
By Tophat

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Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Eleven

125 17 0
By Tophat

Esme sat on the fishery's port. She dangled her feet in Tranquil's waters and even took off the scratchy trousers in hopes to cool herself. It was kind of working but the afternoon heat above water was almost unbearable. Esme shielded her eyes as she gazed up at the sky. The sun was unchallenged by clouds and the clear skies were dotted with birds and blimps alike.

'It's so hot today.' She mumbled as she stroked her Grimoire she kept close to her side and placed River Oak's whistle against her forehead. The silver whistle was cool and wet but it was too small to give her any real respite from the heat.

Absolon whistled in a low tone beside her. He was feeling the heat too and his normal bubble shape was drooping a little.

'Sit in the water.' Esme suggested gently.

Absolon did so with slow motions. He dropped and let his body float in the cool gentle waters that lifted and lowered him in a rocking rhythm. After a few moments he seemed to perk up a little and begun to whistle softly in contentment. Esme smiled. Once again she was remained how lucky she had Absolon beside her. He not only protected her but took away the loneliness too. If she didn't have him, she doubted she'd feel nearly as brave to face Denver and the journey to Lithgow. Maybe she wouldn't even do it at all.

Esme flopped back onto the creaking wharf and stared up at the sky. It had been a while since Fox and the Occultist left. She wondered when they would be back and it brought a small knot to her chest. Would they be back? Would they still bow to her blackmail and get her out of Lakeside and to Hornfell City without trouble? She hoped they would. She needed them to. But she was fully aware they didn't believe her. They trusted the shouting cries from the city, not the one small voice being pointed out as a villain. The public, the law and the Towers all voiced her as the killer.

'I'll prove them wrong. Lithgow will lift the curse and help me point out Denver as the murderer.' She murmured to herself and as she drifted off to sleep.

Esme dreamt an old dream. She was in the snow, playing with her mother back in her home country. The air was still and frigid, turning her breath into tiny puffs, and the clouds were grey as the birthed tiny gentle snowflakes. Her father stood not far, watching on with his usual stoic eyes. Everything was as she remembered. Her mother, beautiful and fair, and her father, tall and wise. But there was something new in this dream. Cassandra was there, older than her mother and dressed in clothes much too cold for the winter of Emprise Du Soliel. She was happy though and her smile matched Esme's mother, clearly showing the relation between the two.

Esme was elated. All who she loved and was loved by in return was here. Her parents and aunt. The three most treasured people. Which is why she burst into tears as, one by one, the melted into mist, vanishing from Esme's sight. She was alone again.

The dream broke suddenly when she heard her name being called sharply. Her eyes snapped open, releasing the few trapped tears, and she stared in alarm at the face hovering above her. She recognised it instantly. Fox.

Her face tinted pink as she shot up and shuffled away from him, rubbing her eyes madly as he watched impassively from his crouched position. He saw her cry. He couldn't see her cry. He'd sense weakness in her and lose the fearful respect she needed to control him.

'What are you here for?' Esme stammered in what she hoped was an angry tone. She wasn't sure it was though.

Fox sighed and pressed his hand against his check. 'You told me to come back.'

Esme blushed deeper. Of course she had. She cleared her throat and tired to still her surprised heart.

'Did your Doe accept the fake Eye?'

'So far she has. She needs to check it over with Rottweiler and then needs to make a copy.' Fox said.

Esme's brow furrowed. 'A copy?'

'Yeah. A copy. Screwed up a little so she has to make a duplicate.'

'But won't that take time?'

Fox nodded very slowly, as if he were communicating with a small, dim child. She glared in insult.

'Yeah it will.' He held up his grubby fingers into a V shape. 'Two days.'

'So we do not leave for two days?'

'Smart you are.' He responded sarcastically.

Esme's brow furrowed at his tone and hid how deflated and worried she felt. She had hoped to leave tonight. The longer she stays, the more likely Suellen would find her.

'You can't just...leave?'

'Not unless you want the Fingers against us.'

Esme didn't. She wanted allies, no matter how forced, than more enemies. She pouted a little, she couldn't help it, but nodded.

'Then I will wait.' Her eyes narrowed. 'In two days, we leave instantly though or the Eye is given to River Oak.' She said sharply, nudging the sleeping Absolon with her toes.

He giggled a little as the Eye rolled about inside him, just about invisible, as his sleep remained undisturbed.

'Yeah, I know.' Fox said irritably. 'We need a plan. You and me; we're goin' to figure out a path. A safe place to follow all the way to Granite Tower. Elenore though is goin' to help dress you up.'

'Elenore?' Esme asked, the name utterly unfamiliar.

'Elenore. The Occultist.' He said impatiently. Esme parted her mouth into a soft 'o' of understanding. 'She's goin' to make you a little less...noticeable. That hair sticks out like a sore-thumb. Black hair this far south is rare.'

