The Date

By Dream74

253K 7.5K 310

Kate Smith's life hasn't been easy, with a dark past and what looks like an even darker future, Kate finds he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 28

4K 138 4
By Dream74


"What the hell is going on?" Jay asked neither Jake nor I made a sound. We hadn't moved away from each other with the shock of Jay's piercing eyes on Jake's arms wrapped around me. No mistaking what we were doing.

"Well!!" he shouted this time. I felt Jake move away from me, I couldn't move. I couldn't take my eyes off Jay's. He looked so... so angry and confused.

"Look Jay it isn't..." Jake tried to say but it was pointless as Jay interrupted him. The jig was up, he must know something was up by the way I imagine my guilty face looked.

"Don't give me 'it's not what it looked like' shit!" he moved around with his arms flying left right and centre. "Because it looked very much like you had your hands all over my girlfriend. Giving her all this crap about wanting her"

"She's not your girlfriend!" Jake shouted showing his anger. Great now there were two alpha powered guys in the room. They both looked at me, I could feel Jakes eyes on me but I was still standing in the same spot staring at Jay.

I felt like I could just fall in an endless black hole right now and me happy. To be anywhere than right here and now would be good. I couldn't believe how much my heart was beating. I felt the tears start to fall down my cheeks and my body had started shaking.

"Kate and I... this isn't just a fling. I really like her Jay and she likes me" I heard Jake say more calmly.

"What?" Jay let out a sarcastic laugh as he spoke.

"I didn't plan this to happen it just did" Jake tried to explain and calm down his brother but Jay walked straight up to his face. He looked like he wanted to beat him to a pulp with his eyes glaring at Jake's.

"Oh didn't you"

"What's that meant to mean?" Jake push lightly on Jay's chest, enough so his brother moved out of his face causing space between them. I know I should say something; anything but it was like every form of speech had left me with only my body to show I was still in the room.

"Jake, you would really use her like that just to get back at me?" Jay's words brought me back from my shocked state. As soon as I looked at Jake, I felt his anger radiate off his body. The veins on his neck were jumping from his skin. His skin had turned purple from being so tense and his eyes looked even darkened as he stares down at his brother.

"I'm not using her," he said walking closer to Jay again. His voice was so straight and serious... it sounded calm even, but I could tell by just looking at him how close he was from going out of control. "You're the one using her brother!"

"Using her?" Jay laughed. "She's getting paid for being my girlfriend not pimping herself out to you. I should have known better than to get a stripper as an escort" he looked at me with a disgusted look. I felt disgusted with myself at his words as they were all true. "Once a whore always a whore" he finished with before his jaw was met with Jake's fist.

"Jake!" I screamed as Jay's body landed on the floor looking up at Jake shocked as blood fell from his mouth. Oh Jake, what have you done?

He went very still as he calmed down and realised what he did to his own brother. He looked down at his fist with shock over what he just did. He turned his head to look at me with a sad expression. He looked so lost... I just wanted to wrap my arms around him and comfort him. This was my entire fault.

"What the hell is going on in here?" We all turned to look at the door to see Sally standing there in shock with Mark standing behind her.

"Mum?" Jay stood up from the floor brushing the blood that came out of his mouth. Sally ran over to him as he took a seat on the sofa.

"How long have you guys been standing there?" Jake asked. I started panicking again. They would have heard everything, and then everything would be ruined.

"Long enough," Mark said walking through the doorway, looking as mad as hell at his sons and ignoring me. My heart was jumping in my throat; it was like I had just run a marathon the way my heart was beating.

"It's nothing Mum, just Jake ruining everything like always" Jay moved out of his mother's touch so she would stop fussing over him when Jake let out a dry laugher.

"Oh, hot kettle black Jay" Jake said dryly.

"Shut it, Jake!" Jay pushed off the sofa to walk over to the window away from everyone.

"I think one of you should start talking," Mark said.

"Yes! Why would you call Kate a whore Jay?" Sally asked. "Better more what was all this about her doing her job and pimping?" Oh God, they heard everything, this couldn't get any worse.

"What's going on in here?" officially I was wrong, I thought as Jake whole family walked through the door. Paul, Lilly and Connor even.

