"Little Sister"

By ClassicRock_Addict

35K 649 97

What if Elvis Presley wasn't an only child? What if, years after Gladys Presley gave birth to Elvis and his... More

Introduction : Lizzie
Chapter 1 : 1954
Chapter 2 : Sun Records
Chapter 3 : The Start of Something Big
Chapter 4 : 1956
Chapter 5 : Love Me Tender
Chapter 6 : Graceland
NOT A NEW CHAPTER! August 16th, 2016
Chapter 7 : G.I. Blues
Chapter 9 : Momma Liked the Roses
Chapter 10 : Momma liked the Roses pt. 2
Chapter 11 : Now what
Chapter 12 : Priscilla
Chapter 13 : Fool
Chapter 14 : Now and Then, There's a Fool Such As I
NOT A NEW CHAPTER! August 16th, 2017

Chapter 8 : The Worst Is Yet to Come

1.9K 33 4
By ClassicRock_Addict

* August 8th, 1958 *

~ It's been five months since Elvis left for Arkansas, and Momma has been worrying herself sick about Elvis being in the army, literally. She's gotten so skinny from not eating, and dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. It's scaring me. I know there's more wrong with her, Momma and Daddy just won't tell me.

" I'm alright, baby. Nothing bad's gonna happen to your Momma, promise. "

My momma made a lot of promises to me throughout my life, and she kept just about all of them. But this one...... this one, she couldn't.

The three of us had been living in a small house not to far from where Elvis was transferred to in Texas. But Momma's gotten so bad recently, that Elvis insisted she do something about it. So, he put us on a train to Memphis to see Momma's Doctor, Dr. Charles Clarke. ~

I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room with one of Elvis's best friends : Red West, two of our cousins, Junior and Gene Smith, and one of mine and Elvis's closest friends, Jerry Schilling. Jerry's not much older than me, he's 16 and I'll be 14 in less than a week. To be honest, he is kinda cute.

Anyways, back to the situation at hand.
Daddy went back with Momma no more than an hour and a half ago. The five of us sit in a circle playing cards, to help pass the time and to keep me distracted from the current dilemma. But, I can't help but worry about what's going on back there, what if Momma's real bad sick and there's nothing the Doctors can do? What if-

I'm snapped out of those awful thoughts when I hear the door open and see Momma and Daddy walk out. I drop my playing cards, rush over to Momma and throw my arms around her neck. I hear her gasp in surprise.

" Lizzie, baby. What's the matter? "

She asks, taking hold of my hands. I don't want to tell her what I've been thinking. It might cause her to think those bad thoughts too, which will just worry her even more.

" I'm just worried about you is all, Momma."

She smiles down at me and places a soft, gentle hand on my cheek.

" You got nothing to worry about, Darlin'. Your momma ain't going nowhere. "

At that moment, Dr. Clarke comes through the same door, clipboard in hand.

" Mrs. Presley, it looks like you're well enough to go home. All I ask is that you take things slow and don't stress yourself. If anything else happens or if you feel different, call or come in as soon as you can."

" Thank you, Doctor. "

Momma and Daddy say goodbye to Dr. Clarke while I walk over and say goodbye to the boys.

" Call us if anything happens, Lizzie. "

Red says as he gathers up the playing cards and puts them in his pocket.

" I will. Thank you, Red. "

I give him a gracious smile and in return, he ruffles my hair.

" No problem, Darlin'. "

Red, Junior and Gene leave and all that's left is Jerry. We slowly walk towards each other to say goodbye. He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and looks down at his shoes.

" Thanks for coming down here with me, Jerry. I really appreciate it. " I say, playing with a loose thread on my dress.

" Not a problem, Lizzie. I hope your momma gets to feelin' better soon. "

" Thanks. "

I finally push past my awkwardness and look him in the eye, he does the same. We stay like that for a few seconds, just looking into each other's eyes. It feels as if we're leaning closer, when I hear Momma holler for me, making both Jerry and I jump back.

" Lizzie! Come on, baby. Time to go! "

" Coming, Momma! "

I look at Jerry who's looking down in embarrassment.

