Fairy Tail- The Solar Dragon...

By SonicBlade40

101K 2.1K 1.3K

When his village is destroyed and he's left all alone, young Sora Lionheart assumes his life has no meaning... More

Chapter 1- Dragons meets Celestial Wizard
Chapter 2-Monkey Business !?
Chapter 3-Breaking and Entering
Chapter 4- The Strongest Team?
Chapter 5-Trials and S-Class Missions
Chapter 6-A Fated Encounter ?
Chapter 7: The Old Switch-A-Roo
Chapter 8- The Egg Sitters
Chapter 9- A Premonition to War
Chapter 10-Fairies vs Phantoms!
Chapter 11- Beast vs Demon
Chapter 12- Confrontations and Realizations
Chapter 13-New Generation
Chapter 14-A Vacation? Nope!
Chapter 15- The Rise of Sora and Natsu
Chapter 16- Festival Time!
Chapter 17- Fantasia and a Kiss!
Chapter 18- A Date and a Big Break
Chapter 19- The Oracion Seis
Chapter 20- Into the Woodsea
Chapter 21- Nirvana
Chapter 22- The Darkness Adavnces
Sora Lionheart's Profile
Chapter 24- Scarlet Sky
Chapter 25- The Drifting Mountains
Chapter 26- Rainbow Sakura and Gildarts' Return
Chapter 27-Earthland
Chapter 28 - Edolas
Chapter 29 - The Other Fairy Tail
Chapter 30 - Faust
Chapter 31-Fateful Reunion
Chapter 32- Fireball and the Royal City
Chapter 33- Extalia
Chapter 34- Fly! To Your Friends!
Chapter 35- Subject S
Chapter 36- Särakaotus
Chapter 37-Erza vs Erza
Chapter 38- Iceboy
Chapter 39- The Death of a Kingdom
Chapter 40- The Girl From Then
Chapter 41- Dorma Anim
Chapter 42- Sky Eclipse Dragon Mode !
Chapter 43- Five Dragons
Chapter 44- The New Edolas!
Chapter 45- Lisanna
Chapter 46- That Which Extinguishes Life
Chapter 47: S-Class Promotion Trial
Chapter 48- Tenrou Island
Chapter 49- Sora vs Erza!
Chapter 50- The Black Mage
Chapter 51- Grimoire Heart
Chapter 52- Makarov's Stand
Chapter 53- Dance with the Devil!
Chapter 54-Solar Dusk Dragon Mode!
Chapter 55- Paradise Lost
Chapter 56- Daughter of Layla
Chapter 57- Star Dress
Chapter 58- Witching Hour
Chapter 59- I Refuse To Leave You!
Author's Note
Chapter 60 -Fairy Tail vs Grimoire Heart
Chapter 61 - Tenrou Tree
Chapter 62 - Final Battle: Master Hades
Chapter 63 - Domain of the Abyss
Chapter 64 - Magic is Alive
Chapter 65 - Let's Hold Hands

Chapter 23- Zero Hour

1.6K 22 29
By SonicBlade40

Disclaimer: Hey guys! Spiritbomb35 here with a new chapter for you all. Wow, this story has reached over 1.03k! I want to thank everyone who voted on this story and I promise to keep it up for you guys. So without further ado, Enjoy!


Some distance away, lay Cait Shelter, and the two it was part of. Though it may have been more accurate to say that the town that was part of Cait Shelter lay some distance away, since the entire town was part of the guild.

"We got trouble!" one guild member yelled, "Its Nirvana!" Everyone in the guild heard that.

"The Allied Forces mission failed?" one girl asked.

"Even though they had Erza Scarlet and one of the Ten Wizard Saints?" another guy said.

"Master! What do we do?" The master of Cait Shelter, whose name was Roubaul, was a short, bearded man, with a large feathered headdress. He took a swig of bottle, as he looked over his guild.

"Is that true?!" he demanded, alcohol spilling out of his mouth.

"Swallow before talking!"

"Nirvana is heading this way," the guy who first announced it explained.

"I hope Wendy and Carla are safe," one mage mentioned.

"Yeah, I'd hate to think what would happen if they got caught up in all of this.

"Don't worry," Roubaul said, more alcohol spilling from his mouth, "Light isn't gone yet, and if anything, its shining even brighter than ever."

"Could they know our true identity?" someone else asked.

"Why else would they be coming here?"

"We should evacuate!"

"Our barrier can't work on Nirvana!"

"No way!" Routable yelled, "There are people fighting to stop Nirvana! We need to believe in them! And if fate decrees that it be time to pay for our sins, then so be it."


