Im in Trouble...

By marissajade01

16K 776 28

Tinley Carter is a freshman in high school. And all she wanted to do was get good grades and hangout with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Rico)
Chapter 6 (Tinley)
Chapter 7 (Kyler)
Chapter 8 (Blair)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Kole)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 9 (Jonah)

514 21 1
By marissajade01

When Kyler dropped me off at my house I ran upstairs and pulled out my phone and called Blair and Jonah as a group call. "Hello?" Blair and Jonah said. "Hey! Guys guess what!" "What?" They say in sync. "Kyler asked me to be his girlfriend!" I squealed. Then so did Blair, Jonah just said "Cool so how did it happen?" "Well... He told me he wanted out of the promise he made to 'torture' me and he doesn't want to toy with my feelings. Then he got down on one knee and gave me a ring and he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I of course said yes then we kissed!" "Awwww so cute!" Blair said "damn he makes the rest of us guys look bad, we have to step up our game." Jonah said and we laughed. I hung up the phone and sent them a picture of the ring

It's just a simple love knot but it's perfect for me. Kyler put the ring on my ring finger, Ah I can't believe that he chose me out of all the other girls at my school.
It has been about a month since Kyler asked me out. My hand is fully healed now which is amazing I just want to hit the gym but no punching bags no no no not yet. Probably just treadmills and the weightlifter and the bicycle thing but no punching. My phone buzzed in my pocket and it was Kyler.
Kyler😍❤️😉: hey princess I have a doctors appt. So I won't be at school when it gets out. Will you be okay?

Me: of course baby, I'll just walk no big deal. I could use the exercise! We hanging out later?

Kyler😍❤️😉: yes! I'll call you when I leave the doctors. Xoxo

Me: Xoxo

I started walking to my house, when four hands grabbed me. They were man hands, I knew they weren't Kyler's or Jonah's or Kyler's friends they were different hands. I couldn't see who they were but then Clair can into view. This should be good. She walked up to me and punched me in the face "Aw is that all you got? Honestly? That was pathetic. And it's pretty sad when you have to have old men hold me so you don't get hurt. Cute." I say and she punches me again it gets a little tender after awhile. Then she kicks me in the stomach but i can't fall because the men behind me are still holding me up. She does that a few more times before pulling out a knife. "Clair what are you doing?!" I squirm but I can't get away. Then she says "How does it feel? Being the human punching bag? Hurts right? Yeah well you also took my man and that hurt a whole lot more than your punches. Almost like a knife stabbing you right in the gut." Without another word she stabs me right in the side I scream and I don't cry because then the knife would move and it. The men drop me and I land on the side with the knife so it gets lodged in farther. I scream and I see a male figure come up to me but my vision is blurry I can't see who he is but he was strong. He was yelling trying to keep me awake but I was just so sleepy. Annnnd dark.
Jonah's P.O.V

I heard screams and I started running then I see her lying there in a puddle of her own blood. A knife sticking out of her side.
"Tinley! Tinley!" I yell stay with me come on! I call 911 and then I picked her up I started walking with her to try and meet the ambulance. I finally see the lights and they jump out with a stretcher. Please Tinley be alright. Please. Who do I call?! BLAIR! The phone rings twice.
"Hel-" I cute her off "look Tinley is in a ambulance on the way to the hospital right now! She was stabbed and beaten. Meet us there!" I yell and hang up. I have to call her dad. I called him and he was on the way I see Kyler's jeep in the parking lot. I jump out of the ambulance and look for him I see him and he looks shocked to see me here. "Jonah? What are you doing here? And why are you covered in blood?" He asks sounding worried. "It's- it's Tinley!" His expression drops.
Kyler's P.O.V
"What do you mean it's Tinley?!Where is she?!" I yell. "I found her in a ally beaten and with a knife in her side, she was in a puddle of her own blood. I Called 911 and I carried her to meet the ambulance but she had her eyes closed. She wouldn't wake up.." He started crying and it's like it happened in slow motion. I see them roll Tinley in on a stretcher, knife in her side and covered in blood. I start yelling "Tinley! Tinley!" I run after them but they push me back. I was fighting it for awhile but then Jonah grabbed me and pulled me away. My body went numb. My baby was in a hospital again because of me. But who knows if she will walk out of it this time. I see Tinley's father and Blair appear from the front doors. Blair comes running over to me. "Kyler? Come on let's go sit down." She lifts me up and sets me in a chair. Her father was crying and Jonah was too I was silently crying a tear ran down my cheek. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was crying. I haven't felt pain this great ever. And it was killing me. Finally a doctor came out and we all stood there. Waiting.
"We have managed to remove the blade and police officers have taken it as evidence. We have stopped the bleeding for now but who knows how long that will last. She is in a coma. She has lost a tremendous amount of blood. We don't know if she will make it through the night. We are very sorry." I started crying again. I can't loose her. I can't. Everyone else starts crying too. "My baby girl!" Her father said while sobbing. We were allowed to go in and see her, I went straight for her hand. I held onto it. But it wasn't like it normally was it was pale. She felt warm but not as warm as is should be. I cried and her family and friends cried too. Before I knew it I had to leave. I went home and my mom held me. My mom hasn't held me since I was little. But right now I wanted the comfort of my mom. She rubbed my back while I sobbed into her shoulder. "Honey it's okay, she might make it through this." Trying to give me hope. "I- I could have pre-vented it from- happening. B-But it's-it's too late." I say between sobs. Suddenly my phone started buzzing I look at the caller ID and it was Jonah.
"Hello?" I ask
"Hi um the police found out who stabbed her." He said and I yelled
"Who was it?!"
"C-Clair." He said in a shaky tone
"What?! How did Tinley not fight back?! I saw her beat Clair up before-" I was cut off.
"There were two of Clair's body guards there holding Tinley so she couldn't. Then after she was stabbed they threw he on the side with the knife and it lodged it in further." He said starting to cry again.
"I-I gotta go." I say before I hung up. My mom was looking at me curiously. "Well?" She said. "Clair Burmen did it with the help of her two male body guards. She beat and stabbed Tinley while her body guards held her so she couldn't fight back." A tear ran down my face. "Well do they have Clair and the two men in captivity?" She asked. "I don't know, if not then they are looking cause they ran fingerprints." I said. If they didn't already have those bastards I will personally handle them myself!

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