Knowing Noah Trent

By stromburger

79.5K 2.2K 529

" ... I was so certain about everything until I met you ... " More

Author's Note
One - Summer Craze
Two - First Surf of Summer
Three - Getting Pizza
Four - The Party Invite
Five - More Baby Sitting
Six - The Swim
Seven - Pasta Disasters
Eight - Friends
Nine - Birthday Treats
Ten - College Letters
Eleven - The Amethyst Necklace
Twelve - The Morning After
Thirteen - Monday
Fourteen - A Time To Try New Things
Fifteen - JJ
Sixteen - Setting The Story Straight
Seventeen - The Dinner
Eighteen - So Close Yet So Far
Nineteen - Repercussions
Twenty - Forgotten Ice Cream
Twenty One - The Graduation-Send-Off Dance
Twenty Two - The After Party
Twenty Four - Where The Wild Things Are
Twenty Five - The Phone Call
Twenty Six - One Last Hiccup

Twenty Three - Food Is Almighty

1.8K 86 18
By stromburger

Chapter Twenty-Three

When I woke up in the morning and checked my phone, it read 10:14am and I had a text from Katie. I opened up the message and read it; she was just asking if we got home okay because she knew how nervous I was about driving Noah’s car after I told her about it last night. I quickly typed up a reply then looked over the edge of the bed where Noah was still dead asleep on the mattress. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Typical.

After stretching out, I dragged myself out from under the covers. I tiptoed to JJ's room to see if he was awake but like Noah, he was passed out on the bed so I made my way back to Noah’s room. I sat in Noah's bed and tried to play Candy Crush on my phone but after I ran out of lives, I started getting restless. I wished Noah had any kind of novel in his room but I wasn’t surprised when he didn't. I was intensely bored, with nothing to do while the two boys slept easily. I twiddled my thumbs for a bit then gave up on waiting around. I jumped out of bed and made a decision to cook them breakfast. I mean, they did it for me when I was hung-over last time so it was my turn to do it back. 

I didn't want to go downstairs in my skimpy tank because it showed off the little cleavage that I did have and it made me feel exposed, so spotting one of Noah's hoodies on the floor, I picked it up and put it on. It was a Huffer hoodie and it fell mid-thigh as well as having too-long sleeves. It looked kind of ridiculous but it was warm and it smelled deliciously of Noah so I kept it on.

When I went into the kitchen, I felt bad for raiding their fridge for a whole two seconds but then I got over it and started cooking. It took forever to figure out where everything was in their kitchen, it was so large and there were so many draws and cupboards that I got lost trying to find something as simple as a knife. I had fun cooking though because just like my mom, Julia worked in the food industry so their fridge was fully stocked. 

I'd just finished the bacon and breakfast sausages and had moved on to the eggs when both the boys surfaced. I didn't even have to turn around to know they were there, they ran down the staircase like a herd of elephants. 

"Morning," I said without turning around. "Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Mmmm you're a champ," JJ replied through a yawn from behind me.

"I woke up and you weren't in bed and I thought you had gone home," Noah commented from behind me.

I shook my head and turned around shortly. "I woke up over an hour ago and got bored so I thought I'd make breakfast. Can you get some plates out please? The eggs are almost done."

"Hey is that my jumper?" He asked, seemingly surprised.

I blushed, and turned my focus back to the eggs. "My pyjamas are a bit on the skimpy side so I wanted to cover up. Your hoodie was the closest thing to me. Hope you don't mind."

He shook his head. "No, it looks good on you."

I blushed again and didn't reply, just fiddled with the element for something to do. 

When Noah had set our plates in front of him and JJ on the breakfast bar, I started to dish out the eggs before giving them bacon, sausages and numerous pieces of toast. I gave myself a small portion as well and put the ketchup on the table. "Eat up!"

"Thanks Clara," Noah said hurriedly as he dug straight into his food, practically inhaling the bacon. JJ did the same too.

I stood opposite them and nibbled at my food. I only had a small amount because I was munching away at the bacon while I was cooking, I just really couldn't wait.  As we ate, we talked about the previous night and I informed Noah his car wasn't damaged to which he let out a relieved sigh. 

