My Richie Kray

By ShadyDreamsFactory

58.6K 1.2K 698

Some may say this would be the London's east end equivalent of the sordid love tale between the Joker and Har... More

Kray-zy for you...
Unshackle yourself... Buttercup
Time to Get-A-Way
Sucker For Pain
Drowning in a daydream
Curtains Up...
"Does She Make You Happy?"
"We don't do normal, people like us."
Is blood thicker than water?
"Baby I'd Kill For You"
"What is life without trouble, my little sherbet?"
Dancing With The Devil
The Devil was him. Richie was the Devil"
Wedding bells in hell...
Blood spilled, hearts tainted.
Jadas Elegy...
Every cloud has it's silver lining.
He's a gangster & enjoys being one
Here it starts, your real life...
Welcome to Richie Kray...
The Wars Beginning
Goodbye, Richie Kray
Lifes One Big Headache
An unwanted phone call
Losing focus, and all control
Ticking Timebomb
There's no peace and quiet in hell.
The Richie Kray show...
Signing your soul to the devil
Photoshoots of a horror film
Switching positions...
Please, not my baby.
What now?

"Your crazy, matches my crazy"

2.5K 51 12
By ShadyDreamsFactory

"You look bloody lovely you do" Callum caught me looking in the mirror at the top of our stairs,

"Lovely... She'll be known as the local slag hanging off that man's arm. A gangster wannabe? That's who you wanna date is it?" my mum barked at me,

"He ain't a bad guy mam. You just got to get to know him"

"Get to know him? He's a fucking bully why'd I want to get to know him for"

"You couldn't stop laughing at him when he was in the kitchen this morning"

"Well how do you tell a man like that that he ain't welcome in ya home. You bring him to our house again and I'll kick you both out on the streets d'you here?"

"He looks out for us mam, protects the family" Callum stuck up for him,

"We wouldn't need fucking protecting if you hadn't gotten involved with a Kray! What was you fucking thinkin' you daft twat?!"

"Shut it mam your soundin' daft. Are you ready Jada?"

"Mitchell god damn Richardson. What do you see in that guy. He's gonna get you killed he is Jada. You stupid little girl" Knowing my mum hated this union only made me want to do this even more! I gave myself one more look in the mirror before starting to come down the stairs, I looked like I belonged on his arm, I really did scrub up well, if only those bitches at school could see me now, they wouldn't of dared to lay one finger on me,

"He's highly desirable. Every woman wants to be with him, every guy wants to be him... who wouldn't date him" I smirked to myself,

"Well he ain't to step foot in this house again! D'you hear me? The pair of ya!"

"C'mon Jada. Let's get you to the ball" my brother escorted me past my mum and gave her a mean scowl.

"Callum... Where's your car?" I looked around on the street for it but none of the parked cars were his,

"It's right here" he pulled out a key fob and the beautiful black shiny Merc that had caught my eye on the way around to mine earlier this afternoon was his!

"What? Callum! It's a brand new 16 plate! Even you couldn't afford this!" I couldn't get into it quick enough! The inside was beautiful! White leather with an LED dashboard it was gorgeous. He got in and started it up with a mere push of a button, the cars navigational system even greeted him in a posh, female accent,

"D'you like it?" He honestly looked like a little kid in a sweet shop,

"Like? I... It's just... I want it. How can you afford this? Has work given you a pay rise?"

"I'm..." he sighed heavily,
"This doesn't leave the car, alright?"

"Callum I'm not going to say anything am i"

"Anything I tell you from now on or anything that happens whilst you're with me and Richie, you don't tell a fucking soul"

"I know how it goes. Honestly I won't say anything. So go on?"

"Richie bought me the car. He sold my old one, and the money I'm giving to you"

"What?! I don't want your money. Callum you loved that car? What the..."

