
By Tophat

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Esme Dupont's easy and high-class life takes a drastic turn one summer. It begins with her aunt, the Grand Wi... More

Part One: Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Part Three: Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Part Four: Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy

Chapter Ten

126 16 0
By Tophat

Fox was angry. Things were not going his way at all. All he wanted to do was get his Task done in peace but now he had been horseshoed into some kind of escape plot.

He didn't like Esme Dupont. She was pretty to look at but so snobbish and had this superior air that grated against him. And that annoyance grew into irritation rapidly, scraping away the fear of being in front of a Wizard powerful enough to kill the Grand Wizard. As much as it was the intelligent reaction to have, she didn't scare him. The face was too soft, the eyes too sad, the frame to small and slight, the aura too sheltered. She didn't scream power but she had it. Dupont was a Tower Wizard, niece of the Grand Wizard. He had intended to play dumb to save his own skin and wriggly out of whatever trap had been laid out so he was annoyed at himself when accidentally let slip he was fully aware who she was. He expected to die, especially after the River Oak Spirit went at his throat with the ill intent to kill. Fox was breathing still however. Breathing and incredibly cornered.

He wanted nothing to do with this plot or the plotter. It was downright dangerous and nigh-on impossible to accomplish. The Ivory Tower would be sending out their spell-slinging hunters for this murderer and he wouldn't be surprised if the other Towers were going to be involved in chasing her down too. The police everywhere were going to be on high alert, bounty-hunters were going to be involved and, annoyingly, her face stuck out like a sorethumb. Dupont was so foreign that she'd be instantly recognised.

'We need a plan Ellie.' Fox hissed as they walked back to the Doe's den. He insisted on walking. He wanted time to think and mull over this sudden turn of events.

Ellie strode beside him, possibly more enraged than he was. 'I could've taken her on I could.' She mumbled. 'Should've burnt all her stupid hair off.'

'With two aggressive Spirits? No.' Fox said, waving her ridiculous thoughts away. 'We need a plan.'

'I'm coming with.'

'No. I need you to stay. I don't want the Doe to find out I got blackmailed and involved in somethin' stupid. She'll kick me out, she would.'

Elenore sighed in agreement. 'I'll send out word to friends. Keep them in the loop. Go to known allies of ours, people who'll keep the secret.'

Fox grunted. He didn't like this. He felt he'd just signed up to die and technically he had. The Granite Tower was miles and miles away and the normal, convenient routes would be watched like a hawk for the killer. But he was more scared of the Doe and the Dupont Wizard more than the impossible journey. Either he could be killed in unimaginable ways or lose the one job he was good at and connection to his father.

'I'll sort her out.'

'No.' Fox said sharply. 'No killin'.'

'Who said anything about killin'? Elenore wrinkled her nose in offence. 'We've been cornered. Either we admit the truth to the Doe or we go along with this Wizard's stupid plan. I opt with the plan. We can at least make that go our way if we're patient. So, to hide her, I need to do a little work on her. Made her look a little more male, change her hair. That kind of thing.'

'Oh.' Fox said, a little embarrassed at jumping the gun. 'That'll help.'

'So, once we've gone to the Doe, we need to gather up clothes for her. Find some good fitting stuff. And tell everyone she's mute so she won't speak. Her voice and speech will give her away fast.'

'And I'll just try to survive and not be caught.'

Elenore hooked her arm in his, pulling him close to her. 'You won't get caught. You're good. You can make the most wanted woman in Lakeside vanish. I know you can.'

Fox wasn't so certain. All he envisioned was being shot on the run or hung after a very quick court session.

'Look, keep sending me faxes. I'll keep tabs on your whereabouts and pre-warning friends. Your cousin is not far from the Granite Towers. I'll let her know as well. She'll keep her area alerted.' She squeezed his cheek affectionately. 'You're not in this alone. We can't tell the Doe but I am the second to her. I'll keep you safe.'

It made Fox a little better. Elenore was the heir to the Doe afterall and getting his cousin involved could help his chances as well. He needed informants. He needed people telling him where trouble was and wasn't. Elenore would do an excellent job.

'We can do this.'

Elenore nodded. 'And, when she is at the Granite Tower, thinking she's escaped, I'll alert the Ivory Tower where she is. I'm not goin' to let her get away with making a fool of the Fingers.'