When they'd scraped their plates clean, Noah grinned at me. "That was a fucking good breakfast Clara."

I smiled back. "Thanks. You're on dishes though."

Noah laughed. "Fair enough. What shall we do today anyway?"

"Beach!" JJ exclaimed instantly as he took the plates to the sink. "Nothing like some sunshine and a surf after a good night out."

I shrugged. "I'm down."

"Beach it is then," Noah finalised. "I can drive you to your house Clara so you can get our togs and stuff."

"No it's okay, it's just a waste of time," I replied, because driving to my house was a waste of time considering Noah lived within walking distance to the water. "Plus, I'm not going to swim anyway."

Noah sighed. "True. Oh well, saves me the drive. We'll go after we do the dishes."

"Okay cool. We'll I'm going to go get dressed and stuff then," I remarked, not waiting for a reply as I made my way back up to Noah's room.

+   +   +   +

The beach was crowded when we eventually made our way down. We only planned to go for a couple hours because the sweltering sun technically wasn't the best thing for a hangover so the boys didn't want to spend too much time outside. We walked along the sand and the spot we chose to set our stuff down wasn't as busy because it was past the section of sea that was safe to swim in. We were in front of a section where the waves were bigger and cleaner and it was a bit more dangerous, which meant there weren't any swimmers bunched in the water. It was the perfect place for the boys to surf. 

Noah and JJ both took their tops of simultaneously and it took everything in me to not straight on stare at them. It wasn't fair that their torsos were near perfect or that they had lean, sculpted arms and shoulders with obvious muscle and-

I really had to stop being such a creeper.

They started to wax their boards and Noah said, "I'm not going to be long out in the water because we'll get dehydrated real quick. I just want a dip in to feel refreshed."

"And you'll get bored easily so that won't be any fun for you. You don't even have a book," he added on as an afterthought.

I laughed. "Probably because you don't even own any Noah. When was the last time you read a book?"

"Year 7. I read an autobiography book about Kelly Slater."

"How have you even managed to pass school?" I asked in disbelief.

He merely shrugged. "I watch the movies or read summaries online. Works a charm."

"You're terrible, you know that right?"

"I know but life's great so who cares."

When they finished waxing their boards, they jumped up while I stayed sitting on my towel. "Have fun, don't die," I said.

JJ laughed and Noah gave me his trademark smile; that goofy one that looked both sexy and smooth as well as cute and boyish at the same time. The one made me want to melt into a puddle. 

I didn't talk or move in fear of doing something embarrassing and it wasn't until they started walking to the shore that I let out the breath I'd been holding in.

+   +   +   +

I was hot and bothered while Noah and JJ went for a surf so when I realised there were four figures, not two walking back towards me, I was not impressed. Specifically because the extra two figures happened to be Ashley Thomas and her best friend, Megan Winters.

As they got nearer, I tried to look unfazed by their presence but it was really hard when Ashley kept touching Noah's arm.

"Look who we ran into coming out of the water," Noah exclaimed.

"Hey Clary!" Ashley said bouncily.

I grinded my teeth together and replied as calmly as I could. "It's Clara."

"Oops, my bad hun," she said in a sugary tone. 

Noah grabbed his towel and started to dry off before sitting down next to me. Ashley sat next to him with JJ and Megan to the left of her.

"How was the surf?" 

My question was aimed at Noah but for some reason, Ashley answered it. "The water was so nice Clara and oh my gosh, Noah and JJ are just amazing at surfing. Like natural, you know? You have to teach me sometime Noah."

To my absolute annoyance, my question ignited a conversation between Ashley and Noah, which lead onto another conversation, and eventually, an hour had passed. I don't know what Noah was talking about when he said he wasn't close friends with girls because him and Ashley were chatting as if they had been buddies since the first grade. 

I know I was being pathetically jealous and they were only talking, but it really seemed to get to me. Especially since Noah acted as if I wasn't even there. I wasn't sure if he just genuinely forgot or if it was because Ashley was really clever at keeping the conversation solely on her and him.

I was getting fidgety and increasingly angry as time passed so when Megan announced they had to leave due to her hair appointment, I had to bite down on my tongue to refrain from yelling "Thank God for that!"