"Yer what's with all the shouting? People can hear from outside" Connor asked as he shut the door. Was that open the whole time? God knows who else heard.

"Jakes just punching his brother and Kate is some kind of prostitute" Sally waved her hands in the air in a dramatic fashion after sitting back on the sofa, resting her head in her hands.

"I'm not..." I was about to defend what little of my honour I had when Jake interrupted me.

"She is 'not' a prostitute," he said angrily back at his mother.

"What?" Lilly asked confused.

"What the hell's going on?" Mark said with his hands on his hips looking at his family.

"Mother..." Jake finally voiced after an awkward moment of silence.

"Don't Mother me, boy, tell me what the hell is going on here or help me, God..."

"Kate and I aren't a couple" Jay explained as I wanted the floor to eat me in whole.


"She's an escort"

"An escort!" Both Mark and Sally looked at me in shock. I didn't know if I should say or do anything so I just looked to the floor in shame.

"I paid her to pretend to be my girlfriend for the week"

"But why?" Jays Dad asked confused.

"I had enough of your matchmaking Mother. I just wanted to come this week without you introducing me to every one of your friend's daughters"

"But to get a prostitute Jay!" Sally pointed her finger at me with pure disgust.

"She's not a PROSTITUTE" Jake waved his hands frustratingly in the air.

"Whatever! It doesn't matter what she is. Jay, how could you do this? Bring a stranger into our family and lying to us all. I mean who really is this girl! She could go straight to the press with everything she's learnt about us!" Lilly said angrily at Jay and me.

"I would never do that" I tried to keep silent, but I couldn't let them all think all that.

"Oh and we're meant to just trust you? You've been lying to us this whole week Kate! Is that even your name?" Lilly asked disappointingly crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes," I looked to the floor.

"Hey don't take it out on her! This mess is all Jays" Jake tried to stand up for me but everything is just falling to the ground around us.

"What part did you play in this Jake?" Lilly now moved on to him.


"Yes, you!" she shouted back.

"I knew what he was up to if that's what you mean"

"Why didn't you tell any of us?" he waited a moment before he said anything, thinking I imagine on telling them the truth with why Jay wanted a pretend girlfriend.

"Because it wasn't my story to tell"

"Why didn't you just say that you didn't want matching up with anyone Jay, I would have understood" Sally voiced with tears dramatically falling down her cheeks.

"No, you wouldn't have Mum. You would have pushed harder and I just couldn't take it anymore"

"Tell her the truth Jay" Jake pushed at Jay. I felt my heart tighten for him.

"Shut it, Jake"

"I think I should leave," I said but everyone else was on Jay and Jake took hold of my hand tightly telling me to stay.

"What truth?" Connor asked.

"If you don't I will"

"No!" Jay moved over to us looking like he was ready to punch Jake in the mouth if he kept talking.

"What the hell's going on?" Lilly shouts again.

"Mum..." Jay turns to look at his mum and before turning back around with his hands in his hair. "Fuck"

"Jay just do it, you're making it a bigger deal than it is" I pull on Jake's hand to get him to shut up.

"It's not that fucking easy Jake" Jay shouts at him.

"Language" Sally groaned at her boys.

It felt like you could cut the tension like butter as they all looked on Jay.

"Mum... mother. I think you know what I'm about to tell you. I... I think you've known for a long time, you just haven't allowed yourself to believe it. Da you too" he looked at them both as his Da nodded his head with a weak smile on his face.

"I think I know" was all he said.

"Know what? Would someone tell me what I'm meant to already know?" Sally voiced angrily and confused once more.

"He's gay, Sally" Mark turned to his wife.

"What?" she laughed in a non-believable way. She turned to Jay who just stood there staring at his mother before he repeated "I'm gay"

"Oh... right" was all his Mother said looking away to stare at the floor in shock, she sat on the chair in silence with an emotionless face. She didn't look sad or angry neither did she look happy but just plain shocked.

"I'm gay," Jay said again turning to the others. I felt as if I could see the buildings of weights being lifted off his shoulders.

"I'm not shocked, mate. I've had my thoughts on it before" Paul said walking over to his brother giving him a tight hug. "I just wish you felt you could say something before" they pulled apart as Connor walked over patting Jays back in that guy way that meant more than words needed, excepted.

