Princess Of The Wild

By TeaMedic

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"Screw you, Noah." I mumble in my chin annoyed but he obviously hears it. "I know you want to, Barbie doll, b... More

Trouble in the pink paradise
Screw this
You call this a bed?
Visit to the lake
When 'Truth or dare' goes personal
Double snake attack
Girls play games, but boys always seem to win
Come a little closer this time
I'll be there when everyone else forget
Watch and learn, bitch.
The games of survival: Dream team
The games of survival: You're stuck with me
Boy-girl drama
Success to impress
Swimming with a shark
The nights we felt alive
She's bad, but he's worse
Good dog
Running away
Bestie moments
The annoying big brother
It's kind of funny, actually

The games of survival: Don't lie

171 26 5
By TeaMedic

♡Tiffany's POV

It's almost eleven in the evening and l'm feeling unbelievably bored since the second round of games finished.Of course, my friends let me sleep for a while to get some energy back, but now l'm awake and they are still not here. I spent some time before sleep thinking about 'what if's. They ruin me every time, but l'm too stubborn to stop making up new lame stories in my head. You know, sometimes l'm just so grateful that people can't read my mind.

Just when l start to brush my hair, a tall figure appears in front of a tent.

"Get dressed, Barbie, we are going somewhere." What? Where? I would rather stay here and cuddle with him, of course l can't say that.

"Where?" I ask while stepping out of the small grey tent.

"It's a surprise." Noah smirks and l cross my arms on the chest.

I'm already dressed in a cute ripped jeans and light pink tank top. On the top of it l have a white hoodie with little gold wings drawn on the back.

"Tell me!" I whisper-yell because l definitely don't want to wake up anyone who can see us together and think god-knows-what. "Please."

"Nope." He says mockingly, holding my hand and leading me trough the woods.

"Jesus, why?" I try to sound mad, but his cute smile doesn't let me.

"I already told you, lt's a surprise." I roll my eyes. Why did l even agree on this ridiculous trap or whatever it's called. For all l know, he can kidnap me right now, but l kinda trust him after all... l guess l'm just mad at myself for letting him affect me too much.

We continue to walk in silence for another two minutes. He stopped when we reached the end of the forest. I gave him a confused stare and he just pulled me a few steps forward reviling a beautiful sight in front of us. There is a huge rock surrounded by nothing but sand, and in front of it is a clean part of the lake. The water is see-trough and l notice a few little white fishes swimming in the bottom. Sweet.

I kept looking at a gorgeous lake in front of me, l didn't even realize Noah is now sitting on the huge rock. He points his hand at the place next to him, expecting me to sit down. I do as he wishes and place myself on his left, surprised by the feeling of wet stone under me.

What do l do now? Do l look at him? Or just continue staring in the water like an idiot. I feel his eyes on me and l turn to face him.

"You like it?" He asks a little worried and that makes me smile. I nod instantly.

"You know, when l first got in this camp, three years ago, l hated this place even more then you do. I used to sneak out every night and come here to sleep." He takes a deep breath and chuckles "l don't even know why."

Looks like it's very hard for him to talk about his past and lt feels very nice knowing that he trusts me enough to talk to me about it.

"After that, l got used to hanging out with these people." He continues "And something.... happened last year, right in this place, and l ... um...." l see he's hurt. He is too hurt and l can't help him - and it's killing me.

"It changed my life." I want to ask him so many questions, but right now he needs understanding friend. Whatever is hurting him, it's serious.

He keeps staring at the lake and l hug him tight, putting his head on my shoulder. His arms surprise me by pulling me closer to him.

He groans lifting his head "Why are you making it so hard, huh?" He asks me and l give him a confused glare.

I'm making it so hard? Yeah right, because l'm the one that keeps a scary secret and talks to people in their sleep.

Okay, Tiffany, not time for your sarcastic thoughts.

"W-what do you mean?" I whisper even more confused then l was before.

He takes me by surprise when he cups my cheeks. "I really like you, Tiffany." He says with relief in his beautiful blue eyes.

His words repeat in my head constantly. I've heard boys saying that to me before... but this was different. This was so real. I bite my lip and he rubs my cheek with his thumb. Strange sadness fills his sky ble eyes.

"Say something," he looks at my eyes and l take a deep breath "please." He gives me a small smile of concern. As much as l usually enjoy teasing him, l can't watch him like this anymore.

"Noah..." l take another deep breath. Boy, this is harder than l thought. He pulls his hands away from my face, on his forehead.

"God l'm so stupid!" He looks at the lake again "I was expecting too much, and l was an asshole to you and...l'm sorry, Tiffany." He starts standing up but l stop him by grabbing his arm.

I cup his cheek with my right hand "Noah..." l give him a warm smile "l like you too."

His eyes widen and his adorable smile warms me inside. He leans and leaves a little space between our lips. One move. We are so close. My breathing speeds uncontrollably and he smiles before connecting our lips together in a passionate kiss. It released me from every stress or insecurity l felt, with all the feelings between us that can't be named right now, l return a quick kiss, groaning in his mouth.