"Richie took me down to a dealership, the cars all in my name, I signed for it. Richie just paid for it. I drive him around, so he wanted a car like his to feel more comfortable in. That's why I tried to call you earlier. I wanted to know if you wanted it before he sold it onto a friend of a friend. But you never answered so Richie suggested giving you the money so you can buy a crash course, pass your test and get yourself a car. He doesn't want cha walking around or traveling on buses now that your essentially becoming involved in his circle" This... this was too much to process! My Richie, thinking about me like that! We hadn't even had our first date yet! Should this have rung warning bells? Maybe. But did it? Absolutely not.

"But Callum you bought that car, I can't take all your money for it, it's a fucking Audi!"

"I've got this beautiful new car Jada, I ain't lost out on anything, I've upgraded. And I got enough money in my bank to retire on, you'll make good use outta the car money"

"I don't know what to say" why was I now blubbering!

"Ay, ay, ay, come on don't cry next to me. I dunno what to do when girls cry" he made me chuckle as he patted my head like a dog,

"No, no... they're happy tears I'm just a bit overwhelmed that's all"

"Good. Look Jada... I know this morning I wasn't exactly... happy about Richie taking a shine to ya, but he's gonna look out for ya, he's gonna look out for all of us"

"I know Callum, I know" I stared out onto the streets of the East End that were whizzing by us... fantasizing? I didn't need to do that anymore, this was all real, I didn't need to send myself crazy no longer, I hadn't even picked up my book today, and last night... that dream I had, it was all about Richie. Richie and I ruling London, I went along with him to every deal he did, every person he tortured for missing payments or who had wronged him, every fight he had, I was even helping him in some cases, it made me want to handle a gun, I wanted to shoot anyone who was planning to hurt My Richie.
With me by his side he'd be fully protected, I'd be so alert to the surroundings whenever he'd be distracted with jobs. Of course I knew he had his own footmen who stayed hidden away like undercover security but believe me, I'd sense something before they would, I was going to die on my death bed either with or for Richie.

It turned out that the club didn't open on Sunday's so Callum gave me a little tour of the room down stairs that I'd missed out on seeing last night. It was equally as stunning. The catwalk and stage was very impressive and the tables that surrounded it were so dainty and cute. He went behind the bar and poured out three drinks and then came to sit at the front of the bar with me,

"Who's that for?" I looked at the glass of straight Hennessy on the rocks, the ice was crackling away,

"Richie. He'll be down in a minute. He's just cleaning up some business"

"Is that the real reason that we're sat down here?"

"Nah. He just wants to walk you into the lounge to introduce you to the Sunday club"

"Sunday club? What's that?"

"All the gang gets together. There's around twelve of us"

"Twelve? Just twelve people work for Richie?"

"He keeps a very small personal circle. Even twelve is uncomfortable for him but business is so wide spread that it was starting to get a little too much to handle. I mean he's got partners and others who do shit but they aren't immediate partners. You know?"

"Oh right, yeah I get it. So I'm guessing this means you don't work for the bank anymore?" Before he could answer the VIP clubs door flung open and a guy with a bloody nose was being dragged out, he was partly knocked out but alert enough to groan as two big guys in suits held one arm each, his feet dragging behind him. And then followed my beautiful Richie, eyes bright, hair perfect, wearing a white shirt with a black tie and black trousers, he looked so... I couldn't even explain. All I knew was that it felt simply euphoric to just look at him looking at me. He had a cig hanging out of the side of his mouth to which his friend held a flame up to it for him to light as Richie himself was a little preoccupied with fastening up a cufflink, most likely because he was fresh from an outfit change, no doubt the other suit had a splattering of blood on it from that guys broken nose, ouchie...

"Well ain't that the most lovely little thing I've seen sat at my bar" he spoke softly with a proud smile as he approached me. I felt like I couldn't breatheee, I was so taken away by him complimenting me. He looked to his friend and put his hand on his shoulder,
"Stunner ain't she" he patted his friends cheek who exchanged a cheeky smile with him,
"Cal?" He extended his hand, Callum passed him his drink, they both toasted,
"Jada darlin' this is my good friend Micky, family. Not blood, by marriage. I wanted to introduce you to him cause, well his last names only Kray ain't it"

"Wait... He's... Is he related to.."

