My couch was ruined as was my television and my god all of my shit was everywhere and broken. I let out a groan, "Fuck."

I stomped around the place looking at all the shit, "She broke my Xbox!" I yelled when I saw it completely smashed. I fucking hate her! I grabbed a trash can and started throwing away anything that I knew for a fact couldn't be saved. 

I threw away just about everything that had any sort of value to it. Now I'm going to have to go out and fucking buy all kinds of new things. 

And all I wanted to do right now was sit and mope around my apartment. I could probably just go buy everything some other time. I fell onto my ripped couch and sighed pulling out my phone and smiled at my lock screen. It was a picture of Kellin and I that he had forced Alan to take of us.

I let out a sigh and dialed Alan's number after a few rings he answered.


"Hey Alan." I said awkwardly staring up at the ceiling.

"Vic, what do you need?"

"How is he?"

"Goodbye Vic." He said and hung up on me.

I groaned and dialed his number again, after the fifth time he finally answered.

"Please just tell me how he is," I begged.

"I don't think you deserve to know." He snapped.

"I just want to know! Alan I didn't even do anything!"

"You should have tried harder to keep him with you. You shouldn't have let him go so easy."

"I did try! You don't even know what happened between us! I tried so hard to get him to stay with me but he didn't want me anymore. And he could have done better anyway, now will you just please tell me how he's doing?"

"You think I don't know what happened! He told me everything Vic. He was being stupid and so were you."

"What about when he just ignored me every time I tried to talk to him after the break up?" I asked, "Everyone knows that I tried to talk to him, he wouldn't let me so just fucking tell me how he's doing!"

"Fine! He's a fucking mess without you!"

"Then why won't he just talk to me?" I whined, "I miss him."

"Because he's sick of the Cara and Jonny bullshit."

"They're gone. Cara broke all of my shit and left and I have nothing to do with her nor Jonny."

"Then you have to figure out a way to win him back."

"How? He blocked my number, he refuses to even stay in the same room as me. How can I possibly win him back?"

"I don't know. He's really stubborn about this kinda stuff when he wants to be."

"Come on Alan, you know him better than anyone there's gotta be some way I can get him back; some kind of way I can win him back and I bet you know how."

"You have to show him how much you actually love him. You got to do something big."

"How big?"

"Like big, something extravagant that will just blow him away."

I bit my lip and thought it over, "Alright. I think I can work with that."

"Now if you don't need me anymore I have a boyfriend to attend to."

"Wait! Is Kellin around? I know you were going to move in with him or something."

"I'm not there right now but I will be later. Why?"

"Tell him I love him," I said softly.

"I will. Call me if you need something I guess." He said before hanging up.

I sighed and dropped my phone on the floor. Maybe if I do what I'm thinking about Kellin will take me back.   

I can only hope.

Austin's Pov

"That was fun." Alan said breathing heavy next to me.

"Oh yeah," I said smiling.

"I love you."  He said and gave me a kiss. "You and the guys are coming with me to get my shit tomorrow right?"

"Of course we are," I said pulling him to me.

"Thanks again."

"It's no problem babe."

"You're a babe."

"Yes I am."

He smiled and let out a yawn.

"You tired?"

"Mhm, three rounds take it out of you."

"Yes it does," I said. "Too bad we can't make that four rounds."

"I guess that is too bad."

"It's such a shame," I said with a wistful sigh.

"You'll get over it." He said and sat up, "I should probably get home."

"You can just stay the night," I offered sitting up as well.

"You sure?"

"Yeah of course."

"Only if you're not sick of me or whatever."

"I could never be sick of you," I said pulling him to me.

"You never know." He said laying back down, pulling me with him./

"Oh yeah I do," I said kissing his cheek.

He gave me a kiss, "I'm tired."

"Well then get some sleep."

He nodded and cuddled up to me, "Night Aust."

"Night baby."

He kissed my chest and soon his breathing evened out and he was fast asleep.  I gave him a kiss on his head before I fell asleep after him.

"I don't know if I wanna go in." Alan said when we parked in front of his old apartment complex.

"I'll be with you every step of the way."


"I swear."

"Okay." He said and got out of the car. I followed suit and went around and took his hand.  The rest of the guys followed us upstairs.  When we reached the room Alan took his key out and opened up the door. He took a deep breath and stepped inside.

