My Richie Kray

By ShadyDreamsFactory

58.7K 1.2K 698

Some may say this would be the London's east end equivalent of the sordid love tale between the Joker and Har... More

Kray-zy for you...
Unshackle yourself... Buttercup
Time to Get-A-Way
Sucker For Pain
"Your crazy, matches my crazy"
Curtains Up...
"Does She Make You Happy?"
"We don't do normal, people like us."
Is blood thicker than water?
"Baby I'd Kill For You"
"What is life without trouble, my little sherbet?"
Dancing With The Devil
The Devil was him. Richie was the Devil"
Wedding bells in hell...
Blood spilled, hearts tainted.
Jadas Elegy...
Every cloud has it's silver lining.
He's a gangster & enjoys being one
Here it starts, your real life...
Welcome to Richie Kray...
The Wars Beginning
Goodbye, Richie Kray
Lifes One Big Headache
An unwanted phone call
Losing focus, and all control
Ticking Timebomb
There's no peace and quiet in hell.
The Richie Kray show...
Signing your soul to the devil
Photoshoots of a horror film
Switching positions...
Please, not my baby.
What now?

Drowning in a daydream

2.5K 41 7
By ShadyDreamsFactory

After everybody got changed, a head count was done to make sure that all of Richie's men were here and alive, which they was and with almost double the amount of money that was originally lost back in the bank account and their rivals warehouse burnt to the ground this meant big celebrations were in order.
Richie gave a very respectful speech to his men and told them all that they would be rewarded generously with a big payment in their banks by the morning. He then personally served us all drinks on the house, and that's when the party began. Just as I finished talking to Callum I felt my hand being taken, Richie's fingers interlinked with mine as he stood by the side of me, I couldn't get used to it, every time he touched me felt just as exciting as the first time he had done it,

"Welcome her to the family then Cal, go on" Richie's smile touched his eyes,

"She's gonna be a part of us?"

"Well yeah. Thought I'd tell ya first, before filling in the lads"

"But Jada, you won't have time for your university studies?" He looked at me unsure,

"This is the life I want Callum" I nervously smiled at my knight in shining armour, no, fuck that... my Joker, my Mr. J,

"But you're gonna throw away all of ya education, all that hard work? For this? A smart girl like you? Rich come on mate, you can't do this to her. What if it was your sister?"

"She's gonna do what she's gonna do, and as her older brother you're gonna support whatever she decides, ain't cha, Cal?" This wasn't a request, and Callum knew it, I could see it in Richie's dominant glare,

"Right you are Richie" he backed down,

"So we approve. Lovely jubilee. Right! Everyone! EVERYONE!" He suddenly shouted and everyone quickly quietened down,
"Now I know I just spat out a few precious paragraphs from my Gang And Mob (gob/mouth) but... I think there's something you all should know..." he got his glass of whiskey from the bar and jumped up on top of one of the tables, everyone looked up, grinning at him, waiting for the leader of the pack to speak,
"So... we all know what happened tonight. I'm a tuff man, ok? I handle myself, alright. But somethin' carried on after I sent you all on ya merry way... this little ocean pearl (girl) saved my Niagara Falls (balls) because for the first time in my life I was about to be caught off guard! I was about to be shot from some Jam Roll (Arsehole) that somebody failed to finish off. Now, if it wasn't for Jada here, I wouldn't be stood here right now, going on with myself, so I'm officially welcoming her into our family and I'd like for you all to do the same, alright?!"
Literally everybody stood up and cheered and then they all came over, everybody hugging me, I looked up at Richie who was smiling down on me, holding up his glass with the brightest glint in his eyes,
"I'm raising my glass of frisky (whiskey) and I want you all to get ya drinks and make our Jada here feel welcome, and ya look after here like she's the queen mother d'ya' hear?!"  I couldn't stop laughing as a group of them picked me up and threw me about like I weighed absolutely nothing! They raised me up high enough so I could clink my glass with Richie's, and then he unsuspectingly bent down and pecked me on my lips in front of everyone!
"Now if you excuse me I'm off to take a piss then Do The Franky's (leave)"
When he got down from the table everyone kind of pushed us together so they could all surround us, we all jumped around all arm in arm, I loved this! LOVED IT!!! I'd never felt so accepted in my WHOLE. ENTIRE. LIFE. I felt like royalty! Richie ducked down and pulled me out of riffraff, both of us laughing breathlessly as he stole me from the show.

