30 Days To Find ❤️[Editing]

By Joan1267

28.1K 1.2K 179

Well where should I start. Oh yah my name is Tina Jackson . I'm usually the one to struggle with love . What... More

🌙late night🔥
🌜Work Late night🌛
❤️.Date Night.
❤️.Date Night gone wrong .
Boys night out
❤️So In Love❤️
Pt.2/Tina B-Day
Christmas Party
☺️New Job☺️
.My Bad Day.
?Why Cant I Love?
.Wedding Day.
The Letter Pt.1
The Letter Pt.2
.Let The Truth Be Told.
Let The Truth Be Told Pt.2
Let The Truth Be Told Pt.3
.One Crappy Situation.
My Horrible Day
The Squeal Is Here

The Saddest Time At The End

634 18 7
By Joan1267

Deven Pov 😞

2 days later, 1:50pm

I woke up from my nap , an Tina was nowhere near my side. She probably in R baby's room. Cz she's been in there everyday. I miss r bby to. When I think about her I just wanna throw everything, but Ik how to control my temper. Me an Tina been good lately we have been arguing a lil lately but , we good. It's not official. It's like she starts the arguments. But , this is really tuff on her , Cz this is the second time stress has took over our baby. I never put my hands on Tina , an I would never put my hands on her , on everything , I love her to much. If my anger takes over its never strong. Sometimes I let Tina beat my chest Cz of the pain of are daughter.

Tina's step-mom Monica have been checking up on us lately. But I want her to stay with us for a week or so. But I heard she's been going through things with T's dad. I was in are bedroom, I had on socks an joggers , I put on my white t-shirt an my glasses. Tina come out the bby room. "You ok bby?"I asked her. "yea I'm fine babe"she said sniffing and wiping her face with a tissue. Her eyes were red.

"I'm sorry baby for putting so much stress on--"I get cut off"this isn't ur fault, but it's my fault for not leaving ur ass alone , now my second child is gone , second child"she said beating my chest. I calmed her down by hugging her , that's when she started crying on my chest. "Bby I'm so sorry"I said hugging her. This hurts her so bad. I got a text from my b-ball coach , Hamilton.

Coach-Meet me in the gym 3pm sharp or u lose ur spot on the team.


I took a look at my phone an kissed T's forehead.

Megan pov🔫🔪🚬

I woke up from my nap on the couch. "Megan wake the hell up"James said touching my face with a gun. I was so in shock , I fell to the ground an scooted over to the wall . "I'm not gone kill yo ass , but if u don't get the work done I am , an I'll even be the one to Barry yo ass , an not tell yo friends a word"he said loading the gun with bullets. I ran to the bathroom an threw up. "What the hell yo ass ate last night"he asked.

I couldn't even speak , I just kept throwing up. "Well anyways u wanna ignore me today that's even better , Cz u got a slick ass mouth"he added. I just rolled my eyes an brushed my teeth. Changed my clothes into , a tank top I put a grey sweater over it , bleached washed jeans , an my red converse an middle part my hair. "So what's missing?"I asked him. "U killing Tina's baby"he said wiping the guns an looking at me like he wanted to kill me. I looked really scared"but I can't kill a life"I said. "Oh yes u can , Cz if u don't ur life is mine"he said. "Now take the MF gun an do as I say"he added ,  giving me the gun. I looked at the gun"no u do it u dumb bitch"I stab in his shoulder with my pocket knife. "Ahhhh..."he yelled. I ran out , I was shaking to the point I dropped my keys , as I ran closer to the car , he shot me in the leg. "Ahhh..."I said holding the bloody spot on my leg. "Who's the bitch now hoe"he said grabbing me up off the ground, an tying me up, to the point I passed out.

Deven pov 📱😳😱

I called Monica and texted Chanel to come over to keep an eye on T. So I can go talk to my coach.

.20mins Monica arrived.

"Hey is everything ok?"Monica asked me worried while putting her purse down on the couch. "Yea , she's fine , I just need her to have some company"I said. "Baby where u going?"Tina asked. "I have to go talk to my coach or I lose my spot on the team"I said. "Plz don't leave me"she said. "I'll be back in a lil while"I said lookin in to her hazelnut brown eyes. "Promise"she asked. "Promise"I replied kissing her forehead an headed out.

"Hey Dev , is everything ok?"Chanel asked. "Yea she good , I just gotta take care a few things"I told her. "Ok Ight"she replied an went in the house.


