I love you, Ian Somerhalder

By TheLaurenWay

178K 4.1K 399

[completed] Book 1 of the "I love you, Ian Somerhalder" series! "Hey, Natalie25London!" he exclaimed before i... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine


4.7K 105 25
By TheLaurenWay


Hey, is this definitely Ian?


Yeah, who's this?


It's Natalie, from last night.

Ian :)

Oh hey Natalie! :)

How's it going?


I'm good, thanks. You?

Ian :)

Oh I'm good. I have a day off so I'm just hanging around at home. What are you up to?


I'm eating breakfast with Amy. She kind of forced me to text you now.

Ian :)

Oh that makes more sense. I thought you seemed a bit eager, texting me at 8am ;)


Haha no I'm not quite that eager.

Ian :)

Ouch that hurt. I'm officially offended.


Aw don't be. I didn't mean it like that. I only meant that I wouldn't usually text someone at this time of day. Sorry.

Ian :)

Natalie, I was kidding. Don't worry about it.

Anyways, would you like to hang out again today?


Sure, I would love that :)

Ian :)

Great! Meet me at the beach in 2 hours? :)


Yeah, sounds awesome x

Ian :)

Ooh so I get kisses now? Haha


Oops sorry. It's a habit I suppose.

Ian :)

Stop apologizing. I like the kisses x


Oh, ok then. See you later! x

"OMG!!" Amy squealed after reading my text conversation with Ian, "We have to get you ready. I'll do your hair and makeup and pick out an outfit! You're going to look perfect!"

"Uh, Amy, no offence but I'd prefer to pick out my own outfit. You can do my hair though, if you want."

"Oh," she looked slightly disappointed. I instantly felt bad.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just want to be more natural and picking out my own outfit will ensure he sees the real me."

Amy nodded in understanding and smiled.

"Come on then, you need to get ready and you only have two hours!"

One hour later, I was ready to go. I'd picked out my ripped jeans with a blue and white striped crop top with my white converse. Amy had done my hair in two french plaits and applied some concealer, mascara, eye liner and tinted lip balm. I didn't usually wear much makeup so I wanted to keep it subtle. She also lent me a necklace with a small peace sign charm to 'bling up' the outfit.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good. I had chosen a casual look, but I still looked decent enough to be going on a date, if that's even what I could call it. I didn't know.

I didn't need to leave until 9:30am so I was sat on my bed, waiting for it to be time to go. I decided to look Ian up on google, seeing as I didn't know much about him and I was about to be hanging out alone with him. I learnt that his birthday is December 8th, he's 37 years old, has two siblings and is......MARRIED???

"AMY!" I yelled into her bedroom.

She appeared in the doorway.

"Yeah?" she replied, looking worried.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that Ian is married???" I demanded.

"Oh my god I totally forgot! I don't take too much notice of his personal life, to be honest."

"How could you forget?"

"I-I don't know...." Amy looked down at the floor.

"He still wants to hang out with you though, that must count for something" she offered.

"Yes, Amy, but as FRIENDS. And I actually thought he was interested in me! I'm so stupid! Why would he ever be interested in me?"

"He should be interested. You're gorgeous and smart and funny and amazing."

"Thanks but I doubt he thinks that." I replied flatly.

Are you still going to go?"

"I guess. I mean, how bad could it be?" I said, smiling weakly.

Amy grinned "That's the spirit."

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