Chapter 4 : 1956

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* Two years later : January, 1956 *

*It's been two years since my brother was first introduced to the world. His first single "That's all right Mama " was an absolute hit.
The D. J. that had first played his record was Dewey Phillips ( no relation to Sam Phillips ). Dewey had gotten so many requests from teenagers all over Memphis to hear Elvis, that he wanted to interview him on his show. After that first interview, everyone knew who Elvis Presley was. The news of my brother eventually made it out of Memphis to the whole United States! Teenage girls went crazy over him! It was weird, having all those girls follow him everywhere he went. Even when Momma and I went out with him, we'd be trampled by girls just so they could get a glimpse of my brother.
Elvis has released 9 more singles since his first recording at Sun Records. He's done performances locally with Scotty and Bill, and we still keep in contact with Mr. Phillips and Marion. Mr. Phillips was considered Elvis's manager until 1955, when a man named Tom Parker, or the Colonel, discovered Elvis. The Colonel took full control of Elvis's career on November 21st, 1955. Around that same time, his recording contract was sold from Sun Records to RCA Victor. Elvis had gotten so popular, that he had to have bodyguards follow him everywhere he'd go. He hired a group of friends as his bodyguards.
So much had happened in that short period of time. Elvis and his girlfriend Dixie were together until October of 1955. I felt bad for Elvis after the breakup, I knew how much he liked Dixie, but they just started drifting apart. Elvis has had other girl friends here and there, but nothing serious. One night, I asked him why he didn't want to seriously date a girl.

" The only girls I need in my life right now, are you and Momma. " He told me, but I could still sense in his voice a little bit of loneliness.*

It's now January 7th, 1956. I'm 11 and Elvis is turning 21 tomorrow. Momma, Dodger, Daddy and I are planning a surprise party for Elvis when he gets home. He's been away for about a month now, filming his first movie! It's called 'Love Me Tender' named after one of his newest hit singles. Imagine it, my big brother a movie star! I knew he'd be a singer one day, but I never thought he'd be a movie star.
Elvis is coming home tomorrow, his birthday. I haven't seen him in two weeks, and I miss him like crazy. This is the longest he's ever been away from home without us. It's starting to take a toll on everyone back home, especially me and Momma. I get so lonely in mine and Elvis's room without him, that I tend to cry myself to sleep every night, I can't stand another day without Elvis. Momma would wake up in the middle of the night, yelling his name.
It was like my Momma and Elvis had a connection, because she seemed to do that when something happened to him. He calls us every day and writes to us often, but it's not the same.
So everyone in the house is very excited for Elvis's return home.
Momma and I are putting the finishing touches on everything for his birthday party, when the phone rings.

" I'll get it! " I stop what I'm doing and run to the kitchen to answer the phone. Elvis hasn't called yet today, so I'm hoping it's him. I get to the phone and pick up the receiver.

" Hello? "

" Yes, is this the Presley residence? "
I hear an awful, fake British accent over the line. I giggle, because I immediately know it's Elvis.

" I know it's you, Elvis! "
I hear him chuckle over the line.

" You got me! How's my Lizzie bug doin' ? "

" Okay. I miss you El. " I say, getting a little misty eyed.

" I miss you too, Sattnin. But I'll be home tomorrow, remember? "

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