If this sweet feeling is just my imagination or a rude lie, and someone made it all up, And if what we have is just a dream, please don't wake me up, because it seems so real.

It seems so real having him right there next to me, not caring if his kiss is will later lead me trough the hell, because right now l'm in heaven.

I pull away and he looks me in the eyes. I bite my lip and he kisses the top of my head.

"Why are you so adorable?" He smirks and l blush hard at his sweet words. He smirks again at my uncomfortable stare.

Oh God, l want to ask him so many questions about his past, about why l've never seen him before, about Monika, about us.

"Say it." He whispers in my ear.

I frown "Say what?"

"You are moving your left foot. You're nervous." He puts his hand under my chin lifting my head so that our eyes are at the same level. "Tell me."

I sigh. "It's ... nothing."

It's everything.

"Just... l was wondering how's that l've never seen you before when your family lives almost across the street?" I can't resist watching all the pain in his eyes as l ask my question.

"I can't tell you." He says moving his hand trough that perfect dark hair.

"Why?" I whisper frustrated and l realize he's hurting much more than me, but if we want this to work, l have to know everything.

"I just can't. I know it seems strange but... l just don't want you involved in all the mess l have to deal with."

"Whatever it is, it's your life. And lf you don't want me in your life then..."

He looks at me with those big ocean blue eyes "Tiffany, l want you in my life more than anything. And that's why you can't know right now. I will tell you everything as soon as it's over and you're safe." He whispers and l honestly don't know what to think.

"Promise?" I say as my eyes become watery and l quickly blink to prevent crying. I'm very emotional person and it's not a very helpful in situations like this.

"I promise. Will you wait?" He asks me and becomes nervous again, his palms sweating.

I nod and hug him tightly and he wraps his hands around my waist letting me put my head down on his shoulder.

After about an hour of talking about random things, we walk back to our tent and fall asleep, exhausted after a long day.


I wake up in our grey tent that once again failed to protect my eyes from morning sun. He's gone, and that fact hurts me a little because l expected to wake up next to him. Will things be different between us from now? Will things get awkward...? Hopefully not.
Just then l see a small note on my suitcase.

Good morning Barbie.
I'm sorry for leaving early this morning, got some stuff to do.

P.S. Eat breakfast, l'll know if you haven't.

I sigh and eat fruit salad he made me and put next to the note.

I stand up from the tent and look around our little camp. I see a beautiful blond girl making her way to me as soon as she saw me.

"Yo, girl." She smiles and l smile back.

"Hey Melody."

"So... you wanted to tell me something yesterday, right?" I lift my left eyebrow and give her a gentle smile.

She nods "Yeah... about that." She grabs my hand pulling me a few meters away from the camp.

"Now that you're my friend, l wanted to tell you some details from my life." She takes a pause "Well, Jason and l are... call it complicated." She groans and l nod my head telling her to continue. "He's acting weird past few days and l'm worried about him. I think lt's about that stupid secret!" Her voice sounds angry.

"Secret?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Something about last year. He doesn't want to tell me but lt's serious and l know that. It just hurts me that l can't do a shit about it, you know am sayin'?" Oh girl, l know it very well.
I nod understanding and realize they are keeping some big deal from us, that makes me angry and disappointed. I tell her about last night, skipping the kissing and cuddling part.

"So Noah knows too, huh? Who would've thought." She scratches the top of her head "We gotta find out."

"We will, but not now." I tell her and she smiles. My head hurts from thinking about all the problems l have, l need to relax a little.

She smirks as she sees something behind me. "Looks like your boyfriend is looking for you."

"He's not my..." l start confused.

Is he?

"You should go." She whispers and winks at me walking away.

After a few seconds Noah runs to me with a big smile on his face. And l just look at him curiously.

"Come here Barbie, the final game is about to start." He gives me a small kiss and l return lt and soon we start to make out but l pull away.

"Later." I tell him and bite my lip kissing his cheek.


"Campers, this is the final and most important game. If you want to survive in nature you need to be sneaky and smart. You also need to know how to find information and use them as your weapon. That's what we will focus on in this game." She coughs. "This game you play in your groups. Look around." I turn around to see what she pointed at. We were in the middle of a circle made of grouped wooden chairs. Four chairs are together, and five meters away another four. Those groups of chairs are making a big circle and there is a fire in the middle. "Groups. Take places." Noah holds my arm leading me to the chair and l sit on it between him and Sophie, Ethan is sitting next to her. I mouth a 'hi' to Sophie and she smiles.

"Each group has two questions and one dare. Your goal is to ask questions and get a wrong answer. We have a lie detector here." She points at a strange machine. "So don't try to fake it. The group that makes the hardest questions and makes other groups lie, wins." She hands Ethan three cards which say 'truth' and one 'dare'.

"It's the same with dare. If they refuse to do it, you get a point. And one more thing- when you refuse to answer or do something- you loose one point." Mrs. Smith finishes.

I have to admit, l adore this game. I always played those kind of games with my friends so l think l should to well, and besides - they have nothing hard to ask me because l don't keep some big secrets, at least not here.