At Nirvana

It didn't take long for Erza to remember who the guy was. Midnight of the Oracion Seis.

"Stand back, Erza," Jellal instructed, "I'll deal with this man."

"No way," Erza said, "You're no where near in the right shape to do this."

"I honestly don't care," Midnight answered, "Both of you are going to die anyway, so who dies first isn't that important to me personally."


With Sora and the others...

Sora awoke in darkness, 'I must have lost consciousness, but for how long, and why am I not dead?' he thought as he looked around.

Gray's voice sounded beside him, "Is everyone alright? I think we're buried."

He heard Lucy sit up and hit her head on something so Natsu let a small amount of fire coalesce around his hand, lighting the small area. Everyone looked slightly worse for wear, but not as bad as he'd expected from the size of the explosion, 'Wait, how did we survive?'

Natsu immediately punched upwards through the rock until he'd created a sufficient hole to crawl through. When he did though his jaw dropped at the sight before him. Jura had his back towards Natsu and his arms outstretched. He was breathing heavily and looked like he'd taken the brunt of the explosion while shielding the Fairy Tail mages. Natsu could only mutter, "Jura..."

"Damn! I'm getting old," Jura said, as he fell to his knees.

Sora, Gray and Lucy popped up next to him and they all gasped as well. Jura turned his head and smiled at them, ""I was coming up.... to join you, when.... I noticed the trap," Jura said weakly, "Maybe... if I was faster, I'd be able to.... to save myself as well. But..." He then looked back, smiling at them.

"Jura!" Gray yelled.

Lucas and Happy were in shock as well.

"He protected us...," Lucy said with tears flooding her eyes.

"But you're alright, that's... the important thing." He then collapsed to the ground, defeated.

"Jura!" Sora cried.


With Wendy and Carla...

"I'm sorry Wendy, but I'm getting tired, I don't think I can carry you much longer," Carla said.

"That's okay," Wendy said, as she let Carla set her down, "I can maybe track Jellal by scent, but his smell is somewhat different. Not by too much, but its still there."

"Are you sure he can stop Nirvana?" Carla asked.

"Its worth a shot, and I'm willing to try just about anything," Wendy answered. 'I just hope he's going to be safe.'


With Erza and Jellal...

The standoff between Erza and Jellal, against Midnight seemed as if it was lasting forever.

"I'm a patient individual," Midnight said, "I'm willing to wait. But the question is, are you willing to wait?" Erza knew they probably couldn't wait. Nirvana was moving, and every second they waited, it was getting closer to a populated area. The red head knew that waiting was dangerous, and something they couldn't afford to do. With that in mind, Erza struck.

"Erza!" Jellal called. Erza slashed at Midnight, only for the attack to twist away from him.

"So we're going to straight to business?" Midnight asked, "Very well, this seems like it would be more fun anyway." Erza slashed at him again, only for the attack to be deflected again. Midnight then flicked his wrist, sending Erza careening away.

"I won't let you fight alone!" Jellal declared, as he sprung at Midnight. However, Midnight just sneered, as he held up his hand. Jellal was blasted away by the magic, creating several magic gashes in his body, and blasting him back.

"What?" Jellal muttered.

"Not only are your memories gone, you're skill is apparently gone as well," Midnight noted, "I guess that's to be expected. But it wouldn't matter, I'd be able to take you no matter what." Erza then jumped up at Midnight again, but he merely glanced at her briefly.

Erza's armor suddenly began to twist and contort coming around her body as if it were some kind of massive snake. She let out a pained grunt as she felt the armor starting to twist her body.

"What is this?" she grunted.

"He's using her armor as a weapon!" Jellal noted. Erza managed to break free by requipping into her Flame Empress armor.

"So that's what you can do?" Erza inquired, "I've heard about Reflector Magic, but I can't say I've ever really seen it in use before."

"How observant of you," Midnight said, "Indeed, I use Reflector. It allows me to distort anything in my range."

"Apparently that includes both magical, and physical attacks," Jellal muttered, "Damn, this won't be easy."

"Frankly, I don't give a damn," Erza answered, "One way or another, you're going down!"

"I'd me with your best shot, but that would imply that it might have an effect," Midnight said with a snort. He then gestured for Erza to come, which she did. With a yell, the knight held up her sword, and swung her blade of fire at Midnight, only for it to easily to be deflected, as all the others were. Erza then swung her blade at Midnight's neck, only for the blade to bend away.