" Wanna walk me out? " I ask, hopefully making things less awkward.

He looks up at me and smiles.

" Sure. "

So we walk behind Momma and Daddy to our family car in the hospital parking lot, not saying a single word. We reach the back passenger side and he opens the door for me, allowing me to slide in. He shuts the door, gives me a quick smile and walks to his truck. I strain my neck to watch him stroll all the way to his pick up truck, when I see he glances back my way. I quickly turn around and slide down in my seat, grinning like an absolute idiot. Once I'm sitting in my seat correctly, I see Momma turned around in the passenger seat, with the same grin on her face.

" He is awful handsome, Lizzie. You like him? "

I can feel my cheeks turning beet red. I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment.

" No, I don't like him, Momma. "  I muffle from under my hands.

" Don't you lie to me, Elizabeth Jesse. I know you like him at least a little bit. Look how red you're turning. " She giggles at my embarrassment.

" She better not be liking nobody. "

I hear my daddy say, jokingly, but I can hear in his voice he's serious too. I peak from in between my fingers and see Daddy's turned around too, giving me a mock stern look and winks at me.

" Daddy! " I exclaim, giggling at both of their reactions. They probably just think it's a little crush or something, heck I think it too. But who knows what'll happen?

The rest of the ride home was filled with chatter. We talked about my 14th birthday coming up in a few days, Elvis and when he'll be coming home on leave, and Jerry was mentioned once again, my face turned an even brighter red than before. But thank the Lord, Momma nor Daddy saw. I can't imagine how much more teasing they would do. We did nothing but laugh the whole way home. It was so nice to see Momma like that, happy again. It's been a while since I've heard her laugh. With Elvis being gone and all this news on the television about the army and when they're sending people out to fight, it's got Momma torn apart. I just hope she'll get better and Elvis will come home real soon.

* A few hours later *

" You're coming home soon right, Elvis? "
I ask over the phone, already knowing the answer, but silently hoping that his response will be...

" No, not soon, baby doll. I'm sorry, but I need to stay here and finish my training. "

I was expecting that.

I sigh with disappointment, hopefully Elvis didn't notice it.

" I know, I just miss you. Momma and Daddy miss you too. I'm scared for Momma, she's so worried about you, Elvis. I don't know how she can bear it. "

The line goes silent for a moment, then I hear Elvis sigh.

" I'm worried too, Lizzie. I- "

I hear another voice mumble on the other end of the line.

" Lizzie, where's Momma? I gotta hurry up and talk to her real quick. There's more guys here waiting to talk to their families. "

" I'll go get her, she went to lie down in the living room not too long ago. "

" No, no. If she's resting, she don't need to be bothered right now. I'll call later when she's feeling up to it. I'll talk to ya later, Liz bug. I love you. "

" Love you too, Elvis. "

* The Next Day. August 9th, 1958 *

~ We're right back where we were yesterday, the hospital. Only this time, it was dyer consequences if we didn't go. At 11:30 this morning, Daddy called an ambulance to come take Momma to the hospital. She seemed to be doing a little better yesterday evening, still not one hundred percent, but better. She started breathing real heavy and acted like she was gonna pass out. I noticed this first while I was sitting with her on the couch, and I went to tell Daddy. He called the hospital as soon as he saw Momma in such a state. I called Red and Jerry as soon as we got here, they don't live too far from us, while Gene and Junior live a bit further away. I wanted to call Elvis and tell him what happened to Momma, but Daddy insisted I wait till things got more serious before worrying him. ~

" Mrs. Presley's family? " I hear a male voice say, which belonged to Dr. Clarke. The four of us look in that direction and instantly stand to show our presence.

Daddy leads us to Dr. Clarke and speaks first.

" How is she, Doctor? "
Dr. Clarke gave a forlorn look. This is what I was dreading....

" Not to good, Mr. Presley. I'm sorry to say this, but your wife is in grave condition. We need to keep her here and run several tests."

My stomach dropped to my knees. I had to rely on Red for support, afraid that my knees might give out. Once he felt me leaning against him, he put his arm around me and lead me back to where we were sitting, Jerry trailing behind.