"Micky's great grandfather is Charlie Kray, eldest brother to Ronnie and Reggie"

"I heard you're a big fan of the Krays. Not many own up to such a thing but respect to you all the same" he shook my hand, I felt like I was meeting royalty!

"Alright, alright" Richie put his hand over ours to break it off, only jokingly,
"You wanna know real stories then you ask our Micky. He'll answer anything for ya, won't cha Mick"

"Sure, yeah. Pardon me though, I'm on my way out but our Richie here wanted me to greet you. Pleasure"

"The pleasures all mine Micky" I'd met an ACTUAL Kray!!! Richie gave him a hug, whispered something in his ear and then patted him on his back to dismiss him,

"Cal, give us a little minute now would ya" My brother got up to give his seat to Richie,

"I'll see you upstairs" he gave me a hug and patted Richie on the shoulder with a proud smile. Both of them came across like they were brothers, and Richie always seemed to look that little bit more relaxed around Cal. I loved that my brother brought him comfort,

"Now then..." He leant his arm on the bar and leant forward, giving me an upwards glance, he was so GORGEOUS!
"Somethings been bothering me all day" the corner of his mouth upturned slightly,

"Yeah? What's that then?" I couldn't help but smile as he looked at me without blinking,

"It's you, Jada. I ain't been able to get my mind off ya since I saw you stepping out of that cab"  I felt my cheeks instantly fire up,
"What you doin' to me eh?" His soft, cockney voice was turning me on so so much. He then sat up straight and sighed at me, shaking his head before taking a big swig of his drink,
"Anyway enough of that"

"Well if it's any consolation I've... been thinking about you all day too" Oh yeah and the past few years and then some!

"Is that right?" He gave the smallest of smiles,


"Forewarning here for ya, but.. once I got my eyes set on something I don't stop till I get what I want. Just so you know" his voice screamed possessiveness, and that only added the fuel to my burning desire for him,
"You're gonna get me in a lot of trouble you are"

"We all love trouble, don't we" I gave him a little bit of confidence,

"You tell me" he leant forward again, "Trouble... Is that what you want?" He spoke in an almost whisper with a devilish grin like he had something up his sleeve,

"I think you know that it's exactly what I want" I leant in closer too, our noses were inches away from touching,
"I want anything but normal"

"Well ya don't get a star on the walk of fame for being normal now do ya" his head tilted ever so slightly and his luscious lips finally, finaaaaally pressed up against mine, but he withdrew as I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. He smirked, knowing how hot he'd just made me from that one little lingering peck on the lips. GAHRHHHH!!!!
"Cmon, it's time for your introduction to my family"

"You mean your henchmen" as we stood up the most beautiful thing happened, he slipped his hand into mine. I could not BELIEVE how unbothered he was about doing this with me. He was supposed to be keeping me a dirty secret like all of his other one nightstands... Hold on, you wasn't even a one night stand... maybe that's why you're getting the star treatment. Maybe you mean more and he is courting me the correct way, did he want me as a girlfriend? IMAGINE!!! Well, I didn't have to. It was obvious! I mean... When the Krays had met their wives they wasted no time, it's like the men like that knew a wife when they saw one and when they got them they'd fix up a commitment straight away, rather than going through the whole dating process. They'd get right to it. Almost like branding the woman. They didn't want anyone near a potential wife. If they wanted you then you were theirs before the pair of you even had a label. Mind you Reggie used to take his wives out all over the place, he was so proud of them. So maybe Richie was similar in that sense and that's why he was introducing me, and holding my hand. Either way it didn't matter. If he did this with other girls it was irrelevant to me, because for now I was side by side with the man I'd been utterly obsessed with. I was gonna make damn sure I was the last girl to ever be in this moment with him. And I would be the last girl he'd ever introduce to his 'Mafia'

