Princess Of The Wild


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"Screw you, Noah." I mumble in my chin annoyed but he obviously hears it. "I know you want to, Barbie doll, b... Еще

Trouble in the pink paradise
Screw this
You call this a bed?
Visit to the lake
When 'Truth or dare' goes personal
Double snake attack
Girls play games, but boys always seem to win
Come a little closer this time
I'll be there when everyone else forget
Watch and learn, bitch.
The games of survival: Dream team
The games of survival: You're stuck with me
The games of survival: Don't lie
Boy-girl drama
Success to impress
The nights we felt alive
She's bad, but he's worse
Good dog
Running away
Bestie moments
The annoying big brother
It's kind of funny, actually

Swimming with a shark

152 20 7

♡ Tiffany's POV

I'm sitting on the king-sized bed in Noah and I's hotel room, searching the suitcase in order to find a swimsuit that I actually brought here. You may wonder why the hell would I bring a swimsuit in the mountain camp, or even to this trip that we earned as a price for The games of survival, but I don't go anywhere without sun cream, sunglasses and swimsuit since that one time when we went to London with school and everyone had a bikini except for me; my oh so clever mum forgot to pack it so I literally had to swim in my underwear- thank God that was in fifth grade so people seem to forgot about the accident.

I finally found the one I was looking for- hot black swimsuit that fits my body perfectly. I lift it out of the suitcase and run with it straight to the bathroom. Noah was playing some stupid game on his phone ever since we got back from breakfast fifteen minutes ago. That 'Color switch' really brain washed him. He already dressed in grey swimming shorts or whatever they call it, and put a tight-but-not-too-tight white T-shirt to cover the Greek God's chest and six pack.

I find myself standing in the perfectly organized and decorated white and blue bathroom and it takes only a few seconds for me to take off my clothes and jump in the black swimsuit. I take a long moment to admire myself in the mirror before deciding I'm ready to go and reaching the doorknob. But fortunately, before I pushed the door open I remember that I can't just walk around the hotel half naked, so I quickly grab the small loosen black dress that I wore in the café the night Noah and I had a fight, since it was the only thing in the bathroom and It kinda fits the whole swimming outfit. To complete the look, I put on my sunglasses.

I walk out of the bathroom door and Noah smiles at me "Ready?"

"Yup." I say with obviously fake enthusiasm.

"Oh, by the way, sun is burning here, isn't it?" he pretends to watch the none-existing sun, putting his hand on the forehead and lifting his head up as there is a real sun.

I start to open my mouth and ask him what the hell is he up to, but then he comes closer pointing at my eyes.

No, wait, he's pointing at the sunglasses I'm wearing.

He makes a lazy smile with his full lips and takes the sunglasses off.

"But what if it's sunny outside?" I ask trying to make him return my glasses, because honestly, they just rock!

"Then that's good, but the pool is inside anyways." He smirks at my almost blushed cheeks. As you can see, I blush a lot.

"Oh." was everything I managed to say before he grabs my hand pulling me to the door. I stand on his left side watching him lock the door with '35' key. Then we slowly make our way to the reception where Ethan and Sophie are standing holding hands. Noah walks to the reception lady and hands her the key until we get back from the pool. She kindly nods putting the key down somewhere on her desk.

"Hey Sophie!" I hug her and then turn to Ethan. "Hey Kevin!" he looks at me confused, taken aback by the new nickname I gave him, but then he just rolls his green eyes and sighs.

"Seriously Tiffany. Kevin?" he asks me slowly like I'm a six years old child.

I roll my eyes at that and start running to the door on which is the sign 'swimming pool'.

I honestly have no idea why I started running, but sometimes I just decide to do something like that and do it for no particular reason. I'm a weird girl, I'm telling you.

Just as I was about to pull the door open, I feel arm wrap around my waist and I immediately turn around to see that it's my favorite pair of eyes in the whole world. I offer him a cute smile which he returns, but then my Greek God ruins the moment by opening the door and entering the huge warm room before me.