Fox wasn't so sure that was a good idea. His stomach twisted. The Spirits were not only very adamant that he'd die if he betrayed them but something just felt off. Esme Dupont was a Tower Wizard. She was also the niece of the Grand Wizard. It meant she had power and the highest of education when it came to magic. So why did she blackmail him? Getting into his head and controlling him would be far safer surely. There would be no risk of him betraying her or running off. So why stoop to blackmail? Then there were the Spirits.

'Spirits can't tell lies, right?'

'Yeah.' Elenore said. 'They don't know how to. Silly things just don't get why.'

'River Oak said that Dupont didn't hurt the Grand Wizard.'

Elenore went quiet. 'So?'

'So, if Spirits really can't tell lies, Dupont didn't kill the Grand Wizard. It was this Denver woman. She's telling the truth.'

Elenore went even quieter. Stubbornly quiet. 'Maybe they can. Who cares. It's just some bigwig who died.' She said with venom, reminding Fox just how much Elenore detested the Tower Wizards and their rules. 'I just want that Eye back and that woman gone before the Doe sniffs out you've cocked up. Do as she asks, get her to the Granite Tower and then we'll alert the world where she is. Then she'll get arrested and put on trial and then hung. Done and done.' Elenore said happily. 'The bitch will get what she deserves in the end and you will get the title you were born to have.'

Fox pushed aside the sense that Esme Dupont was telling the truth, shook away the soft expressions he kept spying on her foreign, pretty features, and agreed. He'd go along with Dupont's plan and then leave the rest to the Towers. The Grand Wizard's murder didn't concern him. If Dupont was telling the truth, nothing bad would happen to her, and if she was, well, he wouldn't have let a powerful murderess on the loose.

The pair planned and plotted until the finally arrived at the Doe's shop well into the afternoon. By then they felt they had a good story to go by and a way to keep the Doe from finding out Fox was being blackmailed and letting the Fingers be used by a pompous Wizard. Like Elenore, the Doe didn't really care much for the Towers and would most likely kick him out of the Guild for screwing up so royally. First however, Fox had to hope that the fake Eye wasn't detected for what it really was.

The bell tinkled as he pushed the door open and he was glad to step inside. The sun was beating down outside and there wasn't a cloud in sight to act as a shield. Elenore's parasol gave some respite from the glare but not from the awful heat that hummed off the pavement. The cool air was a welcome change.

'Anyone in?' Fox cried out.

'Wotcha Fox!' A familiar young voice cried out. Ronald sat behind the counter, filling his mouth and dressing his face with ice cream.

'Ronald. Eating during work isn't good.' Fox pointed out.

Ronald simply shrugged. 'Boss has been waitin' for you.'

Fox's furry brow was raised in unison with Elenore's own pampered one.

'What for?' Fox asked suspiciously. Did she already know about the blackmail and his meeting? He wouldn't be surprised, the Doe knew most things happening in the city, but he desperately hoped not or he'd kiss his Fox title and job goodbye.

'Dunno. She's downstairs.' He gestured to the basement door with his messy plastic spoon.

Fox sucked in the musty air and stepped forward. Elenore stuck close behind, patting his back with encouragement as her heels clicked against warped stone steps.

The main storage room was empty of the haggard old woman but the office door was wide open, swinging eerily. With a strong sense of impending doom, Fox made his way to the office and peered inside.

At the desk was the Doe, pouring her eyes over the local news paper. She didn't take her gaze away and gave no real sign she realised she was no longer alone.

Fox coughed lightly. 'I'm back.'

'So it seems.' The Doe said tightly. Her withered lips were pulled into a thin line. She was unhappy. Fox stomach dropped. Did she know?

He glanced at Elenore for help but all she did was gestured meaningfully with her head, urging him to go in. He good tell by her eyes she was screaming at him to stop being such a daisy. Fox sucked in the musty air and drummed up the pride he once had this morning. The pride of getting the Eye within a day of it being tasked to him and without scouting first.

'Doe, I have the Eye, as you asked.' He said, stepping forward.

The Doe slapped the news paper down sharply. 'Yes, I know along with half the bloody city!' She hissed. 'What were you thinkin' Kit! I expected you to scout it all out! Had hoped you'd use that head of yours but clearly that's all too much for you!'