"I knew" Connor smiled.

"I've known for a long time. I wish I had asked before as you were growing up, I just didn't know-how. I agree with Paul, I wish you could have felt more open with us to say before. It breaks my heart" Mark voiced with a shocked wife by his side.

"What? You knew and didn't tell me?" she turned to look up at him.

"It wasn't for me to say!"

"So you, Da, Paul and Jake all knew about it and Mum and I were left out of the loop as always" Lilly turned to Connor looking the same as her mother did with her husband. "Why does everyone leave me out? I'm the last to know everything" she mood.

"Surprising Lil this isn't about you!" Jake said before reserving an evil look from his sister. The room went silent for a moment as everyone took in what Jay had told them. I wanted to leave, this was beyond awkward and I had no place here.

"So Mum, say something. Please." Joy had tears in his eyes, I felt for him he must be so scared finally telling his family the secret he's managed to keep all these years. I can understand his fear if I had a family like this one I'd never want to lose them. If only he knew by having a family like this there was never any fear of him losing them.

"I don't care, son, if you fell in love with a goat as long as you were happy... well the goat would be hard but I'd work on it" his Dad joked making Jay and him laugh. They hugged and Jay cried into his Dad's neck as I saw Mark shed a tear as well.


"I'm just shocked" she had tears coming down her face now too.

"You never noticed why I was never interested in the women you through my way when someone like... Jake was making his way all through them?" he pointed to Jake whose hand tightened tightly around my waste at his words.

"I always thought that was just his way of things" his Mother laughed nervously.

"Thanks" I heard Jake mumble.

"Are you... angry?" his voice deepened.

"Angry? No! Just shocked and a little sad"

"I'm sorry I made you sad Mum if I could have been made differently..." she moved then to his side hugging him tightly.

"No! I'm not sad that you like men! I'm sad that you've kept this from us all for so long. All the troubles, this must-have put you through. Oh, Jay! Oh, I'm so sorry you didn't feel that you could come out to us my poor lovely boy" she cried into his arms as he tightened his them around her. They stood there for a while both crying with sadness, happiness that the truth was out but I could see more relief in his eyes.

"Now," Sally says moving out of Jay's arms. "You're gay and now we all know, what are we going to do with you?" she turns to look at me. My heart deepens in my chest as everyone looks at me, Sally and Lilly not hiding their disgust.

"I think I should leave," I say quickly moving out from Jakes side before he had a chance to pull me back.

"You can't go anywhere, we need to cover some ground control here" Lilly voiced.

"Lil shut up she can go, she's not going to say something to the press I've covered it," Jay said.

"Covered it? She's an outsider to this family who knows more than any of us it seems. She could make thousands off of us" I was a little angry at her words but thought against showing my anger. She did have every right to think badly of me after learning I've been lying all this time.

"I wouldn't do that," I said trying to get it through to them that that's not what I'm like.

"Oh just like you wouldn't sleep with your fake boyfriend's brother? Thanks love but I don't trust you as much as I could throw you" Lilly looked at me like I was dirt on her shoes.

"Lilly!" Jake shouted.

"No, she's right Jake! This girl is a... harlot! She's whored her way into this family" Sally said. Her voice was so serious and strong as she said the words I even believed her words to be true. I wasn't any better than a 'harlot' and I should be shamed away from this family. I'd go and never have to see them again. My heart cried out at the thought of never seeing Jake again but they were all right. I was no good, he was ten times someone like me and I needed to get away from him before things went too far.

"Don't you dare speak about her like that!" Jake shouted from across the room. His voice was so loud and angry that I felt it send cold shivers down my spine.

"Don't raise your voice to your mother boy!" Mark pointed his finger at his son in that fathering way.

"Was anything you told us about yourself real?" Sally asked.


"Mum she was getting paid to say and act whichever way Jay wanted her to"

"She lied to us all, most likely to you too"

"I need to go" I started running from the room.

"No!" Jake shouted to try and get me to stop but I couldn't be in that room another second. "You're not going anywhere"

"Jake let her go," Jay said.

"No, I can't." Was the last thing I heard, as I left the room.

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