I arrived at the gym , I was in the same outfit, I just changed my pants to short jeans , added a grey hoodie on top of my white tank , put on my speares , an diamond studs an gold watch an went off in the gym.

"Deven , where the hell have u been?"Hamilton asked pissed. "Wym my daughter just died , I holded her in my arms once , with no cry to be heard , an no tear to be felt"I said. "Deven , my son died also , but I don't let my personal problems get in the way of my good ass job"he said. "Coach my girl matters , she's really going through it an I gotta be there for her , my dreams matters also , but she just not some groupie I found off the street , she actually is there for me in many ways"I said. "Deven , ur job is serious , an way before u an ur girl lost ur bby girl , u haven't been really showing up to ur practice, or games , we've lost u , Ty , James , an Quees been gone , idk what hell been going on With y'all , but somethings definitely going on , so all of u guys are off the team"he said. I was shocked"coach I can--"I get cut off"Deven ur off end of story"he said then left , an I headed home , even tho I'm gonna go out again to tell tyga the news. But I wanted to check up on T. Cz nobody was picking up there phones. So it got me worried as hell , an I'm even more stressed the hell out Cz I lost my spot on the team.

Tina Pov😤

"T plz talk to me"Monica asked. "Yea T we hate seeing u like this , plz say something"Chanel said. "What I lost my baby , that this is the second baby I lost , over stress , what the doctor never told me anything, what I had my daughter dead in me for two weeks with no notice that's why she hasn't been moving around in my stomach "I through my altra sound picture at the wall. "T , Baby calm down plz"Monica said tryna calm me down.

"No , I'm sick of everyone tryna make my stress come out of me , well now here it is"I said. "T bby calm down , Ik this hurts but plz calm down , we all hate to see this happen to u so please bbg , please"Chanel said. "Chanel, I lost my beautiful baby girl"I cried. She hugged me , so did Monica. Then I fell asleep.

~After my thirty minute nap~

I sat on the couch, my head was hurting. I was wondering where they were. "Hey sleepy head"Chanel said. "Hey"I said . "U ok ma"she asked. "Yea I'm fine , just a lil headache, but where's Monica?"I asked her. "She went to go get us some food"she replied.
"So she left her phone"I said. "She took mine Cz her phone needs to charge"she replied again , going to the cabinet.

I looked over at her phone an saw it ringing , my dads name plaster across it.

~~Phone convo~~

Dad~"baby I'm sorry about putting my hands on u , I really am , please don't sign the divorce papers, ik I hurt ur arm plz , don't sign an call the cops , or tell my daughter she hates me enough, plz don't, I love u so much".

.I hung up the phone.

"U ok?"Chanel asked giving me a cup of water and some aspirin."yea"I said confused.

"Hey guys I'm ba--"I cut Monica off"let me see ur arm. "Um T "I cut her off again"no u wanna leave my dad , everyone that leaves my dad leaves me , an I'm so sick of new ppl entering my life , I'm so sick of the girls who r nice to me leave my side just because my dad did"I said yelling. "T calm down pl-"I cut her off"no Ik how the game works you'll be the next Chick to get up an run away"I said getting closer to her. "T calm down"Chanel said grabbing my arm. "No , she's gonna leave me , an I'm tired of it"I said tryna attack her. "T I'm not gonna leave u"Monica tried to explain. "Woah woah , calm down babe"Deven said grabbing me.

"What the hell is going on"Dev added. "Nothing , I'll go"Monica said getting her things. "Monica"Chanel said. "No I  caused to much"she said closing the door. "Chanel I got it from here"Deven said. "U sure?"she asked. "Yes"Deven said .

-She fell asleep-

I kissed her forehead an went to Tygas house but I left her a note on the coffee table in the living room.

Megan Pov🔫🔪

I woke up doozy , I was tied up in a chair. "Aw u finally woke up u stupid bitch , I fixed up yo leg"he said. I just looked up at him. "Aw u can't speak now , ur lucky I didn't put duck tap on yo mouth"he added. "Where are u going?"I asked. "Well my ass is on a mission, since u didn't accomplish it , I'm gonna kill Tina my self"he said grabbing his black bag. "Tina , noooo , plz"I said tryna get out of the the cuffs.

.He slammed the door. 

I tried so hard to get out of the hand cuffs but I couldn't. Ugh fuck.
I started to cry , Cz it was sad. An I really like Tina as a friend. I finally got out the cuffs an kept calling Deven , but it kept ringing two times an then went straight to voicemail. Ugh shit plz pick up.

I called James

_Phone convo_

James😎-"what'd up".

Me~"Is Deven at ur place?".