"I thought you'd be at work." Alan said looking over at his asshole of an ex.

"Well I'm not. But, I knew you'd come crawling back to me, you always do you pathetic piece of shit."

"I'm just here for my stuff then I'm leaving."

"You're not leaving."

"Yes I am."

"Not this time. You're not leaving again."

"Yes I am and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

"You wanna bet?" He growled and stalked towards Alan.

Alan took a step back towards me and I wrapped my arm around him.

"You leave him alone." I spat at him.

He didn't even bother looking at me, "Alan you're staying here."

"I'm not staying here anymore."

"The fuck you aren't!" He yelled and grabbed Alan's arm.

"You don't fucking touch him." I shouted pushing him off Alan, "Don't even try me asshole."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm his boyfriend asshole."

"So now you're fucking cheating on me! You fucking whore!" He yelled at Alan.

"I'm not whore and I'm not cheating on you! We've been over ever since I left!" Alan shouted at him.

"No we fucking haven't."

"I didn't just leave for no damn reason Roy."

"Yes you did, there was no reason for you to fucking leave and you left anyway. I bet you left so you could fuck this dick like the goddamn whore you are."

"I left because you kept hurting me." He said quietly looking down at the floor.

"I treated you the way you deserved and you know it."

"I just want my stuff so I can leave."

"What part of you're not leaving do you not understand you fucking idiot?"

"Just let him get his shit and then we're gone." I said to him with a hard glare.

"If you really want it go ahead and try to get it."

"Austin let's just go." Alan said, "I don't need it anyway."

"No you're going to get your stuff," I said glaring at Roy.

"I don't want to anymore. It's pointless now."

"Are you sure?"

"I just want to leave."

I nodded, "Okay if you're sure."

"It's whatever now."

"Okay then, let's go."

"I said he's not going." Roy said angrily.

"And I said he is."

"And I said he isn't. Alan get your ass over here."

"Don't tell him what to do," I snapped keeping Alan behind me.

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want."

"Not when it has to do with Alan you don't."

"Come on Alan, baby are you gonna let him tell you want to do."

"I'm not staying here Roy," Alan whispered.

"Yes you are. This is where you belong. By me, someone who truly loves you."

"You don't love me, you never did."

"I did, I always did Alan but you got out of line."

"I didn't do anything wrong and you know it."

He glared at me, "You did this to him. You and his stupid friend."

"He didn't do anything but show me that I deserve to be treated better than you were treating me. And Kellin isn't stupid!" Alan yelled.

"You deserved everything you got and you know it! You disrespected me!"

"I didn't deserve any of it!"

"Yes you did. You always screwed me over and did things without letting me know!"

"You controlled me!"

"I never controlled you! I helped you."

"You didn't help me! You did the exact opposite of that. Come on Austin let's just go," He muttered.

"No, no get your shit and get out!"

"I just wanna leave."

"No you want your shit then come and get it." He shouted.

"Just go get it Al, I'll make sure nothing happens."

"I'll be right back." He said and gave my hand a squeeze before walking off and out of view.

"If you ever try to fucking touch him or talk to him again I'll kill you," I told the asshole in front of me.

He just gave me an eyeroll. "We were fine until he went on tour with you."

"Obviously you weren't."

"You don't know shit."

I shrugged, "Just know that if you mess with Alan I won't hesitate to kill you."

Another eyeroll was given before he walked off.

I leaned against the wall and waited for Alan to come back. The whole place was quiet besides me. I just sat by the door waiting for Alan with the guys since they came just in case we needed the extra hands.

"I can't believe you're doing this to me. After everything I did for you! I helped you through everything and this is how you repay me." I heard Roy shout.  I didn't hear Alan say something back to him but I heard something I wish I didn't. A slap. It was loud and I heard Alan yelp in pain before he came out from the room with a few bags and holding his cheek.

"Are you okay?" I asked him pulling him in my arms.

He shook his head and buried his face in my chest.

"It's okay baby," I said and took the bags from him and handed them to the guys before picking Alan up, holding him close. 

"Here's your camera shit too!" Roy shouted and threw a bag towards us before he slammed a door shut.

Alan shook trying not to start crying and I rubbed his back. "It's okay baby, he's never going to touch you again."

He buried his face in my neck and held onto me. One of the guys grabbed the bag that was thrown before we left the apartment. I kissed the side of his head and walked to the car. 

Once we got there, the guys but the bags in the car.

"Baby you're gonna have to let go of me." I said quietly.

"No," He whispered.

"Tino can you drive?"

"Yeah of course, where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?" I asked Alan, "Kellin's?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I kinda want to be with my best friend."

"Okay. Do you know where Kellin lives, Tino?" 


"I can tell you his address, or you can just call him." Alan said and pulled out his phone.

"You can just tell me."

Alan nodded and relayed Kellin's address to us. 

"Baby you're gonna have to get down so we can get going."

"Fine," He muttered getting off of me.

"You can sit on my lap in the car."

"Okay, then get in."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got in. He got in right after and sat on my lap resting his feet on the seat in the middle.

"I love you," He said quietly.

"I love you too Baby."  I said, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah I think so."

"You sure? I'm sorry I didn't stop him or I wasn't there when he did it. You didn't deserve that."

"It's okay and yeah I'm sure. I'll never have to see that dick again."

I smiled and gave him a kiss.

The drive to Kellin's apartment was quick, soon we were pulling into the parking lot.

Alan and I got out and got his stuff.

"Do you want me to hang out for a little bit?" I asked him.

"If you don't mind." He said quietly.

"Anything for you."

He smiled, "Come on let's go."

I nodded and told the guys to go then get me later or something.

I took Alan's hand and he led me upstairs to an apartment door where he just walked in not even bothering to knock.

"You know most people knock before they walk into people's homes," Kellin muttered not even looking up from his computer screen.To say he looked terrible was an understatement, he had bags under his eyes, eyes that were bloodshot and his hair was throw in a messy bun and it honestly looked like he hadn't slept since we got back from tour.

"Well this is my home." Alan said, "How are you doing?"

"Fine, just stressed about this stupid assignment," He said with a sniff.

"And still about him?"

Kellin didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, "How about we just not talk about that? He doesn't matter. School matters."

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna unpack my shit in the room. We'll be in there if you need us, okay?"

He nodded and waved us away dismissively, "Yeah, yeah have fun. No sex while I'm here please."

"I would never do that to you."

"Mhm, sure you wouldn't."

"I've never done that. Ever."

"I believe you were a junior in high school when I walked into my bedroom where you were giving Roy a blow job."

"Can we not talk about him."  He asked and held my hand a little tighter.

"Yeah sure, your bed's already made by the way."

"Thanks. Come on Aust."

"No problem."

"It was nice seeing you Kells." I said before Alan pulled me back to his room.

"You too Aust!" He yelled so that I could hear him.

"Where do you want this stuff?"

"Anywhere is fine." Alan said setting his camera bag on his bed and everything else on the floor.

"Alright." I said and set his things down.

"Oh my god."


"It's all broken. All my lenses are smashed! My other camera, everything."

"Oh my god," I said looking down at it all. "I can replace it for you."

"No, this is thousands of dollars Austin. And now it's all gone. I can't believe it's all broken now!"

"Hey it's okay, we can replace it. I mean it will probably take some time but we'll get you new equipment."

"I worked so h-hard for this shit and he knew that!" He shouted his voice breaking, "I can't believe h-him."

"It's going to be okay baby," I said pulling him to me.

"I don't know anymore." He cried burying his face in my chest.

I didn't say anything as I just held him close. He held me tight as he cried his eyes out. I rubbed his back and planted my lips on his head.

"I'm sorry he's an asshole."

"I-it's not your fault."

"I know but I'm sorry you ever had to deal with him."

He shrugged and pulled away from me. He moved his stuff on the floor and sat on his bed. I sat down beside him and he took my hand.

"I'm gonna help you get your equipment. I'll do whatever it takes for you."

"You don't have to." He said looking over at me.

"I want to. You didn't deserve that. You're too sweet for what he did."

He smiled and blushed, "Kiss me."

I smiled and kissed him. He put his free hand on the back of my neck tangling his fingers in my hair. His tongue trailed along my bottom lip and I let him do as he pleased. His hand left mine as he wrapped his arms around my neck. My arms wrapped around his waist and he smiled against my lips before pulling away.

