
By rebellious-royalty

777 49 54

I frowned. "If insanity is a mental illness then madness lies within us all. Think about it. We develop... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Nightmares
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note: What Next?

Chapter 25

5 0 0
By rebellious-royalty


It was over.

The exam was finished and it was all over.

Everyone who didn't die or get infected had passed and I was just thankful that the area behind the dome was spacious because a lot of people really did pass.

Some looked completely traumatised, some completely worn out and there were those who still had enough energy to smug and gloat.

I was also informed by Darius, who had obviously passed, that all of group six passed. Our whole team passed. At first, I thought it wasn't a big deal since most people passed but I later learnt that only a few groups kept all their teammates while the rest of the groups lost at least one person.

Which meant Velvet passed. I was satisfied to say the least that she passed but that was the only emotion I felt after I discovered she had passed. Satisfaction. I wasn't happy, I wasn't relieved. If I was honest, I didn't even worry as much. I wasn't like Peter who was nearly in tears when he told me that Brie was okay.

And I didn't know why.

Yes, I did not have any romantic feelings towards Velvet but even I thought that I shared some sort of connection with her and that we had also formed a good relationship that I could consider her as more than a teammate.

The only explanation was that I was so focused on the results. Yeah, I'd go with that.

Everyone soon became tense the more time passed. Peter wasn't even as goofy as he should've been. It was then that I saw in his eyes how bad he wanted to pass for real. He had worked incredibly hard. Harder than anyone I knew and he had always wanted to join TSN. After all, it was his idea.

In fact, I would certainly be pissed if I made it and he didn't. Injustice would've been written all over it but then again, it was something I would've expected from a bunch of untrustworthy people.

Sometimes I wondered why I wanted to join the force so much when I seemingly began to hate the people associated with it.

That's right. The need to kill.

I accepted that I did have a twisted desire for such a thing and the only thing I feared was making it public. I told myself that as long as I was still breathing, I would never let Peter know of my desire. I had no plan of lying to him but I just didn't want him to know or suspect.

He was the closest thing to a real family member that I had and I didn't want him to see me differently. That being said, if he didn't accept me maybe I was wrong about the friend I had.

I shook my head from such thinking. Now wasn't the right time to dive that deep when the situation well...wasn't that intense.

What brought me comfort about the situation was that I only had the desire to kill Demolishers so to people it may not have been so bad.

After some more time of waiting, some of the trainers brought a big screen and placed it at the front centre. One of them pressed a button on a remote and the screen turned on.

Soon all the trainers emerged and stood by. Everyone became quiet and watched expectantly. It was so quiet that a pin could be heard if it had fallen.

After the trainers came all the head commanders from Thomas to the twenty-fourth commander. Then it was the examiners and lastly, one man and woman whom was not present from before who both stood right beside the screen. They were both wearing white suits.

The man, who held a microphone, began. "The results of the chosen twenty-four will now be called out in no particular order."

He handed the mic to the woman. "After the results, the screen will now present where each of the twenty-four ranked according to how much skill, how much ability and determination they have shown their trainers and everyone else who have guided you all."

The mic was then passed back to the man with the results in his hands. It was all set now.

"The chosen twenty-four. Ross Fletcher, Glen Jameson, Damian Efran, Ivan Harrow..."

I listened attentively as the names were being called. Nobody celebrated yet until all the names were called. I was especially keen on hearing someone who had been on my team. Especially...

"...Peterson Andrews."

I stood in absolute shock as my body froze. A pleased and happy expression made its way to my face and I didn't smile through my lips but through my eyes. I was capable of doing that.

My best friend made it.

I couldn't see where he because I had separated from the group but wherever he was, I knew he was over the moon.

I was also very surprised by the names that soon came after Peter's.

"Darius Ivri. Chase Micheals. Brie Chevlet and Lucas Saterius."

Five people from my team had been picked as armed forced. Brie even being the only girl. I would have been annoyed that Chase was chosen but why would I when I didn't get called.

I didn't know how many emotions that I was feeling at the time but one that I could identify was disappointment.

Some people already began celebrating until Thomas hushed them with a mic. He briefly showed signs of discomfort at those who had begun cheering but then retained his calm composure.

"Now before we start celebrating, I can already even some of you ready to punch someone in the face, it is also important that we reveal the twenty-fifth person," he informed.

I frowned and I was certain others mimicked my confused expression. If these people were good at some things, it was being incredibly secretive, deceitful and unpredictable. We were informed that it was only twenty-four so I had no idea what new secret they were about to unveil.