"Its useless," Midnight said, as he flicked a finger at Erza. Erza's armor then spiraled, bringing her arms in, like she was being trapped in a cocoon. Erza then re-quipped into her Heaven's Wheel.

"Twist my armor as much as you want," she said, "I can just re-quip into a new one."

"Likewise, re-quip into a different armor, and I'll just twist that one."

"Then I'll just have to defeat you, and stop you permanently!"

"Good luck," Midnight sneered.

"I don't believe in luck," Erza said, pointing her sword at Midnight, "Only skill."

"Trust me, soon you'll be wish for better luck."


With the main group...

"You better not be dying old guy!" Natsu said angrily.

"If only Wendy were here, his wounds are serious," Lucy said.

"What should we do?" Happy asked.

"I don't think there's anything we really can do," Gray said, "None of us have the magic."

Lucas looked over at the fallen Wizard Saint. "Sora? Is he...?"

Sora knelt down beside the man and checked his pulse, breathing a sigh of relief when he found it. He muttered, "That's twice that you helped us out old man, let me even the score first before you save me again."

"This is sure a pity." Everyone stopped, and looked around.

"Who said that?" Lucy asked

"Is someone practicing their ventikrolism?" Happy asked.

"I think you mean 'ventriloquism", and the answer is no," Lucas answered.

"Brain really is a fool, wasting his power on single trap, that still failed to take down a single enemy," the voice continued.

"Show yourself, bastard!" Sora yelled in anger.

"Look!" Happy said, pointing.

"What?" Natsu said. Everyone looked up, and saw... Brain's staff?

"Eh?" Lucy asked.

Lucas titled his head, "....It's a stick?"

"Oh well, as long as Midnight's still up and about there's nothing to worry about," the staff continued, "I might as well deal with you myself."

"The staff is talking!" Gray said.

"Yes, I'm talking, and soon..." The staff was silenced when Natsu grabbed him, and started banging him against the ground.

"Stop this giant city you stupid stick!"

"Stop it!" the staff yelled, it swatted Natsu in the face with its brunt, and floated put to face the group, "I am the seventh of the Oracion Seis! I'm Klodoa, and I'm...."

"Tell me how to stop this place!" Natsu said, as he started hitting him on the ground again.

"I said stop it!" Klodoa yelled.

"Wait, if there are seven members, why are you still called the 'Oracion Seis?" Lucy asked.

"Are we factoring out that he's a talking staff?" Gray said.

"You're thinking about it too hard!" Klodoa protested, "You guys are such punks! The Cait Shelter guild will be on the horizon soon, but first I should clean things out first for all of you."


(with Erza)

"Dance of Twenty Blades!" Erza declared, as she launched her blades at Midnight, but as with all, they bent out of the way, back towards Erza. Erza managed to deflect all of them.

"Really, that's it?" Midnight asked.

"Far from it," Erza said, "That was just the second level of my Dance! Now, Dance of Thirty Blades!" Another many blades launched at Midnight, but they bent out of the way as well. Midnight then thrust his hand at Erza, twisting around her armor, tightening it so hard it felt like it was crushing her bones into a powder, while it was nearly shattering the armor.

"Dance of Ten Blades!" she forced out. Of her Sword Dance technique, it was the weakest, but it was the only technique she could do from this position. Midnight didn't even need to deflect any of them, as he dodged.

"Not too bad," he admitted, "But still bad. Spiral Pain!" A torrent of magic energy surged up, nearly shredding Erza to pieces. She then fell to the ground, barely conscious.

"Don't tell me it was that easy," Midnight said.

"Damn you!" Jellal said, as he tried to get up, only to fail.

"Don't die just yet," Midnight said, "If you do, I won't have anything to past the time before we get to Cait Shelter."

"Cait Shelter?" Jellal asked.

"That's what I said," Midnight answered.

"What's the point of that? What's so special about Cait Shelter?" Midnight grinned maliciously.

"Nirvana was created by the Nirvites, in their ploy to end war. Unfortunately, Nirvana turned far more dangerous than they had thought. To prevent it from potentially destroying everything, they sealed it away. However, they continued to watch over it..."


With the main group...

"A guild made up entirely of the descendants of the Nirvites came into existence," Klodoa said to the others, "That guild is known to others Cait Shelter."

"What?!" Natsu yelled.

"No way...." Sora spoke.

"Carla's guild helped create Nirvana?" Happy asked.

"No, their ancestors did," Klodoa answered, "They possess the power to seal Nirvana away. For obvious reasons, we have to destroy them."


With Erza...

"Doing that would undo all our handwork," Midnight said, "And this will teach the Nirvites the pain of neutrality." He then looked to sky, holding his arms out.