"Are we leaving?" My nerves and excitement peaked as we slipped out of the door unnoticed!

"Nothing slips past you does it" he joked,
"I reckon its time to get you back to your Gaff"

"Wait..." my hopes and dreams shattered!
"I'm... not coming back to yours?"

"Not tonight" SERIOUSLY?! I physically couldn't wait any longer for him! Don't do this to me Richie! This is torture!

"But... after everything we've been through tonight?"

"Everything we been through?" He shook his head and laughed as we got to his car,
"That back there, that ain't nothin' outta the ordinary for me. If that's special to you then sorry you're on ya Jack Jones (own) there sweetheart" we got into his car, I felt so hurt! I felt like I'd at least earned the right to spend the night with him after saving his ass, that perfectly plump ass that I just wanted to squeeze and bite so bad. Part of me wished I'd of been a one night stand just so I could have experienced fucking his brains out by now!

"The really don't mean to come off  brash but, back in the car, how you've been touching and kissing me, like why aren't we taking this back to your place? It's not like you're not a fan of woman? You said yourself that..."

"Let me stop ya right there, Jada. Yeah alright I've had a few harlets in my time, but I don't like those girls, I don't kiss 'em, certainly don't hold their hands or have them in me Lah-Di-Dah (car). But if that's what you want, if you want me to take you back to my gaff and fuck your brains out of that skull of yours then let's get to it. But I'll tell you one thing, I won't respect ya in the morning and I don't peruse women I don't respect. Or... you can show me that you're a good little girl who has a bit of respect for yourself. Cause you're a bit of nice ain't ya, I'd like for you to be my babe, wouldn't you like that Jada? Ay? Be nice wouldn't it?"

"More than anything Richie but..."

"So it's settled then, ain't it" his smooth voice softened up my frown as he leant forward to kiss me. As soon as his lips cupped mine my eyes fluttered shut. Butterflies soared in my stomach as I felt his hand cup my jaw to deepen our kiss, and for the first real time I properly felt his tongue and the skill of how he kissed, my mind was rushing as I tasted the whiskey upon his tongue. The way he kissed me made me feel like I was genuinely dreaming, nobody had ever kissed me this way before, I felt everything he wanted me too, and I didn't want to ever stop kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed a little more but he soon pulled back, his mouth an inch away from mine. He then pressed his forehead against mine. His hands held me firmly by my waist as he composed himself for a second,

"Taking a breather?" I smirked, my hands stroking his back, feeling the muscle that laid beneath his crisp clean shirt, muscle that I wanted to mark up with my nails, to claim as my property,

"Get in the car, Jada" he instructed with a raspiness to his voice, and my god did the words feel as though he was speaking directly into my ovaries, yes daddy.
I watched him concentrate on clipping his seatbelt in. His cheeks puffed out as he looked down to that oh so delectable bulge in his pants, he must have been quite a big boy down there cause it made itself well know. I started to giggle in disbelief of this whole situation.
"What's so funny?" He concentrated on driving, and looked so sexy as he did,

"I just... I can't believe I'm sat here with Mitchell fucking Richardson. It's just so... You've no idea how long I've wanted to... Kiss you, touch you...just to have you acknowledge me" I was past caring now. I wanted him to know just how much I was besotted by him!

"You liked me right from our little meeting that time in your corner shop didn't ya?" You fucking what?! There was no way he...
"Yea, I remember that cute little face, deer in the headlights" he stroked my thigh, my mouth ran dry,

"But how do you remem..."

"I'll tell ya, shall I? We, "gangsters" remember every little thing. It's what we do best. Well, one of many things, but we programme ourselves to remember... Remember who's there for ya, remember who ain't, remember who owes ya, remember who caves in to The Filth. See ya gotta be sharp as a samurai sword, with faces, places, names. But yeah... I recall it... your barnet (hair) was all messy, eyes bloodshot, cheeks tear soaked. Felt right sorry for you I did, but I couldn't say nothing now could I. I knew I liked ya. Not seen a pretty mug like that 'round here for a long time, even if you was all snotty and that..." we chuckled,
"Anyways I had a background check run on ya brother after we met in our boozer once, he told me he was a bank accountant, I needed one of those on my team and the rest is history. That's how I came to find out he had a sister, I saw your Facebook page and noticed you right away from the shop, so I popped round to yours that day hoping I'd see ya, but ya never answered the bloody door now did ya?" Mind. BLOWN. Oh. My. God?!!

