Im in Trouble...

By marissajade01

16K 776 28

Tinley Carter is a freshman in high school. And all she wanted to do was get good grades and hangout with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Rico)
Chapter 6 (Tinley)
Chapter 7 (Kyler)
Chapter 8 (Blair)
Chapter 9 (Jonah)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Kole)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

378 19 0
By marissajade01

A/N: I know I'm skipping through Tinley's pregnancy but that's because it's all just the boring stuff. Now she will be around 8 1/2 months! She's ready to meet Hadley Elizabeth! Now time for the story! Enjoy!!
"WAKE UP BABE WAKE UP!" Kyler yells while jumping up and down on the bed. Ugh he's like a little kid in Christmas. "Whyyyyyy?" I groan into my pillow.
"Because the baby shower is in like two hours and you need to shower and get ready and you take forever so I'm giving you extra time!" He yells and keeps jumping. "Alright! Alright! I'm up I'm up just stop bouncing you're going to make me throw up." I say covering my mouth. Kyler gets my shower going while I wake up a little more. "Okay babe the shower is ready and I put a towel in there for you." He says with a smile. "How did I get so lucky?" I say smiling back at him. "No. How did I get so lucky? I found my soul mate and I get a baby girl all in the same year... So how did I get so lucky?" He says rubbing my belly and giving me a kiss. I waddle to the bathroom and wonder what it will look like. Who knows what Blair could've put together. She probably over did it. But I'm sure she will make it beautiful! After my shower I settled with a navy blue dress with a belt, and some boots. I curled my hair into loose curls, and did a light layer of makeup. Kyler was already downstairs watching the new episode of our show. WAIT WHAT?! "KYLER SCOTT BENSON!" I yelled and he jumped out of his seat. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yell again. "I'm-uh-sorry baby I just couldn't wait and I thought you were going to take longer and I could finish the episode and watch it again with you later... I'm sorry." He said looking down. Unbelievable. "Whatever lets just go." I say and we walked out the door. "Are you excited?" He asked helping me up into the Jeep. "Yeah, I hope Blair didn't over do it but I'm sure it will be beautiful anyway. Are you?" I ask. "Yes! If you couldn't tell I woke you up this morning jumping on our bed... I can't wait to see what our baby girl gets." He chuckles and starts the Jeep. We drove to the school because Blair asked if the shower could get held in the lunch room and they agreed as long as we pick up the mess. Kyler jumps out of the Jeep and runs over to help me out. He grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked down the halls. Man i didn't realize how much I missed walking these hallways. Then we walked by the closet that Kyler dragged me in. I laughed and smiled at the memory and Kyler looks at me. "What is so funny babe?" He asked. "I just looked at the closet and remembered when you dragged me in there making me late for another class, then making out with me and it ended with you slapping my butt and me punching you. Then we went to the lake and then the gym and then the hospital. It was just a endless amount of torture that day." I say with a laugh. He chuckles too. "That's when you fell in love with me." He says all cocky. "No I fell in love with you when I ran into you. Even though I knew you were a grade A asshole. But you were never that mean to me other than the first day." I say with a sincere look. Then we meet the closed lunchroom doors. "You ready?" He asks "yes now open the damn doors." I say with a laugh.
The first thing I notice is that EVERYTHING is pink. And I mean everything. There was a big pink banner hanging on a wall that said 'It's a girl!' And then there were two chairs under it that Kyler and I have to sit at when we do gifts. Then I see pink balloons everywhere and I see Blair coming up to me. "Well? What do you think?" She says with a big grin plastered on her face "it's very... PINK! But I love pink and it's beautiful! Thank you so much" I say giving her a hug then I see my dad and the rest of the family, Kyler's mom was there too and all of Kyler's friends, I know guys don't normally go to baby showers but Kyler said nobody was kicking him out of his own daughters baby shower. So I wasn't going to argue if he wanted to be there then he had every right to be there. We took some pictures and 'belly shots' Blair called them. Then it was time to do presents! Yay! I love presents even if they aren't for me specifically. I opened one and it was from my dad it was in a big box and when I opened it I saw a crib. I started tearing up I looked at him and he said "it was yours. I was looking through some old things and I saw that and I knew I had to give that too you. It's also from mom." He said with a smile and tears went down my cheek. We opened more gifts and Kyler's favorite thing that we got was a pink Jeep bouncer that's for when she gets older. She will be a Jeeper. She got some bathing suits and onesies, diapers, wipes, bottles, binkis, tights, dresses, little dress shoes, a mobile for the crib and crib sheets and blankets. We also got a sign that said her name in cursive that we will hang over the crib. Once everyone left I sat there trying to get all of the presents organized. While Kyler helped Blair and Jonah clean up. I really felt useless with being bed ridden and all. I guess I kinda was. By the time everything was cleaned up and things were loaded in the Jeep we said our goodbyes and they left while Kyler helped me in the jeep. "I don't want to go straight home. I've been there for months I think we should just drive around for a bit." I suggest cause I really was sick of just going home and doing nothing. "Okay babe, whatever you want that's what we will do." He said with a smile as we drove off. We were riding on a really bumpy road when I felt those pains again only they were much stronger than before. Then I felt like I peed my pants. Only I didn't. I turn to look at Kyler and I yelled
"My water just broke!"

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