Once I sat down, Red sat on one side of me, and Jerry on the other. I hadn't even realized I started crying, I was just in so much shock. Momma was just fine yesterday, laughing and carrying on, now today she has trouble breathing and she's in critical condition?

Before the two of them could say anything, I stammered out.

" S-Someone's gotta t-tell Elvis. "

" We will, Lizzie. We just need to find out what's wrong with your momma. Okay, Darlin'? "

He gave me a sympathetic smile and wiped a stray tear from my cheek. Daddy finished talking with the Doctor, and made his way towards us. He had the saddest look I've ever seen on his face, I was scared of what he had to say. Red looked up at him expectantly.

" What's goin' on, Vern? "

Daddy looked like he was gonna cry, I've never seen him like this before, it absolutely broke my heart.

" Doc says she's showing signs of hepatitis, a liver infection and apparently she- "
He sucked in a shaky breath, like he was trying to keep from bursting into tears.
" They checked her out closer than before, and turns out she was taking too many diet pills and she'd been drinking. "

I lost it at that point. I jumped up from my seat and clung to my Daddy. He wrapped his arms around me and we broke down together. I couldn't believe everything Daddy just said about Momma drinking. I had never seen her drink so much as a glass of wine. I thought my heart broke for my Momma then, but I was in for an awful awakening sooner than later.

I stand at the pay phone in the waiting room, listening to the ringing on the other end, praying and praying that Elvis would pick up.
Daddy decided that now it would be best to let Elvis know what was going on.
" Hello? " I finally hear a gruff voice answer, but it's not Elvis.
" Hello. Is Elvis there? " I ask, trying to keep my composure.
The line goes silent for a few minutes, before I hear two muffled male voices in the background, which I'm guessing was the man talking to Elvis.
" May I ask who's calling? " the man asks.
Elvis always does this, he's afraid that fans will have gotten ahold of this number and they'd spread it like wildfire.

" It's his sister, Lizzie, please it's important. "

" It's your sister, Presley. " I hear him whisper to Elvis.

I hear the sound of the phone being handed to Elvis.

" Lizzie? What is it? Is something wrong with Momma? "

Before Elvis answered the phone, I tried taking a couple of deep breaths to keep myself from crying, but that had all gone to waste. Once I heard the concern in his voice, I started bawling right there and then, gasping for air every few seconds.

" Lizzie? Shhhh, it's okay. Just breathe, baby, breathe. Tell me what's going on. "

" M-Momma's in t-the Hos-pital. "
I try my best to explain, but it just comes out in hiccups and sobs.

" Is she alright? " his voice is getting more tense with worry and concern.

" Th-The Doctor said sh-e's in critical c-condition, Elly. I'm so sc-ared. "

The silence that followed was very eerie. It was like Elvis never even picked up the phone. After a while of nothing but silence, I spoke up, making sure he was still there.

" E-Elvis? "

" I'm still here, Sattnin. " he replied, his voice filled with sadness. I couldn't wait any longer, I had to tell Elvis to come home now.

" You gotta come h-ome now, Elvis. Momma needs you, w-we all need you right now. " I try to say, but my hiccuping gets the best of me.

" Don't worry, Liz bug. I will do whatever it takes to be granted leave to come down there. Tell Momma and Daddy I'll be down in a few days. "

" W-What if they don't let y- "

" I don't care what they do, Lizzie. I'm coming home. "

* August 13th, 1958 *

~ Flashback ~
~ I was allowed to go in and see Momma the morning after she was admitted to the hospital. She looked so frail and weak laying in that hospital bed. When Momma saw me, she patted the space beside her on the bed, telling me to sit beside her. I obeyed and sat next to her. She took my hand and smiled up at me. I tried my best to smile back, but the tears made their return down my face. Soon I was sniffling and crying like a baby all over again. Momma brought me down to where my head was on her chest. She lightly stroked my dark blonde hair, that has been turning a more brownish color lately, like hers

" Sshhhhhh, everything will be alright, baby."

