Chapter 6 : Graceland

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*March 25th, 1957*

It's been almost 3 years since the name Elvis Presley was first heard on the radio. I can't believe everything that's happened to us in these past 3 years. Elvis is 22 now and I'll be 13 in August.
Elvis is still away a lot, but I've almost grown accustomed to it. He still calls every day, and writes weekly, but I don't think that's enough for Momma. She can't bear to be separated from him for more than a few days without breaking down into tears. It breaks my heart, seeing my Momma like this. Daddy comforts her, but it doesn't make a difference. Some nights it gets so bad, that she'll scream his name in the middle of the night, she'll mention Jesse too, sometimes.

Elvis has been away for two months now on tour and soon he'll be starting another movie. He's scheduled to come home today. He said over the phone he's got a surprise for us. He sounded awful excited, so I'm pretty sure he didn't buy me and Momma more mink fur coats. 
I sit on the front porch of our Audobon Drive home, anticipating Elvis's arrival.
I think of what the surprise might be :
a new car? No, he's already bought Momma a pink Cadillac.
A puppy? No, Momma and Daddy would never allow a dog in the home, I wouldn't mind though.
I'm brought out of my daydream when I hear the roar of a familiar engine.

Elvis's black Cadillac!

I run off the front porch before Elvis even shuts off the engine. He gets out the drivers side and slams the door shut, turning to face me with a huge grin on his face and his arms open wide.

" My Liz bug! "

" Elly! "

He lets out a hearty laugh as I run and he embraces me with open arms. He tries to pick me up, but struggles a bit, setting me back down.

" Goodness, Little One. You are growin' like a weed. "

" Well, I'm almost 13, Elvis. "

" What?! "   He says, a look of mock horror on his face.

" No you're not! You're still that little 9 year old girl I know who was terrified to sing in front of strangers! "

Over the years, I've gotten over my fear of singing in front of strangers. I'm now able to sing solo in the church choir without getting scared. My voice still quivers a bit though from the nerves. Elvis always jokes with me, saying I should record something at Sun Records and follow in his footsteps. Part of me believes he's being serious at the same time.

I giggle as Elvis puts his arm around me and we walk inside the house. As soon as we step through the door, Momma engulfs Elvis in the biggest hug. Tears streaming down her cheeks as she repeats

" My boy, my baby boy! "

Over and over. Daddy comes in and as soon as Momma lets go, shakes Elvis's hand and brings him in for a hug. Elvis makes his way to Dodger in her rocking chair and hugs her too.

" It's so good to see ya, sweetie. " She whispers in his ear as she releases him.

We all gather onto the sofa to hear Elvis's big surprise. Elvis stands in front of us, as we anticipate what he's about to say.

" Y'all remember how I was talking about buying a new house for us a few years back? "

We all nodded

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