"I'm gonna miss being with you all the time." He said pushing me down on my back, "It's gonna be weird."

"I know but I have a break from everything for a few months before we're back in the studio." I told him when he got on top of me, straddling me.

"I'm gonna have to start actually going to classes and shit like that. I liked my big project but now I actually have to turn it in." He said with a frown, "I don't want to go to class. Then I'll have to see him."

"I'll go with you or something? Would that be okay? I mean if you want me too."

"No, that's okay."

"How did your project turn out?"

He shrugged, "Pretty good."

"Do you have to present it or just turn it in?"

"Present it I think."

"Oh, so if I go with you then I get to see you present it?"

"Yeah, I think you'll like it."

"I bet I will."

He gave me a smile, "I got you something the other day."


He got off me and went over to one of his bags. He pulled out an envelope and handed it to me. 

"Open it," He prompted.

I opened it up cautiously before a smile came across my face, "You're so cheesy." I told him as I looked at the picture of us kissing.

"You like it though don't you?"

"I love it. It's adorable just like you."

He smiled and kissed my cheek, "Well I'm glad."

"I'm gonna make sure the whole world sees this picture."


I nodded, "I'm gonna put this on instagram for everyone to see."

"Well then do it, what are you waiting for? Let the world see that your boyfriend is the best photographer ever."

"I will." I told him and took my phone out. I took a photo of the photo and posted it. "There."

"You're so cute."

"I know only for you though."

"Well I'm the only one you need to be cute for."

"That's true. You know you mean a lot to me, right?"

He nodded, "Yeah I know."

"Like I've never been so in love with someone Alan. You mean so much to me. I've never felt so strongly about someone until I met you."

"I love you too Aust, I love you a lot." He said sitting on my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you too baby." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled and pushed me back onto the bed and straddled me.

"What are you doing?"

"I think I'm going to make out with my hot boyfriend," Alan said with a small smile before kissing me softly.

"If we make out anymore I'm gonna get turned on and Kellin's here."

"Who cares?"

"Kellin cares."

"I think he has to go to class in like twenty minutes so it'll be fine."

"And if he doesn't?"

"It's Kellin, he won't care. He'll probably just go to one of his friends houses or the school's library."

"I don't know."

Alan started to grind against me, "Come on Aust. You know you wanna."

"You're just trying to seducing me now." I said and let out a moan.

"Is it working?" He asked and leaned down kissing my neck.

"Mhm, you know it i-is."

"Good," He said before he started to suck on my neck.

"Alan..." God this boy made me so weak.

Alan hummed in response just as the door opened.

"Oh my god are you kidding me!?" Kellin yelled.

Alan rolled his eyes, "What?" He said looking over at Kellin.

"One rule! Just one fucking rule! No sex and you and I both know that this," He motioned between the two of us frantically. "This will lead to sex and right now this apartment is a no sex zone!"

"Don't you have to go to class or something?"

"He started it!" I said quickly.

Kellin glared at me, "Austin you are the older one in this relationship you should be more responsible. Don't let some kid seduce you. And yes Alan, I was coming in here to tell you I was leaving. And no sex while I'm gone. If I have to go without sex then so do you- as long as you're staying here at least."

"I'm not just 'some kid'." Alan muttered, "And that's a stupid rule. I'll just go over to Austin's and have sex then."

"You're nineteen, you're still practically a baby, I mean you can't even drink legally. And it's not a stupid rule, it's best friend code! Bros before hoes- no offense Aust."

"None taken." I told him.

"So what if I can't drink that doesn't mean anything. And I don't know if I can not have sex if you can't. It's a stupid rule."

"No it isn't," He said stubbornly. "I would do it for you. Besides you owe me so no sex in this apartment or else I will start crying."

"Why do I owe you that?"

"You just owe me," He said glaring at Alan.


"Remember when you were a complete and total cock block two years ago when you pretty much forced me to tutor you? And if I do find out you're having sex here I will soak all of your condoms in habanero sauce."

"I did not force you to tutor me! My math teacher did because he didn't want to deal with me another year."

"Doesn't matter."

"Still. I didn't force you. Besides you wanted to do help me out."