" I love you, Momma. "

I wasn't able to mutter anything else, because that's how I truly felt. I did love my Momma, and I always will. There's no other woman that I would rather have as a mother, and no woman could ever replace her.

" My sweet Lizzie, I love you so much. " ~

Elvis was granted emergency leave yesterday and is currently on his way home. I couldn't be happier that he was finally coming home, after being in Texas for months now, but I wish it wasn't for this.
I've barely slept a wink since we've been here, neither has Daddy. I would catch a cat nap here and there, but not once did I see him asleep. Red and Jerry left a couple hours after we first arrived at the hospital, and have been visiting every day, along with more family. Bringing flowers and balloons for Momma, I couldn't be more thankful for such great friends.
I'm sitting in the chair beside Momma's bed, the only time I've left her side was to use the bathroom or change clothes. Red or Jerry would bring Momma, Daddy and I food from Graceland that some of our family made, so we didn't have to eat the nasty hospital food.

Daddy's outside the room, talking to the doctors. Momma's been asleep for a few hours now, that's all she does lately is sleep. I hold her hand in mine, gently rubbing by thumb over hers. I can't help but over hear my Daddy and Dr. Clarke outside.

" What do you mean there's nothing else you can do? You're a doctor for Gods sake, it's your job! " I heard my daddy raise his voice a bit, but still quiet enough to be a whisper.

" I'm sorry, Mr. Presley. But we've done all we can for your wife. Some of the reason for her condition is her drinking and diet pills. But for the most part, it seems to be stress and worry. We can't give her anything to stop that. So the most we can do is wait and see if she improves. "

Daddy scoffed at that.

" I can't believe this. "

I turned around to see Daddy walk into the room, anger written all over his face. As soon as he sees me, his expression turns soft. He walks over to me, and puts his hand over mine and Momma's.

" How's she doin, Lizzie? "
I look up at him, my eyes red and puffy from crying so much.

" The same. "

" Darlin', there's something I need to tell you, something I think you're old enough to understand. I was talking to Dr. Clarke and- "

" I heard everything, Daddy. I know. "

I stopped him before he could finish his sentence. He looked stunned, like he didn't expect me to have heard his conversation with Dr. Clarke.

" Then you know, there's.....not much more they can do for Momma. "

I felt the tears returning, but I tried to keep them back.

" Yeah, I know. "  I sniffled.

Daddy kneels down in front of me, and gently pulls my chin, so I can look him in his tear filled eyes.

" Don't give up on your Momma just yet, Lizzie. She's a strong woman. And with Gods help, I think she's gonna be just fine. "

He wiped a stray tear that I hadn't even realized I shed.

I gave him a small, shaky smile before throwing my arms around his neck.

" I love you, Daddy. "

" I love you too, baby. "

* A few hours later, 9:00 a.m. *

Elvis arrived home yesterday night, but was advised by both the Colonel and Daddy to get a good nights rest and come in the morning. I'm sitting in the same chair as earlier, I haven't let go of Momma's hand once. Suddenly, I hear two pairs of footsteps coming down the hallway. I hear Daddy's voice drawing nearer and the way he's talking, I know it can be only one person.

" Elvis. "
I gently release my hand from Momma's and leap into my big brothers arms. The tears that I've been holding back since this morning, all come out a like a waterfall. His arms wrap around me and he lifts me up for a moment before setting me back down. I bury my face in his neck, and just let it out. Elvis tries soothing me, rubbing my back, shushing me. Nothing works. I manage to get one thing out in between my sobs.

" Mom-ma. "

" I'm here now, baby. Sssshhhh, it's okay, Lizzie. E-everything's....gonna be- "

Soon, Elvis is in tears too. We both crumble to the floor, still in each other's arms.

I guess I had fallen asleep from all the crying, cause I wake up in the chair from earlier. My vision's still blurry from sleep, but I can see a figure sitting in a chair on the other side of Momma's bed, Elvis. I look over at Momma and see she's awake! I scoot my chair back to Momma's side. She turns her head and smiles when she sees me.

" Look who's finally awake. " she says, her voice still sweet and gentle.

