Shatter ✔ #TheWattys2017

By Wowchilee

25.7M 844K 430K

HIGHEST RANKING: #1 IN WEREWOLF [[*COMPLETED*]] Nova is the daughter of a Beta. And her mate? The Alphas firs... More

➸ 1. Shattered Soul
➸ 2. Sorry
➸ 3. The Pull
➸ 4. Selfish
5. Heart❤
6. Damage
7. Sorrow
8. Homecoming
9. Twisting Knives
10. Skin
11. Matter
12. Desire
13. Home
14. Rules
15. Attack
16. Last Time
18. Brother, Oh Brother
19. Lying Games
20. Eden
21. Pain
22. Agony
23. Intoxicated Lust
24. Disgrace
25. Savage☠
26. Loophole
27. Thrash
28. Beware
29. Instincts
30. Gracie
31. Night of Terror
32. Discovery
33. Alpha Conrad
34. The Meeting
35. Bitch Fight (literally)
36. Secrets (part 1)
37. Secrets (part 2)
38. Secrets (part 3)
39. Alpha Blood
40. Two Roads Diverged
41. Insidious
42. Heat.
43. Regrets
44. Broken
45. Proposition
46. Fire
47. Loose Ends
48. Runaway
49. Monster
50. Gone
51. Unsteady
52. Down We Go
53. Strong
54. Pack
55. Warrior
56. Beast - part 1
57. Beast - part 2
58. Alpha
59. Running With Wolves
60. Realities (re-edit)
61. In - Dependence
62. Free As A Bird
63. An Alpha's Command
64. Coming Home
65. Tongue Teeth & Claws
66. Heart & Soul
67. Painful Memories
68. Strength
69. Vicious
70. Undiluted Pleasure (MA)
71. Hot and Cold
72. United Front
73. New Beginnings
74. Scent
75. The Moon's Will
76. Prepare
77. Packs of Wolves
78. WAR p.1. (edited)
79. WAR p.2 (edited)
80. Bloody Meadow (word edit)
81. Gemini Moon ♊
82. Alive
83. Blessings
84. Death
85. Funeral
86. Letters || 86.2 Mates (additon)
87. Fireworks
88. The Change
89. Powers
90. Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde (edited / re-read new material)
91. Savior *[the finale]*
Epilogue I - "I Do"
Epilogue II. Birth-Daze
.:*Cover Contest Right Here!!!*:.
Epilogue III - Winning
Epilogue IV - All Grown Up

17. A Gift

278K 9.6K 3.1K
By Wowchilee

An: so... so many suspicious things happening around the crescent moon pack! Which is also the first time you have heard their pack name 😀 limited info on purpose.

So who have you all imagined as Zaryn and Deacon? What about Alpha Blake and Nic? Any celebrities come to mind? I like for everyone to imagine their own characters but i also had Zayn Malik on my mind for Zaryn. It happened recently. But he isnt as tall or muscular as Zaryn's stature.

Suggestions??? I like to make a cast list. Phoebe tonkin is who i had for Nova. Maybe someone like taylor swift for grace haha but not rlly. But imagine who you want! Just tell me who comes to mind foe you

I layed there, quiet as i could possibly be while Zaryn had his ear directed toward the area where the stream lay, where the sound had come from.

I was frozen in fear of getting caught.. or even worse, someone who had been following our actions

My breathing picked up as i imagined all the possibilities.. it could be anyone from the pack.. they would tell Alpha immediately once they found out he had put a ban on Zaryn and i being alone together...

No one knew as of yet.

Except for the people in the room with us at the time of the meeting which were my brother, Deacon and my parent. My parents wouldn't be up here.. Nic would probably be wherever Grace was.. he seemed to care more than he let on.. and Deacon..

Deacon knew about my sneaking off with Zaryn. Apparently i wasnt careful enough and he caught a scent off of me. Deacon wouldn't tell on me. He was my best friend. He would be disappointed if he saw us up here, but I would just explain to him that Zaryn wanted one last moment together.. he would understand.

But I dont think Deacon would be up here this time of night.

Panic gripped me from the inside, coiling my stomach with fear of the unknown..

"Nova. Calm down" zaryn whispered. "I can smell your panic. They will too. Just calm down." He urged me.

Taking a deep, calming breath, i closed my eyes and relaxed. What were the odds of anyone even coming up here if we didn't go down? The tree house was hidden amongst leaves branches and ivy.

