The Werewolf Clash (Completed)

By WatersAnna

938K 30.9K 1.5K

Highest ranking - #1 in Werewolf #2 in Attraction "Damn Bella, why the hell are you so stubborn?! You are my... More

Using The Granted Forces
Encountering Them
Meeting the Alpha
Fighting the inevitable
Hello To The Pack
In the shadows
Evil Air
Blood and Burn
Apologies and Warmth
New Acquaintances
Special weapon
New Territories
Surprise Surprise
Blended Mysteries
Some Arguments Should Be Lost
Back to pavilion
Steamy Decisions
Lost hopes
Becoming one
No more secrets
Spells In The Dark
The Horrors Of The Future
Too Much To Take In
Commencement Of The War
Enemies In The House
The Two Parties
A Price To End The Evil
Losing And Gaining
Unsolved Problems
The Night Of Doom
Author's Note

Peculiar Air

21.3K 736 36
By WatersAnna

I gasp as I see Maisie seated on the floor, her eyes close and her nose bleeding. I run towards her and she snaps her eyes open.

"Maisie! Oh my God, what's wrong?" I ask her as blood doesn't stop flowing out of her nose. I frantically look around the room and find a towel on a hanger. I grasp it quickly and dab it on her nose. There are tears in her eyes and she is panting a bit.

"I'll get some ice." I tell her rushed and start to go to the kitchen but she stops me.

"Luna, no wait! Please don't go. And please don't tell anyone about this. I'll be fine. I just need to be alone." She says and I shake my head.

"No Maisie I am not going anywhere until I make sure you are fine." I say.

"Luna please. Just go. I am really fine. Please." She says sternly and I realize that she doesn't want me to be here. For her tone is the most rude as I have heard her talking to me.

"Okay Maisie. I am sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." I say in a low voice and leave the room, closing the door softly behind me. As I walk to my room, I feel a slight pang. I thought I would get along with Maisie but now I see that is not really going to happen. I sigh and slump on Xalvador's bed. I just stare at the ceiling blankly and think about how much my life has changed.

"A few days before, I was free and didn't have to worry about anything except my own survival. But now-" I sigh as words fall short to complete my feelings. The freedom, the open forest, living to my free will, it was all so good. All that has changed so drastically. I wish I had never stepped into this pack's land. Being here makes me feel more alone than I ever was.

I decide to brush my saddening thoughts and get up to go out for some muscles exercise. I sigh in relief as yet again, I find the back of the house empty. I stretch and with practicing some defense moves. In the middle of my training session, I feel eyes on me. I look around to find nothing and shake my head. Now I'm being a paranoid too. Great!

I wash my neck and face with water as I return from a vigorous two hours of training. Just then I see people gathering in the backyard of the house for hearing what Elizabeth has to say about the dead wolves that attacked me. I rush along and people instantly make way. I stand in front of the bodies kept in the cold frost as Elizabeth and Xalvador arrive with the others. Xalvador stands beside me and Liam follows suit. 

Elizabeth opens the lid of the cold frost and bends down to sniff. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then she puts the lid back and walks towards us, a grim expression on her face.

"What did you smell?" Xalvador asks curiously.

"This is strange Alpha Xalvador. The smell on these wolves is yes- of the Silver Fall's pack but... there is another confusing fusion of smell which I can't really make out. It's strange, astringent and... different." She says and everyone is confused which includes me. Everyone waits for Xalvador's opinion and he seems to be thinking, a frown on his lips. His lips, his oh so sensual lips. I feel like grabbing him right her and kiss him and feel the power that people say a mate bond has. Okay stop! I don't feel like that. Fiana does. I could never want to kiss a person who kidnapped me! Even then, I can't help but stare mesmerized at him. His shapely forehead with a vein sticking out every time he thinks too hard. The flex of his taut jaw and his sexy stubble that he always has on.

Catching my creepy stare, his eyes snap to mine. I don't exactly know my expression but his eyes turn dark and he immediately conceals it by blinking. I look away, feeling hazy with the raging emotions due to the mate pull. Get a grip Arabella! All eyes are on Xalvador as he begins speaking,

"I understand that this is a very strange event but we cannot overlook the fact that Silver Wood's was involved in the attack. That information alone is sufficient enough to teach them that no one messes with our pack. We will leave in an hour. Beta, get our warriors ready!" He barks orders and Beta Axel nods.

"But what about the smell? It's a smell which means it is something from within the body of those wolves. It can be something dangerous. You can't neglect that these wolves smell two different scents. You are going too haste about this decision." I say and I hear some gasps of surprise from the gathered crowd. Xalvador raises his head in thought and then shakes it.

"We will leave in an hour." He says and stomps away. Well... that was rude. I frown at his retreating back and walk to the 'arrogant' Alpha's room. I stare out of the room window blankly, contemplating if I should go or not. Going to the Silver Wood's sounds better than loitering aimlessly here. But then that would be involving in the pack's matter which obviously shouldn't and doesn't concern me. As if you aren't involved enough!

And even if I decide to go, Xalvador will not let me go with him. I don't really think he will let me near danger.

Or you could run away!

