~Enough Is Enough~ (Book Two)


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This is a sequel to my book Aphmau Divine Secrets so if you haven't read that you might want to before you re... More

~Chapter 1~ |5 Years|
~Chapter 2~ |Explaining|
~Chapter 3~ |Sisters|
~Best Of Zane's Snore's!~
~Best Of Aphmau~
~Chapter 5~ |Planning|
~Best Of Ross!~
~Chapter 6~ |Taken Part1|
~Chapter 7~ |Taken Part2|
~Chapter 8~ |Taken Part3|
~Chapter 9~ |WorldWithoutLight|
~Chapter 10~ |1 Month|
~Chapter 11~ |Forgivness|
~Chapter 12~ |Question Part1|
~Chapter 13~ |Queston Part2|
~Chapter 14~ |Wedding Plans|
~Chapter 15~ |Zach|
~Chapter 16~ |PDH|
Halloween Special
~Chapter 17~ |Liante and Mithross???|
~Chapter~ 18 |Return Of Erin And Adrian!|
~Chapter 19~ |Late Objection Part1|
~Chapter 20~ |Late Objection Part 2|

~Chapter 4~ |Top Divine|

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As i said that she looked more scared then max was when he ran out of cheese. "Cupika is it true you love me?" Zane asked. He was holding a light blue cupcake. "Oh yes super hot AND SKINNY zane i love you" zane said in cupcakes voice. "CUPIKA WHY YOU LYIN HUH!?" Allen said.

I facepalmed. "WHAT ABOUT CUPCELLY!?" Esmund exclaimed. "She died remember?" Katelyn said. Zane started bawling his eyes out. "DO YOU MIND!? IM TRYING TO BE SUPER SCARY AND THREATENING HERE!!!" I yelled. "YOU DONT NEED TO TRY YOU ALREADY ARE!!" Liam exclaimed.

"Shes saids supers scarys... Coras yous gonnas haves nightmares fors monthes.." Barney said. "I think we need to stand a little farther away.." Allen said. "TRUE THAT!" Mom exclaimed walking farther away along with everyone else. Cora looked scared. "We tried to warn you sis.." Cleo said walking farther away along with vixi.

"Now... About what you did earlier.. You know.. Making me see turtle cakes again.. THEN.HITTING.AARON!!!" I yelled. "s-s-sorr-" she started but i cut her off. "IM IN A VERY BAD MOOD! FIRST I WAS STUCK IN A JAIL CELL WITH AN ANNOYING ROSS AND FAT ZANE WHO TOOK UP MOST OF THE CELL! THEN WE CAME BACK FROM THAT STUPID DEMENSION TO FIND OUT 5 FREAKING YEARS HAVE PASSED!!!!!" I exclaimed.


"K i feel better now" I said as I transformed into my regular form. I still had the white athenian symble tattoo though. Eh who cares it looks cool. Cora was frozen in fear. "See thats what happened when I tried to kill her! Hope you learned your lesson like i did" cleo said.

"YOU GO GURL!" Cressida exclaimed. "I can't believe im saying this but i missed her little temper episodes..." Dad said. "Well...... I um... Uh... Dang.. About what i said with you to being at equal strength... I was wrong... Cora your a expert magic user right?" Hestia asked. Cora nodded her head still scared.

"Aphmau hun are you still a beginner?" Hestia asked. "Im almost a pro..." I said. "b-b-b-begin-beginner...?" Cora said. We all nodded our heads. Cora looked at me then booked it out the door. "Well that just happened..." Shane said. I turned towards him. "Can aaron have his spot back?" I asked. "If i say no will you do the same thing to me what you did to cora..?" He asked.

"Is that even a question.. Duhhh" katelyn said. "Then yup the spots all yours aaron no imma go" shane said running out the door. "Smartest move of the day" emmalyn said. "Actually 2nd smartest move the 1st was moving as far away as possible from angry athena" jin said.

"Kawaii chan ships it" kawaii chan said. "Jimmalyn huehuehue right that down in the book of shipping!" cressida said. "On it cressida senpai!" Kawaii chan exclaimed. "I FOUND A GRASSHOPPER!" Ross yelled. "Thats a water bottle cap ross..." Kristella said. "GRASSY THE HOPPER IMMA KEEP HIM!" Ross said.

"*snores* no... Please.. *snores* i cant choose between *snores* cupika or skelly the skittle.. *snores* i love both of you.. *snores* cupcelly... *snores* I DONT KNOW ANYMORE! *snores* then theres pinki cake... *snores* what do you mean..." Zane snored.

"His life is just.... Sad..." Allen said. "I missed zanes snoring moments.." Dad said. "Should we force him to go on a diet? I mean.. He cant even fit through the door of our house.." Vylad said.

"*snores* you sayin me go on diet? *snores* i will send my *snores* cupcake army at chu.. *snores* bruh.. *snores* cupikaaa *snores*"

"I knew he'd say that..." Nicole said. "Same..." Dante said. "Same! I cant believe he cant fit into his own hou- ok nevermind I totally believe that.. You know its kind of sad hes stuck between 1 dead cupcake and a blue cupcake, a skittle, and a pink horse to choose as his girlfriend.. Whats worse is that i have no clue who to ship him with! ITS TORTUROUS!! ZaneCake... Zupika.. Zittle.. Or zinkizake.." I said.

"Hmm.. Who do you think we should ship him with?" Cressida asked kawaii chan. "Hmm.. Good question cressida senpai! Kawaii chan is stuck between #ZinkiZake and #Zupika.. #ZaneCake cant sail because cupcelly chan passed.." Kawaii chan said.

"I ship ZinkiZake" kristella said. "Same" ross said. "I ship zupika!" Kiki said. "Im with kiki!" Katelyn said. "And im with Katelyn" max replied. "Huehuehue of course you are hehehe" allen said smirking at max who blushed.

Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions or questions make sure to comment or message me! I re-read some of your comments and oh my gosh you guys kill me 😂😂😂😂 also thanks for the support i get it means a lot! Also did that count as a cliffhanger..?

Team ZinkiZake?

Or Team Zupika?

I never thought i'd be shipping zane with a cupcake and a pink horse 🐢🍰

Also a couple of you suggested to see aphs form so here you goooo

Aphs Hair

Aph's Armor

Aph's Wings

Bai! 🐢🍰

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