I got up without making a sound, realizing i was still naked. Zaryn gazed at me breifly before he threw me the T shirt i was wearing. I quickly pulled it on while he got dressed as well, quietly as we could be. He picked up the masking spray and turned to me with all seriousness.

"Close your eyes." I could feel his breath cooler now on my heated skin, but my lust had already gone. Looking up high above me, my eyes found his, confusion in mine, glancing from him to the spray in his hand.

"What are you gonna do!?" I whispered harshly, hoping it wasnt what i thought he was thinking..

Sighing, he dropped his hand and kissed my cheek softly, mouth going to my ear. "Whoever is out there will see us and tell if we go down together. Im going to go check it out. Im going to mask you fully so you can wait here for me to return. If the coast is clear, then we can continue where we left off." His lips kissed my neck, lingerng. The electric currents that buzzed where his lips touched, instantly had my lower muscles clenching.

But sainer heads prevails.

Snapping out of the lust driven stupor, i backed away slightlt, staring in his eyes. "Z, no. As much as I want to be here with you, i cant risk anything right now. We will get caught. I can't look like a fool to everyone and i wont be the butt of gossip. And... i dont want to hurt even more." My eyes drifted to the floor. "We need to just leave. Go down, check it out in wolf form so you can catch the scent.. then leave. Ill come down a little while after."

His eyes seemed to sadden as he looked down to the floor as well, a small crease between his brows. "So this is it?" His voice held that pain that i have held onto for a while... one that i knew all too well.

Stepping into his warmth, feeling the connections between us spark, I pressed myself into his tall form.. my head coming right to his chest. His arms came around me, holding me tight and his eyes looked up slightly to meet mine. I held my breath while one of his hands slid up my curves to cup my cheek, stroking my face gently with his thumb. My skin strummed with pleasure.

It was impossible not to lean into that embrace. Every fiber of my being wanted our souls to connect.. my skin actually crawled, trying to get in contact with his. Having a mate, being around them.. its utter bliss. Your body does things you never thought possible.

"Nova.. i dont want to leave this spot with you. I would say lets run away.. but..."

"But you need to see if your pup is going to live or not. I understand Z." Just saying it hurt but i did understand.

His eyes found mine.. scrutinizing me. "Are you sure you want to leave? We dont have to.. there is no threat till my dad announces the command to the pack which he wont do tonight. Not until he sees how the witch fares." He brought his nose down to mine, our foreheads pressing together, that hand on my cheek bringing heat forth.

"The witch?" I meant it as a question but my voice broke from feeling so much contentment with his skin on mine.

"Its Grace's new name. I cant stand calling her Grace now. But are you sure you want this to be over with right now? We wont get another chance.. not with everyone on alert. Tell me.. please." He urged me.. begged me. Hand pressing my lower back further into his body where I could feel his arrousal.. its like neither of ours ever goes away around each other.

I closed my eyes in pain.. my heart seemed to stop beating as i voiced my decision. "Im sure. We cant Zaryn. We just cant risk it. Im sorry." I looked up to see regret in his eyes.

This was the right decision. I couldn't risk my family's reputation more than it has already been compromised nor could i risk punishment.. putting shame on our family name. More importantly.. i couldn't keep doing this to myself.

Sighing deeply, he placed both arms around me, pulling me into him. I could taste the forlorn misery off of his skin. Inhaling his scent deeply, it engrained in my memory.. something i would never forget.

He pulled his face away to look down at me. Skies so blue meeting my grass so green. "You know i will love you no matter what. Remember everything we have talked about tonight. I won't be with Grace. I am happy to be a father but i wish it was later on in life and i wish it was with you. No matter what happens, know that i love you and only you." His words brought tears to my eyes, stinging my nose as emotions so confusing and deep played inside of me.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks while he gazed down at me with so many emotions. Taking my cheek once more in his large palm, he lifted my face upwards and claimed my lips with his own. So soft and sweet. My bottom lip was taken between his teeth, his tongue sliding across it slowly before he grabbed me roughly up in his arms, plunging his tongue inside my mouth to explore me. My tongue danced with his as he held me with such a possessiveness, my wolf wanting to meet his but the masking scent not allowing her to push through. Arms wrapping around his neck, our kiss became passionate. Full of a lust i could not comprehend. All i could feel were bolts of electric desire spilling out of each of our bodies into the other.