I glee at the idea and start thinking about how and where I can escape. Yeah right. My mate trusts me so much that he will leave me all alone here, granting me the freedom to do whatever I wish to. I smile sarcastically at my foolish thoughts. But wait...if he doesn't take me, he will probably put guards to make sure I don't go anywhere. I have to go! Or I'll die of boredom here.

My suspicions are confirmed as I hear Xalvador growling orders to some wolves in his office just as I near it's door.

"You two- outside her room, you two- accompany her wherever she goes. And no matter what she says, she is not be allowed to step a foot outside the vicinity of the pack house. Is it clear?" He orders, earning the wolves say a chorus of yes and I enter cringing inwardly.

"Oh about time Bella. Since you have been so keen on running away from me in the past, these wolves will be your caretakers." He says smirking slightly and I frown. I look at the wolves and my eyes widen as I see ten of them standing there submissively. Excuse me? I am just a single person, you do remember that right? I shake my head in the anticipation of the future. Just as I thought. And not to step outside the pack house's land? So does he want me to die of inactivity?

"Xalvador that's ridiculous. Ten wolves for guarding me alone? I'll be bored to death if I stay here within the threshold of this house."

"Well consider this is a delayed and pending punishment."

"No, no, no, you can't do that. I promise I won't run. Just let me wander in to the village and woods." I say pleading tone in my voice.

"Too bad I don't trust you." He says flatly and I resist my urge to punch his beautiful face.

"Fine, then I'll come with you." I say decisively, folding my arms.

"Oh no you won't." He immediately reiterates as if he already knew I was going to say that. Huh.

"Yes I will!"

"You will not come with me Bella. Don't argue with me or I have my ways to force you." He says, glaring at me and his tone turning stern and final. Okay.

Time for plan B.

"Fine I'll stay here if that is what you want." I say and he nods gruffly, his lips smugly smirking.

"But then I'll make some friends since we will spend the whole day together." I say in fake enthusiasm and walk to the group of wolves.

"Hie I'm Arabella." I say smiling broadly and offering my hand to the first wolf standing there. I notice Xalvador steer with anger and jealousy and mentally high-five myself. The wolf in front of me looks nervous looking at my hand and Xalvador's expression.

"Oh come on, we will be twenty-four hours together now. We need to know each other so we can have some fun and not die due to boredome." I say again in fake excitement and take the wolves hand and shake it warmly.

"What's your name?" I then question the second and he stutters probably scared of the big bad wolf howling in silent rage behind me.


"Oh what a great name Joshua!" I exclaim and jump startled as I hear a bang. I turn to see Xalvador's hand flat on his table, thus explaining the bang.

"Leave." He commands and I am confused, not knowing if the orders were for me. But my confusion is scattered as the ten wolves immediately march outside relieved to have escaped the wrath of their angry Alpha. I look at him and he is breathing hard and he is fuming with jealousy and anger. He walks around his table to me and I gasp as grabs me by my waist and pulls me flushed against him.

"Stop flirting with the warrior wolves." He growls in a low, cold voice.

"I wasn't flirting. I was just being friendly! What else do you propose I do when I have to stay here for days in a confined space?" I glare at him and his told on my waist tightens.

"Arabella don't test my patience."

"Well then stop testing mine. I am not your slave who follows everything you say without expressing my free will!" I snap back.

"If I stay here, I will become friendly with other people." I continue and he huffs in frustration.

"Fine! You'll accompany me. But- you will do as I say. If you defy me there, I won't hesitate to mark you!" He threatens and my breath hitches. Okay so he isn't as dumb as I thought. This was a smart card played.

"Or you could simply leave me here. Without the wolves" I smile sweetly.

"And give you a freeway to run? No thanks." He states. I sigh and pull myself away from his hold. But he doesn't let me go and instead pulls me closer. I gasp as our bodies touch and an electric feeling dances through my veins.

"The marking threat got you, didn't it?" He smirks as his lips trail on my neck. I wrench myself away from him and glare daggers at him.

"Stop doing that!" I warn and he shrugs.

"Doing what?" He feigns innocence and I shake my head. I leave his office but not before catching his smug wink.

As I reach Xalvador's room, I sigh and slump on the bed as I prepare for leaving.

"What are you doing?" A thick, accented voice startles me and I turn around to see Elizabeth standing at the door with a scrutinizing gaze on me. I get up surprised.

"I am sorry but I don't follow ma'am." I say honestly.

"You are lying about something." She says. Though her statement is accusing, her tone is anything but.

"I am not lying about anything. I really don't know what you mean." I say confused.

"You confirmed earlier that you were a rogue, before you met Xalvador. Yet, I smell a pack scent on you." She says and I am bewildered. She has to be mistaken.

"I don't see how that is possible. I have lived in the forests without a pack my entire life." I explain.

"Arabella," She begins slowly. "Do you know why I find it so peculiar to believe that you were a rogue before?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Because I smell a pack scent on you. And not just any pack, it's the pack smell of the Dark Moon." She says, her stare fixed at me as I stand there dumbfounded and speechless!

This isn't possible!

Yayyy! An update finally and that too a long chapter!!

There are too many strange things happening around Arabella? And what's up with Maisie? Its all a secret that will shake Arabella and Xalvador's world! So hang on till the next update!


SO Thank You so much nerdies! I love you all!

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