Esme touched her hair nervously. She liked it. Cassandra had taught her how to care for it, to make sure it was healthy and shined and brought out the darkness well. She was a little averse to someone tampering with it.

'What will she do?'

'Dunno.' He shrugged. 'Elenore's dealin' with it. I got you clothes though.'

He shoved a larger paper bag at her, ignoring how it tore at the snags of rotting wood. Esme pulled it closer and picked at the clothes within, cautiously pulling them out with pinched fingers. She had expected lowly dresses, skirts and blouses, maybe cheap flat shoes, to hide her class and money. She didn't expect men's overalls and shirts dusted with soot.

'This is men's clothes.' Esme said in confusion.

'Yeah. The Tower is looking for a high class woman, not a working-class man. We'll turn you into a man for our little trip.'

Esme paled and dropped the clothes as she snatched at her hair; aghast. 'You are not planning to shave my hair?'

Her eyes widened when Fox shrugged his broad shoulders, uncaring. 'See what Elenore wants to do.'

'You are most certainly not shaving my hair!' Esme snapped.

'Then use some of that magic of yours to change it.' Fox gestured to the tome.

Esme stammered and blustered as words died in her throat. Fox didn't know she was useless with magic and had only three spells to her name. To gain changing or illusion spells were well out of her reach. But he couldn't know that. He couldn't know she was weak with magic, that she was simply a woman. He'd laugh at her and no longer take her seriously.

'I cannot use my magic right now.' She said as haughtily as possible. 'It may alert Denver.'

Fox didn't seem to care. Esme was annoyed. He should care whether Denver finds them. He should care very much because he'd be dead.

'Then we'll chop your hair off.' Fox said.

Esme flushed and closed her eyes, reminding herself it was just hair. It would grow back once this was all over. It was a sacrifice she had to make to survive and help Cassandra.

'I will do it if it is necessary.' She said slowly and heavily, unaware of how glum she appeared.

Fox tugged at his loose collar. 'Let's get inside. It's too hot out here.'

He didn't wait for Esme to respond, he just got up and made his way back into the abandoned fishery in long languid steps. Esme didn't like that. He wasn't as fearful of her as before.

'Absolon.' Esme called as she rose to her feet with her Grimoire clutched close, she suddenly realised how sticky she was. Her shirt was clinging to her. It made her embarrassed at the state she was in. She probably smelt and she couldn't parade herself as a superior being if she smelt and was sweaty. But she realised that was the least of her problems when she looked down at her long pale legs; bare for all to see. She'd stripped off the trousers and was now naked below. Feeling even worse, Esme made sure the large shirt covered her modestly before she made her way after Fox.

Inside, Fox had already made himself comfortable in the centre of the warehouse and in one of the few areas the roof still covered. Esme sat with her legs tucked between her legs, making sure she was covered, and stared at Fox with the most impassive expression she could muster. Absolon floated nearby, giggling and jiggling his belly, revealing the real Eye he still had in his belly.

'We can't get out by the usual means. No train, bus or blimp. Those stations are going to be infested with bobbies.' Fox said as he pulled out a small tourist map of Lakeside. 'There are three exists. The north road, the Forest highway to the west and the eastern road. Everything else is either surrounded by water or spirit woodland.' He pointed at the green and blue masses surrounding the city. 'So the plan is, we get you dressed up, we get a friend of ours to give us a lift, and we leave by the north road. We'll probably get checked over. There's word of police checks on the roads but they won't be as thorough as the station checks, especially if we play our cards right. We then hop out as we're in the next town and hide for a day with a friend. Once I have more info from Elenore of where the safe roads are, we can move on.' He shrugged. 'That's if Elenore thinks we can slip by. She's checkin' it all out. Might need to go under Lakeside, go by the sewers. They'll spit us out further up north and will be a bit of a trek on foot to get to Clockton but we'll avoid the worst checkpoints.'

Esme wrinkled her nose. It seemed too dangerous. Even if she was dressed up and River Oak's pebble kept her hidden, she could still be singled out and going by sewers was a bit too much for her. The darkness and smell was stooping too low. She gazed at the words Everwood scrawled over the map and the warnings to not venture too far in.

'Will it not be safer to go through the Everwood?'

Fox snorted a laugh. 'Hell no. Things get you lost in there and I've heard way too many horror stories of people getting stuck in looping paths.'

'I know the Spirit Paths.'

Fox stared at her in disbelief before he shook his head. 'You're the Grand Wizard's niece, of course you do.'

'We take the Spirit Paths. They will guide us through the woods safely and in only a few minutes instead of hours. It will not be a long walk.' She didn't want to add that it would only work if the Everwood Spirit would accept her to walk them. She hoped he would. So far both Tranquil and River Oak were on her side, there was no reason to think the Everwood wouldn't help her.

'I still don't like it.' Fox growled unhappily.

'We do it my way.' Esme said firmly and gave her most superior stare. 'We go by the Spirit Paths.'