"With Nirvana, we will turn their hearts to darkness, and have them destroy each other! It will be amazing!"

"You're despicable," Jellal hissed.

"That's ironic coming from you," Midnight said, grinning, "You are no less despicable than me."

"That's not possible," Jellal answered.

"Is it now?" Midnight said, "Let me describe your past. You forced children to labor, you killed one of your closest friends, and, here's my favorite, you even tried to kill Erza!" Jellal took that all in, as he just stared at Midnight.

"There are more people than can be counted were cast into misery by you. You are quite like us, so why not join us? You would be a superb member of the Six Prayers." Jellal clenched his teeth, as he took that all in. 'Was I really such a monster?' he thought 'Am I meant to be evil?'

"I refuse to believe that." The two looked at Erza, who rose to feet, as a violet mist slid over her body. A naginata appeared in her hand, as a purple robe wrapped around her body.

"Erza," Jellal whispered.

"So, you're still able to move?" Midnight said, "I'll admit I doubted the rumors, but clearly my doubt was unfounded." He then looked towards Erza, as he smiled.

"You are certainly worth obliterating," he said.

"Not before I obliterate you," Erza said firmly.

"Very well," Midnight said, gesturing, Let me see your power. Not to say it will do anything." Erza sprung at him, twisting the naginata through her arms. 'She's so fast!' Jellal thought.

"Speed doesn't matter when it comes to my power," Midnight said. However, instead of slashing at Midnight, Erza thrust the polearm into the ground, and pole-vaulted into the air. As she was doing that, she kicked Midnight in the face, sending him careening away into a wall.

"You have two critical weaknesses," Erza said, "Number one, you can reflect magic and weapons, but you can't do it to the body. If it did, you could've snapped my neck no problem."

"Pretty good," Midnight said as he rose to his feet, as he dusted himself off, "But there is more than one way to kill a person." He then held up his hands, twisting Erza's robe.

"As for number two," she said calmly, "Dance of Forty Blades." Midnight looked up, to see swords cascading down upon. As the dust got kicked up, he emerged wounded.

"You had to dodge my sword while bending my armor," Erza explained, "That means that you can only really react a single area at any given time. That area is either around you or your enemy. And while casting it on said enemy, you can't use it on you."

"Damn you!" Midnight hissed. 'This is amazing!' Jellal thought 'She saw through him no problem.'

"Besides, my Robe of Yuuen is elastic, so your magic isn't going to do a thing against this armor," Erza said before thinking briefly, "I guess that creates a third weakness."

"Its a shame," Midnight said as he rose to his feet slowly.

"For you perhaps," Erza said, "Seeing as I'm clearly the victor here."

"No, its a shame because you had to live long enough to see this," Midnight said, as he looked up the sky, spreading his arms. His body then turned black, as it seemed to twist and contort like his magic.

"At midnight, my refraction reaches its peak!" Midnight said proudly.

"What's going on?!" Jellal said, "What kind of power is this?!" A massive, black skinned demon appeared in Midnight's place.

"Now that things are determined, I don't care how they happen!" Midnight said darkly. With that, he sprung at Erza, dark magic gathering in his palm, thrusting it down at Erza. There was a massive explosion, that rocked all of Nirvana. A large tentacle shot out his palm, impaling Jellal, before another one impaled Erza.

"Oh? Looks like I overdid it," Midnight said, "I was hoping to toy around a little more, but I guess the impalement won't kill you immediately." With that, the tentacle forced its way through Erza's body harder.

"ERZA!" Jellal called, as Erza screamed, and Midnight laughed.

"Dance of One Blade!"

Midnight fell to this knees, as Erza took a breath, as she set down her naginata. The demon was gone, as were all the wounds. Jellal stared at it all in shock.'It was all... fake?'

"My illusions failed?" Midnight asked, "That.... that shouldn't be possible."

"Illusions have no effect on me," Erza said, her left eye closed, and her artificial right wide open.

"Its not... possible!" Midnight said, "I'm the most powerful.... of the Oracion Seis. I'm stronger than my father. I can't be... defeated."

"People who derive pleasure from the sufferings of others are the weaker ones," Erza said, "You are far from strong." Midnight reached to to the sky.

'My prayer.... I only wanted to sleep... in a quiet place.'

"This... is what she can do?" Jellal muttered. Erza panted, as she looked at Jellal.

"The first step to being strong is knowing your weaknesses," Erza said, "That, and having kindness."


With Brain...

The last symbol began to fade.


With the main group...

Natsu got hit in the face.