Fox flinched. So that was why she was mad. 'I messed up a little.'

'A little?' The Doe barked a strained laugh. 'The Fingers are meant to be shadows, Kit. We slip in and out without so much as leaving our prints behind so no one can trace where our obtained items go but you left a trail of unconscious guards, unhappy dogs and alerted Policemen!'

Fox hung his head. 'I didn't get caught.'

She snatched up the paper again, pointing at the front page. All over it was retelling the events of last night and recounting the sightings the guards had of Fox; a man wearing strange goggles and marked by a fox insignia. 'No but the city is fully aware of the theft. Fully aware we Fingers were involved. I'm now going to have to keep on the lowdown to make sure we don't get sniffed out and this hand over is going to have to wait.' She snarled and rolled up the paper. 'All because of your foolish pride, Kit.'

Fox didn't say a word, just prayed this didn't mean he'd lose his title. Well, if he did, he wouldn't have to take the murderess out of town and risk his own life for a stranger. That at least would be solved.

The Doe gazed at him with her narrow beady eyes before she held out her hand. 'Give it to me.'

Fox didn't hesitate and pulled out the Eye. He quickly tested its strength between the fingers, half expecting it to fall apart into water, but it was as firm and gritty as the real one. Maybe the Doe won't pick up that it's a fake.

Just as he reached out to drop the stone into her hand, the Doe's wrinkled hand flicked out and cuffed him round the head with her rolled paper. 'Never again! You don't go in on a job without scoutin'! Basic rule Kit! Simple and easy to follow!' She snapped.

'Aye ma'am.' Fox grumbled as he rubbed his head.

The Doe grunted and snatched the Eye from his hand. She held it to her face, turning it over.

'From basic appearance, it appears to be real. Myself and Rottweiler will test it and create a copy that will be handed to our poor victim. A job I wouldn't have to do if you do yours properly.' Her shrewd eyes swivelled to Fox just as he flinched from the barbed words. 'Expect it to be ready in two days. Then you are out of Lakeside and taking this one all the way to our Employer. You leave it in his study without alerting every guard and policeman within the vicinity. No revealin' yourself. Understood?'

Fox nodded, hope glowing a little bit and pulling his mouth into a silly smile. 'Does this mean I still get my title?'

The Doe's sharp eyes narrowed. 'Aye but don't you go do something stupid again. If this delivery goes as smooth as a baby's arse and you get the title. Screw up and you're Kit forever. Got it?'

Fox was nodding eagerly, his chest light with relief. He hadn't lost his title yet. It sunk a little as an after thought fluttered through his mind. It meant he had to help Dupont still. The blackmail was still in place.

The Doe ignored the thoughts of happiness and dread that were clearly going over his features and turned to Elenore.

'Good to see you Ellie.'

Elenore smiled warmly. 'Anythin' I can help with?'

The Doe shook her head. 'Just keep this moron out of trouble for the next day. I don't want him gettin' snapped up by the police.'

Elenore slapped his back playfully. 'I'll keep him on the low.'

'Good. Now both of you get out. I want to work.' The Doe demanded and waved her hand irritably.

Fox and Elenore didn't hesitate. They turned heel and fled, only stopping when they were back in the cluttered shop.

Ronald waved merrily. 'Did she shout at you good?'

Fox glared at the cackling urchin and grabbed Elenore's hand and pulled her out of the shop and into the glaring sun. He regretted it the moment his body broke out into a sweat and his lungs laboured at the hot air.

'We have time.' He said in relief.

'Then let's use it smartly. Let's get you and this lady prepped to go.' Elenore said as she swung up her parasol to protect them from the light. 'You go get hold of some men's clothes. Something that fits a slight frame. I will go and send out word to our friends, warn them of the situation.' Elenore grinned. 'We'll meet back at the fishery in four hours, yeah?'

Fox nodded sharply. 'Yeah. Meet you there.'

Elenore bobbed and sauntered off, taking the much needed parasol with her. Fox set off in the opposite direction through the sweltering heat, seeking out cheap second hand shops that sold clothes and wondered just how ridiculous he'd look if he carried a parasol for himself.  

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