James😎-"nah he's at Ty's , is everything o-"I hung up on him.


I kept calling tyga but he didn't pick up. Ugh fuck. I texted him.

-Text convo-

Me-James is after Tina rn , go over to her house rn.


I called the cops but they said it would be at least an hour in there area for them to arrive. SSHIT. I ran to the room where all the weapons were. I grabbed a 🔪, and a 🔫. As I ran out I threw up on the grass. I was tryna get there fast asf. I got in the Bmw , an took off to her house , it was at least gonna take me 20mins to arrive.

Deven pov😳😤😱😰😡

"Damn I can't believe we got kicked off the team"tyga said. "Ikr coach just told me today an I was pissed as hell"I said. "But how's T holdin up?"he asked. "She actually good , but can have her moments"I replied. "Damn , but I'm sorry for y'all lost , but r y'all like official or nah?"he asked again. "Nah , but I wish we were tho"I said. "Dam--"Tygas phone cuts him off. "Wasssup bro"I asked. "It's T"tyga said. "What about her"I asked shocked. "James on his way to the house rn an I think he might hurt her Cz Megan said he going to"tyga said. Me an tyga ran out his house. An drove off. It was a hour to get there. "Ima straight up kill him if he touch T"I said pissed as hell.

Tina pov😮😱😧😨😰

I woke up off the living room couch. "Deven"I called his name. But , I didn't get a answer back. My condo was real quite. I was scared. I went to go change , I put on my red t shirt , my black tights, an my black converse. An put my hair in a crazy cute bun. I had to put these clothes. I went in the kitchen , an saw a note from Deven.

Deven ,

Went over to Ty's , I be over in 30 , love ya.


I heard noises come from my baby's room. I grabbed a knife to check. I walked slowly to the bedroom. As I open the door I saw no one. I went to go get my phone in the kitchen. "Looking for this"James said. I was so shocked an scared , Cz he had my biggest fear , guns. "See I've heard you've got pregnant and it wasn't mine"he said getting out his gun. "James plz"I said. "Uk I really had time for ur ass , but u do shit like this to me"he said coming closer to me. I took off tryna go to my baby's room. But he grabbed my hair. I elbowed him in the gut. I tried to close the door but he pushed it open. I fell to the ground, he got on top of me , an tried to stab me. I pushed back the knife , to the point where it fell out of r hands. He pulled my hair. I poked his eyes in"ahhh.."he said. "Get the hell off me"I said. "No bitc--"he got shot he fell off me to the left.

As I looked up it was Megan she was scared as hell , an she was shaking. She dropped the gun an ran over to James(my ex)I saw Deven an tyga come in. I ran towards Deven. He hugged me"u ok baby"he said checking my body to see if I had any marks."I'm fine"I said pulling his chin up to kiss his lips.

Then the cops came. "Everybody outside please"the cop said. We went outside. "I'm glad ur ok"tyga said. "Thx"I said to him. "Guys hold on"I said.

"Hey thanks for saving me in there"I said. "Oh anytime"she said sniffing. "What was that in there?"I asked her. "Wym"?"she replied. "I'm saying u crying"I asked. "That was my baby daddy"she said. I looked back at Deven an tyga.

1 week later ,

Me an Deven were in a good , place after James my ex died , it was sad , but everything is calm now , even tho I didn't have my beautiful daughter in my arms to hold , but I knew I was gonna be ok 😌. Ever since James an Chanel started dating. We invited them over to are place to have movie night. An of course tyga has a girl named Tiffany she's a model in Cali. We invited them to. An even tho they lost there spots on the b-ball team they still made an effort to keep them sleeves together.

Megan pov 😍

I'm in a good place now , even tho my baby daddy just died cz of me. But I'm having my baby. "Push , push an she's out"the doctor said. (Baby cry). I have a new boo in my life now name Noah. An he's by my side helping me rise my baby girl sky.

Quees pov⚔

Even tho I have 2 more months in here , I'm still holding on tight, I can't wait for my court date. So I can finally reach my limit.

Monica pov ❤️👑

I haven't heard from Tina in days. I've signed the divorce papers. "U an mr.jackson r now spread apart for good now"the judge said. An he's getting his time in jail for hurting me. I finally got my yacht company going on. An my new heel line called Monica's in the ATL. I love my new life even tho a boo thang ain't in it , but it ain't over , Toronto😘.

Vote And Comment. Should there be a sequel. Yes or no , comment an tell me why. Love Y'all 💖💖. Hope u guys liked this book a lot.


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