"Damn you!" Natsu said, as he glared at the stick.

"I'm just as strong as the other Oracion Seis!" Klodoa said proudly, "No one can beat me!" He then rammed Gray in the stomach.

"I got him!" Sora said as he jumped for the stick, only to get whacked in the face.


"Are you guys okay!?" Lucy cried.

"Hm, pink with gold stars" Klodoa said as he looked up Lucy's skirt, "I'd peg you for that type."

"KYAH!" Lucy cried, pulling her skirt down. Sora noticed that, and let out an angry roar, as he sprung at Klodoa.

"No one peeps on my girlfriend!" he yelled, "Unless they want to be incinerated into dust!" However, Klodoa jumped out of the way.

"This guy's not tough, but damn is he annoying!" Gray grumbled.

"But he's just a stupid stick!" Natsu said.

"A stick that's about to get roasted!" Sora spoke.

"I'm going to snap him in two!" Lucy said angrily.

"You'll never defeat me!" Klodoa said, "I'm...." He paused, as he looked around briefly.

"Wait a minute...," he muttered, "The six have... fallen?"

"The Oracion Seis have been defeated?" Lucy asked.

"GAH!" Klodoa cried, as he dropped the orb in his mouth, "He's going to show up!"

"What're you talking about?" Gray said as he got back up.

"Who's 'he'?" Sora asked.


With Brain...

As the last mark faded from Brain's face, he opened his eyes, but the colors were inverted. But instead of being black on white, the eyes were a sinister red.


With the main group...

"Brain has a second personality. There is the face we all know, who hordes knowledge like a dragon hordes treasure."

"I find that insulting!" Natsu protested.

"In a way..." Sora shrugged.

"Don't interrupt!" Klodoa snapped, "But there's another face which cares about one thing, and one thing alone: destruction. He's known as 'Zero'. Due to the danger of the power of Zero, Brain sealed the personality away, using six seals."

"And the Oracion Seis are what keep those seals in place?" Gray asked.

"The Oraganic-Link magic that's used means that's used means that if the 'prayers' as they were called, Zero will..." The staff abruptly shut up, as he saw a figure appear in the shadows. In an instant, Sora had pulled Lucy behind him.

"Welcome back, Master Zero!" Klodoa said, as he bowed in submission. 'He's the Master?' Lucy thought, as she moved close to Sora.

"Klodoa," the figure said, as he approached, "It seems I've come at an interesting time, when even Midnight was taken down."

"Yes sir! I'm so sorry!" Klodoa said quickly.

"No matter," the figure answered, "I'm just satisfied to be out again. Its good to feel power flowing through my spirit." He then pulled over his cloak, as magic energy began to swirl around his body.

"I'll deal with these children," Zero said. He looked both exactly like, and completely different from Brain. He had pale skin, with deep set red eyes, and his hair was looser, and wavier. He was wearing a green suit.

"That's Zero?" Lucy asked.

"Stay behind me, Luce," Sora instructed, "This guy's magic feels sickening. You too, Lucas!"


Happy moved over to Natsu, as said fire dragon slayer and Gray tensed for a fight.

"Of course!" Zero glanced over the group.

Natsu smirked as Gray muttered, "You ready for this guy Natsu?"

Natsu said, "I've never felt a magic this nasty before. Let's do it."

Zero ignored them instead looking towards Jura and saying, "I will start with destroying the one that hurt this body's Brain."

He pointed a finger at Jura and a stream of green energy shot towards him. Gray moved like lightning getting in front of Jura and creating a ice shield before shouting, "How can you attack someone that can't even move!"

Zero just laughed, "It has form, and therefore it can be destroyed!"

His magic blasted through Grays shield of ice and engulfed the two alliance mages, throwing them backwards into a wall. Natsu growled and charged shouting, "Damn you!"

He swung a flame punch at Zero but the man put out his hand and a magic circle stopped Natsu short of striking. He felt something poke him in the chest and realized that it was Brains finger before an explosion erupted from said finger and blasted him into the ceiling. He impacted and then fell to the floor,

"You aren't enough to really expend the energy to fight," he said and turned to Sora and the others, "I'll just end thing's here." He then held up his hand, which was consumed with dark energy.

"Now be destroyed!" he said, as he blasted the magic at them.

Sora jumped onto Lucy, grabbing Happy and Lucas in his other arm, as he shielded all of them. When the dust cleared, the group was all on the ground, apparently defeated.

"That's amazing, Master!" Klodoa said, "You killed them so easily!"

"Oh they aren't dead," Zero said calmly, grinning.