He was mine. But not right now. If ever. Im always left with hand me downs.

A sound..

another sound in the distance of twigs being snapped, had my mind surging back to reality.

Someone was still down there .. out there close by somewhere.

Zaryn heard it too, bringing our kiss back to the sweet ones we started out with before pecking my lips one last time before he pulled away.

"I dont want to leave." He whispered. "But im going to do the right thing and respect your decision. But first.." his body left mine, pulling away. I felt a cold numbness set in that made my skin feel as if it was trying to crawl back to his.

Now i know why mates are always touching each other or holding each other. It feels... magical.

I watched with curiosity as Zaryn walked quietly to the other side of the treehouse, careful not to bump his head on the ceiling, as he was about 6'3 and this tree house was made for children. He removed a piece of wood from the wall and took out a small wooden box. It must have been placed there recently because there was no dust on it from what i could tell.

He peered up at me, holding out the palm sized intricately carved wooden box. It was beautiful.

"I made this for you." He kept his voice low, a light blush staining his cheeks.

My lips parted slightly in surprise as i reached out and took it from his hand. Our skin touched breifly sending a delicious shiver up my arm..

The box was recently stained and lacquered.. it was small like a ring box but the detail was so magnificent.. a crecent moon carved on the lid which had tiny hinges for it to open. I stared in awe as i turned the box around.

"Its beautiful Zaryn" i breathed. "I love it. You really made it for me?" I couldnt help but to smile as i looked up into his eyes. His smile was so dazzling, it took my breath away.

"I carved it two years ago.. for you. I didnt want to seem weird because we didnt have a ... relationship like that. So i never gave it to you. But the day we came back on the lake... i stained it and finished it up. I wanted you to have it now." He explained, seeming out of sorts. He was unsure of himself... that's not like the alpha blooded Zaryn I know.

I was speechles. I glanced from the box, back to his eyes. "I - I love it Zaryn...  ill treasure it forever. Thank you." I meant it. I adored home made items and this one was made with love.

He grinned breifly before becoming all serious again. "Open it when i leave. Theres something inside for you. If we are going to get out of here without anyone seeing us, we need to hurry." His eyes closed as he took in a deep breath.

My smile faded, remembering the threat at our front door. I clutched the wooden box in my hand, wanting to open it right then and there. He reached for the spray as i held back my tears from spilling again. He made me an emotional wreck.

"Close your eyes Nova." All smiles gone now, back to sadness. I did as he asked and let him spray me down with the mist that smelled of earth.

I opened my eyes when he had finished and saw him coming toward me with a purpose. His lips on mine one last time... fire in my veins making me arroused. I returned the kiss deeply but it was finished as quickly as it began. His eyes held mine, hands on my cheeks as i looked up at him

"Im going to go down, shift, and check it out. When you hear a bark, thats me letting you know its safe. If you hear a howl, then stay up here until you do hear the bark okay?" He urged me to understand.

"Okay" I whispered out, lonely and lost. A sigh as he kissed my lips goodbye before misting himself and climbing down the hatch before he looked back up at me.

"Nova. If you ever need to talk to me.. if you ever just.. need something. That hiding space where i got the box... leave a note there. We can communicate that way until things are strightened out. I love you." He breathed the last, giving me no time to respond before descending down the rungs of the treehouse.

I watched him, looking out the window as i hid in the shadows. my heart deflating.. the blood that filled its reforming image drained right out. This was goodbye for who knows how long

I felt empty.. as if my lifeline was going further and further from me because in reality, despite the way i feel aboit our situation.. he is my lifeline. Hes my mate.

I wont be with him... not while all this is happening, if ever .. but it was nice to live in the moment.. tricking myself into a small amount of bliss. if that baby comes.. i dont want to be with him. I cant. And it breaks my heart oh so badly to think that way. The one gift the moon sent for me..

It was shattered upon betrayel.

He saved himself for his mate... me. And Grace took that from me. She will always be his first.. and his burden ans shame. As much as i wanted him.. my mate.. i wouldnt sit around and watch Grace's belly grow .. i needed to move on for now.

Tears welled up in my eyes as i cried for the second or third time tonight.. but this time it was out of sheer misery. The wolf wants her mate .. despises what has happened but doesn't blame Z. She blames Grace and wants to take her out.