Fox glared. He clearly didn't like the idea but he had little choice and he knew it. So long as Esme had the Eye, she was calling the shots.

'Bloody Spirit Paths it is then. Just make sure they get us as close as possible to Clockton. A friend is there who can keep us on the low while Elenore and me try figure out what roads are down.'

Esme nodded in agreement. She had no problem with that. 'Then it is decided.'

Fox grumbled and snatched up the map. 'We just need to get you dressed for the part. Change into the clothes I got you. We'll have you looking like a bloke in no time.'

Esme frowned, momentarily forgetting that she was going to pretending to be a poor male for the entirety of this endeavour. But just as she pulled at the bag Fox shoved towards her, ignoring how he was clearly enjoying her discomfort and miserable front, Tranquil burst from the lake.

He was suddenly towering over Esme, holding her close to his cold wet chest, as he stared impassively at the only entrance to the broken warehouse.

Fox was on edge instantly while Esme allowed herself to be cradled. In the eery quiet, sharp clicking footsteps could be heard.

Fox relaxed a little. 'It's probably just Elenore.'

'No.' Tranquil said softly. The waters outside began to churn unhappily despite there being no wind. 'It is not.'

Esme knew what he meant seconds before she entered the room. Tall and elegant as ever, Suellen Denver stood at the other end of the hall. Her silken eyes stared at Esme and focused entirely on her.

'I have found you. Hand yourself over, Esme Dupont, and the trial will give you some favour.' Suellen said without emotion.

Esme stared. Her heart was in her throat and her hands were shaking in terror. It was her. How did she find her? How was Suellen here? The Spirits were still protecting her.

'Come now. I understand why you did it. A mental break. Jealousy. Money. Beauty. The Grand Wizard had everything you did not. I will encourage the Judge to be lenient on you. Just come with me quietly.' Suellen said, her red mouth smiling softly while her eyes remained firm.

Esme still remained silent. Her heard was spinning and she felt stick from the rampaging panic that was taking hold of her stomach. This wasn't happening. She was meant to be safe within Tranquil's domain.

'Look, Wizard Ma'am. I had nothin' to do with this.' Fox said as he stood, raising his hands in submission.

Suellen didn't even look at him. She wasn't really aware he was there. She only cared about Esme.

'You will be rewarded for finding the murderess of the Grand Wizard, young man.' She said absently as she snapped open her Grimoire. 'Esme Dupont, I am placing you under arrest for the murder of Cassandra Bloxham, Grand Wizard of the Ivory Tower.'

It was that moment that Esme was suddenly pulled herself away from the cloud of confusion and shock and flew into action.

'Run!' Esme shouted as scrabbled to her feet and grabbed Fox's hand.

Absolon was swiftly following her with her Grimoire in his small arms while Tranquil slithered back into his domain. She bolted back onto the wharf, ignoring Fox's resistances and blustering as she dragged him along, and came to an instant stop. Before her was the still waters of Tranquil with the signs of mountains in the far, far distance. She couldn't swim that and Suellen was likely to real her back in like a helpless fish. She was stuck.

Esme was panting madly as she gazed at the water then back at the warehouse, staring as Suellen was walking slowly forward with Grimoire being primed. She didn't notice Fox and his torn expression, clearly wanting to hand over Esme and be rid of the blackmail she'd enforced on him but unsure if it was a smart idea or not.

But it was Tranquil who stepped in to end the assault and give Esme the chance to run. Back in his waters, Tranquil rose to his full height and squared his shoulders in challenge.

'The Bloxham Sprite is under the Spirit law. She will be protect by all. Suellen Denver, the liar and murderer, she will not be permitted to harm the Bloxham Sprite.' He roared, his rare angry voice echoing about Fox and Esme's heads.

Suellen glared in outrage, her red mouth parting into a snarl. 'I am trying to help you Tranquil!' She yelled.

Tranquil did not listen and commanded his waters. He flung his arms high and the water rose with them. It surged up angrily and flooded the warehouse as he demanded it to. Making circle like motions about his head with his white arms, the water created a bubble that flowed like a whirlpool, trapping Suellen inside and destroying anything it touched, pulling in the remains of crates, ropes and floorboards.

Esme stared on his worry. Suellen was powerful, strong enough to take on Spirits and bind them to her will. She had several in her Grimoire and they would fight without thought for their mistress. He could be destroyed, reverted back into the world's essence.

'Tranquil, be careful!' Esme shouted anxiously.

But Esme did not have time to hear Tranquil's response as River Oak was suddenly launching herself out of the water. Her face was contorted in rage and her iron like grip took hold of both Fox and Esme and yanked them close to her. Just as Esme saw a hot light growing and steam beginning to hiss within the vortex, River Oak pulled both Esme and Fox into the cool lake and out of the sun's boiling rays.

Within seconds, everything went black.  

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