"Not when I was staying the night at my boyfriend's house and you'd call me at like three in the morning crying because you thought you were going to fail high school I didn't."

"That was one time."

"Maybe one time that week." He scoffed and pulled out his phone rolling his eyes, "I gotta go. I'll see you two later maybe. Just remember- no sex."

Alan let out a groan and rolled off me burying his face in a pillow.

"Austin just know that I will make sure your dick burns if I found out you let that little shit seduce you."

My eyes went wide, "It won't happen again Kellin."

"Better fucking not." He said with a scowl before smiling. "Okay I have to go to class so I'll see you two later. By the way Austin, that picture you posted of you and Alan is really fucking cheesy. Cute but still cheesy." Kellin said before leaving the two of us there.

"Cock block." Alan mumbled into the pillows.

"Oh hush," I said laughing. "I bet you've cock blocked him all the time."

"I did when I was younger."

"Bet you still do."

"No I don't because I'm with you all the time."

"Before we got together you probably did."

"Before tour I didn't but like I said when I was younger."


"He's my best friend I'm entitled to cock block him and he's entitled to cock block me whenever."

"Exactly," I laughed pulling him to me.

"He made it seem like I did it all the time."

"You probably did."

"He hardly ever had a boyfriend! Most of the time the only action he saw was his chemistry homework."

"Probably got more than you did."

He shook his head, "Nope I got more than he did."

"I don't believe that for a second."

"I did! I had a girlfriend freshman year and well we had sex than I realized I was gay and things went south with her. Then I met Roy my Junior year after I had a summer love with some kid in Arizona and he was cute, we did stuff together a few times before I came back to Cali. Well then we know about Roy, I had a fallout with him once and I went out with some senior for a couple months, did shit with him then in the end I went back to Roy. But I totally had more action than Kellin did. He was basically always in the books studying."

"I bet Kellin's one of those nerds who has a secret, double life. By day he's Nerdy Kellin, what if by night he's like Slutty Kellin? He could be like Hannah Montana and you'd never know."

"I don't think he was."

"I bet he was, I bet he still is."

"Whatever." He said and rolled his eyes, "What were you like in highschool?"

"I was the coolest kid in that whole fucking place."

"Oh come on. Be serious. Like besides being cool. What were you like?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I was just really fucking awesome."

"You're lame."

"No I'm not."

"Were you good in school or not? Did you do well in all your classes? A lot of friends?"

"I had a good amount of friends, I mean not a bunch but enough. Um I was like a C average student so I was pretty mediocre to be honest."

"That's nice. I like learning new things about you."

"Sure you do," I said chuckling.

"I do. It helps me know you a little better. I mean we've only been going out for four months and I wanna learn about you. You're my boyfriend and it makes me happy when you tell me stuff about yourself because I always feel like we just talk about me."

"Well you can ask me anything."

"Why did you want to be in a band?"

"I love music," I said shrugging.

"Very specific."

"Oh yeah, totally." I said with a scoff.

"Has it always been your dream?"

"Yeah I've always wanted to be in a band."

"That's cool." He said with a smile.

I nodded, "What about you? Did you always want to be a photographer?"

He shook his head, "I wanted to be a teacher but I found photography and well here I am now."

"A teacher? Really?"

"Yeah really but that was when I was in like eighth grade to be honest. Then I realized I couldn't deal with kids all day."

I laughed, "Yeah, I don't think I could see you being a teacher."

"I can't see that either anymore. Photography is where it's at for me."

"Well you're an amazing photographer."

"Thank you. It means a lot when you say it."

"Well you're one of the best babe," I told him and kissed his cheek.

He blushed and buried his face in my chest.

"I love you," I said hugging him tight.

"I love you too."

I gave him a kiss on the top of his head and let out a content sigh.

"You know you're my favorite thing to take pictures of." Alan said quietly.

"Well I can't say I blame you, I'm a fucking babe."

"You're okay."

"I'm the hottest guy you'll ever see."

"I don't know. Have you seen Brendon Urie?"

"Yeah I have, I've met him a few times," I said rolling my eyes."And Brendon's forehead is way too big."

"So, he's still hot."

"I'm hotter."