It's been about ten minutes since we started and l'm really bored because they never mentioned any name l know, but lt's our turn to ask next, right after Monika's Purple team.

We make a group hug in order to make a plan that will hopefully lead us to winning and SHOWER.

"Any ideas?" Sophie asks the group and boys nod.

"Give me one question. I'm sure in it." Noah whispers and Ethan gives him a card.
Okay, Tiffany, what do you know? Any secret? Anything?

"I'm using truth." Monika says and every conversation stops at the moment.

She walks to the fire and throws the card in fire - that's what we have to do when we use cards.

"Okay, Ms. Jones, who do you want to ask?" Mrs. Smith says with a cute smile on her face.

"Noah." Monika says giving me bitch glare and calling him with her finger. He steps forward to the lie detector and sits in the chair. Noah looks like he saw a ghost and l smile at him with hope.

Monika stands in front of him and he takes a deep breath staring at her with - what's that in his eyes? It looks like hate. You can do it Noah.

"Is Tiffany your girlfriend?" She says simply and l sigh in relief. I guess she decided to go easy on him this time. But Noah doesn't reply. His face stays the same with no expression and it scares me to death.

"I refuse to answer." He whispers and stands up. His words hurt me so hard. I know they shouldn't because we agreed not to rush in relationship but- it still hurts. He sits next to me and l don't bother looking at him. I'm hurt. Please tears, don't.

He looks at me but l just keep my look in front of me. Monika gives him a devil smile and he fills with anger.

"I'm using dare." Dan yells and we all look at him.

"Sophie get up." He says even more angrily and poor girl stands up followed by Ethan.

"Sit down, Ethan. This is none of your business." Dan yells but Ethan holds her waist. Noah gives him a long glare and Ethan finally sits back on his seat. Sophie makes her way to the center.

"Sophie, kiss the one you really love." He stares at her but she immediately turns around walking to Dan and a wide smile appears on his stupid lying face. She leans to him and l grab Ethan's hand trying to keep him from going crazy. He forces a smile at me.

Sophie surprises us all by whispering in Dan's ear instead of kissing him "Nice try Dan." She whisper-yells and runs towards us pulling Ethan in a beautiful passionate kiss. I put hand on my mouth stopping a happy squeak.

Ethan's eyes fill with a huge happiness and it warms my heart. Seeing my two close friends this happy makes me smile like fool but l don't care. I wish Noah and l can be like this. Maybe one day we will. Maybe. The word hurts like a bitch.

It's Mike's turn to ask a question and he calls Noah's name once again. Poor boy stands up and walks to lie detector. Every pair of eyes in this circle is on him now. Apparently this is a big deal. Mike makes his way to Noah and smirks at his angry face expression. Noah sits in a chair and Mike begins.

"Noah White, have you told your little girl about it." Mike jokes trough the question and Noah sighs.

"About what?" Noah plays dumb but clearly most of the guys in this circle know what they are talking about, but thankfully girls are all clueless except Monika who is smirking.

"I'm sure you know what." Mike says seriously and Noah takes a deep breath.

"No, l didn't do it." He says loudly and l also take a deep breath while Sophie and Ethan comfort me. I am very thankful for such amazing friends. Victoria is still my bestie, but she was never this close to me, she never understood real pain or even tried to. The only thing she cares about is money and fame. And about me, in some strange ways.

Ethan takes a seat next to me and holds my hand. "I'm sorry." He whispers but l don't reply. I'm hurt because he's hurt but l'm not gonna let her win.

It's our turn to ask so Noah stands up bringing a truth card in the fire. "Mike," he says not even letting him get to the the detector in the center "Where were you that night?" Noah says and his words cut deep into Mike, leaving him speechless. Why does it seem like everybody knows about that secret except me? Noah will have some explaining to do when we finish this.

Mike nods walking back to his seat  which obviously means he's not going to answer, and we get a point for that. We still got a truth and a dare.

"Give me that shit." I whisper-yell and grab a card from Noah's hand that says truth. Sweet.

"Monika." I yell making a big show out of standing up. What can l say, l like drama. I walk to the fire and elegantly burn the card. "Step to the detector." I say calmly and she does what l said whit a mocking face. Smile while you still can, bitch. Noah gives me his 'what-the-fuck-are-you-doing' glare but l just smile at him.

"So." I stare at her and she stares back. This bitch doesn't know when to stop, does she? "Did you pull me in the lake?" I say and that bitchy smile immediately fades. Way to go Tiffany!

"No." She said with a worried smile. This surprises me honestly, l thought she will refuse.

We are waiting for a lie detector to makes a sound. When it does, the red light appears telling us that Monika lied. I hear loud gasp from all ways around me.

She could have said yes but then they would kick her out of the camp for breaking the rules.

I walk to my seat and we use our last dare to ask Zoe to kiss Dan, which she refused. We sat there for about fifteen minutes completely bored.

Games finished and the only thing we can do now is to wait for results.


Oh-kay guys so here it goes - 13th chapter. (My favorite number by the way) lf you like it please support by voting and commenting.

Tiffany and Noah. Cute or not? And what about the secret he's keeping? Don't be silent readers and tell me what you think 💖

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