He continues running to wooden bench which I assume is the place where we should put our bags. Noah quickly throws his backpack on it and I look around the room with a huge grin on my face. There isn't much people in the pool, because most of them are sitting in deckchairs drinking expensive cocktails and others are simply lying next to the window on their towels and trying to get as much sun as possible. I don't exactly understand why would they do that instead of just going out and getting the real sun, but alright.

My eyes move trough the warm wet room and land directly on Noah, who is now pulling his shirt over the head and revealing my favorite kind of perfection- his abs and strong shoulders. Wow, that must have taken a lot workout, I don't know, like four hours a day or something. Do you think he eats healthy too, or is just born that way or...

My dreamy thoughts are once again cut by his playful smirk when he saw me staring, and I somehow force myself to get my eyes off of him, blushing hard. Just as he opens his mouth probably to embarrass me even more with some of his stupid joke, Sophie and Kevin enter the room. Okay, yeah I mean Ethan, but I totally love the nickname, who knows, maybe It'll catch on.

Suddenly I realize all the girls, even some women about fifty years old, are staring at Noah like he's a fresh baked turkey on Christmas and they haven't eaten anything. For three years. With no water or bread.

I can't help but feel a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. But how can you blame me, he is the hottest guy I've ever seen, and probably the hottest guy they've ever seen too. I might just sound like some overprotective jealous girlfriend that I am, but I'm not going to make any drama, at least for now.

I decide it's for the best to shut up my murderous thoughts for some time and enjoy every moment I spend with my friends. I pull the small black dress over my head and just like that, I'm left in my black hot swimsuit.

I feel a lot of eyes on me, but the only pair of eyes I care about are those light blue ones scrolling down body with cute, yet a little scary smile. No, why is he checking me out? Stop it already!

I can say I feel comfortable and confident in my body and in this swimsuit that's revealing more than it's covering, but that would be a lie. Despite everyone's opinion that I'm overconfident and 'yolo girl', I actually hate being exposed in any way, especially this one.

I cross my arms on my stomach and decide that the best way of stopping certain bad boy from watching me any further, is to come closer to him. So, I make my way to the edge of the pool where Noah is standing and he immediately grabs my hips and smile before I can say anything. His eyes leave mine as he watches something in the distance, over my head.

"Come on Barbie, before their hungry eyes eat you all up." he says smirking, but I can still recognize a little piece of concern in his voice.

I roll my eyes but mentally start jumping in happiness of how cute it is that he's worried and jealous. He pulls away from me, going behind me, probably to see where are Ethan and Sophie.

I take a deep breath and watch the clean water in front of me in silence. It's very calm, even the water in the pool doesn't have waves, except for little ones that are made by some old lady shoving her feet in the pool constantly since we got here. Surprisingly there are no kids around, I actually haven't seen one in this hotel yet, which is good because let me tell you, kids just hate me and I can't say that I like them very much either. There's only a small group of guys about our age who are irritating me by staring at us all the time, it takes all I have not to turn around and slap their faces with those beer cans they are confidently holding.

In that moment I feel two hands on my hips, one on each side, pushing me forward in the air and I got a feeling that I'm flying. The magical moment is ruined by realization that I will very soon be slapped by the pool water in front of me, so I start screaming. I probably look like an hyperactive monkey of an idiot, but the only thing I can concentrate on now is the water which is most recently all over me, making it impossible to breath. I hear a loud sound of splash my body made when I entered the pool oh so gently, and I open my eyes, still under water.As much as I'm pissed at Noah for pushing me- of course it was him- I still feel good because I finally get to enjoy the comfort of cool fresh water. I start swimming to the edge of the pool where Noah is quietly laughing at me.

My hand grabs the edge as I pretend to have a hard time exiting the pool. The bastard just stares at me with a smirk and crossed arms. My puppy face seems to soften his glare and he comes closer to me.

I raise my hand for him to pull me out but he shoots me a doubtful glare.

"Noah you pushed me in the pool, at least you can do is help me get out!" I say and pretend to be mad, so he quickly nods and grabs my hand with that disappointing 'yeah I guess you're right' look, but before he can push me out I pull his arm and he falls in the pool uncontrollably.

I start laughing so badly that tears might just roll out of my eyes any second. Even If there was someone who didn't notice me falling, or should I say being pushed, in the pool a minute ago, now they were definitely staring at us like the rest of the people in the room. Most of them are glaring at us like we just broke into the White house and killed Selena Gomez on our way to there along with Oprah and fed Loch Ness monster with their bodies. People can seriously be judgemental sometimes. The only ones that are laughing are Sophie and Ethan, and of course those three guys that are about seventeen.

Noah swims to me in less then a second. "You can swim, right?" He asks just to make sure he won't drown me in next few minutes of whatever he's planning to do.

I roll my eyes and sigh "No, pink unicorn got me out of the water two minutes ago." I reply sarcastically and he smiles.

"You're lying, unicorns can't swim." he says and I giggle at his unsuccessful try to keep his face serious.

"This one can!" I scream and dive in the clean refreshing water, making my way to the other side of the pool.

I start very fast swimming but then slow down just a little bit when I realize I'm already on the half way. I raise my arms to take another meter to my goal but suddenly two arms wrap around my waist, pulling me under the water. I open my eyes surprised under the water to see smirking Noah hugging me. I pull away and I start making small circles around him, teasing him as he tries to catch me. Oh my goodness, he looks even sexier under the water, if that's even possible. I would stay under and watch him all day, but I finally pull my head out of the cold water to take a breath. He does the same and we just stare at each other for a while, smiling like two idiots who have nothing more important in life to do. But then when I think of it, maybe we actually don't.

"You're mine." he whispers in my ear once we slowly approach the edge of the pool which is the opposite side from the one where's Sophie with her lover boy.

My heart is beating furiously with ever centimeter he takes closing the space between us. Our bodies are now pushed against each other, only my swimsuit between our chests. He stands on a small step which is there to help people get out of the pool easier, and he lifts my legs, warping them around his stomach. I reflexively wrap arms around his neck, closing the space even more by letting my hands fall over his shoulders freely and my elbows around his neck.

How lucky am I to have this boy. There is nothing more important to me than calling him mine; not because I care about popularity or how others will admire us as a couple, but because he makes me feel special - as cliche as it sounds. With him every moment is complete and I feel like I'm not missing anything- I'm just where I need to be. It's not explainable really, maybe only with a word love. Because that's the only thing that can describe close enough what we have.

He kisses the tip of my nose making electricity shake my body on the inside- and hopefully not on the outside, because, you know, that would be just weird. I giggle. "Hey Noah?"


"Why do you call me Barbie anyway?" I whisper to make it sound moreintimate and he smiles lifting his shoulders as he wants to say that he doesn't know.

"I guess you'll never know."

I frown "Why don't you just tell me?" I say sadly. I thought we are done with keeping secrets, even the small ones.

"Well" he looks in the deep pool water that we're in "I could, but what's the fun in that?" he smirks cockily and I roll my black eyes, still staring at his gorgeous sharp features.

"You enjoy this, don't you?" I ask.

"Enjoy what?" he looks taken aback by my confusing words.

"Teasing me." I reply.

His shy but honest smile warms my heart, just like every other time. "Maybe..."

I chuckle and after what seems like forever I notice Sophie and Calvin- yes I'm still calling him that because it really seems to be pissing him off lately, which is kind of my goal. They are sitting on the edge of the pool a few steps next to Noah who's still holding me in his hands, since I'm much easier under water.

He somehow manages to lift me on the edge next to Ethan and I sit there watching him make a roll forward in the water and then pulling his head out with a wink, thinking that he impressed the hell out of us. I smile at him and then decide to show him a real show to remember.

Ethan smirks and I roll my eyes at Noah which caught his attention.

"What? Like you can do better!" he teases me again and I groan. This guy is unbelievable.

"Obviously." I say in a duh tone, playing with my legs under water.