His "family" consisted of a bunch of amazingly funny, smart and charming guys. Very big cocaine sniffers but hugely fun people to be around. I found it rather strange how Richie didn't take drugs yet imported them and allowed everyone around him to do it. When I asked why he just told me that he had to be alert and conscious of everything at all times. He also told me that he had a very addictive personality and then made a joke using me as the example, seeing me once was enough to get him hooked and instantly he needed another hit. I couldn't tell if he was joking though, his playful chuckle suggested that he was, but the way he looked at me and kept his hand on my thigh all evening suggested otherwise. I couldn't tell you how in depth I now knew of his hand, I couldn't stop looking at it resting there, on my thigh, occasionally he'd squeeze it a little in excitement when he got a little rowdy with his friends and it honestly sent shockwaves through me. To think what it would feel like having his hands grip at my skin whilst in bed together... my oh my...

Suddenly the mood all changed when one of his associates entered the room and whispered something into Richie's ear. Richie's eyes remained on his hand on my leg and the smile on his face coldly vanished, his eyes reminded me that of a sharks, blue had turned to black, wide with rage yet the rest of his face remained emotionless. He then looked up at me when his friend stopped talking in his ear. In the short space of knowing him this was my first time witnessing this angered frenzy in his eyes, it actually scared me and for a snap second made me questioning what I was getting myself into.
He was unreadable, but whatever he was about to say wasn't going to be good, the tension between Richie and the room was thick, all his friends looked at him, waiting. What was going on? The room fell deadly silent when Richie's angry breathing could be heard. Richie turned his head to look at the wall clock, it was just approaching 9pm...

"What is it Rich?" My brother was the first to ask. Richie stood up, snapped his fingers at somebody who quickly aided him with his blazer, everybody quickly stood to their feet, everyone except me, I was feeling quite afraid and very unsure of what to do. Everybody started to quietly talk as Richie texted on his phone. He then finished up texting and passed me his phone, nodding at me in a way to tell me to look after it,

"EVERYBODY SHUT THE FACK UP! SHUT IT!!!" I jumped out of my skin! He FLIPPED. Instantly silence fell up on us
"SIT DOWN! Sit the fack down" his nostrils flared as he lit a cig. Everybody looked at him like lost puppies, eagerly waiting on the command of their owner,
"The facking silly cunts, The Browns, have lost me a 2.6 million with a shipment we was to supposedly fackin' receive tonight at 12 MIDNIGHT!!! Now a little birdy tells me one of their members got a little FACKIN COSY WITH AN UNDERCOVER FAKIN' PIG AND BLEW THE FACKIN' DEAL!!!" He was shouting so forcefully that you could see the spit coming out of his mouth. The veins on his neck popped out and his face was red with anger. Even his hair started to fall out of place. The guys looked absolutely shocked,
"SO WE'RE GONNA GO TO THEIR FACKIN' TURF, WE'RE GONNA GET THAT FACKIN' MONEY BACK AND THEN WE'RE GONNA GO TO FACKIN' WAR WITH THE FACKIN' CUNTS! THIS IS WAR!" He dragged out the word war very strongly with such rage. I had never felt so scared of somebody before. All the guys started roaring, holy fuck these were definitely not men to be fucked with,
"NOW THEN! I don't fackin' care if there's news coverage down there, if the pigs turn up, we don't leave till I get my FACKIN' MONEY!!!" He chucked his cigarette on the floor and stomped over it with aggression. My brother stopped him before he fucking shattered his leg from the force he was stomping it out with. Everyone started to clear the room, Richie almost forgot about me until he turned back,
"You, you stay here!" He barked at me, but before he turned to walk away he took me be surprise and kissed me hard on my lips then took off before I could even question it.
No! Let me come with you baby! I want to seek vengeance on those motherfuckers who have ripped you off too! I want to prove to you how much I can do for you! Please don't leave me I want to do you proud! What if he ends up unprotected and gets killed?!
Have you heard yourself he's untouchable! He's a beast! He doesn't need no help, especially none from you! You're a fucking girl! What are you going to do? Hahahaha!
Shut. Up. I was going to help Richie out, whether he liked it or not...