"Hm... I don't know about that. Pete Wentz is hot too and Patrick, Michael Bohn, Alex Gaskarth. They're all pretty hot."

"I'm hotter," I said stubbornly.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."


"You're too cute."

"I know."

"You're so cocky."

"Yes I am," I said smiling. "When you have a bunch of crazy fan girls who pretty much worship you. You can't help but get cocky."

He rolled his eyes, "You're annoying and cocky."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are." He said pulling away from me, "But I guess I love you, mostly because you look good in pictures."

"That better not be the main reason."

"There's a few more."

"Well I guess I love you too; mainly because you take good pictures of me."

"What can I say? It's my specialty."

"Yes it is."

"What are you doing Friday?"

I shrugged, "I dunno."

"Well don't have plans at four."

"Maybe we could go do something."

"Yep you have plans with me then. I have something for us to do. I just remembered it."


"The professor for my photography class does an exhibit on student works and I have a few that'll be in there. He told me about it last night and I have to be there. I mean you don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I'd love to go," I said smiling.

"Really?" He asked happily.

"Yes really. I'm kind of excited to see your pictures."

"You're the best."

"I know."

He rolled his eyes and gave me a kiss before cuddling up to me. His head rested on my chest and my arms wrapped around him tightly.

I just wanted to stay like this forever.

Vic's POV

It's been a month since we got back from tour and my apartment is almost as good as new. But I'm no where close to getting Kellin back and I have tried just about everything. I've called him, I've gone to his apartment, I've left little messages in his mailbox, and for all I know he's ignored all of it. I honestly don't know what to do, Alan said big but I don't know just how big he means.

I took my phone out and sent Alan a text telling him I had to see him to talk ASAP.  He responded back immediately asking me why. I didn't bother telling him why, I just told him to meet me at a coffee shop close by.

I grabbed my things before I left my place. I jumped into the car and sped to the coffee shop just as Austin and Alan walked up.

"Hey Vic. What do you need?" Alan asked.

"I need your help."

"With what?"


"Oh that trainwreck."

"Whatever," I muttered rolling my eyes. "It's been a month now and he still won't take me back."

"Yeah I know and because of you I can't have sex in that apartment!"

"How is that my fault?"

"Because he had this stupid speech on the bro code and bro's before hoes shit! So I can't have sex or he's gonna put habanero sauce in out condoms or something! It's your fault!" 

"That's not my fault! Kellin's the one being a stubborn little shit! If he would just take me back then we would be just fine! But no, he won't."

"I tried making him take you back but he doesn't listen to me."

"I honestly don't know what to do! I've tried everything, but nothing's working."

"I have no idea it just has to be something big and impressive kinda."

"What do you mean big and impressive?"

"Something big and huge, like in front of a lot of people or something. Impress him, show him that you mean business."

I groaned, "I don't know what to do though!"

"Well you could post on social media, a big event he has coming up or something."

"He has me blocked." I mumbled.


"Alan, he's blocked me on everything, he's blocked my number, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he just fucking put a restraining order on me."

"He wouldn't do that to you, at least I hope he doesn't get a restraining order on you."

"It'd be hilarious if he did," Austin said laughing.

"Oh hush."

"What do you think I should do?" I asked Alan, "I mean you're his best friend. You'd know!"

"Well usually when he breaks up with someone they don't come running back!" Alan said.

"Well they're idiots. They don't understand how fucking amazing Kellin is."

"Sure he's great. I live with him for god sakes."

"Lucky little fuck," I muttered and Alan rolled his eyes.

"If you weren't such a little douche maybe you could live with him but nope." He sang and I rolled my eyes. "But, you know he's graduating college in two days."

"Okay, and?"

"And I bet it would really mean a lot if the guy he loves was there to see him walk across the stage."

"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrows and Alan nodded.

"Yeah it really would, I mean no one's going to see him except for Austin and I."

"What about his parents?"

Alan laughed, "They don't care, I mean they're still pissed that he's not going to try for his masters for a few years."


"He's told you about his parents hasn't he?"

I nodded, "A little but he doesn't really like talking about them too much.  When and where is his graduation and I'll make sure I'm there."