" I should be saying that about you, Momma. " she laughs, then starts coughing. Daddy emerges from the corner of the room, where I hadn't seen him.

" Easy now, Gladys. " he tries to calm Momma down. She waves him off as she gets her breath back.

" I'm fine. " she tells Daddy.

" How long have you been up, Momma? "

" Not too long, honey. "

" Why didn't anybody wake me up? "

" We tried to, Liz bug. You were out like a light, you slept for four hours. " Elvis spoke up this time.

My eyes went wide. Four hours? That means it must be well past noon now. I will admit, I was absolutely exhausted.
I hadn't gotten but maybe eight hours of sleep for the past four days. But I felt like I missed out on Momma, what if she woke up around the time I fell asleep?

Momma could see it in my eyes, cause she took my hand and smiled at me.

" Don't you worry about it, darlin'. You needed to sleep. "

We sat like that and talked for about an hour before Momma got tired and fell asleep again. A nurse walked into the room a little later and saw Momma sleeping.

" I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask y'all to step outside for a minute, I need to do a few tests on her. "

We all nodded and reluctantly stepped outside, Elvis and I hand in hand.

Daddy spoke up once the nurse shut the door.

" Elvis, why don't you take Lizzie home for a bit. I just realized that we haven't been home since we first got here. "

He leaned in and whispered in Elvis's ear.

" She needs to get out of this place. She hasn't had a good nights rest in days, she needs to be home for a little while. "

I wanted to argue, but I was too tired. And I knew I wouldn't win this argument, anyway.

Elvis agreed and we walked out to his car.
Lamar Fike, one of Elvis's buddies was outside waiting for us.

" How're ya, Miss Lizzie? "

I tried to muster up as much of a smile as I could.

" Fine. "

I slid into the back seat, and Elvis followed.
I gave him a confused look.

" You're not sitting up front? "

" Nope, I wanted to sit back here and talk to you, see how my little one's been. "

He pinched my cheek as he said ' little one ', which made me giggle, for the first time in days.

" How've you been holding up? " Elvis asked as Lamar pulled out of the parking lot.

I sucked in a deep breath and let out a big sigh. I was about to say something, but I didn't know what. Instead, I just shook my head and leaned onto Elvis's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head.

" I'm sorry I wasn't there, Sattnin. I can't help but feel responsible for this, all Momma's been doing is worrying about me getting hurt- "

" No. "

Elvis looked down at me and I up at him. I was not about to let my brother feel as if he should take all the blame.

" Don't blame yourself, Elly. It's not your fault. Momma has a tendency to worry over us a lot, and with you being in the army, it's just got her emotions in a bunch. But it is not your fault, okay? "

Elvis had gotten misty eyed during my little ' lecture '.

" You sound just like Momma, little one. You're starting to look a lot like her, too. "

I wipe a tear that escaped from Elvis's eye.

" You were there to wipe away my tears, now it's my turn to wipe away yours. "

* 5 hours later : 7:00 p.m. *

It took Elvis and I around fifteen minutes to arrive at Graceland. I had only been gone four days, but it seemed like a lifetime when I walked through that front door. I couldn't imagine what it must've been like for Elvis.
Elvis and I each took a shower and changed into fresh pairs of clothes. We both sat on the white sofa in the living room in silence. Sleep was slowly taking over me, turns out that four hour nap I had earlier, wasn't enough. Elvis saw this and pulled me over and layed my head in his lap, gently stroking my hair. He quietly began to sing one of my favorite songs of his, almost turning it into a lullaby.

" I'll be as strong as a mountain,
Or weak as a willow tree,
Anyway you want me,
That's how I will be.

I'll be as tame as a baby,
Or wild as the raging sea,
Anyway you want me,
That's how I will be.

In your hand my heart is clay,
To take and mold as you may.
I'm what you make me, you've only to take me,
And in your arms I will stay.

I'll be a fool or a wise man,
My darling you hold the key,
Yes, anyway you want me,
That's how I will be,
I will be. "

As he sung that last verse, for the first time in days, I willfully drifted off to sleep.

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