Dragons diary (Sans x dragon...

By Sierra_Anderson

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I've noticed there are basically no dragomorph undertale story's which is like my thing right now so yea... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Your Special!!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A/N i can be so wrong
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
A/n the child (update!)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (part one-kids never listen)
Chapter 19 (part two- A mothers sacrifice)

Chapter 1

1K 16 6
By Sierra_Anderson

Your eyes open, well as much as they are able anyways. Blood crusted itself uncomfortably over your left eye and a side of your face throbs painfully with every movement and heartbeat. Slowly forcing yourself into a sitting position you gaze around as you try to get your bearings, where were you..... Who where you. And why was it that as you gently prodded at your facial wound you felt something much harder there. Curling around your head almost embracing it gently.

A shuffle behind you makes you jump to your feet only to discover it was your tail that made the noise, wait what!?! Not understanding life at this point anymore and being overwhelmed by the questions racing through your head you just curled into a confused ball. Who knows how long you remained there. But soon enough a shuffle and a gasp was heard. Startled you try to rush your way to your feet to look at whomever had discovered you, your instincts screaming to protect yourself. Your body was tense until you heard a gentle voice come to your ears. "My child! You look terribly wounded let me take you to my home and tend to your injuries my dear." Her tone was soothing, honest. And when you felt the furred hand and gazed into her goat like features you felt safe and calm.

Tories POV
I gazed down at the child my hand gentle upon her shoulder. This youth looked so confused, and scared. But it was a gaze I was used to seeing, the humans that fell they didn't come down here cause they where having a splendid time above ground. But this child before me, she looked both human.... And monster.... And yet not a fusion like my son...... Had...... Been.... A tear threatened to escape the goat mothers gaze at the memory.  She focused back of the child before her "what's your name my child?" She would ask. But the scuffled girl looked only more confused before responding "what is my name?" It nearly broke my heart no wonder this child was so afraid she had lost her memories! And was basically new to this world all over again. The precious child. "Come my dear... Why don't we call you _____" I offered to the child, who seemed pleased at my choice.

Time skip cause tori is a big bottomed girl~

We had finally gotten to my home in the ruins the child having fallen asleep in my arms on the way there. She didn't talk much but while she was awake her slit like (e/c) eyes seemed to glow with wonder as she took her new surroundings in. After I bandaged her wounds and set her in bed with a slice of my pie on her nightstand I went to do something I thought I never would. I called frisk on the phone. "Goat mom! I've tried to call you so many times can I com visit you can I-" I chuckled at her enthusiasm "my dear I need a favor from you?" I asked the child I considered my own "of course mom anything you need!" They sounded eager to get back in touch with me I was curious to the shuffling behind them over the phone but my pressing question was at hand. "Frisk my child where there ever any monsters on the surface after the war?" There was a silence on the other end before a deeper voice rang through, but a voice I recognized "hey tori, how bout we come over for a visit? This question your asking has a reason behind it right?" I smiled happy that my pun friend was keeping my promise "yes I..... Think..... I found a half human half monster in the ruins. But yet they are not a fusion. Perhaps a extra pair of head will help me figure this out. But just a warning the child has lost her memory's in the fall. Questioning her about what she is may prove to do more harm then good." There was a hidden threat in the tone of her words. She intended to protect this child. There was a chuckle on the other end before sans and frisk told me when they planned to head over. Sighing I set the phone down and went to check on ____ she was sleeping peacefully her tail flicking off of the edge of the bed every now and then.
AN so this is my first chapter of my new book hopefully. Got tired of not being able to find good fan fiction novels that made so much drama you drowned. Oh yea spoilers drama lamas shit here love it or leave it darlings.

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