"Richie... I've none stop thought about you since that day. I can't... I can't believe it"

"Well we're here now, ain't we?"

"Can I just tell you one thing?"

"Go for it"

"I just want you to know that I literally don't want anybody else but you. As far as I'm concerned I'm yours" Please don't laugh Richie, pleeease!

"Sounds like ya gettin' a little deep there" he winked at me, making me grin from the disappointment of his response,
"Hang about, what's that behind ya ear?"

"My ear?" I went to quickly feel it,

"No, no. This one..." He pulled a lemon sherbet from the back of it, making me smile. I shook my head and took it from his fingertips, I adored his cheeky little ways. I was pretty sure that there wasn't a single man out there today like Mitchell. A smart, witty, charming, handsome man who could handle himself so well. He was good at everything that he did, especially being a criminal, uncatchable, that's why his name was so big around these ends. He was a mastermind and it wasn't just me that referred to him as this generations one man version of The Krays.
What an honour it was to be walking beside him, holding his hand, being driven by him, being fancied by him, being with him.

Unfortunately it didn't take long to get me home. And sadly here came the part that broke my heart... having to go to bed without him. He lifted up the hand break as he pulled up right outside my door. It was only 11:30pm. He took off his seatbelt as I did and we hugged it out, he was hugging me as tightly as I was hugging him, and I could hear him inhaling the smell of my hair. I nuzzled my nose into his neck, his aftershave was taking over all of my senses so much so that I had to plant my lips on his neck, he groaned a little and then pulled away. God I just wanted him SO BADLY! So badly that my yearning for him physically hurt inside of my chest,

"I wish you'd come in" I sighed,

"Me?" He pointed at himself,
"Come in there?" He pointed at my house and chuckled,
"As rich as it is coming from me I don't think I have a death wish"

"Who would have thought! Big man Richie afraid of somebodies mother!" I teased. Oh the irony...

"Are ya kiddin' me, babe she could kill me with that shiteye of hers. I'd try get her on our side just to send her out to our rivals, use her as our weapon of mass destruction"

"You're a good judge of character, that's for sure"

"I fancy myself as that" we stopped laughing and looked to my door with my mum stood there looking pissed! Shit...

"Richie, don't!" I couldn't help but giggle as he put down his window, smiling at her,

"How do then Mrs. George... Nice evening ain't it" he nodded and gave her his signature cheeky wink, her face was seething as I held my mouth trying to hide my amusement as he chewed loudly on his gum,
"Ay?" He wiggled his eyebrows and nodded his head again, I couldn't help but splutter a laugh,

"Haven't you got better shit to be doing other than parading a teenager around the city at this time?"

"Ooo, now now then Mrs. George... manners and all that. You should get yourself back in doors. We wouldn't want you catching your death would we?" He began to chuckle, but somehow something made me feel uneasy, was that a subliminal death threat?
"Give us a kiss" he leant in to me, I was a little nervous to do so now wondering how badly my mum would beat me for all of this, but I was never going to pass up on a kiss from him. As we finished kissing he held my head for a second so that he could whisper something upon my lips,
"If I find one hair out of place I won't be responsible for my actions. You can't hide nothin' from me Jada. Remember that" a chill ran down my spine from his blank tone. I nodded as he let my head go,
"Night then Mrs. George" he waved at her,

"Go" I smiled as I closed the door. He gave me a wink before driving off down the cobbles. I looked up at my mum still stood there in the doorway, arms folded, waiting for me to attempt to get past her,

"You fucking disgust me, you tart. She spat in my direction before disappearing inside. I was terrified of facing her behind closed doors, but I needed to get out of the cold nights air. I also needed a shower to wash the smell of smoke out of my hair, it absolutely stunk.