"They aren't?"

"Can you see their bodies?"


"If you can see their bodies!" Zero said maniacally, "They aren't dead!" He then sprung at them.


With Erza and Jellal...

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jellal asked.

"I should be asking you," Erza said. The two were walking further down the city, hoping to meet with the others. Erza's hope was to find at least Natsu and Sora. Seeing those two could probably find a way to destroy the moon if given the opportunity, they just may have been able to destroy Nirvana.

"Jellal!" Wendy called as she ran up.

"Erza too!" Carla said.

"Wendy!" Erza said, "I'm really glad you're alright."

"Who're you?" Jellal asked. 'So he really doesn't remember,' Wendy thought with sadness.

"Jellal's memories are somewhat decayed," Erza said, "He doesn't remember anything really at this point."

"Did we know each other?" Jellal asked Wendy. The girl was tempted to say "yes", but figured she probably shouldn't.

"You better have a way to stop Nirvana!" Carla yelled.

"I don't," Jellal answered, shaking his head, "My self-destruction array was my initial plan, but its obviously not going to work now. I'm afraid I don't have any other options."

"I will NOT accept that! Are you expecting us to let our guild be destroyed?" Carla demanded. They could then feel Nirvana begin to shake.


At Cait Shelter...

The cannon of Nirvana continued to charge, as the guild members cowered around their master.

"Its all over!"

"We're doomed!" Roubaul just watched in silence.

"What's with glamour?" he asked, "This is our fate! Let's just accept it, and be done with it!"


Atop Nirvana...

"Now let the light be crushed under the boot of darkness!" Zero roared, as Nirvana exploded with energy.

The beam soared through the air heading towards the guild. But just when it was about to to obliterate the guild, the beam suddenly twisted away, much to everyone's shock.

The entire city buckled suddenly, as one of the legs was blasted, causing it to briefly lose its balance.

"What happened?!" Zero demanded.


With Erza...

Erza, who was holding onto Wendy, who was in turn holding onto Carla, looked up.

"Its Christina!" she said. Indeed, it was Blue Pegasus' magical airship.

"Can anyone hear me?"

"Hibiki?" Erza asked, "That's you?"

"Erza! And you're with Wendy!"


On Christina...

"I'm here too, men!"

"Sir!" Hibiki said, "I'm glad you're alright!"

"What happened?" Erza asked, "Wasn't Christina shot down?"

"We managed to get back, many thanks to Lyon," Hibiki said, "He managed to make an replacement for the broken wing. And also many thanks to Sherry's Marionette and Ren's Air Magic we managed to stay airborne."

Outside, said two were focusing their magic on the entire ship, which, needless to say, wasn't easy.

"I don't think I ever had to control something on this scale!" Sherry said, her entire body tensed up.

"Just focus!" Ren answered, "But don't take it that I'm trying to carry you or anything!" But he was also clearly straining himself.

"That last attack was thanks to Eve's Snow Magic," Hibiki explained.

"I managed to combine my own power with Christina's armament," Eve said, "Though I only managed to cripple one leg. And I don't think I do much more after this."

"Thank you!" Wendy called.

"Unfortunately we're pretty much completely spent," Hibiki said, "I'm afraid there isn't much to do now." Almost exactly after he finished saying that, Christina began to fall. Sherry doubled over, panting.

"I'm sorry!" she said, "I... can't do... anything else." Ren managed to catch her.

"You pushed yourself way to hard," Ren said. Sherry just looked up at him.

"We're going down!" Hibiki said, "Don't worry about us, but I managed to figure out how to stop Nirvana!" Those words echoed all across the group in Nirvana.

"How!" Erza demanded.

"Nirvana has six leg-like structures," Hibiki said, "Those aren't actually legs, but more like valves that draw magic energy from the earth. There are lacrima crystals in each leg, which draw the energy into Nirvana. If all six can be destroyed, then Nirvana will cease to function. But you have to destroy them all at once! If you don't, the others will simply repair the others."

"How do we do that?" Erza asked.

"I'll give you a time limit," Hibiki explained, "Twenty minutes should do. Once the limit is done, you have to destroy it!"

"That's so futile I can't even laugh." Everyone froze at that voice.

"Who's that!" Lyon demanded.

"Its that Brain guy!" Wendy said.

"He's hijacked my link!"

"I am Zero, the Master of the Oracion Seis," the voice explained.

"This guy's the master?" Ren asked.

