The Captain's Love {3rd Book}...

By ciaras97

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This is the third installment of my Captain America Fanfictions. So if you haven't read my other two Captain... More

Chapter One: Congratulations
Chapter Two: Gosh Sakes
Chapter Three: Up To Something
Chapter Four: Flatline
Chapter Five: Slow Dances
Chapter Six: Worthy
Chapter Seven: Peace In Our Time
Chapter Eight: Gone
Chapter Nine: Same Page?
Chapter Ten: Old Fashioned
Chapter Eleven: Ship Happens
Chapter Twelve: I Can't Loose You
Chapter Thirteen: Safe House
Chapter Fourteen: Personal
Chapter Fifteen: Real Work
Chapter Sixteen: Advancement
Chapter Seventeen: Truth Be Told
Chapter Eighteen: Time For Revenge
Chapter Twenty: Trusting Isn't So Easy
Chapter Twenty-One: A Vision
Chapter Twenty-Two: Mind Stones
Chapter Twenty-Three: Time To Fight
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Fight Begins
Chapter Twenty-Five: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-Six: Hopeless Place
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Not Even One
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Thin Air
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Deadly Choice
Chapter Thirty: Home
Chapter Thirty One: Bells
Chapter Thirty-Two: Reception
Chapter Thirty-Three: Avengers Asse-
Chapter Thirty-Four: New Threat

Chapter Nineteen: Runaway

5.7K 163 6
By ciaras97

We jumped onto the top of the truck that housed Ultron and the cradle. As soon as we jumped on the truck I could hear Ultron inside rambling.

"No, no, no! Leave me alone," he shouted loudly, his voice laced with so much rage.

"I don't think we got him at a good time," I muttered to Steve.

"Oh, he's definitely unhappy. Let's keep him that way," Steve replied with a playful smile. If we were going to risk everything, may as well have fun with it. 

"You're not a match for him you guys!" Barton screamed into our earpiece. I could hear the total lack of faith. 

"Yeah thanks for that," I said back sarcastically, probably laced with more anger than necessary. But he was the last person I wanted to hear from right now.

Steve only muttered an agreement, on the same page I was. If we were going to go down, we would go down fighting.

Utlron then blasted through the back door of the truck where we were trying to get in.

"Shit," I muttered as I was slung onto the opposite side of Steve. I grasped onto the side of the truck as tightly as possible, pulling myself back onto the ceiling, out of Ultron's sight; for now.

Then, Steve appeared onto the roof next to me, able to have gotten himself back on top.

"You know what's in the cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies the two of you. Can't live without each other, it disgusts me," he said to us, growling the last words. Floating his way to the top of the truck where we were. 

"I wouldn't call it comforting," Steve retorted, exchanging a look with me.

Steve lunges for Ultron, as I force his shield into the back of Ultrons head. He snaps around, attention on me now, he flings the shield back at me. He wiped my feet out from under me, my head hit the top of the truck with a loud thud.

"That's not good," I muttered, rubbing the back of my head as I quickly stood to my feet. But, Ultron had already moved on to Steve, he blasted Steve. It sent him back, almost falling off the truck.

"Steve!" I shouted, as I forced his entire body forward, I didn't want him falling off this truck. I watched as his eyes registered with shock with what I just did, I never knew I could move so much at one time.

"You two really make me want to vomit," Ultron muttered, then he blasted me this time. I narrowly dodged it, sending a piece of rubbish off the road flying at his head.

As I was distracting him, Natasha was able to bring Steve back his shield which he used to get Ultron off of me. He had me pinned for a moment, but I made Steve hold off until he had his shield.

"Morgan, Cap, I'm going in. Can you two keep him occupied?" Natasha asked into the earpiece.

"What the hell do you think we've been doing Nat?" I asked her, as Ultron sent a blast, about to hit me in the stomach. Then Steve jumped in front of me, shield in place, and the blast was sent flying back at Ultron.

Then the two of us rolled out of the way as he came blasting towards back towards us. He flew back my way,  I stopped him mid air, and forced him back the other way, using as much power as I could.

"I can't hold him much longer," I shouted at Steve, my hands were shaking as Ultron fought hard against my powers.

Steve tackled Ultron, landing into a train. As it was still in sight I teleported over to where they were.

"Enough of this," Ultron shouted as I teleported in beside him. He thrust his arm and slammed me into the seats. It knocked all of the breathe out of me, but I could feel myself get angrier.

I looked down and saw my hands were glowing with a blue energy.

"Steve move," I shouted at him as he was fighting Ultron. He moved quickly out of the way and as Ultron sat there confused for a moment, I sent a blast at him, focusing as hard as I could.

And I missed. There was huge hole in the side of the train where I had narrowly missed Ultron's head. 

"Is that really the best you've got?" Ultron scoffed. I felt embarrassed and defeated. Then the twins appeared as a blue streak raced in front of us.

Steve stood up straighter, and I felt my hands curl at my side, reaching for the knife I had stored away.

But then Wanda sent a red beam at Ultron, knocking him to his side.

"Don't do this," Ultron pleaded with them, looking pathetic. He really needed these twins, they were pretty powerful and he was weaker without them. But by how much? 

"What choice do we have?" Wanda exclaimed, staring between Ultron and I.

Ultron obviously didn't get the answer he wanted and flew off.

"We lost him! He's headed your way," Steve said instantly into his ear piece.

"Cap, Morgan, you see Nat?" Clint asked panicky into our ears.

"Do you have the package?" I asked him first.

"Yes! But, do you see her?" he asked us once more. His voice sounded frantic at this point, I knew he would be furious if we lied. But what choice did we have right now? 

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" Steve said urgently.

"Do you have eyes on Nat?" Clint persisted, his voice sounding even more desperate.

"Go!" Steve yelled into our pieces, the soldier coming out in him. It was the demand that asked for questions. 

I gave him a weary look, feeling anxious over Nat.

"Steve-" I started, not sure what to say.

"She'll be fine Mo, she always is," he assured me. I nodded my head, hoping he was right. Then I turned my attention back to the twins in front of us. The two who were just on the opposite side less than twenty-four hours ago.

"So decided to be the good guys?" I asked sarcastically.

"There's no time for this," Pietro said, staring me down. His eyes glazing over me, as if he were assessing me. I could see Steve visibly tense up beside me. This is only caused Pietro to smirk, obviously now knowing where to hit Steve if he needed to. Or where to hit me. 

"Well than we better get to work," I said, not backing down from his gaze. More like wanting to knock off the smirk he still had plastered on his face. I watched uneasily as his sister, Wanda, stared me down. There was zero trust there and I knew she would see the same in my own eyes. But there wasn't time for that right now. 

Right now we have a runaway train to stop. 

~A/N So what do you guys think? Please leave a vote or comment on what you think of this chapter. It's all about to get super juicy. 

Do you want Morgan to make up with Clint? What do you think of her relationship so far with the twins? Let me know in the comments please! I am about to be super busy with college, I have 3 more classes starting tomorrow, so i want to see some activity on this book so I feel more motivated to update!

You all are the best! This book would never have came about if it wasn't for you! Have a great day!~

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