Crush! ~ Joshaya

By sure_whyyy_nooot

10.9K 175 36

Maya is 16 years old.. She's on winter vecation with her best friend, Riley.. They will be going with Riley's... More

Crush - Chapter 1
Crush - Chapter 2
Crush - Chapter 3
Pictures of the house
Crush - Chapter 4
Crush - Chapter 5
Crush - Chapter 6
Crush - Chapter 7
Crush - Chapter 8
Crush - Chapter 9
Crush - Chapter 11
Crush - Chapter 12
A/N please read!
Crush - Chapter 13
Crush - Chapter 14
Crush - Chapter 15

Crush - Chapter 10

477 10 4
By sure_whyyy_nooot


Well, I did not espect Lucas here...

"What are you doing here?" Maya asked him.. "Well, as you see, I'm at the party, not like that I'm cleaning the dishes..." Lucas said.. "Are you here alone?" I asked him.. "No, Farkle and Smackle are here as well..."

Well, this won't be boring as I thought... I smiled at him, and he returned me a smile..


I SHIP IT! They are cute as heaven! Gosh!

"Oh come on, just be together!" I yelled... They both blushed.... And I saw in the corner of my eye that Josh was smiling.. "She's right.." Josh said.. "Let's go party!" Riley said..

She just changed the subject... Ughh... The'll be together.. I walked in the kitchen to get a drink.. Everyone else were on the dance floor dancing like crazy.. Well, I will have fun as well, just, a little bit later..

"Hey! Why are you not dancing?" I heard a familiar voice.. I turned around to see Josh walking up to me.. I have no idea how I heard him when the music is too loud... "I will.. Just a little bit later.." I said to him holding my drink.. "What are you drinking?" He asked me.. By now, he's standing right besides me.. "Beer.. But, this cup will be enough.." he smiled.. I looked at him.. "What?" I gave him a smile, but confused look as well.. "For me, it's weird to see you drink a beer!" He said.. I then laughed.. "Wanna take a walk?" He asked.. "What? It's freezing outside!" "Just in front of the house..." I gave up.. I nodded my head.. We taked our coats, and went outside..

Really cold breeze hitted my face.. "God!" I said, and started rubbing my arms... "It's really cold outside, why we needed to go outside?" I asked Josh.. "I wanted to take a little walk, but, I see, you're cold, so we won't be so long outside.." he said with little smile.. I looked at the ground and smiled... "It's cute of you how you still try to make me to change my mind!" I glanced at him, but looked away.. "What? No I don't!" He blushed, I saw it.. "Then why you blushed?" "Ok, maybe.. But that's the thing what peoples do.. If they have a crush on someone, they will do everything just to make their crush to like them back.." he said, and I stopped walking.. "I'm sorry Josh.. But..." "I know, I know.. Let's just change the subject, I don't want to fight with you again..." I nodded my head "Let's just go back inside?" I asked.. He nodded, and we went back..

~6 hour later~

It's 1am.. I'm with everyone, dancing.. The songs are crazy.. I still don't get it, how the heck Lucas, Farkle and Smackle ended up here?! I'll ask them once.. We danced, well, more jumped... Then a slow song came in.. Farkle and Smackle, Lucas and Riley.. Josh looked at me and I nodded.. He took my left hand in his hand, and his right hand went on my back... My right hand was around his neck, and we were moving slowly.. I looked at his eyes.. They were ocean blue... Well, I never noticed that he has such beautiful eyes.. I looked away, and then rested my head on his shoulder.. We were moving slowly until song finished.. Then, another slow song came, and we didn't let go of each other... We danced like that until next song finished, and we pulled away... He smiled... And whispered simple 'thanks' on my ear... I nodded, and I went to sit on the sofa... My legs are hurting so bad... Then a blonde boy came to me...

"Is this seat taken?" He asked pointing at the epimty seat besides me.. I shoke my head no, and he sat besides me.. "I'm Cody!" He putted his hand out for me to shake it.. "Maya!" I looked at his hand, shake it and smiled.. "So, you came soon? I haven't see you before?" I looked little bit confused at him.. "Oh, no.. Actually, I came here with my best friend and her uncle, and here are three more friends of us.." I said.. "I don't see them.." He said.. "They are dancing, I'm just resting.." I said.. "Wanna dance with me?" He asked... What? No.. I shoke my head.. "Come on! Please?" He begged... "No, thank you..." "I will ask you this one more time! Come dance with me.." Well, this wasn't a question anymore.. I could see Josh from here, and I saw that he was looking at me, I showed with my left hand to him to come, Cody was on my left side.. Cody then asked me have I heard him.. "Sorry, what? I was dozzen off..." "Ohhh, you heard me.." he said a little be angrily... Then, Josh came.. "Hey Maya!" I jumped and hugged him.. "Where have you been?" "I was in bathroom... But when I came back, you were gone.." Josh said.. Thank God that he's acting.. "Well, I danced, and I saw you left somewhere, but I nedded to go and rest my legs!" "And this is?" Cody asked... I turned around.. "This is Josh, my....." "..... boyfriend!" He continued.. I glanced at him and he smiled... "Fine then!" Cody stood up and stormed off...

I hugged Josh and thanked him.. "Yeah, yeah... I saved you now, but that doesn't mean I will save you next time.." he then walked off.. I stood there confused... What? Why is he so grumpy? And I can tell that he's still mad at me bc I didn't want to be in a relationship with him... But, what can I do? I don't like him like that! He's just a friend...

I runned after him, and I arrived to Lucas, Riley, Farkle and Smackle... "Where is Josh?" I asked them.. "He just walked outside!" Riley said pointing at the door... I runned to took my coat and went outside... Fuck, it's freezing.... I looked around my self, and I saw a figure on my left side... I runned to the figure and it was Josh...

"Josh! Wait!" He turned around.. "What?" "Why are you mad at me?" "I'm not, I'm just upset!" "Come on! There i so many girls in this world!" He stopped and I stopped, he looked me directly in the eyes.. "You don't get it, don't you?" He said.. "What?" "Maya! For me, there is no other girl! I just see you, and only you! For me, YOU are my world.. So I can find any other girl in you! I want YOU!" he said looking me in the eyes.. My eyes started to water.. Why am I so dumb? I want to lile him, but I can't... "I knew it!" He said, and stormed off, actually in the house... And before I knew, Cory was in front of the house waiting for us... While they talked, I couldn't stop thinking about what Josh said...

Oh God, I hate love and I hate drama...

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