Devil cunt was nowhere to be seen as I crept upstairs and straight to the bathroom.
I ran myself a bath full of radox, I couldn't get in it quick enough! My body ached as I started to relaxed in the deep tub. My earphones were in and "Sucker For Pain" was on repeat as I started to fall into some deep twisted fantasy about Richie and I.
But on the third time round of the song being played I found myself feeling oddly uneasy. I had that feeling of somebody watching me. I quickly opened my eyes,
"Mum! What the fuck?!" Fear soared through my whole body as I saw her sat on the side of the bath tub! Her hands suddenly came for me! I tried to reach for a towel to get out as she found it hard to get a grip of my wet arms but she was overpowering me!
"MUM PLEASE! PLEASE NO!! DAAAD! GET OFF ME!!! CALLUM HELP! PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!" Water swamped over me!! DO NOT GASP FOR AIR! I'm screaming out bubbles instead! I'm going to die! Help me! Somebody help me! I felt my hands above the water lock around her hair as I tried to pull myself up out of the water! I was surfacing! Come on Jada! Come on!
"STOP!!!" I gasped and choked on the sudden overload of air before she shoved my head back down... I was drowning... darkness closing in from all sides! These thoughts shriek through my mind during the minute or so that I knew I had left. Callum and Richie would kill her for this! I left nothing but them behind.

My body... felt so... heavy. So...

wake up... wake up...

My eyes searched for light underneath my eyelids but when they opened I got more than what I bargained for, a bright, intense surrounding of blisteringly bright lights that raped my vision. My chest and stomach felt awful, shredded... clamped up and I couldn't fight the urge to cough, which also hurt...

"Jada! Jada! FACKIN' HELL SOMEBODY GET IN HERE! SHE'S AWAKE! NURSE?! Jada it's Callum! Ay, Jada? NURSE?!"

"Callum please... stop shouting" I tried to smile for him as he desperately cuddled me,

"She won't hurt you no more Jada! She won't!" He shook with fury, he wouldn't leave my side,

"Callum, is it?" The nurse gently derailed him from squeezing me to death,

"Listen, I ain't leaving my sister" he spoke strongly, and looked back at me, holding my hands tightly,
"I failed ya... I failed ya again" he started to angrily sob as he looked at me,
"You don't tell those coppers nothing Jada, me and Richie were handling this, I mean it!!!" his eyes burned with a deep hatred,

"Callum it's really important that you allow us to check your sister over. She could still be very poorly. Come on now"

"Not gonna leave ya, I'll be right outside Jada I promise ya"

"You haven't failed me Callum. I love you" I pulled a smile for him as one of the doctors escorted him out with a comforting stroke to his back.

After a few tests and some treatment I was told I was going to be fine, after being kept in overnight for observation they were more than satisfied to let me go home but I still had to wait for the police to arrive, apparently they were very eager to take my statement.
How could my mum do this to me? This went beyond the mental bullying,  the attacks, the cover up of her brother raping her 7 year old daughter... or the time she stabbed me in the arm with a potato peeler when I was 10 because I wouldn't shut up talking to her whilst she made tea. She actually tried to kill me... I couldn't cover this up, my brother was gonna kill her, I knew he was. I saw the maniac within him when he cried to me that he had failed me.

"Hi, Jada George?" A blonde police woman smiled at me sympathetically as she held the door open for her male colleague to step through. I nodded and finished tying my hair up, which was now lovely and greasy from naturally drying out whilst I'd been knocked out.
"I'm PC Walker and this is my colleague PC Winters, do you feel up to answering a few questions for us Jada? About the incident that's gotten you here?

"Sure" I croaked and coughed, I needed a drink... a bottle of Strawberry Ribena was left for me, Callum must have bought it bless him, he knew I lived off the stuff,

"Now before we proceed I'd like to make it very clear that this will be a personal statement and will be used to take further action against who did this to you. We're fully aware it was your mother, Tina George. She handed herself in last night"

"Oh. Oh no I... I don't want to make one of those then, a statement"

"Jada we must clarify that Mrs. George has already confessed and handed herself in when she called for the ambulance. We have the confession and she is being held in custody as we speak"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Don't cry... keep it together, as much as you want her to rot in prison with her obvious conscience eating away at her just remember she's going to pay a MUCH bigger sentence...

"Maybe we should come back? When you're feeling a little more up to it? Major trauma can cause fuzzy spots. We can come to you when you've settled back in at home?"

