Chapter 2 : Sun Records

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( The photo above is supposed to be Elvis and Lizzie inside Sun Records.)

* July 5th, 1954 *

That next morning, I got up bright and early to go to the recording studio in town, called Sun Records Studio. Elvis had been there, about a year earlier and sang for the manager, Sam Phillips.
Mr. Phillips told him he didn't quite see anything in Elvis, and said he'd call him back. Now, one year later, Elvis got that call back. Mr. Phillips had gotten a hold of some musicians to possibly help Elvis with his sound. There names were Scotty Moore, who played guitar and Bill Black, he played bass.
Elvis seemed so excited to go back and show Mr. Phillips how he had gotten better since last year. I was excited for him.

Once I had gotten dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, I was ready to go.
I was just finishing putting ribbons in my pig tails when I heard a knock on my door.
" Come in! "

I turned and saw Elvis standing in the doorway. He smiled down at me, his eyes twinkling.

" You 'bout ready, girly? "

" Yep, almost.. " I said, focusing on tying the second ribbon. My tongue sticking out in concentration. Elvis chuckled at that, which caused me to stick my tongue out at him.
He returned the gesture. I finished tying the ribbon.
" There! " I exclaimed, proud of myself.

" Took ya long enough, slow poke. Now come on! "

He pointed to his back and bent down to give me a piggyback ride, I ran and jumped onto his back. He jogged through the house once, bouncing me on his back, giggling the whole way.
We finally made our way to the kitchen where momma was making breakfast, Daddy and Dodger were sitting at the table. Daddy was reading the paper. It was Saturday, so Daddy and Elvis didn't have to work.
Elvis spun me around once before setting me down on ground. Momma and Dodger laughed and Daddy smiled at the two of us. It was moments like this, where I knew I was truly blessed with an amazing family.

Momma was wiping tears from her eyes from laughin' so hard.

" Y'all gonna have breakfast before ya leave? "

Elvis walked over to the kitchen counter and kissed momma on the cheek. I followed and did the same. We grabbed our plates and took our seats at the table. Once everyone was seated, Daddy said grace.

Elvis and I ate as fast as we could, we just couldn't wait to get down to Sun Records and record that song for momma.

" Bye Momma, bye Daddy, bye Dodger!"

Elvis exclaimed as he grabbed his guitar in one hand and my little hand in the other. We rushed out the door to Elvis's truck that he drove for Crown Electric, he didn't have his own car yet, so that was all he had to drive.

" Elvis, do you know what song you're gonna do yet? "
I asked, more than excited for him to show that Mr. Phillips what he's been missing. Elvis raised his eyebrow confused, still looking at the road ahead of him.

" You mean what song ' we're 'gonna do. This is a present from both of us to momma, Lizzie. Not just me. "

I looked down at my hands folded in my lap. I know I agreed to sing with my brother, but I was nervous, scared in fact.

" Okay. " I said, my voice shaky.

A couple minutes later, we pulled into a parking lot across the street from the studio. Elvis turned to face me and took my little hands in his.

"Little Sister"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum