(MOVING) Signing The Contract...

By SpotSong

27.6K 980 130

It's a fanfiction somewhat...I mean it was generally based off of Kamisama Kiss and strayed greatly from that... More

The Meeting - Chapter 1
The Adventure Begins - Chapter 2
A Place To Stay - Chapter 3
Guidelines - Chapter 3 - Part 2
Pieces Of The Past - Chapter 4
Tomoe's Back - Chapter 5
Oops.... - Chapter 6
Stubborn Cuddles - Chapter 7
Invitation - Chapter 8
What A Prince...- Chapter 9
What Happened? - Chapter 10
Forceful Words - Chapter 11
Innocent? - Chapter 12
Playful Banter - Chapter 13
Walk and Talk - Chapter 14
What Have I Done? - Chapter 15
Friendship? - Chapter 16
You Wanna Talk?!? - Chapter 17
Gussied Up - Chapter 18
Things Change - Chapter 19
Can a Cave be Cozy? - Chapter 20

Tell A Story - Chapter 21

508 25 15
By SpotSong

I looked down at him after a moment of looking out the cave. My arms instinctively crossed, covering my chest and warming my shoulders. "Are you getting warm at all?" I asked him quietly.

He looked at me. The teasing expression had disappeared...for now at least. "Slowly, but surly " he admitted. I nodded slightly before sitting down a distance away from him. Holding my knees to my chest and resting my arms atop them. I slowly lowered my head onto them in a calm manner before murmuring "What now?"

"Well right now you have to stay in hiding and then we can maybe go find your father..."

"I did all this because I'm selfish" I whispered with slight tears. "Am I really?" I whimpered. Looking away from him and focusing on my feet.

Tomoe stood and decided to change into his now dry clothes. His ears flicked as he listened to my mumbling before answering. "Yes M'lady. You are. That's okay as we all have bad parts of ourselves." He looked towards me and I could feel his gaze so I looked towards him. He had only his shirt to put back on.

Before he did though...I noticed his scars. Plenty scattered across his chest and arms. "How did you get those?" I asked quietly. Wiping the tears away, hoping for a slight distraction.

He looked down as his scars. "Oh these? Battle"

  "May I touch them?" I asked seeing that some seemed worse than others. He nodded a bit letting me stand to my feet before giving a warning. "But I am allowed to tease you" he bargained to which I agreed.

I moved closer to him and let my finger follow some small ones before letting them trace across one that was large. It went from his shoulder to his hip. I could feel him shiver before he grabbed my wrist. "Watch what you're doing. I am not teasing" he muttered with a glare. A warning in his bright eyes sent shivers down my own spine.

"S-sorry I didn't think" I apologized looking at his eyes. Just as fast as he had grabbed my wrist he let it go, my arm dropping to my side.

I stepped back and he put his shirt on with ease before looking at me and letting out a sigh. "What?" I questioned. "It's nothing, we can sleep here tonight" he said before looking around the cave.

"Yes we can" I agreed and stretched my sore and stiff body. "Oh...by the way...I think your scars are awesome" A light smile on my face. "Scars tell a story"

With another sigh he gave me a blank look. "My story is not a great one" he simply said before making two futons appear. "But the story makes the person" I said matter of fact before looking at the futons.

He rolled his eyes and focused on me at the moment. "You mean it builds character?" He mused slightly correcting me. I shrugged "I don't know something like that" I laughed lightly before her lips turned upward in a small smile. "I don't know what makes me have character".

"Everything that has happened in your life builds your character" Tomoe stated his gaze seemed sympathetic when he looked at me. It struck chords and made my smile fade.

"But... I mean physical characters... such as your scars. They symbolize something that you have gone through and.... it's amazing"

His eyes never left me as he thought for a bit, "What about your stretch marks? That's something you went through that's amazing " he pointed out. "They're barely visible" I sighed and lifted up my shirt just enough to show very small marks along her sides and belly but nothing major.

He looked at them, his eyes examining them before looking into my eyes.  "So? They're still apart of you, and apart of your character " he told her before wandering over to a futon. He kneeled down and removed the bedding to crawl in.

I nodded slowly before deciding to follow his lead and go into the other futon, crawling into it with ease. Tomoe had made me feel... important?

Gazing at the ceiling, Tomoe sighed and fluttered his eyes shut slowly. Before he could get to comfortable I  sneezed quietly into the blanket. "S'cuse me" I said quickly and lightly blushed.

"Are you getting sick?" I heard Tomoe said and he did not look too happy. I could tell that he was thinking about me getting sick. His face proved it. 

"I don't know...I hope not"

Without another word he got up, carrying his blankets over to me and dumping them on top. Gently he tucked them in so I wouldn't push them off. "I hope not to..." he said before walking back to his futon and looked the fire.

I looked at the bounty of blankets and then looked at him. "But... you'll get cold"

Boom another chapter :p

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