Boy Oh Boys! (Season 1)

By RayRomCom

69.3K 3.8K 1K

Charlie is just a normal high school girl whose biggest concerns are cheerleading and the upcoming dance, but... More

Chapter 1-1
Chapter 1-2
Chapter 1-3
Chapter 1-4
Chapter 2-1
Chapter 2-2
Chapter 2-3
Chapter 2-4
Chapter 2-5
Chapter 3-1
Chapter 3-2
Chapter 3-3
Chapter 3-4
Chapter 3-5
Chapter 3-6
Chapter 4-1
Chapter 4-2
Chapter 4-3
Chapter 4-4
Chapter 4-5
Chapter 5-1
Chapter 5-2
Chapter 5-3
Chapter 5-4
Chapter 5-5
Chapter 6-1
Chapter 6-2
Chapter 6-3
Chapter 6-4
Chapter 7-1
Chapter 7-2
Chapter 7-3
Chapter 7-4
Chapter 7-5
Chapter 8-1
Chapter 8-2
Chapter 8-3
Chapter 8-4
Chapter 8-5
Chapter 8-6
Chapter 9-1
Chapter 9-2
Chapter 9-3
Chapter 9-4
Chapter 9-5
Chapter 10-1
Chapter 10-2
Chapter 10-3
Chapter 10-4
Chapter 10-5
Chapter 11-1
Chapter 11-2
Chapter 11-3
Chapter 11-4
Chapter 11-5
Chapter 12-1
Chapter 12-2
Chapter 12-3
Chapter 12-4
Chapter 12-5
Chapter 13-1
Chapter 13-3
Chapter 13-4
Chapter 13-5
Chapter 14-1
Chapter 14-2
Chapter 14-3
Chapter 14-4
Chapter 14-5
Chapter 15-1
Chapter 15-2
Chapter 15-3
Chapter 15-4
Chapter 15-5

Chapter 13-2

836 50 50
By RayRomCom

"Wow, it's really strange not having everyone in the dorm," Charlie thought the following morning as she sleepily made her way into the kitchen. "And even stranger not having Max making breakfast," she frowned as she opened the refrigerator. "I guess I'll have to cook," she decided, pulling out a carton of eggs.

"What are you doing?" Pace's voice grumbled and Charlie turned to see him leaning on the kitchen table.

"I know, I know. I'm not supposed to be standing on my bad foot," Charlie began.

"No. I mean what are you doing cooking?" Pace stared hard. "Are you trying to smoke us out of the dorm?"

"Ugh! That was one time!" Charlie frowned. "And it's only because I forgot to set the timer."

Pace did not look convinced.

"Fine! Let's see you do better!" Charlie shouted, sitting down and sliding a spatula across the table towards him.

"I don't cook," said Pace plainly, turning back for his room. "And from what I hear, neither should you."

"Fine!" Charlie yelled after him. "Then I'll just go to the cafeteria for breakfast! Ouch!" she inhaled as she jumped up too quickly onto her injured foot.

"And just how are you going to get there on that?" Pace eyed her ankle suspiciously. "You'll never make it."

"It's none of your concern," spat Charlie, hopping into the hall and slamming the door behind her.


"Well, it's no breakfast from Max, but it'll do," Charlie frowned down at her breakfast tray, which was filled with some pre-packaged toaster pastries and a little box of juice. "I guess the lunch ladies are all on break too," she sighed as she limped towards a table to sit. "Just like everyone else."

Charlie opened her breakfast tart and peered around the cafeteria. Besides her, there were only two others in the room- the Astronomy Club leader and Seneca, the leader of the Chefs Club- both of which were still not too happy with her.

Focusing solely on her plate, Charlie bit into her cold breakfast, but to her delight, the other diners soon finished their meals and headed for the exit.

"Five bucks says I make it, Coop," Seneca told his friend as he tossed his own carton of juice towards the trash can- and missed, splattering orange juice all over the floor.

"Pay up!" laughed Coop, and the two left the cafeteria.

"Ahhh, I need to find some other place to have breakfast this week," thought Charlie when she too had finished eating.

Standing up carefully, she made her way to empty her tray, but as she hopped along on her good foot, she accidentally slipped on Seneca's puddle of juice and landed flat on the floor.

"OUCH!" she cried, holding her foot, but before she could try to stand, a hand appeared in front of her.

"I told you you'd never make it,"  Pace was staring down at her and looking annoyed.

"I'm fine," said Charlie, fumbling to get back up, her hand slipping in the juice again.

"Yeah. You look fine," said Pace sarcastically. "Come on," he added, still holding out his hand.

Reluctantly, Charlie took his hand and allowed him to pull her up.

"Thanks," Charlie looked awkwardly at her feet. "What are you doing here anyways? Were you checking on me?"

"There was no one to make breakfast," said Pace lowly, grabbing a toaster snack and shoving it into his pocket.

"Oh," Charlie frowned. "Well, thanks anyways."

"Whatever," shrugged Pace. "Let's go."

Charlie nodded and began to limp towards the door, but before she could make it very far, Pace's hand had grabbed her by the arm, stopping her from going any further.

"What are you doing?" Charlie stared at him.

"You can't walk," he crossed his arms.

"Sure I can," promised Charlie, but Pace gave her a cold glare. "Well, then what do you want me to do? Fly back to the dorm?"

"Get on," said Pace simply,  bending down.

"You want me to get on your back?" Charlie gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Get on," repeated Pace.

"Okay..." Charlie frowned curiously, stepping towards him. "He's being nice again," she thought as she climbed onto Pace's back. Then, straightening up, he began to carry her back to Athens.


"Thank you, Pace," Charlie looked at him in astonishment when they had arrived back at their dorm and he had gently set her on the sofa.

"Ugh," Pace growled. "You smashed my breakfast," he complained, taking the broken pastry pack out of his pocket.

"Seriously?" Charlie's shoulders drooped.

"Yes, seriously. It's completely inedible now," he grumbled, tossing the pack into the trash.

"No," frowned Charlie. "I mean, are you seriously gonna keep acting like a jerk?"

Pace raised his brows.  

"I didn't know helping someone back to their dorm was considered acting like a jerk," he said.

"You know what I mean," sighed Charlie. "You can't do one nice thing without ruining it by being mean. You're always so mean! Why can't you ever just do something nice?" 

At this, Pace took a step towards Charlie, and for a moment, she cringed, unsure of what sort of mean thing he was going to do. However, to her surprise, he leaned down, and before she knew it, he was kissing her on the lips.

"There," he said, straightening up again. "That was nice."

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