"This person isn't just going to be a part of the war but will be leading it as the commander. The third commander who will replace the current one."

I widened my eyes at what he said. That was definitely unexpected. Whoever it was sure had a lot of responsibility.

"The person we have chosen isn't just somebody who passed the exam and is a great soldier. We chose someone who was different. Special even. Week after week this person has delivered something new to the table and continuously impressed us. He isn't just somebody who wanted to pass but wanted to make a difference. He wasn't begging for a place; he was showing us that he already made it. That is why we chose him."

Could they just get on with it...?

"Sebastian Turner, you are the Third in Command of the new seventy-second armed troops. Now you can cheer."

He returned back to his standing position and the only thing I could do was watch him. His eyes met mine and they suddenly changed. He congratulated me through his eyes.

I, on the other hand, didn't know how to feel. I was disappointed when I thought I didn't make it but now the disappointment was gone and replaced with something I couldn't understand.

I didn't even have time to dive deep into my thoughts because I was attacked with a hug that startled me so much, I nearly lost balance.

My eyes grew like saucers as I stood in awe at the not-so-manly embrace by my best friend.

"We made it Seb!" He exclaimed. I was still taken aback by the hug that I didn't know what to do. I was rarely in those kind of situations and it only made me feel weird.

To distract myself, I turned my view to the screen and checked the ranking that barely anyone paid attention to. I raised my eyebrows when I saw that Peter had ranked first of the twenty-four.

He pulled away and smiled brightly, showing off his teeth. I showed my form of affection by ruffling his hair. We were practically the same height so I found the action strange too but to be fair, I didn't know how to even think at the moment.

Darius was the next person to show up and he gave me a high five with a bright smile also. "Our group is amazing. Half of us made it. Which means that group six made a quarter of the whole armed troops."

I nodded, not even realising the fact myself. What he said really was true and it honestly took me by surprise. We were great but I never knew we were that great. I was glad that I didn't end up in a team of weak people.

"How did James react?" I asked. I knew that Darius and James were close and since James didn't make it, I wondered if it had caused complications.

Darius scratched the back of his head. "He didn't take it so well but I'm giving him space now. He's currently like a thunder cloud so I thought it'd be best to let him cool off."

I nodded once again and turned to Lucas who approached me. He gave me a nod and a smile. "Congrats. Captain."

To be referred to as Captain was something both new and uncomfortable for me. I did show a little appreciation and congratulated him also. I never knew how strong Lucas was since he was always so reserved and quiet like I was. His quiet nature was one of the reason I actually found his presence tolerable and I guessed that I shouldn't underestimate him.

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around, meeting Velvet's face. She was surprisingly happy even though she didn't make it through. I was about to say something to her but she took the words away by planting a lingering kiss on my cheek.

"Congratulations Sebastian," she whispered in my ear. She moved back to where she was with a warm smile as I stood completely shocked by her actions.

Well then.

I rubbed the back of my head and tried to form some decent words but was interrupted by two certain people.

"We passed! We passed!"

I turned around sharply and saw Peter embracing Brie as they both jumped around like a bunch of schoolgirls and cheered as loud as they could. I took it they weren't familiar with noise pollution.

I couldn't help but smirk at my own thoughts. I watched as Brie pulled away and Velvet ran to give her friend a tight hug. Peter allowed his girlfriend to chat happily with Velvet while he walked over to me.

"Feels good huh?" he asked.

I looked away for a brief moment. "Well..."

"Sebastian Turner!"

It was Chase. Along with a group of other people. He gave me a hard stare before smirking in victory and bowing down and the others did the same.

"Lead us Captain!" They called in union.

I watched as Peter, Brie, Darius and Lucas joined in with the bow and they all repeated the same words: "Lead us Captain!"

I stared at them with a deep thought. How did I feel exactly? I had no idea.

Was I pleased? Yes. But that was it and it wasn't even with the role they gave me but with the fact that I was actually going to participate in the war. I had followed in my father's footsteps and it scared me a lot. I was nothing like my father.

I also knew I was not going to meet their expectations as leader because like Thomas said, I was different. I was a twenty-year old man who was far from normal. I was a prisoner of my own mind with desires that were abnormal.

I wasn't an expressive person. I didn't display normal human emotions and I didn't show them either. I dealt with a lot of situations on my own and lived in my thoughts.

I had a stalker who I knew was watching me wherever I was. And for some reason, I had mixed feelings towards my enemies. I didn't have the same mind-set of Demolishers like them. I had nightmares.

So how was I going to lead them?

To my own world. My world of bliss.

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