It's Gonna Rain Tonight- A se...

By Mackey5801ryry

8.7K 457 527

After getting married to the one that saved his life, Mark becomes a private detective for those who were put... More

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
I'm so sorry
Hint 4
last chance!


367 22 21
By Mackey5801ryry


I slowly woke up, my body hardly being able to function anymore. I was chained to a wall, my wrists hurting from how tight the cuffs were. I looked around, to see that the man wasn't in the room this time around.

I guess he got tired of my constant yelling.

I attempted to stand up, but my body just wouldn't allow it. I fell to the ground, the hard floor making my skin sting. I was getting really tired of trying and trying, my body slowly losing patience. Every ounce of my body was hurting.

Having nothing better to do, I looked around for some chance of escape, my eyes moving faster than ever before. Outside my jail cell, I noticed a hammer lying on the floor. My body began to shake from some feeling of hope.

I looked around for an object I could reach the hammer with, but I frowned, for all I could find near me were the bloodstains of my own. I didn't even really know what the hammer could've done against my problems anyway.

Swallowing nothing but my own disgust and pain, I sat down and held my stomach. I had not eaten for days, my body now showing a little more of my bones than usual. The man hadn't fed me anything, nor had he given me any water. If he didn't get me water soon, I'd have my fate sealed.

I had only seen this man a few times. I assumed that he has people guarding the place, as he went off to his business or something. I could only wonder... Why does he want me here? Why me, of all people? He doesn't talk at all... Maybe so he didn't reveal who he was. He wore a mask, and there was nothing I could make out to identify him.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I called out, trying to see if I could persuade them to give me at least some water. Suddenly a man I hadn't seen before here came to my aid. He was also wearing a ski mask, hiding who he was.
"Um, may I please... Have something to drink?" I asked, trying to seem as kind as possible.
"I'll... I'll ask him, but you need to be on your best behavior." Wade whispered.
"Wade?!" I yelled through a whisper. I couldn't believe it. He was working with them?!
"I'm... Sorry. If I didn't work for him, he would've killed me!"
"How could you do this to me?" I choked on my words, tears slowly rolling down my face.
"I had no choice! Listen, I can't get you out, but I'll try to help you fucking survive, alright?"
"O...ok..." I coughed out.

Wade swiftly walked out, seeming as though he was in a rush of sorts. I waited patiently for water, my mouth more noticeably dry than ever. After a long wait, Wade comes out with a glass of water and a piece of bread.
"Thank you... Thank you so much." I whispered out, devouring half of my bread in the matter of seconds.
"If I were you, I'd ration some of it. You don't know when you'll eat again." Wade pointed out.
"R-right..." I set my bread down, and took a couple of sips of the water.

"Why... Why am I here, Wade? Who did this to me?" I asked.
"Chase, you know I can't tell you that..." He frowned.
"I know." I groaned. "But what am I supposed to do?"
"I don't exactly know. I'd suggest reevaluating your surroundings, making sure there's absolutely no way to get out. You never know."
"I have to go for know, but I'll check on you when I get the opportunity to."
"Alright, I'll see you Wade."

He nodded, and walked out of my sight, leaving me to do.... Well... Nothing.

I still couldn't wrap my head around Wade being a part of this. He for sure isn't in charge, but why would he betray me like this? I know, he said he had no choice, but... I still do feel hurt. And it's not probably going to go away unless I get out of here.

I looked around my surroundings again, to find a decent-sized rope hanging from the ceiling. It was attached to the ceiling by a door of some sort, most likely leading to some sort of attic, or at least to the next floor. My hope rises once again, for this seemed to be a more reasonable goal than the hammer.

Wish me luck.


And there we have it, guys! I'm so happy I finally got it done. Expect a chapter this Wednesday, same as usual! Sorry his chapter took so long, I had no time to write it until now.

Why is Chase in that cell? Who is doing this to him? And why is Wade a part of this? Could the reason that Bob and Wade were a part of this lead to us knowing who the killer is? And finally... Who IS the Rainfall killer? Answer in the comments below! And if you enjoyed this chapter, hit that favorite button! Thank you so much for reading!

Love y'all!

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