Im the one with more complicated emotions. I watched him shift to his wolf, the longing in my heart turning into an ache.. missing his skin on mine. I tredged back to the matress and flooped down on his side, taking in the scent on his pillow which made me cry even harder.

That was my goodbye.

Alpha said he would think of something else if the pup is born but i would just resent him if i were to be with him then..

The only way for this to work is if that pup dies. Or grace.

My heart, still damaged, the blood drained from the pieces that attempted to put themselves back together, fell instantly into a pile in my chest.. not moving. Not shards trying to lodge themselves inside me, just a pile of broken heart pieces

But he loves me.

Im so confused...

The. remembered the box he had given me. The hand carved intricate wooden box that was very special because he had carved it for me himself years ago. Sniffling I wiped the tears with my hands before opening the delicate lid of the box when I looked inside I gasped..

There lay a gold necklace from the looks of it, a locket. my favorite. I had always talked about wanting a gold locket growing up. My finger dipped into the box and pulled the delicate chain out.. it was beautiful.. so shiny.. not the dark gold i disliked.. but the lighter 14k gold i always loved. The length was just right and dangling at the bottom was a gold circle shaped locket charm the size of a quarter, maybe a bit smaller. Intricate patterns with an anchor engraved in the center, a tiny little grass green stone sat in the center... symbolic for my eyes..

It took my breath away. How could he tell me he loved me, and give me such a personal gift when we hadn't even been given a chance? How could he love me?? I cared about him but.. as far as love? I cant say that yet..

My heart raced i fumbled and opened the locket. A space for a photo on one side held a white folded up piece of paper .... and the inner lid had an inscription.

You will be the anchor that keeps my feet on the ground, ill be the wings that keeps your heart in the clouds.

A tiny sky blue gem sparkled underneath.

His eyes..

After reading the quote, i felt something inside me burst.

"When did you get this?" I asked myself aloud as ran my thumb across the shiny surface, emotions flowing through me stronger than the sea..

The anchor on the front... It was symbolic to this quote..

I gently removed the paper folded so small inside the locket and unfolded the many times folded paper. The script inside was done in calligraphy. I didnt know he had so much talent in arts..

It read..

I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens. You will always have my heart, no matter the time we have known about our bond .. ive loved you from afar for my whole life. When you feel like im too far away from you.. remember this .. remember you have my whole heart. Its only you. Remember what i said about our hiding spot.

Letting out a deep sob, my face scrunched up as fat tears slid down heavier as i folded up the paper and placed it back inside the locket, closing it up.

In a fit of anger and angush, i pounded my fists into the matress and put my face into the pillow, screaming.

I wanted someone to blame for taking this happiness from me. I couldnt blame Alpha.. I can't bame Z...and if im being honest, i cant blame Grace either..

The fact she is my brothers mate makes me hate her.. but this.. this wasnt her fault. Until i find something that says it is. Being my brothers mate is suspicious enough.

I dropped the necklace carefully inside the box and closed the lid, clutching the box to my chest i let the tears dry as i lay on Zaryn's pillow in a more numb state. More miserable but numb none the less.

Our hiding spot..

I could communicate questions i had for him. I could write him letters like teenagers do and leave them behind the loose piece of wood in the wall. That's as close as ill get to answers..

Thats when i heard it.

A bark. Zaryn's bark. A little further in the distance.

The coast was clear. Relief washed over me but i still felt on edge.

Gathering all my strength, i stripped myself of the tshirt and placed it back in the trunk. I wanted to keep it. As memorabilia.. but i had the box and the locket. That would be enough.

Once out of the treehouse, stark naked, i shifted into my wolf.. she held the box gently in her mouth as to not leave teethmarks and we got the hell out of there as fast as we could.

I never saw another sign of Zaryn again but we didnt feel safe until she had ran all the way down the forrest and up to my parents house, on the way, rubbing her fur into the earth in order to rid us of Zaryn's scent just in case.. My wolf knew what the stakes were if we got caught. We share a mind..  its just sometimes she gets a mind of her own.

I shifted quickly and ran around back, up the deck where we all kept a change of clothes for emergencies. I found my spare hoodie and basketball shorts, putting them on quickly. I sighed in relief, putting the box in my front pocket but taking out the necklace as i sat on the top step of our back porch.

The full moon overhead combined with my expert night vision, allowed me to see the beautiful intricate pattern with the anchor in the middle with a perfect view. I couldnt stop rubbing the lockets surface as my mind wandered...