It was difficult though and I'm almost sure I drew blood from biting too hard.

Both girls stood up and so did JJ and Noah. I stayed sitting. There was a round of hugs and I noticed Ashley and Noah's was just that few seconds longer than it had to be. I also noticed her ingeniously press her boobs into his chest and comment on his amazing muscles before touching them flirtatiously. If they hadn't have left in that moment, I probably would've lunged at her and ripped her fake extensions from her head. 

It was only a few minutes after they left that we started towards home too. I kept my mouth clamped shut in fear that if I opened it, I would either burst into tears or yell profanities at Noah. 

I'd never been this fussed about something like this before. Not last night and not any other day. I knew Noah was a flirt and I knew girls threw themselves at him but today, for some reason, I was insanely bothered by it. I guess maybe it was either that time of the month or too much sun because I couldn’t fathom the fact as to why I was so angry.  

The real reason was probably that I was just falling more for Noah as time passed and I was too afraid to admit it. 

When we got to the house, Noah asked me why I'd been so quiet the whole walk back. I just shrugged dully and blamed it on the sun so he let the subject drop. Both JJ and Noah took their boards to the backyard to hose down so I went inside. 

I sat on the sofa letting my mind wander until the boys came in 15 minutes later. I pretended to be busy on my phone as JJ went wordlessly upstairs and Noah sat beside me. 

"You're angry," he stated.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well you were quiet the whole walk home and you're doing that thing with your face where you look as if you're trying to figure out a really complicated problem."

I stayed silent.

"Is it because Ashley came and talked to us?"

"You … She only really talked to you," I replied monotonously.

"So this is what it's about?"

Sighing, I pulled my phone out again. "Never mind. It's really no big deal."

"Well it obviously is because you're not happy. Just tell me what's wrong Clara," he urged.

"Drop it, it's-"

"Clara," he cut me off sounding slightly annoyed. "Stop trying to downplay things like you usually do. Just tell me what's wrong."

"Fine!" I remarked angrily. "You didn't talk to me the whole time she was there. You didn't include me. It's like I wasn't even there. Do you know how that feels? Oh wait, you probably don't because you're Noah friggin Trent and everyone loves you."


"No! Don't Clara me in that annoyingly calm voice of yours. I know we've kissed a few times and I don't know about you but they've meant something to me and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm falling for you." 

I had to blink back the frustrated tears as I started a spiel I couldn't stop. "I could handle the snide comments from Ashley and the doubts from those other girls but what I can't handle is you acting as if I'm no one when someone skinnier and prettier comes along. I'm not putting myself through that Noah. I thought I could handle being your 'next girl' but I really can't."

When I finished, my breathing was heavy and I was barely holding in the salty tears threatening to fall.

Noah paused then stuttered, "I-I-"

“You don't need to say anything," I replied tiredly standing up. "Look, the two week mark is today so let me save you the effort and I'll just end it right now. Thanks for everything Noah but I'm not prepared to be another number."

I spun around and started to make my way out, my vision blurred by my tear-clad eyes.

"Wait!" he said.

I didn't.

He caught up to me and forced me to spin around. I avoided his eyes, instead staring at my shaking hands. 

"You didn't let me have my say." He took a deep breath. "As much as I hate to admit this, but you’re not just 'the next girl'. The two-week mark means shit to me because you're so different from the other girls I get with. You're real and honest and innocent and you're not someone I want to get rid of after two weeks."

Running his hand through his hair, he exhaled loudly. "You're wrong if you think those kisses meant nothing to me because every time I kissed you, I didn't want to let you go. And I'm sorry that you never knew that and I'm sorry I ignored you today but you got to remember that I'm new to this. I'm not use to feeling this way and I've always been a flirt and that's not something that will change overnight but I'm working on it, okay? And I haven't really been vocal about this but I don't want to get rid of you. I may not have realised it until now when you tried to get rid of me but just know that I legit want to be with you."

I didn't know what to say to him. I really didn't. I was speechless because I think he just admitted he liked me more than his usual two-week girl which in my opinion was really something because everyone knows the two-week girl means next to nothing to him. It was horrible but it was true. Noah was young. Noah was a flirt. Girls knew what they were getting into, but they did it anyway because he was hot and he looked good on their arm. So really, I didn't know who was worse. 