Alan told me the information and soon we were parting ways and I was going out to buy a graduation present. I shopped around until I found the perfect one. It was a teddy bear holding a chalkboard that had the equation 9x-7i>3(3x-7u) I of course didn't understand the equation at all but, the little thing I found it on said to solve for I. I don't get math but I just know that Kellin will love it.

Finally the day of his graduation arrived and I took little Vic with me as I bought Kellin some irises -because they're his favorite- and a few of those congrats grad balloons that are super cheesy and lame but I know Kellin will love them, if he actually forgives me at least.Once I got to the auditorium I looked around until I found the familiar mop of red hair and a giant who pretty much towered over everyone.I walked over to them and nodded in greeting before we all sat down.

Soon after we sat down the graduation ceremony started. For a while the thing seemed to drag on for what was like hours but when I complained to Alan he said it had only been thirty minutes but finally they started calling names and that's when the proud boyfriend or well ex boyfriend came out.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick," The man said and I immediately shot up out of my seat and started clapping and screaming for my baby. Thank god we were sitting up close because when Kellin looked over to see who was cheering for him, his eyes met mine and he tried to hold back a smile but couldn't.

"Go baby! That's my boyfriend!" I yelled and Alan yanked me back into my seat and scowled.

"Shut the fuck up," He hissed and I elbowed him.

"No, I'm so proud of that little fucker, even if he's mad at me." I said smiling goofily. The rest of the ceremony went by sluggishly but soon it was finally over and I forced Austin and Alan to stay where they were as I went looking for Kellin. I found him walking around the auditorium, his eyes roving over everyone when they landed on me and he smiled. I walked towards him slowly and handed him his presents.

"I-I got these for you, and the uh, the teddy bear has a little equation. You're supposed to solve for i." I said awkwardly. Kellin giggled and took the toy from me and looked over it.

"I love you too Vic," He said and kissed my cheek. "And I'm sorry I broke up with you. It wa-"

"Wait, wait, wait." I said stopping him and took the teddy bear. "How the hell did you get I love you from this?" I asked frowning at the equation.

"Babe, when you simplify the equation you get i is less than three u. Which when you write out looks like I heart you."

"Oh," I said and smiled at him. "Did someone just call me babe?" I asked and Kellin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, before you cut me off I was going to apologize for dumping you and possibly even beg for you to take me back but now I don't know," He hummed and I rolled my eyes.

"I should be the one to apologize," I said and tied the balloons to the bear and set that and the flowers down and pulled him to me. "I'm so sorry baby, I should have done something about Jonny and Cara before that happened. You should never have to worry about having to compete for my attention. That wasn't fair that you had to put up with both of my crazy exes like that." I said and Kellin smiled at me before he kissed my cheek sweetly.

"I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and I definitely shouldn't have avoided you like I did. I fucked everything u-"

"Kells, it's okay baby."I said and kissed him softly before he deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around my neck. We kissed for a few moments before someone coughed behind us and Kellin begrudgingly pulled away to find Austin and Alan standing there smiling at us stupidly.

"What?" He demanded glaring at the couple.

Alan shook his head, "Nothing, nothing. Congratulations Kells."

Kellin smiled and went to give him a hug but I refused to let go of him.

"No, Alan's gotten you for a while, you're mine right now." I muttered hugging him tight.

"I guess that's fair." 

"Yes it is," I said.

"Well I'm glad things are okay with you two now."

"Kellin still hasn't even said he'd take me back yet," I muttered and Kellin rolled his eyes.

"I thought it was obvious," He said and gave me a kiss.

I pulled away with a smile.

"So do you wanna go celebrate graduating or no?" Austin asked Kellin who shrugged.

"I guess."

"You guess? You just graduated Kells! I'm so proud of you." Alan said happily.

"Thanks, but it's no big deal." Kellin said nonchalantly, "By the way are my parents here?"

Alan shook his head, "No, I'm sorry."

He scoffed, "Of course not. Let's go get some ice cream or something."

"I'm sorry but fuck 'em."

"Yeah th-they uh they don't matter." Kellin said, "Thanks for coming though."

"We wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Exactly," I said kissing his neck. "Now lets go celebrate because I am one proud boyfriend."

Kellin smiled, "You better be."

I gave him another kiss before letting him go and grabbed his presents and used my free hand to take his. It felt good to be back with him. Especially since I missed him like crazy.

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