"I believe in giving credit where credit is due," Zero said, "I was quite impressed that someone could use the same kind of Archive as Brain. But it matters not. Your destruction has already begun. Four already are: the two Dragon Slayers, the Ice-Maker, and the girl. There's also the cats, but who really cares?"

"NO!" Wendy cried, "There's no way that can be true! I refuse to believe it!"

"I don't care if you believe it," Zero answered, "You said that you would all destroy the Lacrima at once?" Very well, then come at me, here and now! I stand before one of the six, ready to destroy any who dares approach me!" With that, the connection ended.


With Erza and Wendy...

"What do we do?" Carla asked, "We don't have enough mages."

"I don't think I can use any destruction magic," Wendy said, "I'm sorry."

"Well, we do have two people here," Erza said, "But I don't know who else can do it."

"You have me," Ichiya called out.

"Ichiya?" Erza asked.

"I may be weak, but my parfume is still strong, men!"

"Good, now we have three," Erza said.

"I can hold the connection for another few instances," Hibiki said, "But that's about it."

"Quick!" Erza said, "Sound off! Anyone who can fight!"


On the ship...

"Damn it Gray!" Lyon muttered weakly, "Don't tell me... you've already given up... the ghost. If Ul would be here, she'd be humiliated to know that you lost to this scumbag." At the same time, Sherry lay collapsed next to Ren.

"Lucy...," she said, "I don't like you...you're stupid, clumsy, and weak.... but you always put everything into everything....I can't hate if you die..."


With Erza and Wendy...

"Sora...." Erza said, "I refuse to accept that you went down. You have faced worse, and got through it. I know you can hear me, you have to get up."

"Please Natsu, please get back up," Wendy whispered, "Please..."

"Come on...respond Tomcat...Lucas" Carla spoke.


With the main group...

Lucy let out a grunt, as she slowly regained conscious. She noticed Sora over her. 'You... protected me?'

"Come on Sora," she said, putting her hand on his face, "Don't tell me you've already given up. You promised me to stay by my side." Sora was silent for a time, but he stirred.

"C'mon," he said, "Five more minutes, Luce?" Lucy smiled.

"I'm afraid not, lover boy," she said, "We got a bad guy to stop!" she then leaned against him.

Sora got up and looked over at Natsu and Gray, "Come on guys. You had enough?"

"Heh, Hardly....Get off your ass, Frosty," Natsu said as he got up, "You heard everyone."

"I know," Gray said, as he also got back up, "We got to destroy all six lacrima at the same time."

"And someone may be lucky enough to get to take a shot at that Zero punk," Lucas said with a grin.

"We got 18 minutes!" Happy said, "We got to protect Wendy and Carla's guild!"

"I can't... keep this transmission... much longer," Hibiki forced out, "I've transmitted the locations of the lacrima, each with a number. Each one pick a number."

Sora sniffed the air and found Zero's scent, headed towards Lacrima one, "I'll take one."

"Aww, what? But I wanted to take one!" Natsu whined.

"Come on, bro. Everyone in the Alliance got to take on a Oracion Seis member, except me. If I see him, I going to gibe him the ass kicking of a lifetime" Sora said.

Natsu mumbled, but spoke up, "Fine."

Gray decided on two.

Lucy muttered, "I'll take three, I just hope Zero isn't there."

Sora was surprised to hear Ichiya's voice in his head, "I shall take four. My perfume tells me that is the closest to me."

He couldn't suppress a snort of amusement when Erza's voice came over the link, "The map told you that. I shall take five."

Another voice sounded, "Then I..."

It cut off but it sounded dreadfully familiar. Natsu demanded, "Who was that. Who said that!"

Nothing came back over the link and he soon realized why. He heard the crash of Cristina from outside Nirvana, 'Hibiki must have gone down with the ship.'

Natsu finally felt like he had the strength to stand up and he did, "I'll take six."

Happy said, "It sounds like we have six people. We don't have much time so everybody let's go!"


With Sora...

Sora's legs felt like lead, but he refused to even pause, as he trudged through the hall, and into the halls of one of the lacrima.

"Welcome," Zero said. Sora didn't look at him, as he continued to pant. His orange locks shadowing his eyes.

"I have to confess, I'm impressed that you're still alive," Zero said, "Most people would be lucky to be in two pieces. So what brings you here?" Sora lightly grinned, as Zero arched his eyebrow.

"I'm here to see who will still be in one piece in the end," Sora answered as his body started to glow in solar magic. With that, he launched himself at the Oracion Seis leader with a battle roar.


With Erza and Wendy...

"Chances are Zero is at number one," Erza said.

"Sora went there!" Wendy said. Jellal blinked at the mention of Sora's name. It sounded...familiar.