I managed to get a VERY expensive taxi and made him follow one of the guys cars for almost an hour. We ended up at some huge fucking warehouse in the middle of wasteland that I'd never known about. The driver could only take me up to the bust open gates. I suppose it wasn't much of a walk.
The doors of the place were caved in, and straight away I could hear a crazy fight distantly happening and then gun shots which scared me so much that I froze in one spot. My adrenaline soared but suddenly i felt petrified at the thought of Richie or my brother being shot! I needed to get in there, I needed to know they was okay! I ran past a few dead bodies on the floor, and then went back and picked up one of their guns. My hands shook as I stared at the pistol. I didn't know the first thing about real guns, but I was pretty fucking handy with clay pigeon shooting that my grandad used to take me to twice a month.
If you enter into that war zone you're gonna get killed you STUPID fucking bitch! What are you trying to prove?! You are going to die! No more Richie! He will be alive and married whilst you're 6ft under! You said you wasn't going to let another woman take your place, well if you get yourself killed you're doing exactly that!
Argh stop! I needed to just go! Hide and sneek, and if anybody came at me I could play the victim, use my looks and innocence, and then when they least expected it, shoot them in the dick. HOLY FUUUUCKKKKKING SON OF A BITCH WHAT WAS THAT????!!!!!!
"RICHIE!!!!!!!!" I screamed and felt the colossal gush of heat from fire that was wildly spreading!
"Oh my god what the fuck! CALLUM!!" I started to cry manically as I ran towards the next entrance of where it all sounded like it was happening! It was too hot! I couldn't breathe much thanks to the thick heavy smoke, I soon started to cough and choke as I still continued to follow the sounds of men shouting and screaming and more gun shots! I snook around the outside of the warehouse and I could see Richie amidst the flames screaming at all of his men to get out" as they dispersed Richie looked to be taking it all in, revelling in his moment of victory, he then started to scream and laugh at all off the victims he and his men had slaughtered,

"DON'T YOU FACK WITH ME YOU FACKIN' CUNTS!!! MITCHELL PROCTER FACKIN' RICHARDSON DONT YOU FACK WITH ME YOU FACKIN' SLAGS!" Suddenly my eyes darted to a guy behind him on the floor who shakily lifted a gun to shoot an unbeknownst Richie!!!

"RICHIE!!!" I shot the guy! I shot him!!! Richie quickly whipped around as the guy dropped his gun as life escaped from his corpse. And then he looked at me with horror in his eyes as I stood very shakily holding the gun, still in the 'shoot' stance,

"What the fackin' hell..." He was soaked in blood, the room around us was quickly spreading with ferocious flames but I didn't care, My Richie was safe, My Richie had won. We stepped over the dead bodies of his rival gang, guns in our hands as we tightly cuddled each other. He was shouting at me but then praising me, he was so confused as to how I was here and what I'd just done but ultimately he was so proud of me! He picked me up and kissed me, I could taste his blood in my mouth from his cut lip, but I couldn't have cared less. These beautiful lips that were devouring mine had such a profound effect that I could have orgasmed just from his kisses alone. When we pulled back from the kiss I looked at his gorgeously relieved face. Blood and soot from the explosion was smeared across his face like war paint, his eyes were so bright and wild, so alive,

"Callum! Where's my brother Richie?! Is he alive?!" Tears streamed down my face at the thought that had just hit me tenfold!

