Im in Trouble...

By marissajade01

16K 776 28

Tinley Carter is a freshman in high school. And all she wanted to do was get good grades and hangout with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Rico)
Chapter 6 (Tinley)
Chapter 7 (Kyler)
Chapter 8 (Blair)
Chapter 9 (Jonah)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25 (Kole)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 24

225 16 0
By marissajade01

Today is the day of Clair's parole hearing. I am actually really nervous. Ricko offered to watch Hadley while we go. I was hesitant at first but we decided that he hasn't spent time with her really, so we think that it is a good idea. I go dressed in a navy blue dress with a small black belt around the stomach, With small black heals. Kyler is wearing a black dress shirt and dress pants. He said this occasion wasn't worthy of his suit. I just agreed because he was right. We left towards Ricko's apartment, I looked around to makes sure there was nothing Hadley could get into if she crawled around. It all checked out. I handed Hadley to Ricko and he gave her a raspberry on the belly. She giggled. I wish I could stay but this is a tad bit more important. We have her a kiss and left. Once we reached the courthouse my palms started sweating. Kyler noticed and kissed my head.

"It will all be okay, I won't let anything happen if she gets out." He grabs my hand and kisses it.

When we get to the room there were three people sitting in the chairs. Then a empty one for Clair. We sat behind the chair and table. Clair want in here yet. But she will be soon. And soon wasn't long enough. She came out with a officer and she smirked and evil smirk at me and I gulped. She was a bit intimidating with handcuffs and a jump suit on.

"We would like to get this going so Ms. Burman, please take a seat." She did as told.

"You were arrested 16 months ago for stabbing Ms. Tinley Carter. Three weeks ago we sent a letter to her and told her that you would be having a hearing today. I believe she is here. Please stand up if you are." I did as told and Kyler also stood up. The judge nodded and started talking again.
"I believe Ms. Carter and Mr. Benson are here to justify why you should either be held in contempt or be released, To 24 months of parole." I gulped and nodded. "Please speak Ms. Carter." He held his hand out for me to start.

"I was grabbed by two men the day I was stabbed. They were two body guards that were hired by Clair's father to 'protect' her from me. Clair kept attacking me at school. So I would use my self defense. But I was never the one to get hurt. Other than when I broke my knuckles, then hand in doing so. Then she got even more angry when I started dating Kyler. She was out to get me. So I was walking and they pulled me into a alley. Clair then says 'How does it feel? Being the human punching bag? Hurts right? Yeah well you also took my man and that hurt a whole lot more than your punches. Almost like a knife stabbing you right in the gut.' She then stabbed me right in the side. I didn't know it at the time but I was 12 weeks pregnant with my now five month old daughter. The two men then dropped me on my side with the knife causing it to go deeper. They left, I was laying in a pool of my own blood." I look over at Kyler and see a tear sliding down his cheek, I started talking again. "Luckily one of my best friends, Jonah heard me screaming. He came and called 911. He lifted me up and carried me to meet the ambulance. He road with me in the ambulance and called My other best friend Blair, and my father. Kyler was already at the hospital because he had a doctors appointment in the other wing. I was in a coma for a week. Before gaining consciousness. I was so close to death. So wasn't my unborn daughter. But again, luckily we were both okay. Then months later when we got the letter in the mail about her parole hearing I got a call from Clair's best friend Jenna. She threatened me and said if I didn't say nice things about Clair then she would get back at me. When I told her I would say my side and how I felt about it all, and she did come at me. I was at the movies with my friends Jonah and Blair when I had to go to the bathroom. I was grabbed again by a strong man. I was thrown into the back of a black SUV and taken out of town. I fought Jenna, and she was unconscious. Then the men grabbed a tire iron and hit me repeatedly with it. I am now unable to have more children. And it all comes back to Clair. The girl who ruined a very special part of my future." I say wiping the tears from my eyes. The other woman judge wiped tears from her eyes too. I hoped that was a good sign. The other two judges were men and they even looked like they had tears. But they didn't let them fall.
"I'm terribly sorry for the great deal of pain that Ms. Burman has caused you. We do have the records from each fight here with us today. So we know that it is true." The male judge says.
"Your honor, we are mainly concerned about our daughters safety if Clair is released on parole." Kyler said in a shaky tone.
"We understand Mr. Benson." The male judge says.
After about another hour the judge speaks up again.

"We are not going to grant Clair Burman parole. She will have another hearing in five years. But as of now she will remain at the all women security prison. Without parole she will be doing 25 or more years." He then walked his gavel on the small wood platform then officers take Clair away. Then the judges leave. I turn and look at Kyler and I see nothing but joy in his eyes. I hug him tight and start crying tears of joy.

"Shhh I told you baby, everything would be fine." He kissed me and we walked out of the courthouse hand in hand.

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