Always...|Brandon Rowland Fan...

By HittDaaQuann

11.3K 167 26

This is a Brandon Rowland Fanfic... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

792 11 0
By HittDaaQuann

Lauren's POV

''Lauren wake up.'' I hear someone say as they pull the covers off of me. I groaned and pull the covers back. ''LAUREN ANDREA DALLAS.'' I heard someone say again while pulling my covers. I sat up and I saw Cam on the edge of my bed. ''What do you want Cam.'' I asked him. ''Well I'm just about to tell you that I'm going on tour tonight and you better start packing.'' Cam says while getting up and getting my luggage. ''Why do I have to pack.'' I ask annoyed. ''Cause your coming with me on tour.'' Cam replied. ''Did mom and dad agreed.'' I asked while going to the bathroom. ''They said yes.'' I hear cam says while leaving my bedroom.

I took a quick shower. Once I was done, I changed into a grey sweater with ripped skinny jeans, and my black converse. I put my hair into a messy bun. (A/N: her outfit is down there).

I walked downstairs and Cam and Sierra was eating breakfast. ''Did you pack yet.'' Cam ask. ''No not yet, I'll do it after breakfast.'' I say as I grabbed a plate and put 2 pancakes in my plate. I finished eating and went upstairs to pack.

I finished packing and went on my phone. I liked some edits but suddenly Cam barged in my room. ''By the way we're going to New York for 1 month.'' Cam says while leaving. I nod. After 10 minutes, I got a call from Kelly and she wanted to meet up. I went to Cam's room. ''Hey Cam can I go to the park with Kelly for a few minutes, I promise I'll be back before we leave.'' I say hoping he will say yes. ''Sure, and by the way Kelly's going on tour with us.'' Cam says. ''Thanks Cam.'' I say as I walked out of his bedroom. I texted Kelly saying we should meet at the park near my house and she agreed.

I arrived at the park and she was already there. ''Hey Lauren.'' She says while she got up from her seat. ''Hey.'' I say back. After 20 minutes, she had to go home cause she had a earlier flight than me and Cam. I also went home. ''Cmon we have to go to the airport there waiting for us.'' Cam says. ''Oh okay.'' I replied as I grabbed my backpack. Cam grabbed my fluggage and went to the car. Cam was in the passenger seat and I was in the back while Sierra was driving.

We arrive at the airport and Cam hug a random guy that I didn't know and there was another guy behind him that looked around my age. Me and the other guy got eye contact. ''Cam who's that.'' The guys who hugged my brother said while referring to me. ''Oh that's my sister Lauren, Lauren that's Hunter and that's Brandon.'' Cam says as he point to each guy. ''We should go to our gate now.'' Hunter says.

We got into the airplane and I was sitting next to Brandon. Cam and Hunter was sitting next to each other behind us. I grab my headphones that was in my pocket and looked for a movie. Midway the movie, I got tired. In a minute, sleep took over me.

Brandon's POV

I was watching a movie until I felt
something on my shoulder. I saw that it was Lauren sleeping peacefully on my shoulder. She was really cute when she's sleeping wait what am I even thinking, I just met her. I was tired. My eyes felt heavy every minute and sleep took over.

Status- Unedited

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