Why did he say he loved me?
Why so soon?
Why now?

It was dumb and naive of me to meet with him the few times we did.  I knew that.

I knew it would bring me nothing but more heartache if i grew attached but im a fool for torture and..  having a mate.. being close to them
. Its unexplainable.

I never knew why some mates actually chose to reject their mate by mating other wolves.. it wasnt a magic rejection.. you still felt drawn to your original copy.. but after mating with a different wolf, your feelings were for them alone, despite feeling attracted to the original.

But it wasn't the same. Those feelings would never compare to your original mate. Ever.

I put the necklace around my neck with ease, letting it fall to the middle of my chest. The perfect length to hide from prying eyes. He is smart...
I let out a long breath, leaning my head back as i watched the moon.. bathing in her light.

A creak of wood had my head shooting upward to see a form standing at the bottom of the stairs in the shadows. My heart rate spiked in fear until they came closer and i realized who it was.

Deacon stood there staring at me with his head cocked sideways. I frowned, sticking my head out forward.

"D? You scared me half to death. What are you doing!?" I watched as he came up the stairs slowly, seeming a bit tense. Sitting next to me on the back step, i cringed a little, hoping i was able to get most of the smell off. I could tell him anything but this i wanted to keep to myself.

"Whats up Nova. Where u been?" He sounded strange as he turned to gaze at me with a small smile.

I sighed, "oh you know, just howling at the moon... " i laughed lightly.

"Yeah" he let out a laugh. "We all heard it. Look.. im really sorry about tonight.. about my dad. But wow did you know you got Grace good?" His eyes widened as he attempted to mask his smirk.

My mouth fell open "i mean, i know i went a little crazy but ... is she..." my brows lifted in question.

Quickly he shook his head. "Nah nah.. she will heal. May have to wear a bandage for a while but no permanent damage. Zaryn's  pup is fine too."

I had conflicted emotions about it all.. especially at the fact he just said zaryns pup instead of her pup.. or the pup. As if he wanted to remind me..

We sat there for a moment, just staring out at the moon. silence. I turned to face Deacon and leaned my back up against the railing, my feet out straight.

I scrutinized him for a moment bedore i spoke. "I want to talk to you about what you said at dinner.."

He glanced up at me before shaking his head. "No nova. I was out of line.. i shouldnt have said that. Im just happy to have you back now."

I flashed him a one sided smile..." im glad the ban is off our friendship too.. at least we can hang out again." That one sided smile turned into a tight lipped one. I know D is not getting along with Z right now, because of me.. but i  didnt want D to be sesnsitive about the fact that i have been spending more time with Zaryn than him. It was wrong of Zaryn to ask for the ban on our friendship.. but his intensions were not out of malice. I decided to change the subject since Deacon seemed a bit more relaxed now..

"have you heard anything from my brother? I havent seen him yet." I asked, curious as to what happened between he and Grace during their talk. Deacon turned to face me fully.

"Yeah. He actually went to Doc's to see what would happen.. i think they talked afterwards." He replied in a monotone as he stared at me with a frown etched on his forehead.

"What is it, why are you looking at me like that?"

He stood, you could tell he was irritated as his hand reached up to my neck and picked up my locket, looking at it in the moonlight. I froze, instantly nervous.. i forgot to hide it in my shirt.

"When did you get this?" He eyed it a moment before his eyes flashed up to mine, something about his demeanor seemed threatening to my wolf and i didnt like it.

"Oh. Just recently. Neat isnt it?" I worried he would know where it came from. Deacon is my best friend that i could usually talk to but something about him right now.. something was telling me not to tell him what happened tonight. I know he wouldnt tell on me.. but.. something was different now.

He gave a sarcastic like laugh. "Yeah. Neat. Hey im gonna go to the pack house and take a shower. You should take one too. You stink. ill see you tomorrow. We need to talk about something." He held irritation in his tone..

I sat there staring at him blankly. "Oh, uh okay? See ya tomorrow."

Deacon walked away, a certain sourness pouring from him. I couldnt figure out whats gotten into him lately... maybe ill find out tomorrow.

But i think ive had enough exhaustion, excitement, heart ache, nervousness and confusion for one day. Time to go to bed. I can talk to Nic tomorrow and get the details.

I just hoped anxiety wouldnt take over tonight once i was alone with my thoughts...

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