"His nose is unparalleled," Erza explained, "He chose number one because he knew Zero was there."

"We should back him up!" Wendy said.

"Don't underestimate the Sunbeast," the red head said with a smile, "If anyone can handle Zero, its him." She then took a breath. "If it had been Natsu, I'm sure he could've handle it to."

"Alright! Now let's each head to our places!" she instructed. But Jellal remained still.

"So...ra. Nat..su"


With Sora...

"Solar Dragon's Blazing Hammer!" Zero easily leaned away from. Sora countered with a double kick, which his foe easily ducked. Sora then let out a blast of solar power, that consumed Zero. But when the smoke faded, Zero was unscathed, holding up his hand in defense.

"That was actually somewhat warm," he said, "Well done." He then pointed at Sora, releasing a thin blast of dark energy at him. Sora managed to avoid it, but the beam suddenly shot out smaller beams from the main one.

"You're quite mistaken if you think I fight the same way as Brain," Zero explained, "Quite the contrary as a matter of fact." He then flicked his finger, as the beam twisted around, blasting Sora again.

"AArgh!" Sora yelled in pain as he skidding across the floor.

"You said you wanted to see who will be in one piece, yes?" Brain said, "That answer is quite obvious, I'd say!"

"Solar Dragon's Fire Sword!" Sora tried to slash the beam, eventually shoving it off it. But his arm was nearly blown off, and the force it did on the Dragon Slayer was more than just immense.

"Stopping a magic designed for penetration head on?" Zero said, "I like your thinking. Its quite intriguing."

"I'm not you're entertainment!" Sora snapped, his eyes slitted.

"Oh, I'd say you are," Zero answered, "You are far too weak to be called an opponent. I'd say you're too weak to even be called a nuisance."

"I'm going to incinerate you!" Sora declared, "Now..." He was silenced, when he was blasted by golden magic. Sora couldn't even grunt, he was so surprised.

"Still got it," Jellal said as he walked into the hall.

"Ah, Jellal," Zero said, "So your memories have returned?"

"I suppose," Jellal answered, as he strolled down.

"JELLAL!?" Sora roared, as he sprung at him. He was quickly shot down with golden fire.

"You know fire doesn't work on me, you know!" Sora said. Zero narrowed his eyes. Jellal was smart enough to know that. He shouldn't have used that attack.

"Oh I know," Jellal answered, "I also know who you are, and what you stand for."

"What?" Zero snapped.

"Solar Dragon Slayer magic, as its name implies, is amplified by light and heat," Jellal said. Sora looked at his body, which was cloaked in golden fire.

"What the...?" he said.

"So you're memory isn't back?" Zero asked.

"Can't say that it is," Jellal answered, "But I do know Natsu. I also know that Nirvana will stop, and that it will not be changed."

"Memory? What memory?" Sora asked.

"I don't remember anything prior to waking up back in that cave," Jellal answered, "All I know is that I was a monster who hurt so many . But all I want to do now is hel..."

"Why!?" Sora snapped as he grabbed Jellal by the collar, "You forgot about everything?! You think you can be all buddy with me now?!"

"Please, just accept my flame!" Jellal said.

"Up yours, you bastard!" Sora said, "You made Erza cry! And you still haven't answer my question?" Zero watched all this, as he pinched himself between the eyes.

"I've got better things to do than watch you two whine," he said, "Now why don't you run along?" He then blasted dark energy. Sora turned, only to see Jellal spring in front of him, taking the bulk of the blast. Sora stared in shock. An familiar image from the Tower of Heaven came to mind, with a person Jellal killed. As he fell to the ground, he looked up at Sora.

"Kill me if you want," Jellal said, "But for now, you need to defeat Zero." He then held out his hand, showing a golden flame.

Sora looked down at the golden flame.


At the second lacrima...

"Damn," Gray said, "We're running out of time."


At the third....

"We have to keep moving!" Lucy said as she, Lucas and Happy made their way down the hall.


At the fourth...

"I finally got here! Men!" Ichiya said, as he hopped into the room, "Now the power of the parfume shall be witnessed!"


At the fifth....

"Sora...," Erza muttered, "Don't you lose."


At the sixth...

Wendy inhaled deeply, as she started to suck in all the air around.

"Let's go!" Natsu shouted as he he lit his arms on fire.

That's it! I was going to end the Oracion Seis arc here, but I decided not to. the next chapter will be the end. Sora vs Master Zero will continue in the next chapters. Comment on you favorite parts and don't forget to vote. Until then, see ya!!!

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