Out run the flash fan fiction...

By theflarrowfan13

137K 2.4K 260

What if ? Barry knew Caitlin before the particle accelerator what if ? Those 9 months Barry was in a coma Cai... More

The one where it all started
The one with the coma
The one with know goodbyes
The one where Caitlin's Waters break
The one where Caitlin has the baby
The one where Barrys awake
The one where Barry runs
The one where Barry makes a choice
The one where Barry sees Caitlin?
The one with all the yelling
The one where Barry meets jane
The one where Barry is suspicious
The one where Barry snoops
The one where janes in hospital
the one with all the guilt
the one where caitlin cries
The one where Caitlin goes soft
The one where Barry meets mandy
The one where Barry gets really angry
the one with lunch
The one where they talk about jane
The one where Caitlin comes home part 1
The one were caitlin comes home part 2
The one with the test results
The one with the new life
The one where Jo knows
the one where caitlin teaches barry
the one with all the love
the one where iris meets jane
the one with caitlin's powers
the one with the announcement
the one with the 1st birthday party
the one with the concern
the one with the truth
the one with the pregnancy test results
the one where they talk
the one with the last chapter

the one with Play group

3K 50 1
By theflarrowfan13

Caitlin was right mummy and me was only a 5 minute walk way from Caitlin's House when they got there they was greeted by a old woman who said "Caitlin Mandy and who is this" she asked looking at Barry

"Oh um this is Barry he's Jane's father" said Caitlin and the woman glanced at Barry who still had Jane in his arms.

"Oh hi its nice to meet you the fathers are in the room to the right there's coffee in there to we will only be about 30 minutes" the old woman smiled

"Great" Barry smiled then handed jane to Caitlin then Barry walked into the room where the fathers Waited there where about 5 other men in there they all looked very tired there was a small TV on the wall that was playing the news Barry poured his self some coffee then sat on the sofa next to another dad.

"I haven't seen you here before whats your name do you have a son or daughter" asked the man who looked 5 years older then Barry and had blond/brown hair.

"I am Barry and I have a daughter Jane" said Barry putting his hand out for the man to shake the man shook his hand.

"I'm Andrew I have a daughter to she is 9 months old she called destiny... wait Jane as in Caitlin's jane" asked andrew

"Yeah jane is my daughter and Caitlin is my something" said Barry awkwardly

"I haven't seen you here before"

"Oh about didn't no Jane was my daughter until yesterday dose that make me a bad father" asked Barry

"It doesn't make you a bad dad as long as you are there for her from now on" Andrew smiled and Barry smiled back.

"So you married" asked Barry

"Yea Louise she's like an Angel we are just the prefect fit" Andrew smiled

Barry and Andrew talked of or the rest of the 30 minuets they talked about sport and the latest movies then all the mums walked in with the babies Caitlin walked up to Barry and pecked his lips before handing him Jane "did you have a good time playing with mummy" Barry asked Jane in a baby voice jane giggled and Caitlin smile at the two of them. Barry watched as Louise walked up to Andrew and he took his daughter from her arms and lifted her in the air and sh smiled at her dad and Louise hugged him.

"Come on Barry let's go" said Caitlin leading him out of the building "so how as dad time?" Asked Caitlin

"It was great I met some called Andrew he said he had a daughter called destiny and a wife called Louise how was mum and baby time?"

"It was great" smiled Caitlin

"Great where's Mandy" asked Barry

"Oh she had to leave early" they walked into caitlins house and hand was asleep against Barry's chest Barry laid her down then sat down with Caitlin.

"So this doctor wells thing" said Barry

Caitlin sighed "Barry he threatened James life I don't think I can trust him you knowing Jane has to be a secrete"

"I understand I will sort it out" said Barry

"Know you won't Barry can we just forget about it"

"OK we will talk about something else so are we back together or are we just friends who kiss with a daughter?" Asked Barry

Caitlin kissed Barry passionately and he kissed her back and she tilted her head deepening the kiss and only pulling apart for seconds to catch there breath

"Yer Barry we are back together" caitlin whispered while there foreheads were still pressed together.

"Good" said Barry caitlin blushed then Barry stud up then said "I need to go do something I will be back in about lunch time" said Barry then sped of caitlin looked at the clock it was almost 11:00 she wondered what Barry was up to.

But Barry knew exactly what he was up to and now had gotten Caitlin back he was never going to let her go again and there was something he had to do to keep her safe even if it was a bit extreme.

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