"Prove it, smart ass." he says all of a sudden so serious, lifting himself to sit next to me. I think trough the situation deciding it's stupid proving a point now when those ladies look at us waiting for a move so they can call someone to kick us out. But then again, I really really want to prove this arsehole he's for once wrong.

I turn to face Ethan who is looking at his feet "Kevin believes me! Right?" I ask pointing my hand at poor Ethan who looks at us probably wondering how the hell did he get in this position or how is it possible that I'm not already dead with all my stubbornness and rebel attitude.

He groans "Would you stop calling me that?"

I look at the ceiling pretending to think about it deeply "I don't think so."

He just sighs and turns to Sophie, deciding it's not worth an argue.

Noah looks at me again with the puppy face. No. Not the puppy face! How can you say no to something like that!

"He'll kick us out!" I whisper-yell at Noah, pointing to the security who is obviously seeing since it's too boring to watch people do nothing, even too boring for him.

"That guy? Yeah right. Even if he tries something, Kevin and I will take care of that." he answers immediately.

"Really bro, you too?" Ethan frowns at the nickname and I smile and mentally do my happy dance, since it's finally starting to catch on.

"Let it go, babe" Sophie waves her hand off, telling him to forget the two idiots which happen to be Noah and I.

Noah shakes his head at me and lifts his eyebrows "So?"

He looks at me impatiently and I roll my eyes "Fine."

I stand up from the sitting position getting ready to show them the show of their lives. Okay- maybe I'm not that good, but at least I get to prove Noah he's wrong, which is the only reward itself. I take a few steps back to make a running star. After two short sighs and one determined look at  Noah, I start running to the pool and jump, my hands touching the water first, then head, and finally the rest of the body. As soon as I'm completely covered in water, I acknowledge that I made a perfect jump, just as Cole taughtme. I continue swimming with a smile, my head still under water.

Just when I think that I can't hold my breath anymore, I realize I reached the other side of the pool. I mentally sigh in relief, since I can't do that because I'm still under water. I make a roll forward, just like professional swimmers do, and push my legs against the wall of the pool, making my body turn around and I continue swimming to my friends. I decide to make it a little better so I do a back roll as well and then finally swim to my love, stopping in front of him breathlessly. Ha! Beat that, arsehole!

He's looking at me like I'm the Goddess and it's something that I can definitely get used to.

"That was awesome!" Sophie is the first one to break the trans "Oh Em Gee! Who taught you that?"

I smile at her "Cole."

Noah and Ethan give me a confused look while Sophie seems pleased with the answer. I just sigh, still finding it hard to breath after all that diving and swimming.

"My cousin." I take a deep breath "And best friend."

Sophie and Calvin look at me with pale faces.

"Wait..." Sophie starts.

"I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND?!" They both yell at the same time and chuckle sweetly at their 'connection'.

I roll my eyes and they seem to forget what I said or did two seconds ago, so they just walk away hugged.

"So boss," I say sarcastically "have I passed the mission?"

Noah smirks but then makes puppy face. "Hmm, just one more thing."

Wait what? All that wasn't enough? I just probably freaking beat the score of some famous swimmer. Or not. But anyway, I think it was pretty impressive, considering that I pretty much suck at every other sport that is not swimming or karate. I still have no idea how my parents agreed to let me practice karate after school, but it was probably my charming skills or three straight hours of constantly crying my eyes out. What can I say, I love karate.

"What?" I whisper almost soundlessly.

"Kiss me." he leans over me and brush his soft but still wet lips against mine, pulling me for a sweet long kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he does the same with my waist.

After what seemed like forever, we both pull away for breath smiling and very soon my lips find his, one more time.


Hey there guys! I'm soo greatful for your support, the story already has over 1.1k reads! Thanks to everone who read, vote and comment!

Guys please comment any thoughts you have about the book, they always make me laugh 😂💖

Also, if you are bored like l usually am, message me so we can chat!

Lol okay, l'm just gonna leave now. Bye ×××

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