"Say something," he said softly, cutting into my thoughts.

I cleared my throat and looked at him. He looked scared for once, as if he was actually really worried about my reaction. Wiping at the tears that almost fell, I finally spoke. "I'm giving you one last chance to get out while you still can. No tears, no complications. Just give me the word and I'll leave right now."

"Ughhh," he grumbled, tugging at his hair. "I don't want you to bloody leave. I want you to stay and I mean it! I'm not saying it's going to be easy and I'm not saying I'm going to be perfect but I'm willing to try if you are. I want to make this work."

His words produced a smile. "Then we'll make it work."

He grinned back at me and stepped forward. "So we're really doing this?"

"I think so."

He leaned in closer so his head was a mere few inches away from my own. "So I'm allowed to do this now?"

I never got to answer because he kissed me. It was the best kiss we'd had by far too. He had one hand wrapped around my waist and the other on my cheek, guiding my mouth against his. I got the impression he'd been holding back the previous times because he'd never kissed me like this before. He used his tongue for the first time but he used it fleetingly and with obvious experience so I wasn't grossed out at all because it actually felt amazing.

I tried to pull him closer than he already was as our kiss deepened. I got so into it that I accidentally bit his lip lightly. Instead of yanking back though, Noah let out a moan from the back of his throat in approval. I couldn't help it, I had to pull back. "So that's what you like? Lip biting?"

"It's kinda hot," he mumbled. "Why? What do you like?"

"Just kissing you in general," I said embarrassingly.

He chuckled. "Oh really?”

He kissed me lightly before trailing a series of kissed up my jawline where he put his mouth to my ear. "What about that?" he whispered hoarsely.

His lips tickled me and his breath was warm. He lowered his head and his lips grazed my skin sensually as he started to kiss the part where my shoulder met my neck. 

I shivered in pleasure and held onto him more tightly. Mainly for support so I wouldn't collapse into a heap of jelly on the floor. 

"Do you like that too?"

I felt myself nod as he left another trail of kisses on my neck back up to my mouth. 

"Stop," I heard myself whisper. "You're actually kind of killing me. You're way too good at this and I emotionally can't handle that."

He laughed and it broke the sexy trance he was in. He quickly kissed my mouth once more and leaned back so there was a safe distance between us. "I'm sorry. Don't worry though, we have plenty of time to practice."

"Yeah you'll like that, won't you?" I laughed. "You are a teenage boy after all."

"I can't help who I am," he joked. 

I was about to reply when JJ called to us from the foyer. "Is it safe to come in now? I tried to give you guys space but I need to get to the kitchen. I'm hungry as fuck and I can't deal any longer."

Noah groaned but I just giggled and untangled myself from him. "Yeah, we're done. Come on through."

"Thank you. You guys want anything? I'm thinking of making toasted sandwiches."

"Mmmm that sounds delicious. I'm in!" I replied as I started to follow JJ to the kitchen.

Noah threw his arm around my shoulders and grumbled aloud. "Of course the only thing more important than kissing me is food."

"Food is the almighty."

"Well aren't you glad I can cook?"

I nodded. "Yeah when I found that out I think that was the turning point of my feelings for you."

Noah's head drooped. "The pain is real."

"Poor baby," I cooed before planting a soft kiss on his cheek. 

JJ sighed. "Stop being so couple-y because then I'll get depressed about being single when in fact I love being single because I can flirt with whoever, whenever."

Noah shrugged. "Never thought I'd say it JJ and it's still early days but the feeling of having a proper girlfriend is pretty mint."

I nodded along, a complete and utter goofy grin on my face.

Girlfriend. I could get used to hearing that.

 +   +   +   +

Weooooowww. Counting down the chapters 'til this bad boy ends! There's about 3-5 chapters left before the end :( but don't worry because I'll still be writing some more around Noah, just sorting out the logistics. 

Don't be a stranger, tell me what you think in the comments below! Any last things you possibly want to see before the end? Speak now or forever hold your peace ... (jokes, I could always include it int he next story haha).

Love all of you, you're all swell.

Stay cool yo xo

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