"Like I said... I don't remember anything" I stared at them until she broke contact to look at her colleague who didn't say anything, he just put his hat back on,

"Jada if you fail to supply us with a statement we can no longer hold Mrs. George in custody, she will be released and taken back to your family home"

"That's fine"

"Okay. Well... If you need anything or do remember anything at all Jada then we strongly advise you to contact either myself or PC Winters on either of those numbers on here, both lines are free of charge to call" she stepped forward to hand me her card.
"We can offer you a lift home if you would like?"

"No. My uhm my brothers here, but thank you" I gulped some of my drink and sat back on my bed,

"Get well soon" she nodded as they made their way to the door but stopped as it opened in front of them,
"Well if it isn't Mr. Richardson..." The police woman almost gushed at his presence! Wait, RICHIE WAS HERE?! Hope and happiness sparked from my otherwise dark and hopeless mind...

"Well if it ain't PC Stalker. I must say, it's starting to feel like you've got the hots for me, the way you harass me" he toyed with her,

"Oh we're not harassing you Richie, just... doing our jobs" Winters addressed him,

"Speak for yourself mate, but your little lady partner here, Rebecca ain't it?" He stared at her but she kind of turned from him! He even intimated coppers in his presence, he was just incredible,
"Yeah that's right Becca.. Becca here fancies watching me when that uniforms off don't cha? Sniffs around my area, funny that ain't it? Out of all the places in London she's always driving around my estate off duty"

"Officers need not wear uniform on duty Richardson" she snapped at him,

"Ohhh? Is that right?" he comically grinned and nodded at her,

"What about the time you and your girlfriends came into my club, I mean, I wasn't the entertainment of the night but the way you was looking at me.."

"Oh for godsake get a grip of yourself" she huffed,

"Yeah... me get a grip of myself" he chortled,
"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with my friend... privately" he did the funniest, patronizing grin at them,

"We're watching you Richardson" she looked furiously embarrassed,

"Think we just confirmed that a second ago" he winked at her and held the door open for them,
"That's right, off ya pop back to the market little piggies" he waved at them before closing the door.

"Richie" I laughed as he came up and cuddled me,

"Didn't say anything now did ya?" He sat on the bed with me,

"Nothing. My brothers..."

"Here. Yeah I know , I've been sat in the canteen with him. He told me he had a chance to tell you to keep those pretty little lips shut" the laughter in his eyes then turned into more of a concerned look as he stared at me,

"I'll probably look a state. You shouldn't..."

"Nah... not bad for somebody who's almost popped their cloggs" he made me smile as he stroked his hand up my cheek,
"You had anything to eat yet?"


"Well then we need to get you something. You're gonna need ya strength. Cmon, let's get ya out of here"

"Richie I don't want to go out looking like this, I need my bed, I need a shower, I..."

"I'll take ya home, you can fix yourself up and then I'm gonna take us to me ma's. She'll rustle you up a good hearty meal then we've got business to attended to"
I was going to meet his mum?! And what business? My mum? What the hell did he have planned?

When I got home I had a shower. After greeting him in just a towel Richie sweetly got out my hairdryer and a brush, sat me down and dried my hair for me. He told me that he was used to doing it for his mum whenever her back was in a bad way. He was so charming and super respectful towards women... well, women who he cared for. His actions melted me.
Every time I glanced in the mirror at his beautiful, concentrated face watching himself blow drying my hair I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper in love with him.
He then left me to style it and to get dressed. Before I knew it we were arriving at his mums house!
I was terrified, what if she hated me? I knew how mothers were overly protective over their sons especially when they were their only child.
And with it being Richie I'll bet there was no girl ever good enough for him in his mother's eyes.
Myself and Callum followed behind him, instantly I could smell my favourite sent of an airwick plug in air freshener, it smelt beautiful. The hallway entrance was covered in beautiful family photos, I could definitely spot Richie in a photo. There was no sign of him ever being a dorky kid either, he looked very smart in every photo, and so utterly adorable. Even in a mature school photo which usually would be the most embarrassing photo to a teenager was probably one he favoured, he looked like the typical bad boy heartthrob, dark thick hair cut and styled, no smirk, just a glint in those unforgettable, bright blue eyes and to my surprise his uniform was done up smart and not all thuggish with an undone top button or a low down wonky tie like the typical school bad boy. That just showed his popularity, how he could dress smart and be respected for it rather than teased for it. Gosh what I would have done to have been with a heartthrob like him at school. I wonder who he lost his virginity too? My blood boiled with jealousy thinking about it. Because we all know that bond we had with our firsts either that or they're just unforgettable, they'd be someone you would always remember.
I soon snapped out of it as we walked past the very modern looking living room and through to a very elegant dining room. The table was set with the finest China and the smell of homemade cooking could be smelt from the open kitchen door,

