The Neighbor\\ A Jovani Jara...

By SophiiJara

10.4K 276 67

16 year old Haley Connors has recently moved into Florida with her dad. She meets her neighbors the Jara fami... More

(Not a chapter)
C H A P T E R • T W O (P A R T 1)
C H A P T E R • T H R E E (P A R T 2)
C H A P T E R • F O U R
C H A P T E R • S I X
C H A P T E R • S E V E N
C H A P T E R • N I N E
C H A P T E R • F O U R T E E N
C H A P T E R • F I F T E E N
C H A P T E R • S I X T E E N
C H A P T E R • S E V E N T E E N
C H A P T E R • E I G H T E E N (P A R T • O N E)
C H A P T E R • N I N E T E E N (P A R T • T W O)
C H A P T E R • TW E N T Y (P A R T • T H R E E)
C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y 1
C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y 2
C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y 3
C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y 5
C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y 6 ( last chapter )
Note ❤️
TY ❤️❤️

C H A P T E R • T W E N T Y 4

224 11 2
By SophiiJara


So it's Monday yayy time for hell. I hate school now, I have all classes with Jovani and Julian except gym. Gym is the worst class bc I'm always alone, everyday the girls wouldn't let me into the locker rooms. I get a text from Julian and I get ready...

Julian- I'm coming in 10 minutes :)
Haley- ok :)

A few mintues later I hear a knock on my door, and open it. Every morning Julian and I walk to school together.

Julian- Ready?
Haley- yeah, let's gooo
Julian- Hey Haley, I need to tell you something.
    Haley- Tell me
    Julian- Promise you won't get mad...
    Haley- I would never get mad at you, promise.
    Julian- ok.... Jovani and I are going to be homeschooled.
    Haley- o-ok...

    Julian told me he was going to be homeschooled, like fr?? I'm by myself now, no more Julian by my side. My eyes watered.

    Julian- Haley, please don't cry.
    Haley- Julian, your going to be homeschooled you won't be by my side anymore.
    Julian- You will always be my side.
    Haley- How?? By sitting on your bed at home while I'm in school?!?
    Julian- Haley, I'm really sorry.

    Instead of talking to Julian I just ran back home, yes I know Julian said not to get mad but I had to he's being homeschooled now. I lied to my dad and told him I didn't feel good. I laid in bed crying, If I'm by myself that means I will be alone and I won't have anyone with me.

School is over

    Jo- so uhh where's Haley?
    Ju- Why would you care...
    Jo- B-because I still have feelings for her...
    Ju- JOVANI you messed up, she hates you now!
    Jo- I know...
    Ju- I told her, that's why she isn't here today.
    Jo- you told her?!?
    Ju- Chill, and yes I did...
    Jo- Hey, uhh I broke up with Trinity...
Ju- It's about time you did🙄
Jo- I want to be back with Haley!
Ju- That definitely won't work out.
Jo- ughh I know!


That's it Julian and Jovani are homeschooled. I'm alone, I have no friends, no life, no love, nothing. I keep getting texts and calls from Jovani, idk why but I just ignore them. At this point I should just leave this world. I'm in bed, depressed and stressed I scroll through my camera roll. I found a bunch of pictures with Jovani. I kinda still had feelings for him but Idk he has Trinity. He doesn't need me in his life, no one does.


I'm such an axxholx, why the hell did I leave Haley?? Want is wrong with me🙄 I've already messed up over 2 times, so she obviously won't accept me again. I texted her and called her literally 5 million times and of course she didn't answer any of them. I messed up so freakin bad...


I still have the necklace on, the one Jovani gave me for our 1 month anniversary. I remember the good time we had on that special day. We were in a Ferris wheel and gave me a cute speech then gave me this promise necklace. He said "Just remember me when your wearing it." But I can't do this he messed up to many times, I took off the necklace and threw it in the back of my closet. My eyes watered, tears fell down my face I miss him...
604 words
Cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, the chapters will be shorter now since it's coming to an end...

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