"Would I let anything happen to him?! But listen we need to get out of here! Let's go! Now!" he pulled me with him as we ran quickly for the back exit his men had previously left through.
I felt so dizzy but so in love! So addicted to this! Holy shit I was on such a high! SUCH A FUCKING HIGH! I felt like I'd been asleep all my life and now suddenly I was AWAKE!
Immediately when we ran to the car my brother got out and ran up to us,

"WHY ARE YOU HEAR?!" He pulled me from Richie and cuddled me so hard,
"Jada?!" He gripped my head and then felt my face and my body checking if I was injured,

"I'm fine, I'm fine I promise Cal!" I pulled him back for another hug,
"For a minute I..."

"You shouldn't be here! Are you insane you stupid fackin'..."

"I had to know that you both were okay! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

"You could of got yourself killed!!!"

"Ay but she didn't... did she" Richie interjected, smoking a cigarette and offering my brother one, which he took. We all then looked up at the warehouse and watched it going up in flames, it was almost... beautiful,

"Did... you get your money?" I spoke in a trance as all three of us stood there side by side, not taking our eyes off the dramatic scene,

"I always get what I want... Jada" he didn't move his head but he moved his eyes and looked at me from side on, head slightly cocked back, mouth slack, my head spiralled with how he looked right now, and with how he put the cig to his lips and narrowed his eyes at me as he smoked it, I actually had to look away before I raped him in front of my brother, it couldn't possibly be normal with how much I fancied this man!

"We should get outta here, Rich. The Filth will be here any minute and... that things gonna blow again"

"We go through all this and you wanna leave before the fireworks?" Richie smirked at him, in the distance we could hear the sirens coming,

"I'll drive away, slowly. But I wanna leave, right now" my brother jumped in the car first. Richie shook his head and put his hand on the small of my back, escorting me into the car.
We both sat back and held hands in the back seat. His thumb continuously ran back and fourth over my knuckles which I found to be a wonderful sensation. He then looked up from our joined hands and leant in half way, I met him and locked my lips with him, the sensation lit my body alight with goosebumps, but the moment was broken as another huge explosion rocked the car! Our hands tightened as we laughed and took in the beautiful, reckless, fire display,

"You're getting off on this, aren't cha?" He whispered to me with the most approving look on his face,

"Absolutely" I kissed him again, but he broke it off to speak,

"I reckon your crazy could just about match my crazy. You ain't gonna escape me now that I've met my match. Ever" he widened his eyes to emphasize the very last word,

"I'd never want to escape you Richie" I whispered as I wiped some leaking blood from a cut on his cheekbone. He took a hold of my finger with his blood on it, looked at it and then at my lips, slowly he put it to my mouth and sighed so satisfyingly as he watched me lick off his blood, I then softly cupped his jaw and gently kissed his open cut, he hugged me tightly and buried his head into my neck,

"You make me wanna do bad.. bad things to ya" he mumbled into my neck and bit me a little, this along with the sensation of him squeezing me with sexual frustration literally made me wet,

"Go wild" I whispered into his ear as he groaned into the smooch on my neck that he was sending me crazy with,

"Do you want me, Jada?" he looked up at me and brushed some fallen hair from my face, staring at me with a deep intensity,

"I want you more than you could possibly imagine" I whispered at him with a strong, dark flirtatious look in my eyes, WHY DID MY BROTHER HAVE TO BE THE DRIVER?! I could have straddled this man right here and right now, my inside were clenching with passion,

"All in good time, sweetheart'" he sat back and put his arm around me. I laid against his chest with a deep frustration. I wanted sex tonight hell I wanted it with him 24/7, but with all this adrenaline inside of me, with everything that had happened, I neeeeeeded to fuck him, not just fantasise about it, I'd fantasised for long enough! And judging by the bulge in his pants he wanted to as much as I did, so I was going to try and get my wicked way with him, I was desperate to have him on top of me, feeling every inch of him.. It's the least he owed me for saving his life.
You my girl, saved your loves life. He's gonna reward you. Don't you worry...

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