"Where's she at then?" Richie shouted as he continued through to the kitchen. I heard her get all excited as she started to talk really fast, a chatty talker just like her son,
"I'd like ya too meet a couple of friends ma'" they both emerged in the kitchen doorway, oh wow she was a very pretty woman, you could tell she looked after herself really well. Her hair was jet black, down to her waist, she could have easily been a hair model. Richie definitely had his mothers eyes and nose, her eyes were just as equally as bright, what a beautiful woman, she must have been in her late 40's, she also looked quite tanned too, but it was more of a natural olive glow rather than a fake one,

"What's their names then Mitch? I ain't a mind reader am I" she laughed and hugged me first and then Callum,

"Well ma' this is Cal, he's like a brother to me, so you're gonna be seeing much more of him so go easy yeah?" He chuckled,

"Such a handsome boy like my Mitchell. And who's this little lovely? Very pretty. Are you two...both?" She suggestively nodded at myself and my brother, we both started to laugh with repulse,

"With all due respect Mrs. Richardson I'm not an incest" Cal laughed a little,
"Jada's my sister"

"Oh! I do apologise!" her kind gaze then kind of turned, she now looked at me as if I was some kind of competition, I knew it... I knew no woman would ever be good enough for her son, he could probably bring back the queen herself and she still wouldn't do,
"Make a habit of bringing your best friend's sisters out with ya do ya Mitch?"

"Won't be a minute, you sit yourselves down" Richie steered his mother back off to the kitchen, probably to tell her to go easy on me,

"Proper hit it off didn't ya" Callum mocked,

"Don't" I shook my head and smiled hopelessly,

"So when ya taking her shopping then? Reckon you'll both be getting ya nails done together do ya?"

"Callum" I warned him,

"What? Well at least you and Richie both have something in common"


"Both mums hate your partners" he then suddenly stopped smiling,
"That's if you had a mum, she ain't no mother to us anymore" his nostrils flared as he looked down at himself, his hands curled up into fists on the table,

"I'm sure she'll pay for it someday, karma is a bitch" I put my hand soothingly over his until his fists uncurled,

"Oh, she's gonna pay" he then looked up as Richie came back to us. He stood next to me and rested one hand on the back of the chair I was sat on,

"Well she loves her doesn't she" Richie spoke to Callum then they both laughed,

"It's not funny" I grinned,

"Don't worry about it, she'll warm to ya" he smoothed his hand over my hair and kissed me politely on the lips before pulling out a seat opposite me at the table. Before he sat down he opened a bottle of champagne and filled the four glasses,
"Little toast... to family" he winked at me and raised his glass, he took a seat after our glasses clinked,
He looked up and gave me a coy little grin as I felt his foot sweetly rest against mine, he needed to stop making me into this big ball of fucking loved up, soppy goo.

Dinner was lovely, and his mum had talked to me a few times but I was guessing that it was just to please her son. She interacted and laughed with Richie and Callum way more that it was pretty evident I wasn't just thinking it.
We went through to the living room for a jam and cream scone with a cup of tea which was apparently a family tradition after every meal and then we were back in Callum's car.
All throughout the journey my mind was spiralling... Where was they taking me? Where was my mum? What was they going to do to her?
I was almost driving myself nuts with the mixture of worry and curiosity. That was until we had actually arrived at his club. It was closed so we drove around to the back entrance.
Callum then went to park the car elsewhere as Richie opened the heavy solid metal gates for us. The back courtyard was pretty damn nice and very misleadingly big. It was a beer garden for the club, it had a smoking area with heated lamps and outdoor sofas, a locked up outdoor bar, and some fancy fixtures and fittings including a beautiful stone statue waterfall. There was a big gold plaque on one of the walls that was a special tribute to the Krays. It was set amongst a big mural painting of Ronnie and Reggie.
I watched Richie go over to a hatch, that quite obviously lead down into the clubs cellar. He unlocked it and pulled it open with force,

"Right then... this way" he sounded quite cheerful, what was he up to? I guess I was about to find out...

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